Aug 2021 Minutes

Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 25th August 2021

This meeting took place online via Zoom at 7:30 p.m. on 25th August 2021.
Present: David Johnston (DJ), Andrew Poulter (AP), Ruth McLusky (RM).

Apologies: Donald McLaren (DM), Angus Cameron (AC), William Dalziel (WD), Jim Heron
(JH); Cllr Martin Earl (ME), Cllr Evelyn Tweed (ET); PC Heather Campbell (HC),
Police Scotland.


Cllr Jeremy McDonald (JM), Crawford Bell (CB), Community Development
Manager, Stirling Council; Paul Hicks (PH), minute-taker.


Item Content Action


  1. Approval of previous minutes

    It was proposed by DJ and seconded by RM, that the minutes of the
    meeting on 14th July 2021 should be accepted. The minutes had been
    circulated previously to all members and no objections had been
    raised, so publication was approved.

  2. Declarations of Interest


    None made.

  3. Police Report

    None available.

  4. Matters arising from previous meeting

    National Cycle Network Strathyre - help from Citizens' Advice

    1. Bureau. WD was not available to report on this and RM noted that,
      since the matter had now been resolved, it would be appropriate to

      remove it from the agenda. This was agreed.

      National Cycle Network Strathyre - core path – signs . Dave Robinson,
      Access Officer for the National Park Authority (NPA) had reported
      having liaised with Sustrans about the signs. An order has been placed
      for a new, two-sided, finger-post blade and the "Share with Care" sign

    2. previously agreed by members as being more suitable. Produc tion of

      the signs may take several weeks. In the meantime, the existing
      waymark from the post just off Keip Road can be removed and the "7"
      on the current finger-post blade can be covered up.

      Attendance of Stirling Council officers at meetings. DJ welcomed CB

    3. to the meeting and explained that he had been invited to attend
      because the new system of liaison with Stirling Council was not

      working ideally at the moment. CB explained that the new system had




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      Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
      Community Council Minutes – 25th August 2021


      been set up to deal primarily with matters of strategic priority.
      Stephen Bly was in place to support these priority business matters,
      but Community Development Officers would still be available to deal
      with other matters of community development. He would also be
      available himself, if required. He apologised for any shortfalls in
      service but noted that council resources had needed to be priori tised
      for the Covid response since that began.

      DJ accepted this but noted that there were some areas that were
      causing particular concern, notably timber transport and waste. A recent response on proposed road improvements for
      the C33 road in Balquhidder had been well-nigh unintelligible or
      simply wrong - which was unhelpful. It had failed to address concerns
      over the Balquhidder Broadband infrastructure. ME had requested
      further clarification but had been told that it would be too difficult
      and that more time was needed. The community council had earlier
      offered to work with Stirling Council departments on this
      development but the offer had not been taken up. Nothing more had
      been heard and this was unacceptable.

      With regard to waste management, glass boxes had not been
      collected recently in Balquhidder. An enquiry had been made but no
      response had been received. JM had then taken up the complaint on
      behalf of the community and received a reply, but nothing was copied
      to the community council. A similar situation occurred over a question
      about blue bins. Again, CB apologised on behalf of S tirling Council and
      undertook to follow up these problems and resolve them. He asked to
      be notified directly if further problems should arise in future. JM
      added that, since the work on the C33 is imminent, it would be useful
      to organise an urgent meeting and undertook to arrange this.


      CB to pursue complaints regarding waste management and JM to organise meeting regarding C33.


      Alcohol bye-law signs. Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry
      Coordinator for Stirling Council, had confirmed that the council had
      produced these signs in 2017 but, following changes in staff, it had not
      been possible to establish who had installed them, who had been
      responsible for arranging the installation or who had paid for them. In

    4. addition, the alcohol bye-laws had since changed and all of the

      original signs now needed to be replaced. The Council will undertake
      this work and will also install new signs at locations where they had
      been removed. This will be a significant project and time-scales are
      not yet available, but Mr Bly will provide updates on request.




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      Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
      Community Council Minutes – 25th August 2021


      Motor boats on Loch Voil. Mr Bly had also reported that there are no
      National Park Authority (NPA) bye-laws covering the recreational use
      of power-driven craft for either Loch Voil or Loch Doine. The only such
      bye-laws within the national park are for Loch Lomond. Any guidance
      in connection with the use of power-driven craft sits with the various
      riparian owners for a loch. Historically, riparian owners for many of the
      lochs in the national park have come to collective decisions as to the
      type of activity that is considered appropriate for their respective
      lochs and this can vary from loch to loch. To establish the situation on

    5. Loch Voil, it will be necessary to contact one of the riparian owners
      and ask for information of any existing agreements. It may be that
      some landowners are willing to allow the use of power-driven craft
      and permit others to launch from their property. Unless the activity on
      the loch was deemed to be dangerous or reckless (in which case the
      police could get involved), any action to be taken would very much
      depend on the specifics of each instance. Similarly, the unauthorised
      launching of power-driven craft would be a civil matter between the
      relevant riparian owner and the individuals launching without

      Lochearnhead Play Park. ME had enquired about this and established
      that it had been an oversight by the "Play & Maintenance" team at
      Stirling Council. A contractor had installed the swing frame but had

    6. been unable to return and install the seats due to the COVID lock-

    down. The seats have since been installed and the team leader
    apologised to the community for the delay in fitting them.

