October 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council
Held on Tuesday 17th October 2023 in the Allan Centre.

Present: Mike Watson (MW) Chair; Leslie Harkness (LH) Secretary; Alasdair Taylor (AT) Treasurer; Inga Bullen (IB); Amanda Coulthard (AC); Rosemary Dodds (RD); Linn Kleinman (Member); Karen McGregor (KMcG); Jenny Smith (JS)

Apologies: Anna Doeser (AD) Vice Chair and Communications Officer; Bill Fortune (Member); Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Councillor Ewan Dillon; Alyn Smith (MP); PC Paul Gilliland; PC Ross Barclay;

In attendance: Alexander Stewart (MSP); Councillor Douglas Dodds; Councillor Robin Kleinman; Graham Russell (Chair, Friends of Bridge of Allan); Douglas Neilson (Secretary of Friends of BOA); Sheila MacGregor (Dr Welsh Trust) ; Gavin Drummond (GD) Former Chair; 4 other residents; Brian Bullen Minute Taker;

Annual General Meeting (AGM), Bridge of Allan (BOA), Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Wallace Monument Stakeholder Advisory Group (WMSAG), Discover Bridge of Allan (DBOA) , Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion (RAGE); Community Action Plan (CAP); Local Place Plan (LPP); Friends of Bridge of Allan (FBOA)

B 2245. Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest
MW opened the meeting at 19.30, welcoming those present.
The apologies were noted as indicated above.
There were no expressions of conflict of interest.

B 2246. Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log
AC proposed the September 2023 minutes be approved , Seconded by IB.
Matters Arising (LH)
In relation to Item B2241 and the commencement of the work on the tennis courts, Councillor Dodds has confirmed that the company involved has agreed to replace part of the fencing free of charge.
Also under Item B2241 and the sewerage flooding issues raised by Councillor Tollemache, the councillor forwarded a response from SC confirming that the council has carried out investigations which indicate that there is a much wider and more complex issue associated with surface water in the upstream catchment having an impact on the drainage systems further downstream and that these findings are currently being reviewed with the intention of providing appropriate feedback when the analysis is complete. SC also notes, in its response, that its current maintenance schedule clears the buildup of fats and grease from the dairy every six months and it also emphasizes the importance of reporting any sewerage flooding as soon as it occurs, especially in terms of any environmental pollution of the burn.
MW spoke in relation to Item B2235 reporting that apparently SC have agreed to repair the MUGA.
Cllr Dodds asked who in SC to contact so he could seek confirmation, as the CSET funding would not be needed if SC are undertaking the work.

ACTION: MW to provide SC contact to Cllr Dodds for him confirm if SC are repairing the MUGA.
Action Log (MW)
Regarding Item B2231 about the Fountain Cllr Dodds reported that the large shrub growing on the fountain had been removed. MW suggested that the Fountain was a significant feature and should be improved.
GD reported that their had been an investigation into reactivating the fountain, and there were various reasons as to why it could not be reactivated. These included health and safety considerations, e.g. it was close to the playground, also as the water would have to be recirculated there was a risk of diseases such as legionnaires; and cost, likely to be in six figures. KMcG suggested a flower bed. Graham Russell said he would raise this at the next FBOA meeting.
Regarding item B2231 and street cleaning, no clarification on routes yet. KMcG spoke about the need for the pavements to be cleared of weeds, leaves etc, and confirmed she was thinking of a volunteer group for next year.
The other actions were addressed under their agenda items.

B 2247. Police Report
In the absence of Duty Officers, MW said that as the report had been circulated to members it was not necessary to read it out.
The Police Report as emailed by PC Ross Barclay to the Secretary is reproduced here:
Introduction / synopsis of previous month:
This report should provide sufficient information of the police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions.
If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers.
The report encompasses all relevant crime and other matters which have occurred between 19th September and 16th October 2023 inclusive.
Current Priorities:
Our current priorities in the Bridge of Allan area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.
Main Report:
Between the 19th September and 16th October 2023 a total of 7 crimes occurred within the Bridge of Allan area. The crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the local community.

