June 2021 AGM

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Minutes of Bridge of Allan Community Council AGM Held at 7pm on Tuesday 15th June 2021 Virtual Meeting held online via Zoom

Present :– Mike Watson (MW) CHAIR; Leslie Harkness (LH) SECRETARY; Alasdair Taylor (AT); TREASURER; Anna Doeser (AD); Janie Meikle Bland (JMB); Bill Fortune(BF); Neil Harman (NH); Vicky McDowell (VMcD): Ian McCusker (IMc);

Apologies : Andrew Drummond Baxter (ADB);Sandra Davidson(SD); Siobhan Hencher (SH); Alastair Heron (AH); Duncan McDougall (Associate Member) (DMcD); Moira Randall (Associate Member) (MR); Lucy McCormick (LM) Minute Secretary; Stephen Bly (SB), Stirling Council; Alyn Smith MP; Councillor Graham Houston; PC Paul Gilliland; PC Dee Chalmers; (BF)

In attendance : Gavin Drummond (GD); Crawford Bell (CB) Community Development Manager, Stirling Council; Councillor Douglas Dodds; Councillor Alastair Majury; Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Councillor Jeremy McDonald; Alexander Stewart MSP; Gavin Drummond

Abbreviations – Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Annual General Meeting (AGM)

1. Welcome and Apologies

MW opened the meeting at 7.00 pm and welcomed everyone to the meeting. The apologies were noted as indicated above.

2. Approval of Minutes of Previous AGM

The minutes of the previous AGM held on 16th February 2021 were approved. (Proposed: AT; Seconder: AD)

3. Matters Arising (MW)

None since last AGM

4. Annual Report from the Chair (MW)

MW acknowledged that the previous report was only four months ago therefore the present report would be brief as few significant changes have occurred beyond the welcoming of two new members to the CC which brings the membership to full capacity.


Within the village, the purchase of the Royal Hotel is a major development and the opening of Next Chapter restaurant is a welcome addition to the growing number of eateries in the village. Within the same locale, the Well House re-development continues apace with results eagerly anticipated.

Park of Kier planning remains shrouded in confusion and frustration having been the subject of correspondence with Dunblane CC, Residents against the Greenbelt Erosion and Bridge of Allan CC , all of whom have written to the newly appointed and responsible Scottish Minister to voice the continued objections of the locals, objections which included the inappropriate use of Public Monies.

The new crossing is now operating at Cornton with little observed disruption.

100 + hanging baskets are now in place provided by the Friends of BOA and provide a colourful, vibrant feel to the village which was greatly missed last summer by both visitors and residence.

MW thanked the Friends and CC colleagues for their work and continued efforts over the last few months, with particular note to LH for his significant secretarial input and person support.

In closing, MW indicated that now is an appropriate time for a new Chair to be elected and indicated his intention to step down from the role by the end of the year. Succession planning will be taken forwards at the regular monthly meetings.

5. Presentation and Adoption of Annual Accounts (AD)

The accounts for 2020/2021 were prepared by AD and independently examined by Gavin Drummond. AD presented the accounts to the Community Council for its approval confirming that assets remain unchanged from the previous year which include the PA system, Christmas lights and associated infrastructure, stored at Gordon Electrical in Dunblane, and the BT telephone box.

Despite generous donations and the administration grant, some shortfalls in the period had to paid from the CC’s unrestricted funds, namely maintenance of the Christmas lights and the ongoing cost of licenses for Zoom whilst meetings cannot be held in person. Further discussion planned for the regular CC meeting.

The Annual Accounts were approved (Proposed: LH; Seconded: AD).

6. Election of Office Bearers

Under the procedural guidance of Crawford Bell of SC, the six office bearers were elected as indicated below.

Chair: Mike Watson (proposed LH, seconded VM)

Vice Chair: INTERIM - Janie Meikle Bland (proposed AT, seconded LH)

Expression of interested noted from Neil Harman and action noted to discuss what support would be required to succeed JMB in a suitable timeframe

Secretary: Leslie Harkness (proposed MW, seconded JMB)Treasurer: Alasdair Taylor (proposed LH, seconded MW) Planning Officer: Iain McCusker (proposed JMB, seconded MW)

Communications Officer: Anna Doeser (proposed LH, seconded JMB)


Control of the meeting returned to MW as the newly elected Chairperson.


There being no other competent business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 19.25 pm.

8. Date of Next AGM

The Chair indicated that the next AGM would take place on T