Feb 2021 Minutes

CCC Minutes February 2021



Callander Community Council

Draft Minutes of the meeting: Monday 8th February 2021 (v2)
On-line meeting via Zoom

Community Councillors present: Susan Holden (SH-Chair), David Shearer (DS- Vice-Chair),
Richard Johnson (RJ- Secretary), Elaine Watterson (EW- Treasurer), David Moore (DM-
Planning), Marilyn Moore (MM), Roger Watt (RW), Brian Luti (BL), Mike Luti (ML), John Watson
(JW), Moe Guertin (MG), Olga Watkins (OW).

Also in Attendance: Cllr Martin Earl (SC), Cllr Jeremy McDonald (SC), Helen Terry (HT-Town
Co-ordinator), Katarina Cech (Minute Taker), plus several members of the public

Apologies: Police Scotland

Abbreviations: All community councillors are referred to in these minutes by their initials.
CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community

Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; ICO = Information Commissioner’s Office ; LPP = Local

Place Plan; TAN = Trossachs Area Network; CYP = Callander Youth Project; NP = Loch Lomond
and the Trosssachs National Park.

Chair of Meeting: Susan Holden




A: Introductions and minutes


1.Welcome-meeting structure

SH welcomed everyone to the meeting and went briefly through the Agenda.
It was noted that the Zoom chat box can be used for any questions.

RJ noted that everybody who attends the meeting, needs to log into Zoom
between 7:20 and 7:30pm so that meetings can start on time at 7:30pm.

Recording: SH asked for approval that the meeting be recorded for the
purpose of Minute taking - all those present agreed.

Declaration of interest: MM recorded that she is a member and Secretary of
CE. SH declared that she has been in the group talking about `COP26`.


CC Councillors
to enter future
between 7:20
and 7:30pm

2. Minutes of the previous meetings

SH noted that recent letters of councillors’ resignations should all be
recorded in a same way. SH also noted concerns about whether to post these
letters on the CCC website and/or include them as an addendum to the
minutes. No decision was reached.

December Minutes: Noted that corrections needed to the spellings of
names: Stuart Ballantyne and Olga Watkins.

Proposed by DM, seconded by MM.

January Minutes (11.1.2021)

Proposed by DM, seconded by JW.


For future CCC



CCC Minutes February 2021





Special meeting minutes (25.1.2021)
Proposed by DM, seconded by JW.
Matter regarding past minutes

BL read out a statement in which he expressed a concern that there were
unauthorised changes made to the draft minutes from the October,
November meetings prior to sending them to CC councillors. He had
previously asked the Chair to deal with this concern but he has not received
any reply. After taking advice from SC, BL decided he will put a formal
complaint to the Secretary. BL noted that those minutes (October and
November 2020) should be withdrawn from the public view until they are
corrected. BL also objected to the adoption of the draft December Minutes,
but noted that the draft December Minutes had already been adopted.

There was a discussion about past minutes and whether they should be
withdrawn but no decision was made.


For future CCC


(Note: the Zoom recording was started at this point)


RW had suggested that a number of CCC procedural matters should be
agreed at this meeting. These are listed below:

  1. MG be admitted to full membership of CCC following attendance at
    three meetings since his co-option

    Proposer ML, seconded by DS. Voting: 10 in favour

  2. Minutes:

RW suggested the following:

Content of the minutes: to record information received and from where,
options considered and suggestions/conclusions, decisions reached, and
actions assigned.

Procedure for producing minutes: Minute secretary produces preliminary
draft, each section checked by the lead person for that section, alterations
compiled into final draft, final draft circulated to all CCC members (2 weeks
before the next meeting), any final changes to be notified in writing before next
meeting, each final change accepted/rejected at the next meeting.

RJ proposed an amendment: to remove the words “each section checked byand
replace it with “CCC Secretary checks the draft minutes”.

Proposed by BL, seconded by ML. Voting: 12 in favour




CCC Minutes February 2021




ML also proposed that CC councillors are identified in the minutes by their

Proposed by ML, seconded by BL. Voting: 9 in favour.

MM also proposed that action points be clearly listed in the minutes.

  1. Video recording:

    RW proposed the following: Recordings may be accessed only by CCC
    members and other attendees. Other residents of Callander may have access
    on request. Recordings will only be available until the date of the following
    meeting. All recordings will be destroyed at that point.