  5. Traffic speed in Strathyre

    Richard Perry, Road Safety Manager for the "Trunk Road Casualty
    Reduction Team" at Transport Scotland, had written to the community
    council to confirm that maintenance and inspection of the vehicle-
    activated signs in Strathyre had been carried out on Friday 6th August
    2021. As a result, the brightness of the sign had been returned to
    typical levels. All other vehicle-activated signs had been checked and
    found to be working as required. Overhanging vegetation that is
    obscuring signs was noted and will be cleared as soon as possible. He
    added that, currently, there is no evidence that speed indicating
    devices (SIDs) are any more effective than any other type of vehicle-
    activated sign in achieving a reduction in speeds in trunk road
    environments. However, a further evaluation of such products is
    planned for the current financial year. Mr Perry reiterated that the



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    Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
    Community Council Minutes – 25th August 2021


    recent speed limit review of Strathyre South had recommended that
    an increase to 50mph should be progressed for consistency with the
    section immediately to the South, since it is recognised that
    compliance with speed limits is adversely affected when there is no
    commensurate change in character of the road environment.
    However, with regard to traffic calming features, Mr Perry stated that
    Strathyre is now at the head of the list to have enhanced "gateways"
    installed at each end of the village. This should take place in the
    coming financial year. It was agreed that the improvements were
    welcome, although AP noted that the 40mph warning signs at the
    South end of the village were not currently working.

  6. Payphone Box Removal (Mhor 84)

    Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Coordinator for Stirling
    Council, had confirmed that there is a commitment from Stirling
    Council to replace the telephone box in question and that an officer
    has been asked to arrange things. The officer was currently on leave so
    no time-scale is available at present.

  7. Remembrance Day, Lochearnhead

    Malcolm White, a resident of Lochearnhead, has for some years taken
    on the responsibility of organising an annual memorial service in
    Lochearnhead on Remembrance Day. He is now in his late eighties and
    suffering from poor eyesight so has had to face the fact that he cannot
    continue to do so. He has asked if the community council would
    consider taking on the responsibility of organising this event in future.
    Traditionally, this has involved arranging for a short service of
    remembrance to be led by a local minister or member of the clergy.
    Individuals and representatives from some organisations lay wreaths
    or personal tokens and a piper plays a lament. The entire service
    normally takes only fifteen or twenty minutes but the police are asked
    to provide one or two officers to manage traffic during the event. This
    requires the completion of a proforma for a "march or procession",
    together with a risk assessment, that is submitted jointly to Stirling
    Council and the Police. Last year, the service was cancelled, owing to
    the pandemic regulations in force at the time. These restrictions have
    now lapsed and it is anticipated that the event will be able to resume
    in November this year. AP suggested putting out a call for volunteers
    and suggested contacting the British Legion for further advice.


    RM to contact both church ministers and the British Legion.




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    Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
    Community Council Minutes – 25th August 2021


  8. Community Engagement Events - Waste Services Consultation

    DJ had attended this event and other members had read the
    associated information, but several questions remained unresolved,
    notably the proposed operation of the deposit scheme for drinks
    bottles and how other glass containers (such as sauce bottles and jam
    jars) would be collected.

  9. Waste bins in Lochearnhead

    On 19th July 2021, ME reported that the bins had been overflowing.
    PH commented that the bottle banks are still overfull, but the bins
    near the houses had been removed.

  10. Place Planning - Update

    DJ reported that a meeting had been held with the NPA to organise
    how the place plans could be implemented. Money is now available to
    produce a suitable version for publication. A further Zoom meeting is
    planned for 1st September 2021 from 6:20 – 8:30 p.m. on the rôle of
    "Local Place Plans" in the National Park.

  11. Correspondence

    Free school meals for Primary 4 children from August 2021 . Following

    1. an agreement between the Scottish Government and local authorities
      in June 2021, all Primary 4 children will be entitled to free school

      meals from the start of the new school year (18th August).

      Rob Roy Mighty Hike. This is a charity event that raises money for

      MacMillan Cancer Support. It will take place this year on Saturday

    2. 28th August, starting at 6:50 a.m. in Callander and finishing at around
      10 p.m. in Killin. It follows the Rob Roy Trail and involves walking
      twenty-six miles.

      Resumption of face-to-face meetings for Community Councils.
      Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Coordinator for Stirling
      Council, had notified the community council that the "Amendment to
      the Scheme of Establishment" (published on 8th October 2020) was

    3. being reviewed and proposals for amendments would be presented to
      Stirling Council members in October 2021 for ratification. The impact
      on community councils in relation to meetings will form part of this
      review. Until that time, community councils are asked to adhere to the
      current restrictions and continue meeting on a virtual platform.




