Libraries for health and wellbeing

Health and wellbeing


Our libraries contribute to all aspects of health and well being as part of their daily activities and services. Libraries also help people improve their health through provision of trusted, quality health information, signposting people to appropriate resources and organisations, and with health events often in partnership with other groups.

Reading Well

With rising health issues, the Reading Well collection is available for both adults and children and promoted on a rolling programme in all libraries.  Reading Well helps people understand and manage their health and wellbeing using helpful reading. The books are chosen by health experts and people living with the conditions covered. People can be recommended a title by a health professional, or they can visit their local library and take out a book for free. View Reading Well Booklists

Libraries also offer opportunities to join a local reading group that can enhance wellbeing, improve confidence and social interaction-See the website page for your local library to find out what’s on, where and who to contact if you’d like to join.

Hearing Aid Batteries

All libraries provide Hearing Aid Batteries through partnership working with NHS Forth Valley Audiology Department.  Wearers of NHS hearing aids are given a yellow record book at the time of hearing aid issue, bring this along and show to library staff when requesting batteries. Patients are able to obtain 2 packets of batteries per hearing aid. Patients requiring further assistance should contact Forth Valley Audiology on 01786 434171.

Stop Smoking Service

Working in partnership with NHS Forth Valley several libraries are venues for the Quit your Way-Scottish NHS Stop Smoking Service. Stop Smoking Advisors provide free treatment-Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and support to stop smoking, usually over a 12 week programme to help people reduce nicotine dependency. See the website page for your local library to find out what’s on, where and who to contact if you’d like to join.

Step on Stress

Working with our colleagues from NHS Health Promotion Service, several libraries are hosting Step on Stress, a free stress management course for anyone living or working in Forth Valley over 16 years of age that helps people learn to manage their stress. Step on Stress comprises of 3 sessions and runs once a week for 3 weeks. Each session lasts for about an hour and covers a different aspect of stress management:

Session1: Introduction & how to manage stress in your body

Session 2: Manage your thoughts

Session 3: Manage your behaviour

See the website page for your local library to find out what’s on, where and who to contact if you’d like to join.

Memories Scotland

Reminiscence is known to be a powerful tool for improving health and wellbeing. Libraries in Stirling are part of a new Scotland- wide network of Memory Groups using the Memories Scotland archive to aid reminiscence and prompt conversation with this outcome in mind. In sharing experiences and stories, we aim to focus on wider social history along the themes of Working Life and Social Life. These groups are inclusive and open to all-providing a forum for participants from all walks of life to come together and make connections. See the website page for your local library to find out what’s on, where and who to contact if you’d like to join. View Memories Scotland

Information for Wellbeing Course-Learning opportunity for all staff

Training is being rolled out to all staff in the library service. It is a key deliverable from the Collective force for health and Wellbeing Action Plan, which aims to develop libraries as key partners in health and wellbeing in their communities. The course provides front-line staff with new insights into health and wellbeing needs, improves knowledge and confidence and helps managers to plan a delivery of health and wellbeing services.

Falls hub

Working with the Clacks & Stirling Health & Social Care Partnership, we provide free resources about “Falls” in 10 hubs across Stirling.

You can find these hubs in:

These hubs also house free replacement walking aid ferrules for NHS supplied walking sticks, elbow crutches and wheeled zimmer frames.

Visit one of our Falls Hubs to learn more about how to reduce your risk of trips and falls or visit the NHS FV – Falls webpage for further information.

Digital copies of some of the resources:

Dementia information hubs

In partnership with Alzheimer Scotland, we provide free information about dementia at 5 'hubs' in the Stirling Council area.

You can find these information hubs in:

All of these libraries:

  • have a close relationship with their nearest Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Resource Centre
  • display and share a wide range of Alzheimer Scotland dementia information materials

In addition, staff at these libraries can help you access Alzheimer Scotland's Brain Health Scotland website. This site includes a Brain Health Quiz that lets you build your own personal Brain Health Plan, just by answering a few quick questions.

Staff at these libraries are also Scottish Dementia Friends. This means they've received training from Alzheimer Scotland on:

  • understanding the day-to-day challenges of living with dementia
  • supporting people with dementia so they can fully use the library’s resources

Dementia information hubs are open to all.

If you want more information on our hubs, email

Diabetes information hubs

In partnership with Diabetes Scotland, we provide free information about diabetes at 5 'hubs' in the Stirling Council area.

You can find these information hubs in:

When these libraries are open, you can get leaflets and resources on a range of issues, including:

  • understanding the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • prevention and remission of diabetes
  • self-managing type 2 diabetes
  • how to live well with diabetes

Library staff can also help you to access the Diabetes UK Learning Zone website, which features:

  • advice on what to eat
  • tips for managing diabetes from day to day
  • a 'know your risk' tool which can help you check your risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Diabetes information hubs are open to all, and you can download Diabetes UK leaflets in a range of languages.

If you want more information on our hubs, email

Health and Social Care Information and Resources

NHS inform

NHS inform is Scotland’s national health information service with an aim to provide the people in Scotland with accurate and relevant information to help them make informed decisions about their own health and the health of the people they care for. View NHS inform information.

 NHS inform – Scotland’s Service Directory

Through Scotland’s Service Directory you can find the names, addresses, opening times and service details for thousands of health and wellbeing services in Scotland. View information on Scotland’s Service Directory

ALISS – A Local Information System for Scotland

A local information tool for health and wellbeing resources and community support in Scotland. View information on ALISS

Health and Social Care Resources

This highlights key resources, services and support for many of the common long term conditions in Scotland. View Health and Social Care information