    There was a discussion about EW seeking guidance from the ICO and it was
    proposed that CCC postpones this discussion until a written reply from ICO
    is received.

    Proposed by DM, seconded by MM. Voting: 8 in favour

  2. Co-option:

    Proposal: pause further co-options until any requirements of LPP and
    Engagement Policy are clear.

    Proposed by BL, seconded by ML. Voting: 11 in favour.

  3. CCC Representative for CCDT

    Proposal: pause until clearer working arrangements agreed.

    There was a discussion about representative from CCC being a Board
    member of CCDT. MM noted that she is already a representative director of
    CE so she cannot be a representative of CCC. DM noted that he is a member
    director of CCDT and would be willing to make notes for CCC. SH noted that
    she is also willing to pass the information in both directions.

    EW noted that there could be a conflict of interest in reporting as CCDT is a
    charity and directors of a charity have to side with that charity.

  4. Trossachs CC group: the information about this group was not clear.
    Whether it is Trossachs Area Network or not. SH agreed that RJ should
    investigate and report back.


once EW
written reply
from ICO


CCC to
additional co-
options at a
future date.



to be decided
at a future


SH to send RJ
info about this
group. RJ to




Written report submitted.


DS gave an update on roads. Cllr Tweed, Cllr Earl and DS have been pursuing
issues relating general condition of A84 passing through Callander. As a
result of these complaints a Zoom meeting was arranged on 29th January




CCC Minutes February 2021




2021 with representatives of BEAR Scotland, Transport Scotland, Cllr Earl
and DS. The outcome of this meeting was a letter dated 2nd February 2021 to
all CC councillors and members of the public of Callander.

A number of issues were brought to the meeting such as no work to be
carried out during the tourist season, street lighting problems, refurbishing
the pavements (consideration for October 2021), traffic management during
road works, problem with sequencing of lighting in Bridgend and
refurbishment of the road marking of intersection A84 and Bridgend.

The work will be undertaken in two parts:

  1. Starting from the south end of the site up to Ancaster Square. Works
    will start on 28.2.2021 and will be done during the night with convoy
    system. The noisy part of the work will be stopped before 11pm.

  2. Starting from Ancaster Square to the north end of the site - no more
    details available at the moment as it has just been finalised.


There was a question asked whether the street light upgrade will be done
when they do the road or pavement works? The reply was that they want to
resolve the issue with a couple of lights before they put down the new
surfacing because it might involve putting cables underneath the road

It was also noted that there was still discussion about the proposed type of
surface as last one was not robust enough.

BEAR Scotland would like a feedback of the proposal by 12th February 2021 -
DS proposed writing to BEAR Scotland to say that CCC agrees to the
principles in letter dated 2nd February 2021, subject to any views expressed
by the public.

ML and SH praised DS for all his work in this.


RJ submitted written report and gave a further update:

Reports for monthly CCC meeting:

RJ would like to standardize the format of the monthly reports for CCC
meetings - the Secretary report was given as an example of the format to be

RJ noted that reports could be sent to him in Word using the template and he
will change them to pdf format for MG who puts them online to the website.

It was noted that if the report is on behalf on another organisation, their
format will be retained.

Cllr Martin Earl asked all reports to be sent to all ward councillors.


DS will write a
letter and RJ
will send to



RJ send CCC
reports to
three ward



CCC Minutes February 2021




RJ also noted that 12 pieces of correspondence had been received, he gave
further details on 4 items:

  1. The Community Partnership - the organisation is to be disbanded.
    The recommendation is to sign up to join the Loch Lomond &
    Trossachs Community Trust. RJ contacted them for more
    information, acknowledgement was received and the reply is

  2. Trossachs Area Network – this was originally one of four networks
    set up approximately 20 years ago within the National Park. RJ asked
    for approval from CCC to pursue this idea of reforming TAN if there
    is an interest in Trossachs communities. DM suggested wider
    representation from CCC might be needed in the future – RJ agreed.

  3. Correspondence from Sue King asking about the use of Hydro
    Fund - RJ forwarded this letter to all CC councillors with a copy of
    the Hydro Fund: Application Guidelines from CCDT website plus list
    of all the projects they supported in the last few years.

    Sue King was present at this meeting and expressed her concerns
    about CCDT managing the money and awarding the money to itself
    with no independent verification. Members of the public expressed
    their opinions in the chat box during the Zoom meeting and agreed
    with Sue King. SH noted that she had agreed in principle with the
    Chair of CCDT to have a joint meeting between CCC and CCDT to
    discuss questions like these.

