April 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council
Held on Tuesday 18th April 2023 in the Allan Centre.

Present: Anna Doeser (AD) Vice Chair and Communications Officer; Leslie Harkness (LH) Secretary; Alasdair Taylor (AT) Treasurer; Bill Fortune (BF); Alastair Heron (AH) Planning Officer; Ros Webb

Apologies: Mike Watson (MW) Chair; Sandra Davidson; Emma Fradgley (EF); Siobhan Hencher (SH); Heather Jones (HJ); Moira Randall (MR) Associate Member; Councillor Ewan Dillon; Councillor Robin Kleinman; Alexander Stewart (MSP); Alyn Smith (MP); PC Paul Gilliland; PC Ross Barclay; Graham Russell (Chair of Friends of Bridge of Allan); Douglas Neilson (Secretary of Friends of BOA)

In attendance: Councillor Douglas Dodds; Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Inga Bullen (IMB) Chair, RAGE; Sheila MacGregor (Dr Welsh Trust) ; Gavin Drummond (Former Chair) ; 5 other residents; Brian Bullen Minute Taker;

Annual General Meeting (AGM), Bridge of Allan (BOA), Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Wallace Monument Stakeholder Advisory Group (WMSAG), Discover Bridge of Allan (DBOA) , Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion (RAGE); Community Action Plan (CAP); Local Place Plan (LPP)

B 2213. Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest
AD opened the meeting at 19.30, welcoming those present.
The apologies were noted as indicated above.
Cllr Dodds noted the Community Police Officer's were absent, and they have not attended very often. He reported he is to meet with the Sergent to ask if they can attend in person.
There were no expressions of conflict of interest.

B 2214. Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log
LH proposed the March 2023 minutes be approved , Seconded by AD.
LH reported on Matters Arising; the report from LH is reproduced here:
Matters Arising (LH)
In relation to Item B 2192 and the Post Office closure, the resident who has written before has written again with, on this occasion, a number of proposed options including locating postal services in the Henderson Street newsagents or the hardware store. The Secretary has written to let him know of the interest shown in the premises which housed the Post Office by two potential tenants who already run post offices.
Also, in regard to Item B 2192 and the speeding in Pullar Avenue, Councillor Tollemache has raised this with SC. It was confirmed that a speed survey request has been submitted to the relevant officer with a stipulation that it should not be undertaken during a school holiday period. The survey was initiated on March 9th.
In relation to Item B 2188 and the Local Place Plans, as promised, Stephen Bly forwarded copies of the slides from the February 23rd online presentation and included a summary of the outcomes of the question and answer session. In regard to Item B 2190 and the planning application for 105 Henderson Street, local resident Gavin Drummond, who raised concerns about the application, has now sent us a copy of the formal objection he has submitted to SC.
In relation to the the signage in Mine Wood, Councillor Dodds has forwarded a communication from SC confirming that the signage graphic will be drawn up in accordance with the Scottish Outdoor Access Codes signage guidance and that, given that there are some conflicts in Mine Wood, SC will seek examples of signage from other Scottish local authorities. SC envisages the project being completed by late spring.
In relation to Item B 2207 and the issue of the CityLink buses speeding in Fountain Road, Councillor Dodds has raised with the bus company the option of checking the tachograph system. In its response, CityLink has stressed that these readings are not made available to passengers and have suggested, if speeding is suspected, that the police be contacted as they could be provided with the tachographs for any investigation. Subsequently, the police have contacted the bus company and have been told that the company requires specific instances of speeding to identify the relevant bus depot involved. The local police have stressed they are not in a position to view tachograph information retrospectively and to take forward this matter and have, once again, suggested that members of the public complain to the bus company. Councillor Dodds has aqlso indicated that, once the road works at the prison are finished, both he and Councillor Kleinman will setting up the pop up bobby for a few days.
In terms of Item B 2202 on Local Place Plans, Councillor Dodds has confirmed that he has written to SC to explain that the CC would prefer future briefing meetings and workshops to be held on a face-to-face basis rather than online.
In relation to Item B 2209 and the Haws Park feasibility study, Councillor Dodds had raised the issue with SC and he has now forwarded confirmation from SC that a Change of Use full planning application would be required and that there is no budget for such a project at the present time.
In relation to the action point for initiating a meeting of the LPP working group, the Secretary, on reflection, made a conscious decision to pass this over to the chair of the group who was due to be back soon from holiday.
Action Log

