March 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council

Held on Tuesday 21st March 2023 in the Allan Centre.

Present: Anna Doeser (AD) Vice Chair and Communications Officer; Leslie Harkness (LH) Secretary; Vicky McDowell (VMcD); Sandra Davidon (SD); Heather Jones(HJ); Bill Fortune (BF);

Apologies: Mike Watson (MW) Chair; Alasdair Taylor (AT); Alastair Heron (AH) Planning Officer; Emma Fradgley (EF); Siobhan Hencher (SH); Moira Randall (MR) Associate Member; Councillor Ewan Dillon; Alexander Stewart (MSP); Alyn Smith (MP); PC Paul Gilliland; PC Ross Barclay; Graham Russell (Chair of Friends of Bridge of Allan)


In attendance: Councillor Douglas Dodds; Councillor Robin Kleinman (RK); Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Inga Bullen (IMB) Chair, RAGE; 8 other residents; Brian Bullen Minute Taker;



Annual General Meeting (AGM), Bridge of Allan (BOA), Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Wallace Monument Stakeholder Advisory Group (WMSAG), Discover Bridge of Allan (DBOA) , Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion (RAGE); Community Action Plan (CAP); Local Place Plan (LPP)



B 2198. Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest

AD opened the meeting at 19.30, welcoming those present. The apologies were noted as indicated above.

There were no expressions of conflict of interest.


B 2199. Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log

VMcD proposed the February 2023 minutes be approved , Seconded by BF.


LH reported on Matters Arising and Action Log, the report from LH is reproduced here:


Matters Arising (LH)

In relation to Item B 2192 and the Post Office closure, the resident who has written before has written again with, on this occasion, a number of proposed options including locating postal services in the Henderson Street newsagents or the hardware store. The Secretary has written to let him know of the interest shown in the premises which housed the Post Office by two potential tenants who already run post offices.


Also, in regard to Item B 2192 and the speeding in Pullar Avenue, Councillor Tollemache has raised this with SC. It was confirmed that a speed survey request has been submitted to the relevant officer with a stipulation that it should not be undertaken during a school holiday period. The survey was initiated on March 9th.


In relation to Item B 2188 and the Local Place Plans, as promised, Stephen Bly forwarded copies of the slides from the February 23rd online presentation and included a summary of the outcomes of the question and answer session.


In regard to Item B 2190 and the planning application for 105 Henderson Street, local resident Gavin Drummond, who raised concerns about the application, has now sent us a copy of the formal objection he has submitted to SC.


Action Log (LH)


In relation to the Action Log, the secretary contacted Stephen Bly to establish whether SC would be treating Monday, May 8 as a public holiday. He confirmed he would forward our enquiry to the relevant SC officer and, subsequently SC confirmed that a decision would be taken at a meeting on March 9th.

The secretary has also written to Councillor Dodds about the issue of progressing the issue of signage in greenspaces in line with the intentions of the Ranger Service and the Access Officer and he is happy to comply with the CC’s request. The secretary has also written to Stephen Bly on the concerns about the Darn and Centenary walks.

The secretary has complied with the requirement, where possible, to confine the agenda to one page and to eschew the use of acronyms.


The other actions were addressed under their agenda items.



B 2200. Police Report

PC Paul Gilliland had emailed the Police Report - the text of which is reproduced here:


Introduction / synopsis of previous month:

This report should provide sufficient information of the police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions.


If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers.


The report encompasses all relevant crime and other matters which have occurred between 18th February 2023 and 20th March 2023 inclusive.


Current Priorities:

Our current priorities in the Bridge of Allan area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.


Main Report:

Between the 18th February 2023 and 20th March 2023 a total of 13 crimes occurred within the Bridge of Allan area (which also covers University of Stirling). The incidents detailed below are of relevance to the local community.



None to report.




On the 3rd of March a student was found in possession of controlled drugs namely Herbal Cannabis within University of Stirling student accommodation. The male when traced will be issued with a Recorded Police Warning.


On the 3rd of March another student was found in possession of herbal cannabis within university accommodation. This is an ongoing investigation at the time of update which will likely result in a male being dealt with by means of a Recorded Police Warning of report to the Fiscal.



On the 7th of March, police were called to Henderson Street following a report that a juvenile male had been the victim of a minor assault. Police later traced the male youth responsible who due to his conduct was subsequently arrested for Assault, Police Assault, Resisting Arrest and a Drugs offence..