  4. Reply from CCDT Secretary received about the purchase of 55
    Main Street

A letter had been received from CCDT regarding this matter. SH
declared interest but no conflict. SH noted again the proposal of
setting up an online meeting between CCC and CCDT to discuss this

ML expressed his opinion about a section of the letter which said: "In
2010 , CCDT took the decision to progress the building of the Stank Glen
Hydro Scheme AGAINST the advice of those same Callander Community
Councillors who now appear to be questioning the present purchase "
unquote. ML read out a prepared statement: “In my opinion this is
totally untrue. I was part of the CC in 2010 and I remember well that we
were all supportive of the Hydro development going forward . I'm sure
other members from that time can confirm this. This correspondence
from the Development Trust was not signed so I would like to ask the 3
board members of the Trust , here tonight as Community Councillors , if
they agree with the statement quoted. I assume it was discussed within
the D Trust beforehand and if they do agree produce the evidence to
support it ASAP. Failing this I feel an apology should be forthcoming.

This is really disappointing as all our recent discussions have been about
working together."



EW submitted written report and gave a further update.


RJ to inform
CCC with
further details


RJ to inform
CCC with
further details


SH to arrange
joint meeting



CCC Minutes February 2021




  • an invoice from CYP received requesting a contribution, which was
    agreed (£10 000 from Airtricity), towards the disabled hoist. Full cost of
    hoist £14,769. BL noted that it had been already agreed if CYP met the
    criteria of the letter that CCC sent them.

  • application from Brownies - £500 in respect of part payment of their
    annual subscription. All councillors agreed to approve this application.

  • bank forms put forward to the Bank of Scotland for the transfer from the
    previous treasurer to EW. EW noted that Brian McKay (previous
    Treasurer) had been incredibly helpful in the handover.

  • CardNet scheme was set up to help with FETCH. £150 Student Card set
    up on CardNet. Proposal to give one months’ notice to suspend the
    service as very little current demand. All councillors agreed.



    DM submitted written report and gave a further update.

    1. 55 Main Street planning application by the existing owner to convert
      the rear office area to residential use. No neighbour objections
      posted to date. DM put in a formal objection on the basis that there
      has not been enough information for CCC to determine the

    2. Water bottle refilling equipment in Ancaster Square- there was more
      information provided by Scottish Water which was requested. DM,
      BL and RW think that the position of this equipment is not ideal.

    3. DM wrote to the Heritage Society asking them for any more
      information about relocating the old stone drinking fountain (which
      is currently behind St.Kessogs) and what help they can give us.
      Awaiting the reply.


Statutory Bodies:


Written report submitted

Stirling Council

Cllr Jeremy McDonald gave an update

  • Community Council consultations which offers support and free
    TEAM licenses.

  • The SC anti-gender base violence committee - officers were trained
    and website was updated.

  • Covid vaccination roll-out – potentially will take until March 2022,
    hopefully sooner.

  • SC adding more waste bins in the summer to the Meadows car park.

  • It was also noted that because of elections there will probably not be
    a big Council Tax rise.

National Park




CCC Minutes February 2021




Martin Earl gave an update:

  • NP provisional budget will be determined at March 15th Board

  • NP Rangers will be on the ground from the beginning of March.

  • Council Enforcement officers should be available for evenings and
    weekends from April 2021.

  • Police Scotland received £60 million uplift to their budget which will
    hopefully support some additional capacity in the forthcoming


South Loch Venachar meeting with residents (note: SH had been invited and
attended as CCC Chair) - set of agreed measures will be introduced at the
beginning of the new season. Permanent signage and clearway should be in
place by then and blocking some off-shore areas. More work to be done on


This is a new group with Martin Earl chairing it. The first subject to be
looked at is sustainable transport.


EW asked about the “by-law” for motor homes. It is to deal with no overnight
parking. It will be included in Community Parking Management Plan Project.
Martin Earl also noted that an alcohol by-law at South Loch Venachar- will
be discussed on 4th March SC meeting, it was agreed to go to consultation
about it. The Police are looking to a general change of wording in this which
would allow them to put this by-law in action if people are in possession of
opened container of alcohol in public space.

Callander organisations:

Callander Landscape Partnership

No report

Callander Enterprise

Written report submitted.