None reported.

None reported.

On the 26th of September a student was the subject of a minor assault within the University of Stirling Halls of Residence. Following investigation a male has been traced and charged with Assault to Injury and will be subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal.

Between the evening of 29th and morning 30th of September persons have attempted to steal a motor vehicle then parked and secure within Blairforkie Drive. This is crimed as Attempted Theft of Motor Vehicle and is under investigation at the time of update.

On the 21st of September a two vehicle road accident occurred within the grounds of Stirling University whereby one of the motorists involved failed to stop and exchange details. This is crimed as Failed to Stop after Accident with lines of enquiry to be followed up.
On the 22nd of September a vehicle was stopped within Fountain Road during which time the driver was found to have no insurance and was charged accordingly. The registered keeper who allowed the other party to drive without insurance was also charged with a Cause and Permit offence under the Road Traffic Act 1988.

CPT officers have become aware of incidents of antisocial behaviour whereby persons unknown have been throwing items namely beans at properties in Anne Drive and Strathallan Road. Where and when the opportunity permits, CPT officers will carry out mobile patrols in the immediate area and vicinity. Any information the public has in respect of these incidents can be forwarded to the community policing mailbox.
Between the 19th September and 15th October 2023 there has been a total of 90 calls to the Bridge of Allan area (this includes some calls to the University, Causewayhead and Cornton. A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 1 public nuisance call, 2 drugs/substance misuse calls, 1 noise related call, 4 disturbance type calls, 2 housebreaking calls, 1 damage call, 1 theft type call, 1 domestic incident call, 1 fraud type call, 4 concern for person calls, 0 missing person call, 14 abandoned vehicle call and road traffic related calls.
Community engagement and reassurance:
Activity for forthcoming month:
•Carry out patrols in areas where antisocial behaviour is reported.
•Continue to deliver information and inputs relating to fraudulent type crimes directed at vulnerable members of the community.

Community Police Email Address: DunblaneBridgeofAllanCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk

B 2248. Residents’ Voice
Four issues were raised:
1. Road Flooding at Forth Park Junction by Cornton Level Crossing
GD suggested that the road surface be raised to prevent flooding at the dip before the level crossing, by Forth Park.
Cllrs Dodds and Kleinman offered to contact SC to propose this.
ACTION: Cllrs Dodds and Kleinman to propose road flood prevention measures at Cornton Level Crossing.

2. UCP
GD asked what dialogue had there been between CC and the UCP company. Cllr Dodds said that SC elected members were updated in confidence, and were unable to share information. MW commented that CC should be involved in the future of the site. GD pointed out that the cost benefit analysis of the flood prevention scheme included a very significant asset in the UCP factory , and there was a risk that once it closed a future cost benefit analysis would not justify BOA for flood prevention. The optioneering report by Mouchel is on the CC website {1}.

3. Cycling on Pavements
A resident complained that she had been recently narrowly avoided injury by cyclists riding on the pavement outside her house. In one case the cyclist was going very fast on the inside of the pavement, and in the other a teenager was verbally abusive. LH said this will be passed on to the Police.

The resident also suggested signage at the Cycle Hire Point highlighting the need for users to avoid pavement cycling particularly in shopping areas - we said we would look into this.
ACTION: LH notify Police re Cycling on Pavements.

4. BOA/Dunblane Cycle Route
A resident queried the status of the suggested cycle route linking BOA to Dunblane. LH said that
AD and Cllr Tollemache are the most likely member/Cllr with some knowledge of this. LH will add this to the agenda for the November meeting. {2}
ACTION: LH To add Dunblane/BOA Cycle Route to November Agenda.