On the 21st of February a male attempted to steal alcohol from a store in Fountain Road by concealing it within a bag. After being challenged by staff the male left the premises. This is crimed as Attempted Theft and is currently under investigation with a positive line of enquiry to be followed up, PS-20230221-3443 refers.


On the 2nd of March property was stolen from a flat in Lyon Crescent. This has been crimed as Theft and is under investigation at the time of update, PS-20230202-0920 refers


On the 4th of March a residential property within Henderson Street was entered and a set of car keys stolen, (later recovered). This has been crimed as Housebreaking and is being investigated at the time of submission, PS-20230304- 1438 refers.


On the 12th of March wood was stolen from Pendreich Forrest, Sheriffmuir. This has been crimed as Theft and will be investigated in due course, PS-20230314-0300 refers.




During the evening of 22nd of February a vehicle then parked within Henderson sustained minor accident damage having been struck by another vehicle, the driver of which failed to stop and report. This had been crimed as Fail to Stop after Accident and is under investigation at the time of update, PS-20230222-3228 refers.





On the 4th of March a female youth from the Bridge of Allan received messages via social media platforms which were threatening and abusive. Following enquiry this is now detected and two female youths have been charged with a Section 127 Communications Act 2003 offence.


Between the 18th of February and 20th of March there has been a total of 98 calls to the Bridge of Allan area. A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 2 public nuisance calls, 6 drug related calls, 3 disturbance type calls, 2 domestic incident type calls, 1 noise related call, 2 neighbour dispute calls, 3 theft related calls, 1 damage call, 5 concern for person type calls and 12 road traffic related calls.


Activity for forthcoming month:

Speed checks in main routes.

Patrols in and around the primary school due to complaints about parking and driving mannerism. Fraud input being delivered at local care home (date to be arranged)

Community Police Email Address:


B 2201. Community Action Plan Review (HJ)

HJ reported on the progress of the five-stage process:


  1. Review – completed (reported at January meeting).
  2. Refresh contacts - Ros has refreshed a spreadsheet of contacts in other groups and
  3. Report – HJ will complete a review (this month) on what has been delivered against the original 2011
  4. Revise Themes – will now be a task for the reformed CC
  5. Relaunch – after consultation with the community a new CAP to be


HJ reported that DBOA are reflecting on feedback from the CC on their CGF application for funding. AD asked about other funding opportunities.

GD mentioned the SC Funding Officer.

Cllr Dodds noted that the next SC Civic Panel meeting is on 22nd June, and then 3 months after that.


ACTION: HJ to contact SC Funding Officer regarding funding possibilties for the CAP.


B 2202. Local Place Plan (LH)


LH reported that the slides from the introduction to LPP webinar presented by the Planning Dept of SC had been received and circulated to CC members. IMB and AH had attended the webinar, but LH was unable to do so due to an error in the circulation of the web links to the event.

AD asked if the LPP subgroup could produce a timeline of deadlines. IMB asked about a meeting of the subgroup, as it had not met since the last CC meeting. LH explained that AH as chair of the subgroup would call the meeting


however he is away until the end of the month. AT and MW also on the subgroup are absent tonight. LH suggest a plan B meeting with those able to attend, in the next 10 days or so.


ACTION: LH to organise a LPP subgroup meeting.

Cllr Dodds asked IMB if a face to face meeting with the SC Planning dept would have been better than the webinar. IMB and LH expressed the view that a face to face meeting is needed.


ACTION: Cllr Dodds to ask SC Planning for a face to face discussion on LPPs with CC.


B 2203. Allan Centre WiFi/Hybrid Meetings (AD)


Cllr Tollemache of the benefits of having the CC meetings online via a WiFi internet connection, that is permitting attendance remotely as well as in person ( a hybrid meeting).

Dunblane CC apparently have their meetings in the Dunblane library so they can be hybrid.

There was discussion about using the BOA Library for the new CC meetings to make use of the WiFi therein.


B 2204. Mine Wood Community Trail Clean


A resident (who is a member of the Trash Free Trails group) had contacted SC offering to organise a litter pick in the Mine Wood over the Easter weekend.

However Cllr Tollemache had recently (this afternoon) received an email from the SC Access Officer explaining that events organised in SC greenspace need to be booked with the Ranger Team so they are aware of the event and can attend; can ensure that procedures such as health and safety guidelines are followed and can make the public/site users aware of the event. As neither the Access Officer or Ranger can attend on the proposed dates the event should be postponed to a later date and organised with a wider representation from the local community.

