October 2022 Minutes

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Bannockburn Community Council

Minute of Meeting
06 October 2022
Bannockburn Community Centre

Present: A Marshall, I Dawson, L Masterson, T Cattigan, Danny Letford, L Jordan, Jim Reid, L Rees, W McEwan, D McPhail M Frances, B Miller and J Leary

Apologies: Stephanie Martin (Police) and Graham Woodhouse (Police)

Attendance: Joanne Blair (Minute Taker), Michelle Flynn (Community Development Officer) and Cllr MacPherson

Press: None

Residents: None

1. Declarations of Interest- None

2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Minutes proposed by T Cattigan and seconded by L Masterson

3. Matters Arising
a) The CC have been estimated £2504 for 4x lamp post wiring to accommodate Christmas lights. BCC have submitting an application for funding with CP for £1500, still awaiting a reply. BCC will make up the difference. Without these being wired, lights bought by BCC cannot be used.
b) EM is looking into toilets for Ladywell top park. Cllr Brisely is attempting to put it on the programme for next year and will update.
c) BCC were asked for their thoughts on the new driving range for Whins of Milton. Ian suggested responding at their disgust, as the LDP specified it should have originally been in Bannockburn however we will be glad to support the sporting facility. It is also to be noted that the overall consensus is not too keen on this as it is a green belt land being used for recreational use. Danny would also like them to consider a couple of bays for vulnerable children/disabled users. Access and disabled parking would need to be considered.
d) Michelle highlighted the council are currently re-looking at Local Development Plan and suggested CC members can suggest areas to build on.
e) Tommy to forward the email regarding the playpark which is now being scrapped – what is happening to the £31k? Cllr McPherson to forward the formula re the money per house which should go towards play areas. He confirmed this is different for each development. Cllr McPherson stated SC won’t spend money on private land.
f) Additional planter has been made by Mr Hughes. Pick-up truck for area across from local garage, bus stop. BCC are awaiting permission from SC.
g) BCC are awaiting on an update on whether railings at history garden can be painted.
h) BCC are awaiting on an update on whether Cenotaph memorial can be cleaned?
i) BCC are awaiting on an update on the MUGA at Stein Square park. This is a health and safety issue. SC looking at it for it next year budget. Budget would be approx. £100,000.
j) BCC are awaiting on an update on Telford bridge. Cllr McPherson confirmed the funding is there however it was approved at Finance Committee to be moved into the plans for 23/24. It will be monitored on a monthly basis in the meantime. Michelle suggested sending pictures to cc enquiries if there are worries.
k) Hanging baskets to be removed. Planters to be cleared & prepared for winter bedding.
l) Resident complaining about Bannockburn Health Centre. BHC residents are having to travel elsewhere as there is only one Doctor at BHC – at the start there was 4 doctors and this was to be improved on. Cllr McPherson advised residents to email elected members of any complaints as they are in regular contact with the practice manager. The CC agreed to invite the practice manager to attend a BCC meeting.

4. Reports- External
a. Police Scotland:
i. The police report was forwarded to cc members prior to the meeting.
ii. It highlighted there was a positive development down the brae.
b. Elected Member:
i. Cllr McPherson shared his report with CC members prior to the meeting.
ii. Tommy highlighted the toxic waste, tar was left for 10 weeks. Tommy confirmed he was told the toxic waste was 300 times over the limit. Cllr McPherson to confirm with the contractor if the toxic waste has been removed or not.
c. Community Development Officer:
i. There is a bins issue at Murrayfield Church, it is now an environmental health issue and bins will be removed. Michelle highlighted that residents should report it to the council in the first instance.
ii. There is a community event on 14th October in Hillpark CC. This will have stalls with information on benefits, employability, digital inclusion, energy and will also host activities such as play in the park. There will be a short consultation that will be carried out with residents.
iii. Michelle confirmed there is still no internet at the hub. BT have been out 3 times and it could take another few weeks. Michelle to find out who fitted the connections.
iv. The welcome to Bannockburn Sign was signed off, and the writing is to be painted black. The sign should be fully completed by next meeting. The second phase would be dissolving the trust. Alan asked about access to it as currently there is currently no pathway.
v. Michelle to look into not being able to see crematorium sign as you leave Bannockburn.

5. Reports- Internal
a. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded and discussed with CC members.
b. Treasurer: Linda shared updates with CC members.
i. Admin grant should be included in next month’s statement.
c. Planning: Danny confirmed there was planning in for 60 allotment plots at the West Plean turnoff. Cllr McPherson confirmed it was approved after roads refused.
d. Bannockburn House: No update.

6. Community Council Business
a. None

7. AOB
a) D. McPhail said the bushes near his house haven’t been cut right back and are hitting against trailors. Cllr McPherson said he will enquire about this.
b) Roman settlement archaeology dig at the fields across from Pirnhill.

8. Residents Forum
a. Any residents who wish to join should contact Tommy. Michelle highlighted it needs to be advertised with a deadline date. Michelle asked for the co-option process to be on next month’s agenda.

9. Date, time and venue of next meeting
a. Thursday 3 November 2022.