March 2024 Minutes

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Bannockburn Community Council
Minute of Meeting
07 March 2024
Bannockburn Community Centre

Present: T Cattigan, I Dawson, W McEwan, L Masterson and J Reid
Apologies: R McLachlan, L Watret and B Miller
Attendance: J Blair and Cllr Hambly
Residents: Sheila Cowan

1. Approval of previous minutes- Minutes proposed by W McEwan and seconded by J Reid
2. Matters Arising
a. A SC Officer confirmed Bannockburn will be getting a 20mph through the village, however there is no funding for this in this financial year. All areas will eventually be 20mph. The officer confirmed it would cost approx. 4k-10k to make an area 20mph, this is due to paint, lighting, labour costs. Jim had submitted an FOI request to Police Scotland which highlighted there was 0 recorded incidents in Bannockburn. Local Police confirmed not all accidents are reported to the Police. The CC noted there was an accident at the crossed next to the Masonic at the beginning of the year. Cllr Hambly noted there is a School Crossings briefing being sent to Elected Members and he will provide a further update.
b. The CC noted the zebra crossing at the school will maybe be changing to pelican lights.
c. The garages have not had any upgrades in the last 15 years apart from ad-hoc repairs. After the CC emailed, the Head of Service has now confirmed the garages will be inspected and painted as well as the garage areas getting tidied up. It was also noted that the rent for the garages have been increased for 2024. An FOI has been submitted to find out how many garages are lying empty. This will be updated at the next meeting. The wooden garages at Hedges Loan have various rubbish dumped near them as well as an old couch. Several of the garages are falling apart. CC have made contact with CC enquiries regarding this and a SC officer has since visited the site and arranged the removal of the old couch and rubbish. Wooden garages now have signs on them informing those using them to remove items as garages are being removed.
d. Community Council Enquiries;
i. The CC confirmed the 2 benches have been ordered. An application has been put in for funding from the CP fund which will pay for a council officer to lay the slabs. The CC will find out on the 17th March if they are successful.
ii. The CC confirmed a report thanking previous CC members and volunteers over the last 15 years was created and forwarded.
iii. The going local office is now for sale after 8 years. The CC have asked if any of the money is being spent in the community and will update at the next CC meetings.
3. Reports- External
a. Police Scotland:
i. The update was not provided but will be sent electronically after the meeting.
b. Elected Member:
i. Cllr Hambly is looking for clarification on the booking system for the waste centre and whether or not you will only be allowed a certain number of visits per year.
ii. Cllr Hambly confirmed there is no immediate development in the village wide 20mph zone. There are several of areas where this is still be implemented. This is unfunded in this financial year and Cllr Hambly doesn’t know if it will be possible to fund in the coming financial year.
iii. A proposal for Cowie/Bannockburn Station will be going to ETNZ committee for approval. A lengthy process will then follow where proposals on a national scale will be considered by Transport Scotland.
iv. The CEO, Carol Beattie, will be leaving Stirling Council in May to take up a new role in the Private Sector.
v. The budget was approved last week. The SNP amendment was rejected. If the SNP amendment had been adopted 25 of these cuts would have been prevented along with a reduction on the monies taken from Council reserves. The labour amendment was carried by the Tories and both voting it through.
vi. SC officer are liasing with developer regarding the suds at Snabhead. They are hoping to ensure niceties are added and the bottom will be cleaned up.
vii. Cllr Hambly is still to meet with an officer regarding the Cowie footpath. Officers met with the community yesterday, unfortunately no one for the BCC was able to attend.
viii. Cllr Hambly noted he won’t be in attendance at the May meeting.
c. Community Development Officer:
i. No report received.
4. Reports- Internal
a. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded and discussed with CC members (as above in matters arising).
b. Treasurer: The treasurer highlighted all balances were ok and there was nothing major to report.
c. Planning: Lucette noted via email there has been a change to the process with a short window for comments to be submitted. Now there is only a week given from a notice being published to request consultation and then 2 weeks after that to add comments. If there is something of interest, Lucette will send around BCC members at the time instead of waiting for the monthly meetings. Another thing to note is there will be a change to crematorium opening hours, from 09:30 to 09:00.
d. Bannockburn House: The house is back open following closure for filming, there are a number of activities coming up with a free archaeological dig on 14th March and the first guided tour of the year in April. The current Operations Manager has been offered a new role, so they are currently recruiting for a replacement on a 2 year fixed term contract funded by a well-known whiskey firm. Gardeners are still working at the house and Volunteers will be back next week.
5. Community Council Business
a. None
6. AOB
a. Ian asked if the road/pathway closure at Corbiewood will be reopened on time. Cllr Hambly to find out and update the CC.
b. Cllr Hambly is looking into the golf course proposal at Catscraig on the LDP and will provide an update at the next meeting.
c. Persimmons and a Stirling Council Officer will be attending the April meeting. The CC agreed to send a handful of questions to Persimmons in advance.
7. Date, time and venue of next meeting
a. Thursday 4th April 2024 from 7pm at the Bannockburn Community Centre