All fields are required unless marked 'optional'.

We’ll only use this to contact you with details about your issue

Use your postcode to find the full address

Purpose of Booking
Date of meeting or event optional

Please enter start time

Please enter finish time

Is this a recurring event optional

Any other relevant information

Please answer the following mandatory questions which will assist us in processing your booking request.
Are the majority of those attending your booking under 18 years of age optional
Do the majority of those attending your booking have a disability optional
Are the majority of those attending your booking over 60 years of age optional
Is your booking a registered charity optional
Will participants attending your booking be charged a fee optional
Does your Group/Organisation operate as "Not for Profit" optional
Centre or hall
Please select the centre or hall you would like to book optional
Space Requested (Capacity) Alpha Centre
Space Requested (capacity) optional

Monday-Thursday 10am-7:30pm

Space Requested (Capacity) Alan Centre
Space requested (capacity) optional

Monday-Friday 9am-10pm

Space Requested (Capacity) Balfour Centre
Space requested (capacity) optional

Tuesday and Thursday 11am-3pm

Space Requested (Capacity) Bannockburn Centre
Space requested (capacity) optional

Monday/Tuesday/Friday 6pm-9pm, Thursday 6pm-9.30pm

Space Requested (Capacity) Cambuskenneth Village Hall
Space requested (capacity)Cambuskenneth optional

Key holding enquiries only

Space Requested (Capacity) Cornton
Space Requested (Capacity) optional

Monday 9am-5:30pm, Tuesday 9am-4:30pm, Wednesday 9am-9pm, Thursday 9am-4pm

Space Requested (Capacity) Cowie
Space Requested (Capacity) optional
Space Requested (Capacity) Hillpark
Space Requested (Capacity) optional

Keyholders only on a Monday. Bookings will be available Tuesday 2:30pm-9:30pm, Wednesday 10am-4pm, Thursday 2:30pm-9:30pm and Friday 10am-4pm.

Space Requested (Capacity) Mayfield
Space Requested (Capacity) optional

Monday-Friday 9am-10pm

Space Requested (Capacity) Muir Hall
Space Requested (Capacity) optional
Space Requested (Capacity) Raploch
Space Requested (numbers attending) optional
Space Requested (Capacity) Riverbank
Space Requested (Capacity) optional

I confirm that the above information is accurate and correct