B2249. Vacancies and Recruitment (MW).
Following Mark Everett's recent resignation there are now 2 vacancies. There has been 1 applicant so far.
Posters are up in various places, library, most shops.
RD queried about MW standing down. MW said he is happy to stay on until a succession plan is made. RD proposed a recurrent agenda item and this was agreed upon.
It was suggested that SC were asked for details of the people who expressed an interest in being elected, but who withdrew, LH agreed to ask. LH stated he had tried to persuade Mark Everett not to resign but was unsuccessfull and he will now notify SC of the resignation.
ACTION: LH to add succession plan for replacement Chair to Agenda until new Chair in role.
ACTION: LH to ask SC about people who withdrew from the spring election.

B 2250. Local Place Plan (AC).
AC reported a subgroup of CC has had two meetings with DBOA. An initial meeting on 2nd Oct was positive and productive, in which the aspirations of both organisations were discussed and it was agreed that DBOA and CC can align approaches. The LPP will have long term objectives, with a clear view regarding developments and use of space. DBOA will focus on the shorter term actions in their CAP.
SC Civic Panel have awarded nearly £10,000 from the CGF to DBOA for a community consultation “to support the development of an Local Place Plan for Bridge of Allan" {3}
A meeting on 16th Oct with DBOA it decided to form a joint steering committee, with Bob McGovern of DBOA chairing, and including AC and IB. It was felt important not to do two community consultations. AC will propose scoring criteria for the hiring of a consultant to undertake the consultation, which will cover broad themes. The CAP will incorporate the results into actions, the LPP into the longer term longer vision.
The CAP and LPP documents will link to each other.
IB (referring to the Action from B2236 for a procedure with criteria for a planning subgroup to evaluate planning applications) reported on the formation of a planning subgroup to take on the role of the Planning Officer.
There would be three people, AC and IB, and following the resignation of ME, BF as the third. The criteria for evaluating planning applications would focus on Conservation area, the Green Belt and proposals of general interest to the community. If the date for comments on a application falls before the next CC meeting, views of CC members would be sought and comments submitted if justified.

B 2251. Christmas Lights (AD).
A subgroup (AT, AD, RD, KMcG, JS) met on 6th Oct.
The Lights may last another 5 years, replacement may cost £10,000 at todays prices- with inflatation could be £13,000. With the cost of putting up the lights potentially £3000, in total we need to raise at least £5000 each year.
Sponsorship fee per light remains at £200. A crowdfunding is set up.
The switch on will be Sat Dec 2nd. CC Insurance had been checked , and it covers the event.
KMcG is arranging the PA system. KMcG and RD are progressing fundraising, with face to face approaches.
KMcG has made a banner and will add the date.Cllr Dodds has provided high-vis vests with BOA CC printed. Charity tins have been ordered, for leaving in shops. Posters are being printed with QR codes for the crowdfunding.
A resident queried why she had not heard back after emailing an offer of sponsorship, CC thanked her and will be in touch.
Plaques for each lamppost will be labelled with a sponsors name. Regarding a childrens choir, Cllr Dodds volunteered to approach the Head Teacher of Fairview, and also to be the Master of Ceremonies for the switch on.

ACTION: Cllr Dodds to contact Fairview Head Teacher re choir for Christmas Lights switchon
ACTION: AT to apply to SC for license to use the Provost Park.

B 2252. Publicity and Fundraising (RD)
RD said it was important to raise the profile of the CC. For example, a poster should be prepared with a profile of each member ( a photo and brief resume). For display at the library and on the box notice board opposite The Westerton.
ACTION: Members to submit photo and resume for AD to produce CC Profiles poster by end of Oct.

B 2253. Remembrance Sunday Service (MW)
The Remembrance Day service will be Sunday 12th November , 14:00 at the Memorial Park.
3 clergy will run the service. Cllr Dodds reported a working party had been cleaning up the Memorial Park, recent grass cutting had left untidy piles of cut grass. KMcG to supply PA system.