Christmas lights were included in an article published in The Scotsman -
some of the best in the country.

Town Coordinator

Written report submitted.

HT had a conversation with Dr Ken Thomson, the principal of Forth Valley
College, about how they can help people who lost their jobs. There is a
funding available. HT will try to find out how many people would be




CCC Minutes February 2021




interested and what they would be interested in learning. If there is enough
demand, they can set up a location in Callander with tutors visiting the
groups or doing it through distance learning.

There were thoughts and discussion about College courses like countryside
craft and skills, centre of educational Excellence in Callander and upskilling





-BL thanked CC councillors for agreeing to pay £500 to Brownies

  • BL also noted that CCC needs to be vigilant and try to see if any
    organisations in Callander, especially the youth ones need £500 top up to
    keep them going.

    -the cheque went to CYP for their grant towards the hoist

  • amount set-aside £4500 for the playpark

EW noted that if there is any voluntary organisation which needs help, the
Treasurer will need an invoice and a reason.

Camp Place Play park

MM submitted a written report and gave a further verbal update.

The second part of the second major grant was submitted. Applications for
total of £90 000 were put in and have about £18 000 from other sources to
help with items like path and hopefully wheelchair accessible picnic tables.
Delighted with about 300 responses from both surveys. MM would highly
recommend Google Forms. Questions about one of the grants were received,
which is a good sign.

BMX Track – it was noted that SC does not have anybody to work on
clearing land over the Covid period or because they do not work over the
winter period. They will not be re-employed in the next financial year. Some
sort of community involvement might be needed to keep it clear on an
ongoing basis.

SH congratulated MM on the work she is doing.

St. Kessogs

EW submitted a written report.

Environment/ Flooding

No reports.






CCC Minutes February 2021




Local Place Plan (LPP) - (HT)

The steering group now has representation from a broad range of
backgrounds. There are questions from CCDT representative (P.Prescott)
about LPP so RW and HT will attend a Zoom meeting with him and then the
research plan will go to all representatives. High School has two
representatives: Head Teacher and students who will participate in the
research plan.

Community Building (RW)

RW would like a full discussion about this in the near future and asked CC
councillors to have a think about the table in his report and let him know
about any suggestions. RW proposed that CCC discuss the idea that we ask
the community for suggestions of how to use the Airtricity lump sum.

EW mentioned that CCC needs young people (under 45s) and talked about
the way of how to bring young professionals to CCC as Associate members.

Climate and community project (RW)

RW gave his presentation about Climate and community project.

1st paper-RW would appreciate help with this to clarify it and then pursue it.
2nd paper- is about `COP26`

3rd paper is about looking beyond `COP26` and thinking in terms of tourism

RW papers are attached to the minutes.

RW proposal is that CCC pursues reclaiming a site of Claish Farm for a hub of
this sort.

CC councillors supported RW`s proposal. It was unanimously agreed that
Callander direction strategy paper is appropriate. JW offered help to RW and
supported all 3 papers.

RJ commented that it is necessary to allocate more time at future meetings
to discuss this.


All CCC to
return table to


EW to write
some ideas
about this and
circulate it.


All CC
councillors to
support RW


SH to include
in agenda

F. Any Other Business

MG noted about identifying a suitable area for children to play.


Date of next meeting

8th March 2021




CCC Minutes February 2021





Attachments: Climate and Communities Papers


Ccc (Callander: climate and community)

[The first 2 pages are an overview, to be made suitable for general use.

The next 3 pages outline the 3 parts of the proposal in some more detail, with examples.
The final page is a wish list that will grow and shrink over time.]


Callander is a community that lives in a varied landscape and its life is shaped dramatically by climate
and weather. The community has a long history but has always had to adjust to the ongoing climate.
Climate determines what parts of our landscape can be used for habitation and for other human
activities. Much of the landscape is too wet or too cold or too exposed for community use. As
climate changes, the land changes and the community needs to adapt.


Because of this, Callander is a highly suitable location for letting people experience how strongly
communities, even in the prosperous west, are dependent on climate. We propose a broad project
intended to demonstrate the meaning (past, present and future) of climate and climate-change for
communities. New technology opens up innovative, immersive and appealing ways of doing this.


The broad concept is to deliver this experience as an attraction for visitors to the area. The
experience will be educational and entertaining at the same time. We propose three different types
of infrastructure:

  1. trails and tours through the landscape that would involve only internet resources;


  2. observatories at specific places in the landscape that would involve physical structures/buildings;

  3. a hub close to the centre of town to hold a permanent exhibition.