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      Item Content Action


      Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
      Community Council Minutes – 25th August 2021


      Consultation on flood risk management. An online consultation on
      the management of flood risk had been open to residents, businesses
      and other interested parties, including other responsible authorities.

      DJ had completed the questionnaire but thought that it was poor and

    4. amounted to a statement of intent rather than an actual consultation.

    It will remain available until the 31st October 2021 at:


  12. Timber Transport

    Grant application. Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry
    Coordinator for Stirling Council, had confirmed that Stirling Council
    had received £225,000 of funding towards a project valued overall at

    £332,000 that would see various works undertaken at locations in

    Balquhidder Glen, as identified by the local community. The work

    1. would include the creation of new passing places, some road

      widening, edge of road reconstruction, carriageway patching, drainage
      and ditching, scrub and tree removal, the widening of the junc tion at
      Stronslaney Road and resurfacing of Stronslaney Road. This work is
      scheduled to commence at the end of August 2021.

      Current activity. DJ repeated his concerns over the problems he had
      encountered in trying to get a meeting of the working group
      organised. He had raised this several times, as had the ward

    2. councillors; to date there had been no reply. DJ had intended to
      propose that the CC should assume the responsibility for organising a

    meeting but, because the community council was not quorate, this
    could not be approved immediately, so it was agreed that the matter
    should be carried forward.


    Proposal for community council to organise a meeting to be carried bforward.


  13. Planning Matters

    1. Ref: 2021/0254/PPP. This concerns an application for permission to
      build three dwelling houses at land to the south of Forest Lodge and
      the west of Maple Lodge on Main Street in Strathyre. Previous
      applications to build houses on this plot of land were made in 2002,
      2013 and 2015, but no work has yet taken place there. As previous
      applications had been approved, including one for a larger number of
      dwelling houses, there was little for the community council to
      comment on. The previous applications were approved with various
      constraints regarding water drainage, landscaping, restriction of




      Taken by Paul Hicks on 25 Aug 2021 - A

      Item Content Action


      Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
      Community Council Minutes – 25th August 2021


      construction hours, visibility splays, roof materials, wall materials,
      access improvements, foot-way extension, bat roost protection,
      woodlands, red squirrel dreys, landscaping protection and
      maintenance. It was assumed that, should this application be
      approved again, similar constraints would be included in the approval.
      DJ had submitted some observations but had not received any reply to

      Ref: 2021/0286/PPP. This is an application to build a detached

    2. dwelling on land to the West of Grianan in Balquhidder. It was not
      envisaged that this would cause any problems or objections in the

    local community.


  14. Matters from ward councillors and National Park

    ET notified members that Covid numbers were currently on the
    increase and raising concern for the resilience of local NHS facili ties.

    1. She was continuing with “surgeries” as a local authority councillor by

      telephone. The city of Stirling is to launch a bid to be a “City of
      Culture” in 2025.

      ME reported that the “Ringo” smartphone app for payment of parking
      fees is being introduced from Sunday 5th September 2021 in S tirling
      Council car parks and streets where charges are levied for parking.

    2. (The one exception will be the Wellgreen car park where technical

    considerations will delay the use of the facility for some weeks.) It will
    still be possible to use coins in all these locations.

  15. Any other competent business

Roadworks - Glenbuckie Road. DJ reported that information had been
published in the local press regarding Glenbuckie Road. It will be
closed along its entire length between Monday 13th and Friday 17th

  1. September during the day from 8 a.m. in the morning un til 6 p.m. in
    the evening. This is to facilitate carriageway resurfacing works.
    Emergency services access will be maintained but further clarification
    is being sought concerning access for local residents.

    Non-attendance at meetings. RM raised this, commenting on the
    difficulty of progressing business when meetings were not quorate. AP

  2. pointed out that meetings in August were difficult, but it was
    recognised that people were not attending at other times as well. RM

    asked if councillors could be removed for non-a ttendance? JM
    suggested holding hybrid meetings if not everyone was able to attend




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    Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
    Community Council Minutes – 25th August 2021


    but it was noted that some members did not have suitable computer
    equipment for online meetings.

    Motorcycle noise. AP enquired whether any other members had
    heard complaints about this. RM agreed that it was terrible in
    Strathyre. JM mentioned that Gartmore had complained of similar
    problems. He commented on trials that had taken place elsewhere

  3. with “sound cameras” – similar equipment to speed cameras that is
    capable or recording vehicle sound levels. Unfortunately, there are

complications with this because some vehicles have legally permitted
exemptions under the Construction & Use Regulations and the
equipment is unable to identify and exclude such vehicles. It was
agreed that this was primarily a matter for police enforcement.


There was no further business and, at 8:45 p.m., DJ declared the
meeting to be closed. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on
Wednesday 6th October 2021 at Lochearnhead Village Hall (if
permitted) or online.




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