September 2023 Minutes

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Bannockburn Community Council

Minute of Meeting
07 September 2023
Bannockburn Community Centre

Present: T Cattigan, I Dawson, W McEwan, J Reid, R McLachlan, S Kerr and L Watret

Apologies: B Miller and L Masterson

Attendance: J Blair, Councillor MacPherson and Murray Cook

Press: None

Residents: None

1. Declarations of Interest- None

2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Minutes proposed by W McEwan and seconded by T Cattigan

3. Matters Arising
a. After writing to SC to clarify void properties in Bannockburn and allocation
procedures. SC sent a report to BCC members with the number of void houses.
Ian confirmed the procedure as is follows: 50% go to homeless, 25% go to
transfer, 20% on waiting list (apart of that 20% takes in people out-with the area) & 5% strategic.
b. Stirling Council have decided that SC do not send the Planning information to the planning officer at CC. They have decided it goes to secretary for them to share with the PO. CC’s haven’t agreed to this. Another CC have also raised the same question.
c. Dangerous steps at side of Telford Bridge have been blocked off. There is no
funding or officer to look into this, as such the steps won’t be repaired. The
access will be via Firs Crescent.
d. Two of the windows damaged on the Tow Truck have been replaced. CC have requested a bench for this area for parent/carers/grandparents. CC have asked the community for any objections, out of the 200 responses all were in favour of this proposal. A bench at the railway train was also requested, the CC are looking into funding for this. The CC are working with LS on this.
e. Stein Square MUGA complete and open to all. CC and LS are looking into a
renewing the bench.
f. CC met with a SC officer to discuss various things needing repaired at Ladywell top play park; fence, play equipment, wood bark at swings and parts of play equipment. CC have asked what the cost would be for these items to be fixed/replaced.
g. Some CC members visited Bannockburn House. Alan Buchan from BH asked if CC and BH could work on a joint venture for the community.
h. Heritage footpath at bottom of wooden steps are being looked into and the CC are awaiting an update.
i. CC have requested an insurance price for the Telford Monument. All work
suggested requires permission from Stirling Council. The insurance is £17.80.
Once the monument is finished CC will agree whether or not they will take this
j. A fence and garden area has been completed at Newlands Road. The area
between the adopted road and garden has been discussed with the contractor
and all going well this will be made safe to walk on.
k. CC have liaised with Steph from the Police and she has confirmed a monthly
report will be issued. If the CC members have any queries from the report,
please pass these on to Tommy who will forward to Steph.
l. The area given on the LDP to build the school cannot be built on. This was
discussed as part of Cllr MacPherson’s report.
m. Various funding to be looked into. Anyone interested, community have said they will contribute. CC will share with members.
n. Cllr MacPherson Bannockburn train station won’t open as it is too close to Stirling but there will be one in Cowie at one point.
o. Chief Officer of NHS is retiring so CC have asked if she can forward any
responses of previous questions asked by CC members.

4. Reports- External
a. Police Scotland:
i. Police report was shared with CC members prior to the meeting.
b. Elected Member:
i. Cllr MacPherson highlighted that Councillor Gibson was banned in June for
bullying female officers. The ban was imposed by the Standards Commission
after Gibson was found of bullying. A report is going to Council in September
which will hopefully also give an explanation of why £23,000 of public money
was spent on external solicitors in 2020 investigating Gibson’s bullying.
ii. Officers have now favoured an option to refurbish Bannockburn High and
contributions towards St Modans instead of a new secondary to accommodate
the influx after Durieshill and the Supervillage and the South Stirling Gateway
site. Cllr MacPherson has made it clear this was not acceptable and will ensure
a campaign is started to avoid this.
iii. Ian highlighted that in in Durieshill and Persimmons have a conflict as plans for the same area are different.
iv. BCC highlighted their concerns around the impact of the extra amount of cars and the traffic lights at peak times.
v. Cllr MacPherson has been dealing with an influx of complaints regarding
inappropriate allocation of Council houses. Cllr MacPherson is working with
officers to try and support elderly tenants whose lives have been affected by
the inappropriate allocations. Drug dealing/anti-social behaviour.
c. Community Development Officer:
i. No report received.

5. Reports- Internal
a. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded and discussed with CC members (as above in matters arising).
b. Treasurer: The treasurer was not present at the meeting.
c. Planning: Nothing major to share. Bannockburn House got planning approved for alternations to the carpark and work will start asap.

6. Community Council Business archaeologist
a. Murray Cook the Council’s archaeologist attended the September CC meeting. He has asked if the CC along with Cllr MacPherson can help persuade SC of the community transfer of Wilson Mills to open a Bannockburn Centre which will showcase the tartan history and will create a tourism opportunity. The land is currently controlled by Housing and they would need to agree. Cllr MacPherson confirmed he will arrange a meeting with the Head of the Housing department. BCC agree to back this proposal.
b. If permission is granted the community will need to fundraise. Cllr MacPherson has offered to approach the board of Bannockburn House and ask if they would like to be involved.
c. Murray also confirmed the Heritage Trail needs updating as well. Lucette raised concerned about maintaining this and safeguarding this for future.

7. AOB
a. Tommy reminded everyone that if they wish to attend the CC training, the form needs to be completed and sent asap. The training will be via Microsoft Teams.
b. SC confirmed it is the Police who control the traffic calming measures when
requested however the Police have confirmed it is SC. SC don’t have anyone in
place to carry this out.
c. Jim highlighted that the company who control the Bike Hire Scheme went bankrupt and now all equipment is switched off. He has submitted a FOI request to SC.
d. Library – voice on cuts. No one from the community showed up apart from Jim.
e. The CC have asked for more dog litter bins on lamp posts.
f. Cllr MacPherson confirmed he is dealing with the pavement outside of New Market.
g. BCC agreed to put out a notice of tanks for long service CC members. It was also agreed a lunch should be arranged to celebrate this.

8. Residents Forum
a. None

9. Date, time and venue of next meeting
a. Thursday 5th October 2023.