B 2254. Planning Report
In BF's absence, ME outlined an email received from BF which reported an application for a house at the vacant plot at 6, Forglen Rd, which did'nt raise any concerns. IB added there were some recent applications for extensions and treeworks and of interest was an application for a change of use of the Claremount Care Home (a 'B' listed building with 24 bedrooms) from a care home to a single family dwelling.

B 2255. Chair’s Report (MW)
Work on the tennis court is now underway. MW commented there was space to both East and West of the court.
A suggestion for an outdoor gym was made.
MW reported on the Allan Centre which had recent circulated a publicity leaflet to residents. He commented this was actually one of the recommendations of the prior 2011—2016 Community Action Plan. WiFi is to be installed and
promotion of use at weekends.

B 2256. Secretary’s Report (LH)
Communications from SC Elected Members
Councillor Tollemache communicated on three items:
•He wrote to confirm that he had raised with SC the concerns of the residents near Sunnylaw Road about the length of time the road has been closed, with no work as yet having started and with cars vehicles diverted to Blairforkie Drive and Henderson Street.
•The councillor also forwarded the response he had received from SC in relation to the give-way lines at the junctions along Cornton Road. The intention, as soon as budget resources permit, is to have a design drawing prepared to have these markings altered to indicate priority for cyclists and to bring the cycle lane into line with the new cycle lanes being implemented as part of the Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling initiative.
•He confirmed he had received a response from SC on the issue of cars parked on Cornton Road outside the prison. The council has indicated that a traffic regulation order for the installation of double yellow lines will be promoted when resources permit.
Councillor Dodds sent the CC a useful link which provides a summary of the Stirling Council's Open Data Strategy which is designed to make data in a range of key policy areas such as education, transport, planning and the environment more accessible and transparent {4}
Communications from Stirling Council
SC has forwarded details of the provision of Place Profiles designed to inform communities about the planning process and to assist communities to contribute to the next SC Local Development Plan and to prepare their own Local Place Plans. At present profiles have only been prepared for a number of priority communities but will be provided for all community councils by spring 2024

General Communications
The CC received the following communications:
•the September issue of the Scottish Rural Affairs newsletter;
•the September newsletter from MSP Alexander Stewart;
•an Accounts Commission communication in relation to the recruitment of a chair;
•the October issue of the Scottish Community Councils newsletter.

B 2257. Treasurer’s Report (AT)
The detailed report is at Appendix 1. Total bank balance stands at £12,815.81
In response to a query from Cllr Dodds, AT explained how the CC has one bank account, but the funds are manage under 5 subfunds,
1.Playparks ( current balance £5.75)
2.SC Administration (current balance £1,727.08)
3.Unrestricted (current balance £2,391.81)
4.Larder (current balance £6,072.19)
5.Christmas Lights (current balance £2,618.98)

B 2258. AOCB
•JS asked about the Post Office, There was no definite news. It was observed that a local retailer no longer accepts cash payment but would do so if there was a Post Office.
•KMcG asked for volunteers to be on the rota to man the stall (outside Westerton) on Saturday
•JS complained of a large boulder on the pavement at the bottom of Well rd (near grit bin). GD offered to check this.
MW closed the meeting at 21:06.

B 2259. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is Tue 21th November, at the Allan Centre, 7.30pm.

Action Log Summary:
1.(from B2246) : MW to provide SC contact to Cllr Dodds for him confirm if SC are repairing the MUGA.
2.(from B2248) : Cllrs Dodds and Kleinman to propose road flood prevention measures at Cornton Level Crossing.
3.(from B2248) : LH notify Police re Cycling on Pavements.
4.(from B2249) : LH to add succession plan for replacement Chair to Agenda until new Chair in role.
5.(from B2249) : LH to ask SC about people who withdrew from the spring election.
6.(from B2251) : AT to apply to SC for license to use the Provost Park.
7.(from B2251) : Cllr Dodds to contact Fairview Head Teacher re choir for Christmas Lights
switch on.
8.(from B2252) : Members to submit photo and resume for AD to produce CC Profiles poster by end of Oct.