HJ spoke about encouraging community volunteers to undertake litter picks.


ACTION: AD and Councillor Tollemache to write a response to the Access Officer regarding the Mine Wood trail clean.


AD spoke about the lack of a biodivesity plan for greenspace in the area. There is a pollinator strategy – at locations such as Haws Park, and Cameron's Haugh.


B 2205. Planning Report


Cllr Dodds indicated a conflict of interest due to his position on the Planning Panel and left the room for this item.


AH being absent, AD said there were no updates on planning applications. IMB mentioned there was a new application at Pendreich Farm, following the previous rejected application. The location is within the Western Ochils Local Landscape Area.


AD proposed a development session about planning to consider policy about which applications to comment on, issues such as greenspace, active travel, bins..., and to post news of applications of

concern to the community on the CC facebook and website. A parallel was drawn with the CGF criteria, to have a process for monitoring and evaluating new planning applications.



ACTION: AD to progress a development session on handling planning issues.


Regarding the recent Pendreich application and the deadline for comments, LH mentioned that 21 days is the recommended timelimit after the application is open for comments, but comments can still be considered uptil the application is ready to be considered by the planners.

GD commented that in his experience it's possible for the CC to indicate to the planners that the CC will be considering the application and commenting in due course.


ACTION: BF to contact Stirling Planners to indicate that CC has comments on the Pendreich application.


B 2206. Chair’s Report (AD)

AD congratulated RK on his election to the Council.

AD reported that Jo Cookson (BOA Scout Group) had emailed regarding Coronation BigHelp Out event on May8. She has applied for funding (to National lottery for all Awards, Scotland) and some of the activities will depend on funding, and is hoping to hold the event at the Games Park. CC will provide the new contacts list to help in contacting local organisations.

CC could have a stall for members to talk about the work of the CC.

AD at this point suggested a meeting prior to the ceasation of the current term of the CC, as their will note be a regular meeting next month.

It was agreed to have an informal open meeting with no formal decisions.



ACTION: AD to notify SC (Stephen Bly) regarding an informal open meeting on Tue April 11th.


B 2207. Secretary’s Report (LH)


Communications from SC Elected Members

Councillor Dodds, in response to a resident who contacted RW about the dilapidated condition of the former shooting range buildings, has forwarded a response from SC indicating that, due to cracking and settlement, a condition survey had confirmed that a sum in excess of £200,000 would be required to bring the building back to a suitable standard for letting and that any redesign to incorporate the property into the proposed flood defences would be as equally expensive. MW has written to suggest that the demolition of the buildings could allow for additional carparking space.


Councillor Dodds has also requested from SC an update on the proposed speeding measures for Henderson Street and SC has confirmed that the measures are currently on hold due to the SGN operations and staff shortages, information which Councillor Dodds has now communicated to the residents.

Only recently, Councillor Dodds has forwarded an SC communication relating to the CC elections and the relevant timetable.


Councillor Dodds has raised with SC the following:


  • the need for an access route path for children walking to the primary school to be swept and cleaned;
  • the need for a road surface repair at the junction of Airthrey Avenue and Forglen Road;
  • the need to clean the garden and pavement area at the property of an elderly resident of Charles Rodgers Place due to two large overhanging trees which may require pruning;
  • a blocked drain gully in Henderson Street;
  • required road, cycle lane and pavement sweeping in and around the


Councillor Tollemache forwarded a communication regarding a volunteer bike trail clean in Mine Wood. He has also raised with SC the issue of why the temporary closure of Cornton Road will last 4 weeks, given that the bulk of the pavement work is complete. In addition, he has asked if there will be roadworks on the alternative route of Airthrey Road and Causewayhead Road during the closure period. SC has confirmed that, due to the number of projects being undertaken, there will be works on Causewayhead road during this period but stresses that advance signing of works should allow motorists to take alternative routes to avoid congestion. SC in its response has also indicated that the construction work for the Scottish Prison Service will still involve a number of remedial works along with the completion of vehicular footway crossings into the site.


Communications from Residents

Nothing to report.