LH and AD summarized the action log items:
•(from B2201) : HJ to contact SC Funding Officer regarding funding possibilties for the CAP.
◦HJ absent
•(from B2202) : LH to organise a LPP subgroup meeting.
◦LH passed the action to AH.
•(from B2202) : Cllr Dodds to ask SC Planning for a face to face discussion on LPPs with CC
◦LH Councillor Dodds has raised with SC they issue of holding in person LPP meetings
•(from B2204) : AD and Councillor Tollemache to write a response to the Access Officer regarding the Mine Wood trail clean.
◦Cllr Tollemache has a meeting planned wit the Ranger Service.
•(from B2205) : AD to progress a development session on handling planning issues.
◦AD said this has been deferred.
•(from B2205) : BF to contact Stirling Planners to indicate that CC has comments on the Pendreich application.
◦BF submitted comments.
•(from B2206) : AD to notify SC (Stephen Bly) regarding an informal open meeting on Tue April 11th.
◦Overtaken by the change of the election timetable by SC.
•(from B2209) : VMcD and Cllr Dodds to attempt to contact Haws Park FC about applying for funding.
◦Reported until item B2217.
•(from B2210) : AD to do publish details of Cornton cycle track changes
◦Cllr Tollemache reported road markings not yet changed in line with new Highway Code.
▪Cllr Tollemache indicated he would follow up with SC.
•(from B2210) : Cllr Dodds to raise issue of speed checks in the 30mph zones with the police.
◦As a temporary measure, once the road works outside the prison are finished, Cllrs Dodds and Kleinman will place a popup bobby at the roadside.
AT reported that he still has an outstanding action regarding the PA system.

B 2215. Police Report
PC Paul Gilliland had emailed the Police Report which was completed by PC Ross Barclay - the text of which is reproduced here:
Introduction / synopsis of previous month:
This report should provide sufficient information of the police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions.
If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers.
The report encompasses all relevant crime and other matters which have occurred between 20th March and 16th April 2023 inclusive.
Current Priorities:
Our current priorities in the Bridge of Allan area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.
Main Report:
Between the 20th March 2023 and 16th April 2023 a total of 6 crimes occurred within the Bridge of Allan area (which also covers University of Stirling). The incidents detailed below are of relevance to the local community.

None to report.

None to report.

None to report..

Over the stated period three fraud related crimes have been recorded. Of note two of these incidents appear to be connected and relate to two separate individuals being contacted by phone claiming to be from the National Crime agency and HMRC.
In both instances the victims were advised by the scammer that their accounts had been compromised and were asked to transfer funds to a separate account which the victims have complied with. Investigations into these incidents are currently ongoing at this time. Police would like to remind residents that organisations including the National crime agency, HMRC or Police or your bank would never ask you to transfer funds to a safe account.
The other fraud incident relates to an item which was advertised for sale online. The victim was contacted by the scammer wishing to purchase the item that was being advertised. The victim subsequently received notification via email advising that payment for the item had been received and would be processed once postage details were provided. The victim responded to the email confirming postage details and the item was sent before the victim realised that it was a scam. Enquiries into this incident are currently ongoing at this time.
On the 12/04/2023 a shoplifting took place within the CO-OP Fountain Road, Bridge of Allan.
The individual responsible was challenged by staff whilst leaving the store which led to the stolen items being recovered. During the course of the recovery the staff members on duty were verbally abused. The individual responsible for this incident has been identified..

Between 1120hrs and 1300hrs on the 02/04/2023 a Ford Focus which was parked within the grounds of Stirling University was struck by another vehicle causing damage to same. A crime report in relation to failing to stop following a road accident has been raised and enquiries are currently ongoing at this time.

Between the 20th of March and 16th of April there has been a total of 82 calls to the Bridge of Allan area. A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 2 public nuisance calls, 2 drug related calls, 0 disturbance type calls, 2 domestic incident type calls, 1 noise related call, 0 neighbour dispute calls, 4 theft related calls, 0 damage call, 2 concern for person type calls and 10 road traffic related calls.

Community engagement and reassurance:
As previously mentioned at the last meeting that Police attended local officers have carried out fraud awareness inputs at various locations throughout the Bridge of Allan/Dunblane area in light of a number of fraud related incidents that have previously been reported to Police. Over the coming weeks local officers will be carrying out another fraud awareness input at a sheltered housing accommodation within the Bridge of Allan area. Local officers will shortly be receiving fraud awareness and crime prevention booklets which will be distributed at various locations throughout the local community over the coming weeks.

Activity for forthcoming month:
Speed checks in main routes.
Patrols in and around the primary school due to complaints about parking and driving mannerism.
Fraud input being delivered at local care home (date to be arranged)


Community Police Email Address: DunblaneBridgeofAllanCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk

B 2216. Community Action Plan Review (HJ)
HJ was not in attendance to report.