The Landscape

image of landscape

This picture shows how Callander is sheltered beneath the surrounding landscape. It is just out of
sight in the narrow gap beneath the Crags (visible just right of centre and Cock Hill (to the right of
the Venachar dam).




CCC Minutes February 2021


This picture shows the three main valleys that drain through the gap between Callander Crags and
Cock Hill. The main valley here, broad and fertile, is Venachar and the river Eas Gobhain drains it
round Cock Hill (right). Coming from the upper left and out of sight, the Garbh Uisage comes down
from Loch Lubnaig. Centre ahead lies the upland moor that drains through the Leny burn into the
Garbh Uisage.


These three very different watercourses define what happens at Callander. Altitude and gradient
profile determine their individual characteristics. Whatever happens in Callander has begin in these
three rivers.


Land use for human habitation, agriculture and transport depends on the land being:

  • not too wet (flooding and saturation are problems)

  • not too high (extreme cold is a problem)

  • not too steep (high gradients make building and access difficult)

  • not too windy

    The portions of this landscape that are suitable, when set against these criteria, are limited. They are
    determined by the climate. As climate changes, so will patterns of land use need to change.


    The Visitor Experience

    The purpose of this is to provide an engrossing visitor experience. Visitors could focus on different
    climatic themes. Here are 6 themes that the experience can be built around:

  • Geology: climate is directly linked to glaciation, narrow glens and broad straths.

  • Natural History: climate is visible from ancient forests, peatland, marshland and

  • Human settlements: Pre-history, Romans, Picts, settlers on Claish land - all choosing
    local sites and getting a living determined by climate, geology and natural history.

  • Economy: iron working, forestry, agriculture, water resources and tourism – all
    determined by climate, geology, natural history and settlement.

  • Food: what food can our landscape & climate produce?

  • Leisure & Culture:


    Visitors would access high-tech interpretation:

    You are at Cock Hill. There is a quickly growing summer thunder cloud. VR technology allows you to

    watch it from a bird’s eye-view and see how quickly the form changes.

  • Experience wind, watch it blow weather down Loch Venachar

  • Experience daylight levels, watch the place of sunset change (and the effect of hills on

  • VR demos of land surface characteristics: incident light, temperature, water saturation,
    vegetation colours

    For all of these applications, you can see the past (replay last 24hrs or last year) as well as the



    CCC Minutes February 2021


    Trails and Tours concept

    The idea is to deliver information and interactive experiences to people as they follow trails along
    well established routes in the landscape. Technologies would include augmented reality. The routes
    are chosen for ease of access, suitability for most and the opportunities that they offer for
    understanding climate and community.

    For example:


    a) Cock Hill & Ben Gullipen

    This route explores how Callander sits in
    the narrow gap between Cock Hill and
    the Crags. A large portion of the
    catchment area for this narrow gap can
    be seen and the three main valleys that
    dominate everything.


    All the water that falls to the north and
    west of this gap as far as can be seen all
    has to move through this gap.


    At the same time, the land south of
    Callander is markedly different, the
    terminal moraine of an ancient glacier,
    now agricultural.

    image of a landscape

    Snow covered landscape

    b) Bochastle & Stank Glen

    This route explores the Pass of Leny, an
    transport link northwards.


    A detour to Samson’s putting stone
    shows the difference between the broad
    valley of Venachar and the narrow rocky
    valley of Lubnaig.

    Clouds roll over landscape



    CCC Minutes February 2021


    Observatories concept

    This is not a single building project, but instead a distributed network of highly inter-linked
    observation posts, some small and some large. Each would be specialised for observing one or a few
    topics. The structures should be iconic and sympathetic. The concept is that people would visit the
    observatories and spend an hour or more, watching the landscape but also watching live feed from
    various sources (weather radar, person movements from IAS tower, etc). Typically the observatories
    would be placed on prominences where landscape features provide a dominant experience.


    For example:


    a) a wooden tower rising above the tree
    line at the top of Coilhallan would allow
    observation of weather coming from the
    west and running along the length of

    Snow over landscape

    b) Samson’s putting stone (no structure
    needed) would allow observation of
    human habitation and activity throughout
    the area.