Communications from Stirling Council

The CC received the following:


  • a copy of the Ward 3 Councillor Surgery Rota poster for March;
  • details from the Library Services of the SAD light therapy facility and the MiFi tablet borrowing facility available from local libraries;


  • an intimation that the Planning Panel has refused an application for a residential development of 44 houses and a community hub in Dunblane;
  • an intimation that Forth Valley Orienteers had applied to hold an event on April 19th in Mine Wood;
  • details of the approved 2023/2024 budget;
  • details of a series of online workshops for community councillors on the theme of community and active


General Communications


The CC has received the following:


  • the February Scottish Rural Action Newsletter;
  • details of the PTA Gardening Club Big Weekend Clear Out;
  • the March newsletter of the Accounts Commission;
  • the March newsletter of our MSP, Alexander Stewart;
  • the 2023 SEPA Opinion Survey;
  • an SVE Workforce Development Plan questionnaire;
  • a progress update on the construction work for the Walk, Cycle, Live, Stirling



B 2208. Treasurer’s Report (AT)

AT being absent due to COVID, AD summarized the Treasurer's report (attached below as Appendix 1). Playparks fund has £5.75, Admin fund has £460.08, Unrestricted Fund has £2391.81, Larder £6,074.39, and Christmas Lights £2,618.98.

Cllr Dodds reported the Larder food bank is providing food for may people (100+ last tuesday).


B 2209. Residents’ Voice

GD raised the idea of using demolition material from the proposed demolition of 105 Henderson st to be used in extending the car park at Haws Park.

RK reported attempting to contact a representative of Haws Park, to no avail.

There was a concern that local youth teams were closing due to the issue of costs for the football clubs. SC had indicated a feasibility study would be needed to establish likely problems and potential costs.


ACTION: VMcD and Cllr Dodds to attempt to contact Haws Park FC about applying for funding.


A resident asked if the by-pass link road from the University mini-roundabout to Kildean via Cornton had been approved. Though in the Local Development Plan It was believed to be stalled, in part due to the high costs of bridging the railway.


B 2210. AOCB


Cllr Dodds reported progress on the Tennis Courts. After a meeting with SC Head of Services the proposed upgrade is now likely to progress. LTA may apply to the CGF for a fence, as there is a funding shortfall.


Cllr Tollemache reported that following changes in the Highway Code the priority markings on the Cornton cycle track will be updated.


ACTION: AD to do publish details of Cornton cycle track changes.


There was discussion regarding speeding on local roads.

Regarding speeding , the survey on Pullar Avenue has been progressed.

Regarding the traffic measures on Henderson street, these have been delayed due to the gas works. The police can do speed checks in the 30MPH zone.



ACTION: Cllr Dodds to raise issue of speed checks in the 30mph zones with the police.


VMcD reported an issue regarding flood defences. The Fire Service had recently rebuild their front wall, and had


offered to strengthen the back wall behing the Fire Station. However SC had rejected the offer, on the grounds that it was part of flood defences.



B 2211. Planning Application: 105 Henderson Street


Cllr Dodds indicated a conflict of interest due to his position on the Planning Panel and left the room.


AD reported that AH had a potential conflict of interest due to having had business connections with the Developer.


AD said that if anyone in the Community raises an objection to a planning application then CC should consider it. In the case of this development AD reported concerns of Overdevelopment, Parking adequacy, rubbish bins,

lack of cycle provision for active transport. IMB noted it's location in the BOA Conservation Area; BF commented that SC have a statutory duty to preserve trees within conservation areas.


ACTION: BF to inform council that CC has objections to the 105 Henderson Street application


B 2212. Date of Next Meeting


The current CC will cease operation on April 18, so no date is set for the next formal meeting. An informal open meeting is proposed for Tue April 11 th.



Action Log Summary:



(from B2201) : HJ to contact SC Funding Officer regarding funding possibilties for the CAP. (from B2202) : LH to organise a LPP subgroup meeting.

(from B2202) : Cllr Dodds to ask SC Planning for a face to face discussion on LPPs with CC


(from B2204) : AD and Councillor Tollemache to write a response to the Access Officer regarding the Mine Wood trail clean.


(from B2205) : AD to progress a development session on handling planning issues.


(from B2205) : BF to contact Stirling Planners to indicate that CC has comments on the Pendreich application.


(from B2206) : AD to notify SC (Stephen Bly) regarding an informal open meeting on Tue April 11th. (from B2209) : VMcD and Cllr Dodds to attempt to contact Haws Park FC about applying for funding. (from B2210) : AD to do publish details of Cornton cycle track changes.

(from B2210) : Cllr Dodds to raise issue of speed checks in the 30mph zones with the police.




Appendix 1 – Treasurer's Report March 2023