B 2217. Haws Park Feasibility Study / Car Parking Issue (AD, Cllr: Kleinman)
Cllr Kleinman was unable to attend however he had submitted an email report to LH. He had been in communication with Ian Anderson who is a Committee member of Riverside Football club. The delay in the club progressing an application for funding from the CGF is to ensure that the funds are spent in the right way in terms of having the best long term solution ( the original idea of laying down rubber matter was viewed as a potential waste of money).
The matter is due to the discussed at their forthcoming AGM (Apr 23rd).
GD mentioned the potential benefits of the reuse of waste material from the demolition of 105 Henderson st, and that a feasibility study could confirm this.

B 2218. Local Place Plan (AH)
AH reported it was now hoped to hold a development meeting with a working group of the CC within the next week or two.
He reported he would be contacting the Planning Officer (Charlotte Brown) regarding LPPs.
The CC had received an email from SC with information from the Planning Officer regarding a Pre-Engagement Survey.
IMB mentioned that at the LPP webinar (Feb 23rd) it was mentioned that the SC Community Development Officer may be able to help with funding. AD suggested contacting other SC Community Councils as to how their were approaching the LPPs. LH mentioned that CC such as BOA and Dunblane may not meet the criteria for funding.
IMB mentioned an article on the Scottish Community Alliance website with a link to the Parish Online tool, which is free for one year to Community Councils and would be useful in preparing their LPP.

B 2219. Memorial Park 100th Anniversary / Coronation (AD)
AD reported she had message various local groups (such as Scouts, Churches) for ideas regarding regarding
the centenary of the village war memorial on the 26th May. Sheila MacGregor from the Dr Welsh Trust commented that one of their members could provide some information about the history of war memorial and some photos from their archive. AD suggested these could be collated with other material on the CC website.
AD confirmed the Coronation Tree Planting event planned by the Friends of Bridge of Allan on May 8th. Schools and Council staff will have a public holiday.

A resident mentioned that the Woodland Trust is offering free trees to Communities. GD said he would mention this to the Friends of Bridge of Allan, and noted that trees in the Memorial Park were intended to be Non-Native. There were
some suggestions of alternative locations.

B 2220. Planning Report (AH)
AH reported there were no updates on the planning applications discussed in prior CC meetings.
AD mentioned that an information article on the CC website regarding the planning process was on her TODO list.
A resident mentioned concerns regarding Henderson St, particularly parking.
A concern was raised regarding community engagement, specifically with the planning objections such as that
on 105, Henderson st.
Cllr Dodds mentioned concerns regarding the number of empty properties and that there needed to be more development and promotion of BOA.
LH stressed that the closure of commercial premises was essentially a function of economic factors beyond the control of community councils and he underlined the fact that both local authorities and central governments were finding it challenging to address the decline of high streets throughout the UK.
Councillor Dodds asked if the CC had appropriate strategies for helping to generate positive improvement in the town. In that context he itemized a number of significant personal concerns he had about the functioning of both the BOA and the Dunblane CCs, particularly in terms of undertaking effective consultation with the wider community and of promoting community awareness of the CC’s objectives and of its achievements. At the close of this discussion and before leaving the meeting, Councillor Dodds indicated that, until matters improved, he would be reluctant to attend future CC meetings. During this discussion, Councillor Dodds had raised a concern he had about the response of the CC to CGF applications, including the relatively recent application from Discover Bridge of Allan. In relation to this, LH pointed out that he had yet to receive a response to the feedback document sent by the CC to DBOA to assist in the framing of its application and he also raised the question of the current status of DBOA in terms of whether or not it was now a development trust.
A resident brought up the topic of parking, and how businesses were impacted by the short 30mins parking limits
on Henderson street.
GD mentioned the decline in accommodation facilities in BOA, with e.g. the demise of the Royal and Queens hotels amongst others, and there appeared to be noticeably less visitors/tourists on the streets nowadays.
Regarding 105, Henderson St, GD raised the concerns regarding the potential extra street parking on Henderson St
with the current planning application for 14 flats .With no lift proposed he expect many flats would be occupied by young people with 2 cars per flat, not the average 1.5 expected by SC planning policy. BF commented on the density of the proposed development and concerns regarding the additional traffic activity that would arise.
A resident raised a concern regarding the overgrown state of the hedge at the front of 105, Henderson st becoming a traffic hazard.
AD reminded the meeting that the CC was fully aware of the shortcomings in its present process for responding to planning applications, particularly in relation to the risk of any submission to SC being overtaken by the submission deadline and the resultant constraints in terms of carrying out effective consultation. AD also reiterated that it was intended to initiate a development meeting to establish recommendations for a more effective set of procedures, with perhaps two CC members carrying responsibility for planning matters.
There was further discussion regarding the role of the CC. AD mentioned supporting the larder and the playpark development.
Both AT and LH commented on the Community Parking Management Plan initiative which had been stalled by SC due to the pandemic.- It was suggested that this car parking review should be re-opened with SC.
Amongst comments about the Goverment's attempts to reinvigorating High Streets, AH mentioned that the
some relief on business rates is being withdrawn.
AT mentioned re-engaging with DBOA, and RW echoed the sentiment.
GD mentioned the lack of accommodation.
A resident mentioned that 3 restaurants had closed. Another commented the impact of the pandemic on people's eating out habits.
There was discussion regarding the CAP and LPP being opportunities to engage with the community. The CAP in particular will raise issues that the CC can seek to progress.
LH felt that the procedure for liaising with SC was perhaps a little more bureaucratic than it need be, with CCs being discouraged from liaising directly with departmental officers of the council.

