Community council handbook

Community Council handbook


The Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils is adopted by each Local Authority and sets out a basic framework for how they can be created and how they operate. It covers topics such as roles, membership, elections; meetings and responsibilities. Within the Scheme, Community Councils have a Constitution (adhering to the Scheme); Standing Orders to govern procedures; and a Code of Conduct.

Guidance Sheets


Stirling Council provides an Administration Grant to each community Council for Administrative expenses such as hall/room hire, Photocopying, newsletters, websites and fees such as for data protection registration. Community Councils are responsible for how this money is spent. Community Councils are also responsible for producing a set of accounts each year which need to be independently examined and approved at their Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Insurance and Liability

Stirling Council arranges public and employers' liability insurance for Community Councils which covers many aspects of their activities. More information is on the guidance sheet below.

Other Funding

Community Grants/Community Pride ‐ provide grants ranging from £100 ‐ £1500 to promote community activities and to support local initiatives. Forms and guidance are available here.


In order to represent their community well, a Community Council needs to know its community and engage with residents businesses and groups to determine local needs and priorities.

Stirling Council provides community profiles for each Community Council area. Many other organisations gather and publish information and statistics on communities, these are a good starting point to examine what a community is like.

Engaging with a community is a continuous process, keeping them informed about issues so they can make informed choices, consulting them on options and getting their opinions on what should happen. Engagement methods and options will be different for each community depending on geography or other community-specific issues and might include newsletters, websites, surveys or events.

Policies and procedures

Policies and procedures which Community Councils should adhere to depending on what they are involved in and their activities.

Guidance sheets

Links to other guidance
