Braehead & Broomridge Community Council 28 September 2024: Mayfield Community Centre
Barbara Anderson, Mandy Rae, Lesley Ferguson, Jamie Adcock, Martin Shaw
In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (minute taker), Councillor McLaughlin, Andrew Nelson;
Superglass, Planning Officer; Stirling Council, Braehead Broomridge Resident
- Welcome
Martin welcomed all to the meeting and introductions were made.
- Apologies
Hugh McClung, Philomena McClung, Councillor Flannagan, Police Scotland
- Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
Jamie raised a declaration of interest – he is having insulation for his own property – not
sure if this will come up on the planning report.
August Minutes were proposed by Barbara Anderson and seconded by Lesley Ferguson.
- Office Bearer Reports
Chair – no report.
Secretary – Nothing to report.
Treasurer – current balance is: £3338.61
Total Account Balance £3383.61
Outgoings – minute takers fee £ 45.00
Current Balance £3338.61
Still no access to bank account.
The Chair proposed that if the bank account situation hasn’t been sorted within the next
month or so then we arrange to open a new one possibility with the Royal Bank of
Scotland. All confirmed they are in favour of this, and it will be confirmed at the next
Jamie – continue to chase up bank to resolve situation.
Planning – nothing to report.
- Additional Reports
Councillor Report
Councillor Flannagan – Margaret Bisley is the new Council Leader. Received complaints
regarding the booking system for waste. He is putting at report together to remove it.
Enforcement action to be taken regarding parking on pavement. October 2nd all PC’s and
Wi-Fi will be unavailable in all libraries.
Councillor McLaughlan – apologies for not being able to attend recent meetings due to
surgery queries. Confirmed that finances within the council are extremely tight and
highlighted that Community Councils can access money elsewhere via Community Trusts
– highlighted the funding that a couple of the other community councils in the area access.
Chris Kane has stepped down from all committees and external bodies however at present
he is still a Councillor. Has some concerns regarding the finances in relation to the Film
Studio on the old MOD site. Upgraded cycle path through Braehead and Broomridge.
Attended Secret Garden at Mayfield Library recently. Excellent event and great for the
library. Currently dealing with housing issues and highlighted the need to report antisocial
No police presence however they did issue a report. Crime reports for Braehead and
Broomridge between 25 August 2024 – 25 September 2024 detected cases 27,
undetected 16. There were also 176 calls to the police regarding matters such as
disturbances, theft, domestic incident, anti-social behaviour, drugs misuse and road traffic.
Police hope to attend the November meeting.
No public complaints and no issues at present. Engineering works took place in
September and there will be move in November.
- General Business
Planning Department - Viewforth Development Framework
Presentation from Stirling Council Planning Officer on the above. The consultation on the
above ran from 2 May 2024 – 16 August 2024 and the finalised statement to be presented
to Stirling Council on 10 October 2024. Once this has been confirmed it will be marketed
to developers and then wait for proposal to be received.
Community Councillors raised some concerns regarding possibility of increased traffic
going through the Braehead/Broomridge as well has whether there is capacity at
Braehead Primary School to take additional pupils that the development will bring. These
concerns will need to be addressed by the developer’s plan. Questions were raised about
Langarth House, is it going back on the market? Confirmed that the building is due to be
made safe and then consultations will take place with the council.
Defib Status/New Location
Lesley confirmed there was a major outage of the Scottish Ambulance System on
Wednesday 18 September which resulted in an emergency alert. On receiving the alert
Lesley checked the defibs and put them all back onto the system.
Lesley has traced the old defib to Crawford Hall (looks like it was part of use for the
church). Contacted St Johns Ambulance and waiting to hear what can be done with it.
Also made enquiries with St Johns about how we go about getting a new defib. Batteries
are still functioning so none are needed to be replaced at present. Will contact British
Heart Foundation to see if grant available. Batteries cost £233.33 each and two need to
be replaced at the same time. Jamie suggested asking local business to help re: funding.
Discussed possibly getting another defib and where it would be placed. Agreement was to
approach Co-op on Pike Road as this is considered best location.
Lesley – maintain contact with St Johns and contact British Heart Foundation
Martin - contact Co-op on Pike Road
Afton Court Park
Confirmed no images have been received regarding replacement equipment.
Lesley – chase up images and update when received.
Flyers/Leaflet Drops
On going.
Jamie – update at next meeting
ASB Colquhoun Street
Anti-social behaviour down at present.
Lesley reviewed all notice boards and has compiled a list of repairs. Boards need to show
same signage as the one at Waitrose. Repairs are currently in progress.
Lesley – update at next meeting
Dog Warden
Confirmation that dog wardens are in the area.
Chairpersons Position
Martin has confirmed that he intends to remain in his post as Chairman until June 2025.
Due to illness had been considering his position.
Martin confirmed that he’s keen to see how other community councils work and is
interested in visiting some. Lesley and Mandy also confirmed their interest.
Martin proposed something different for the next quarter – subcommittees:
o Community Council visits: Martin, Lesley and Mandy
o Superglass: Martin and Barbara (visit to Charity Group at Superglass)
o Noticeboards: Lesley
o Toy Library: Mandy and Jamie
The idea behind the subcommittees councillors take on specific issue and report back to
Suggestion widely received and all agreed for it to be trialled.
Community councillors use variety ways of keeping in touch internally and it is becoming
slightly more difficult to ensure all queries are dealt with. Consensus was that for decision
making email would be the most effective way to communicate as there is a thread to be
followed. Continue to use WhatsApp for “chitchat”.
Community Councillors - ensure decision making must be completed via email.
Location and Frequency of Meetings
Discussed possibility of hybrid meetings however majority voted no for this.
Meetings of the Community Council at Mayfield Centre are booked through to June 2025.
Martin proposed that November 2024, March 2025 and May 2025 meetings to be moved
to Crawford Hall. All agreed this would be a good idea.
Mandy/Martin – contact Crawford Hall to confirm and let Mayfield Centre know of
Toy Library / Planters
Mandy explained that she had recently been in Cambuskenneth Park recently and noticed
they had a toy library in the park which had been set up by Cambuskenneth Community
Council. Mandy suggested we have one in each park in the area. Discussion took place
and it was agreed insurers need to be contacted re: public liability and one would be
trialled first.
Mandy – contact insurers to review public liability and arrange to set up the trial toy library.
Barbara raised issues within her area – grass cutting, maintenance, path adoption.
send email to Stephen Bly and copy in Councillor McLaughlan.
Meeting closed at 21:00 hrs.
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 30 October @19:00hrs.