    Blue skies over landscape



    CCC Minutes February 2021


    The Hub

    An iconic new built structure. Ideally on the 70m contour of the south river bank (Claish Farm) just
    west of the proposed new bridge. It would be planned to make this a building a bit like a sea-life
    centre, but with a focus on the local landscape and rivers. The Sill, National Landscape Discovery
    Centre, Northumberland is a model of what might be achieved. See:



    This would have static and interactive interpretations and exhibitions. See this for an example:

    For example:


    A group of people are sitting around
    a table at Claish. They are looking at
    a VR model showing the area
    roughly bounded by Ben Ledi, Ben
    Gullipen and Uamh Beah which
    appears to float as a 2m cube object
    in front of them. Someone says “It’s
    raining over Ben Ledi, I’d like to see
    where the water is in this landscape
    right now” and presses a button.

    The surface of the virtual object is
    false coloured to show water; they
    can see the rainfall move. Someone
    else says, “Where are the people
    now?”. They can zoom in to
    Callander itself and see (not
    individual people) but false colours
    showing where most people are.
    “Where’s energy being used now?”
    and so on.



    VR model of landscape



    CCC Minutes February 2021


    Appendix: Data Wishlist


    Static Data Maps

    A high resolution data map for each of these would support VR applications:

  • soil type

  • soil depth

  • rock type

  • altitude

  • vegetation type


    Dynamic Data streams

    Networks of sensors, recording and transmitting information.
    Focus 1: Watercourses

  • Flow rate every 15 minutes

  • Water depth every 15 minutes

  • Water temperature every 15 minutes

  • pH every day


    Focus 2: Ridges/land masses

  • Sky colour and intensity every minute

  • Rainfall every minute

  • Incident light (eg sunlight) every minute

  • Air temperature every minute

  • Windspeed every minute

  • Soil temperature every hour

  • Soil saturation every hour

  • Foliage spectroscopy every day


    Focus 3: People

  • Vehicle sensors

  • (count & speed) every second

  • Footfall sensors every second

  • Air temperature every minute



CCC Minutes February 2021


Callander and COP26

To help Callander survive and thrive post-pandemic by linking climate & community projects based
in Callander to COP26 – called ‘Callander COP26 Fringe’


  • To provide rural accommodation and hospitality to COP26 delegates, supporters and other
    visitors to give support to local businesses trying to recover from pandemic

  • To provide exhibition and off-site tours/trails for COP26 attendees and visitors coming to
    Callander for Callander COP26 Fringe


    Secondary Scope

  • To develop a legacy project from COP26, contributing to a longer-term Callander Climate &

    Community ‘Observatory’ with indoor and outdoor attractions.


    Team and Responsibilities




    1o Area of Responsibility


    Helen Terry


    Coordination and organization of


    Marilyn Moore

    Callander Enterprise

    Accommodation and Hospitality

    Links to COP26


    Roger Watt


    Broad concept, trails/tours detail



    McLaren Leisure

    E transport and exhibition


    Pamela Horne

    Education and

    Educational projects with CPS and
    McLaren HS


    Susan Holden


    CVIC activities for COP26



    Current Work

    1. Broad Concept (urgent)

    2. Feasibility: Accommodation and Hospitality and related transport

    3. Feasibility: Study Trails/Tours and related transport

    4. Indoor exhibits (McLaren and VIC)

    5. Multi-media marketing & educational web materials (RSE and?? CPS and McLaren HS, Other?)


    Other items for later consideration:

  • Marketing and Communication of events

  • Development of legacy project – scoping of project, identifying partner organisations and
    funding sources



CCC Minutes February 2021


Callander South Strategy: Callander Climate and Community Hub

Please see plan of potential key links across the Teith below.

This layout plan is

  1. a suggestion to integrate some of the proposals and ideas that keep getting referred to but never
    seem to get more fully developed for an eventual CCC contribution to the LPP.

  2. specifically a proposal to reserve the location (marked River & Burn Observatory) for the
    proposed Climate and Community Hub Development

The location is of considerable strategic importance for the development in Callander as a
destination. It has good links to the centre of town, via footpaths and in due course via new river
crossings. It is therefore highly desirable that this location is used to benefit the whole town and not
one developer.

CCC is asked to:

  1. receive & discuss the plan

  2. to consider the proposal to reserve this location from other developments

  3. to liaise with other Callander organizations to establish a community view on the proposal
    David Moore, Planning Correspondent

Roger Watt, Planning & Ccc
Brian Luti, Planning

