January 2023 Minutes

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Bannockburn Community Council

Minute of Meeting
12 January 2023
Bannockburn Community Centre

Present: A Marshall, T Cattigan, W McEwan, J Leary, I Dawson, L Masterson and L Jordan
Apologies: D McPhail, J Reid and Michelle Flynn (CDO)

Attendance: Joanne Blair (Minute Taker), Cllr Brisley and Cllr Hambly

Press: None

Residents: None

1. Declarations of Interest- None

2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Minutes proposed by T Cattigan and seconded by I Dawson

3. Matters Arising
a. Tommy to email CEO of NHS FV and ask for her response to the points raised at November’s meeting in writing.
b. 2 members of the community have applied to join the CC however there is only 1 position available at the moment. The CC agreed for Tommy to speak to both applicants to explain and bring this discussion back to the February meeting. Cllr Brisley suggested having a council tenant as part of the CC.
c. Big thanks to all who helped with Christmas lights. The CC reiterated the need for volunteers to help with this every year. The rugby club has agreed to help in 2023 and also help with anything else needed within the community. A programmer is to be set to allow power to the two sockets fitted at the Bannockburn Hub which will assist BCC. This will match the timing for Christmas lights. BCC have organised to do this.
d. J Reid has proposed to open a website for BCC. This would mean more information going out to the community that will include the ad for volunteers. J Reid can show a draft of this. CC agreed to this and J Reid will monitor and update the website.
e. Additional socketed fitted at the Hub for BCC. These were not working. BCC asked SC to check these but they confirmed they don’t belong to SC. Cllr Brisley asked who the CC spoke to from SC. Cllr Brisley to speak to Drew Leslie from Assets to ask to get these wired up.
f. BCC has requested a quote for the wiring of 6 lamp posts.
g. SC confirmed there is no footpath at Newlands Road so they can’t put in lamp posts. They don’t intend to put in lamp posts to discourage walkers as it is dangerous when there is no footpath. CC asked Cllr Brisley to raise this again with SC as there is lamp posts in other areas which don’t have footpaths.
h. Toilet at Bannockburn Cemetery were repaired after the vandalism. Also, the ceiling was repaired after a fire in them but has not being repainted. Cllr Brisley confirmed the toilets are on the list for consideration for refurbishment.
i. Tommy is meeting with SC onsite to discuss an additional planter. The request was raised in October 2022, Gordon Lawrie will contact CC directly and confirm timescales.

4. Reports- External
a. Police Scotland:
i. No report received.
b. Elected Member:
i. The consultation on the waste service has now been completed and is being analysed before going to committee in March. Good response from residents.
ii. There is still emphasis within the Council on the cost of living crisis facing all in our community. Many people and families have been assisted so far. Businesses have also been helped. The soaring costs of energy are a very real worry to many people especially with the cold weather we have been experiencing. We will continue to look for ways to help people to cope where we can. There is information available on the Council website about the various schemes to assist. Please feel to direct anyone who is struggling to me and I will put them in touch with the appropriate person to give them assistance.
iii. There continues to be a crisis in the NHS and the Care sector. This is particularly challenging for both the Council and NHS Forth Valley. It is difficult to provide care packages for the vulnerable people who are waiting. There are people in hospital who could go home but there are difficulties in getting the staff to provide them with the support to allow this to happen. The NHS face their own challenges with staffing levels, waiting times for both inpatient and outpatient treatment, and accident and emergency care. This is a nationwide problem and there does not seem to be a solution coming any time soon.
iv. We are still working on next year’s budget, and it is not getting any easier. The predictions were that there would be a possible £17 million gap in the resources we need for the revenue budget. Unfortunately, after the finance settlement from the Scottish Government, we are now being informed that this could rise to nearer £23 million. In an unprecedented move, every local government Chief Finance officer has signed a letter to the Cabinet officer for Finance to express the extreme difficulties this settlement is making for all local councils. Also all Council leaders have expressed their view through COSLA who have conveyed this to the Scottish Government. Meetings are still taking place with officers to try to find ways to bridge the gap. It is going to be one of the most challenging years yet. The capital budget will also be prepared. There are still challenges in trying to meet the commitments in this year’s capital budget because of lack of materials, labour and the projected cost of some projects have just soared. Some of the projects will not be able to be completed. That will put pressure on next year’s budget.
v. Outstanding Issues – Rubbish behind shops at Quakerfield – This issue was reported by both me and Chris Kane as the query was sent to a number of us. This was being cleaned up today, then a sweep of the area was being carried out. The enforcement officers visited and are following a line of enquiry as to who was responsible for the dumping. After the enforcement officers have completed their investigation, they will issue a fixed penalty notice where appropriate. I also arranged for the numerous black bags dumped beside the dog bin at bottom of Newlands Road to be cleared. Can I ask Tommy who in the Council said there was no problem with rubbish in this area, as he stated
in his email regarding this issue. Barrier at Library – this issue has been raised on numerous occasions with the response being the same each time. The officers will not sanction a barrier in this location for various reasons already explained. As this area is on the Housing Revenue Account, the cost would be borne only by Council tenants which I personally do not think would be fair on tenants.
c. Community Development Officer:
i. No report received.

5. Reports- Internal
a. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded and discussed with CC members (as above in matters arising).
b. Treasurer: The treasure highlighted all balances were ok and there was nothing major to report. Last month’s expenses were a total of £65.
c. Planning: No update.
d. Bannockburn House: No update.

6. Community Council Business
a. None

7. AOB
a. The old Council offices are being leased by a charity whilst SC are currently refurbishing the building. Once the refurbishment is complete the charity will have an option to buy.
b. Cllr Brisley requested that when forwarding emails on, that the CC include who they have spoken to directly within the council regarding any issues. This will save time if they are having to chase this up.
c. Cllr Brisley confirmed council workers are instructed to report any pot holes they pass whilst out working.

8. Residents Forum
a. None

9. Date, time and venue of next meeting
a. Thursday 2 February 2023.