September 2022 Minutes

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Braehead & Broomridge Community Council Meeting RM 3 Mayfield Centre

7pm 26 September 2022 Minutes

1 Introductions

2 Apologies for absence - Cllr Chris Kane, Wendy McLean, Martin Shaw, PC Hynds

3 Minutes of previous meeting - Approved by Mandy seconded by Gary

4 Office Bearer Reports:

  • Chairperson - No report

· Secretary - Stirling Council are considering a Community Council newsletter and requesting items for inclusion to feature in forthcoming editions

· Treasurer - No report. Gary confirmed the Signatories identified by the previous Treasurer were incorrect and another Mandate form had to be completed to go to the bank. Still awaiting response from bank.

5 Other Reports

  • Councillors

Cllr Gerry McGlaughlan: Highlighted there was not much to report but Full Council was October 5th

Cllr Bryan Flannaganhighlighted that there will be a waste services survey being issued to all households asking residents what how they feel the new service introduced by the last administration was progressing and urged people to complete. Also highlighted issues around Police issues regarding illegal parking as well as incidences of fly tipping in gardens.

  • Planning - No report
  • Police

Again discussion on lack of usefulness of Police report and Hugh highlighted concers around only one Community Police member, albeit they are recruiting for a second officer. Hugh to contact police Scotland to understand the issues and highlight Community Council’s concerns.


General Business

6 20 MPH Limits & Zones - No further update on this from Stirling Council

7 City Centre South - No further update on this from Stirling Council. There was a brief discussion around City Centre South and possibility of Burghmuir Road going to single lane traffic with cycle lane being put in., although this has not been confirmed.

8 Grit bins - No further info fom Stirling Council. Gary and Hugh to meet with Roads manager to get clarification.

9 Ian Findlay Path Fund

The community Council is interested in bidding for two grants from this fund from Paths For All. Firstly at the dog walking area adjacent to the Community Garden and across from Broom Road. Gary and Mandy to meet with local residents on site to discuss possibilities of putting in a bid. The second area was parths around Yellow Hill from Broom Road across to area around Mayfield Centre as well as paths from that area that lead to school. Gary will meet with Paths For All to discuss both potential funding bids.


A local resident raised the issue of an ongoing complaint against the noise coming from Superglass.