ACTION: AD to re-engage CC with DBOA.
GD asked about dialogue with UCP and SC. Cllr Tollemache responded that SC will report back to the CC via him.
GD mentioned that the UCP building houses the only storage options in BOA.

B 2221. Chair’s Report (AD)
AD in MW's absense, indicated her items had been reported under the relevant agent items.

B 2222. Secretary’s Report (LH)
Communications from SC Elected Members
Councillor Tollemache forwarded a communication from the Scottish Government confirming that the reporter’s decision on the Blairforkie planning appeal has been delayed although it is hoped to issue the decision letter shortly. In relation to the absence of WiFi in the Allan Centre, Councillor Tollemache has received a communication from SC explaining that there is no allocated funding for installing WiFi across the council centres but if the Allan Centre management committee wished to install WiFi and manage it, SC would be happy to support the installation. The councillor has recently informed the CC that he has contacted relevant SC staff, including the greenspace ranger, to set up a meeting to discuss more fully the role of the ranger service.
Councillor Tollemache has raised with SC the following:
a blocked cycle track gully close to the Cornton Road railway crossing;
the issue of discarded SC road signs;
fly-tipping at the allotments;
the litter problem in the Allanvale Road car park
abandoned plastic barriers including those at the corner of Blairforkie Drive;
in response to a resident’s complaint, the absence of appropriate signage at the blocked entrance to the Coppermine core path in Mine woods.
Councillor Dodds has forwarded details of the temporary Cornton bus service timetable due to the southbound road closure between the railway crossing and the prison.
Communications from Residents
A resident has reminded the CC that the 100th anniversary of the Memorial Park will fall on May26th
Communications from Stirling Council
The CC received the following:
•a copy of the Ward 3 Councillor Surgery Rota poster for March;
•details from the Library Services of the SAD light therapy facility and the MiFi tablet borrowing facility available from local libraries;
•an intimation that the Planning Panel has refused an application for a residential development of 44 houses and a community hub in Dunblane;
•an intimation that Forth Valley Orienteers had applied to hold an event on April 19th in Mine Wood;
•details of the approved 2023/2024 budget;
•details of a series of online workshops for community councillors on the theme of community and active travel.

General Communications
The CC has received the following:
a request from a representative for the Drumbrae forestry development to attend one of our meetings;
an expression of disappointment from a former resident, who is disabled and who regularly visits Bridge of Allan, about the limited number of parking spaces for the disabled
B 2223. Treasurer’s Report (AT)
Little change this month. The detailed report is at Appendix 1. Total available funds stand at £11,345.21.

B 2224. Residents’ Voice
A resident reported a nasty fall at the steps down to the new Scandinavian Bakery. AD suggested Cllr Tollemache include this on an accessibility walkaround with SC.
A resident (SF) reported on the presense of red squirrels and also hedgehogs and asked if appropriate informational signage could be erected.AD. Possibly funding options from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and the
Scottish Wildlife Trust.
ACTION: Resident (SF) to look into possible funding for wildlife info signage.

B 2225. AOCB
Cllr Tollemache suggested thanking the CC members who are standing down.
AD expressed thanks, and asked if they could help with the handover to the newly formed CC.

B 2226. Date of Next Meeting
The current CC will cease operation on April 19, so no date is set for the next formal meeting.
Possible dates depending if a ballot if required are May 16th (if no ballot) and 20th June (after ballot) - assuming sufficient nominations are received by SC.
Action Log Summary:
(from B2220) : AD to re-engage with DBOA.
(from B2224) : SF to look into possible funding for wildlife info signage.