February 2023 Minutes

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Bannockburn Community Council

Minute of Meeting
02 February 2023
Bannockburn Community Centre

Present: T Cattigan, J Leary, I Dawson, L Masterson and L Jordan

Apologies: A Marshall, J Reid and W McEwan

Attendance: Joanne Blair (Minute Taker), Cllr Hambly, Raymond McLachlan and Bob Miller

Press: None

Residents: None

1. Declarations of Interest- None

2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Minutes proposed by T Cattigan and seconded by L Masterson

3. Matters Arising
a. CEO of NHS and BCC to agree a revised date to visit.
b. Co option of new CC members. BCC have asked if their membership can be increased due to additional houses being built in the ward and those at the Golf Course. Bob and Raymond have been invited to CC meeting. BCC agree to wait until the CC elections before the new members join.
c. Cllr Hambly has confirmed the sockets the hub have been rewired and are now operational.
d. BCC have received a quote for 6 lamp posts to be rewired. BCC agree to the price and the order has been placed and it was requested this was done this financial year as funding rom Community Pride fund needs to be used. CC member mentioned Christmas lights they saw on lamp posts in other areas and asked how we find out the costs and possibilities of this happening in Bannockburn, could this also be funded. BCC agreed to contact SC to query the possibility of having lights on lamp posts all through the community.
e. BCC still awaiting a response regarding Newlands Road not having footpaths and street lighting. There are numerous places in Bannockburn with street lights and no footpaths. BCC has provided details of this to EM and asked if this can be discussed with Street lighting.
f. Bannockburn Cemetery toilets were closed due to frost, this happens every year. SC are looking into ways of fixing this for next winter. BCC are also awaiting an update regarding the decoration to replace the damaged tiles at the entrance.
g. Quakerfield Shops, have been asking for months to have the rotten fascia at rear and side of building removed and replaced. Maintenance Officer has visited – he then requested the joiner supervisor to visit. EM and SC officer confirm it is in hand. Awaiting on an update. This was first reported in March 2022. This is a health and safety issue.
h. BCC and SC have agreed a location for the tow truck planter. Planter has been insured since October 2022. SC officer is arranging a license for this through a sub-contractor. BCC to forward the email to Cllr Hambly.
i. Jim has set up a Facebook page for Bannockburn Community Council. Tommy will send everyone pictures of the Facebook page to share with those who don’t have access.

4. Reports- External
a. Police Scotland:
i. Police report was circulated to members before the meeting.
ii. There was a total of 9 crime reports from the 4th January to the 2nd February. 4 were detected and 5 undetected.
iii. Over the same time period, 87 calls were made to the Police, the majority of which were in relation to assisting members of the public, concern for persons, violent offending and road traffic matters.
iv. PC Martin is working with Bannockburn Primary to tackling bullying behaviour and has carried out two school talks in order to tackle these issues.
b. Elected Member:
i. Virgin O2 are working in Bannockburn installing further fibre networking. Virgin sent a letter to households of affected areas.
ii. Cllr Hambly has been chasing up on conditions to Stein Square Play Park and footpaths and looking for some information on when we can expect this park to be reinstated. Cllr Hambly to contact LS as the CC has already been in contact regarding this park.
iii. Cllr Hambly to have another look at the drainage issues at the Fairgreen Place flats. Wastewater seeps from the brick work and on to the pavement areas. This is a health and safety issue as it freezes over.
iv. Cllr Hambly has reported back to the Council regarding the management of designated parking places in Quakerfield car park. The designated bays are being extensively used by vehicles other than those they are intended for. The council are introduction charging for the use of the EV charging points from the 1st February 2023. Cllr Hambly confirmed parking is an issue in all SC areas and is currently pursuing a TRO covering all designated spaces in council carparks.
v. There was a tenant consultation regarding rent increase options. 60% of those responded supported the increase of 2.9%, this is expected to be approved in the budget. 80% of respondents wanted more investment in environmental investments and a similar figure wanted to see more houses built by the council. Unfortunately, this sort of investment could not be sustained by 2.9% rise. Cllr Hambly is meeting with the Head of Housing to discuss housing finances prior to the 16th February 2023 when the housing budget will be set.
vi. There is a projected deficit of £27 million in this year’s budget. The council budget is due to be set on the 2nd March 2023.
vii. There is a group meeting with McGills buses on the 8th February 2023. This is to put emphasis on general issues such as cancellations, poor communications and inconsistency in service levels. Looking at what they can do going forward.
viii. Cllr Hambly has requested more grit bins.
ix. Cllr Hambly to confirm if the one stop shop will be going back to full time opening hours. The 2pm close is not accessible for full time workers.
x. Cllr Hambly to find out the number of void houses in the area and find out why houses bought back by the council are taking 2 years to carry out repairs.
xi. Cllr Hambly to enquire about the final cost of the refurbishment to the going local office.
c. Community Development Officer:
i. No report received.

5. Reports- Internal
a. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded and discussed with CC members (as above in matters arising).
b. Treasurer: The treasure highlighted all balances were ok and there was nothing major to report. Last month’s expenses were a total of £40. BCC have agreed to donate £100 to Ladies of the Rock as well as the Allan Church and other business who helped light the Christmas lights.
c. Planning: No update.
d. Bannockburn House: No update.

6. Community Council Business
a. None

7. AOB
a. None

8. Residents Forum
a. None

9. Date, time and venue of next meeting
a. Thursday 2 March 2023.