Non Domestic Rates Relief Application for Registered Charities’

The name of the organisation claiming relief must appear in the Assessment Roll as occupier of the rateable property.

A separate application is required for each rateable property appearing the Assessment Roll.

Joint occupation or use of the premises by another party could affect eligibility for relief and full details of any arrangements must be declared.

Under the provisions contained in the Local Government (Financial Provisions etc) (Scotland) Act 1962 the Council may award relief on subjects, occupied by a charity or by Trustees for a charity, if wholly or mainly used for charitable purposes.

Relief is available on subjects occupied by organisations whose main objects are charitable or are otherwise philanthropic or religious or concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature or the fine arts. To be eligible for relief the charity must be registered on the Scottish Charity Register (OSCR).

Relief may also be awarded on subjects occupied for the purposes of club, society or other organisation not established or conducted for profit, and which are wholly or mainly used for purposes of recreation.

To apply for a Non Domestic Rates Relief use the online form below.