Nov 2021 Minutes


Callander Community Council

Approved minutes of the meeting: Monday 8th November 2021
On-line meeting via Zoom


Community Councillors present: Susan Holden (SH) – Chair, John Watson (JW – part time)) , Olga Watkins
(OW), David Moore (DM), Marilyn Moore (MM), Moe Guertin (MG), David King (DK), Bev Field (BF)

Also in attendance: Ward Councillor, Jeremy McDonald (JM), Town Co-ordinator Helen Terry (HT), plus
several members of the public.

Apologies: None given

Abbreviations: All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community Development
Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park; FLS=
Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC = Callander Community.

Chair of Meeting: Susan Holden






A1 Introduction

SH welcomed all to the meeting, including MF, two members of the public and the
Stirling Observer reporter.


A2 Recording

SH stated that the meeting was being recorded for the purposes of minute taking
only, as previously agreed and minuted.

Given the ongoing lack of an official minute taker, one specific Member is taking
responsibility for each Agenda section and these will be consolidated, checked and

circulated as normal.


A3 Apologies

Apologies received from Ward Councillors Evelyn Tweed and Martin Earl.

OW reported that JW may not be able to attend as he had been ill..


A4 Agenda items; declarations of specific interest

There were no declarations of interest.




B1 Minutes of the previous meeting.

DM raised a correction to the draft minutes under item D1 Planning. The reference to
the new railings on the pavement in Pearl Street should read ‘appeared to be on a
public right of way’. There were no other amendments. The amended draft minutes

were proposed by DM, seconded by MM and accepted unanimously.


B2 Matters arising

SH and OW explained the introduction of an action point table at the end of the
Minutes. The intension was to provide a quick check list for CC members use, the
format was a work in progress being improve with experience.

JW joined the meeting


B3 Co-opted members

SH announced that the two co-opted members – Bev Field and David King having now
served on 3 CCC meetings were now eligible to become full members of Callander
Community Council. BF and DK both confirm that they wished to become full

members. SH called the election.


CCC November 2021 Minutes




Bev Field was proposed by MM and seconded by DM then confirmed as a full member
with 5 votes (unanimous by those present)

David King was proposed by OW and seconded by MG then confirmed as a full
member with 5 votes (unanimous by those present)

JW dropped out of the meeting and did not vote.


B4 Additional Community Councillors

There was a brief discussion on advertising for additional Community Council, it was agreed
that this should be done as soon as practical. MF confirmed that BF and DK were now entitled
to vote on all matters and the proposal was agreed unanimously by those present

SH to action
vacancies and

B5 Notices, Agendas & Minutes,

Notice of CCC meetings must be posted 10 days before the meeting, agenda issued
not later than the day of the meeting, the approved minutes of the previous meeting
to be made available to Stirling Council and to the public as soon as possible after the
meeting. OW indicated her intention to issue the notice of a meeting 14 days before
the meeting, the indicative agenda including key issues 4 days before the meeting,
this would be updated on the day of the meeting if necessary. Notices and Agendas
would be displayed in the Post Office the Library and on the VIC notice board.

Approved Minutes of the previous meeting would be available in the Library.


OW to action

B6 Minute Taker

SH restated the need for CCC to have a regular minute taker, MF was making enquires
within Stirling Council. DM asked if the display screen in the VIC could display and

advertisement for the position. All would be followed up.


MF pursuing

B7 Objection

DK expressed concern that one of the screens on display in the meeting was showing
a political stance. MF confirmed that this was not permitted. This appeared to be a
mistake because connection problems had required a change of device. An apology
was made to all and accepted.

JW left the meeting


B8 Annual General Meeting

BF asked when all CCs should return to the previous practice of holding AGMs in April,
May or June. SH proposed April, seconded by MG, this was unanimously agreed by
the 7 members present. MF indicated that this meant that the next AGM would be on
Monday 11th April 2022

OW to
arrange public
notices for
AGM 14 days



C1 Local Place Plan update (HT)

  1. Discussions with neighbouring places continue. Killin, Balquhidder and Strathyre
    have completed their LPPs and Aberfoyle is starting their final consultation. The
    discussions seek to identify areas of common concern with a view to investigating
    the potential for linked initiatives arising from the communities Place Plan

  2. Responses for the LPP are needed from all areas of Callander.

  3. HT had discussion with Stirling Roads about their 2019 Traffic Capacity
    assessment. She also discussed the potential for a pedestrian bridge and thinks
    that there is a potential way forward if the community votes to make this a
    priority in the LPP.

  4. 5 focus groups now done. HT questioned whether or not we needed to continue

with them, as most comments are now about non-planning issues.


Carry forward
for wider
discussion at
the December



CCC November 2021 Minutes




  1. The Place Standard Survey will be rolled out in December and will run until
    January 30th, 2022. Hard copies will be available on request or at the library. HT
    has written an article for the next BLV to promote the Place Standard Survey.

  2. The High School Survey - still awaiting replies. The answers so far would suggest
    that the High School students “liked living here”.

JM was asked if the community could feed in suggestions from the LPP to the
planners of the Claish Farm development, before they presented their draft plan in
April 2022. He suggested writing to SC development team with suggestions.


C2 Public request for pedestrian crossing near the High School

A request has been sent by ME to SC regarding this and it is being considered


C3 Proposed care home at Lagrannoch

DM referred to the Planning Report. The development looked reasonable, seemed to
be of a good standard and the site was appropriate. There was an area left clear for
“future development” – could this be used for as the access link route to a future road
a bridge?

Discussion about community involvement. CCC felt it was important to have a
meeting for the public to ask questions. DM will contact the NP and the Care Home
providers to see if they would attend a public meeting as soon as possible. Full

planning permission is being sought, so as soon as possible..

DM to contact
the developer
about a

C4 Water tap in Ancaster Square

This was discussed and it was highlighted that Paul Fraser, some High School students,
Callander Against Plastics and some CCC members had proposed and developed the
project with Scottish Water. The tap was now in place and waiting for it to be fully


Sh to contact
SW to update
Paul fraser
and group.

C5 ‘Happy To Chat’ Bench

SC will permit the community 2 benches to have “ Happy to Chat” plaques put onto
them. One will be in Ancaster Square North and one will be in the Meadows – we
need to decide which benches will be most suitable There will be a cost for the
plaques and their attachment, which all agreed that CCC will fund.

Voting: show of hands. Unanimous agreement.


DK to carry
forward with



D1 Community Council Office Bearers

Written report submitted


MG read a statement from JW: JW apologised for his ‘Aye’ photograph. This
appeared because of a technical problem.

He stated the schedule for the Remembrance Sunday service, procession and wreath
laying that will take place on Sunday 14th November 2021

He noted that 2021 is the centenary of the Royal British Legion and that Callander is
one of only 14 Scottish branches that have kept going for the full century.


Written report submitted.

Additionally, MF has posted an advert for a minute taker on Stirling Council’s website.
Due to the minute taker vacancy, the recording of minutes of this meeting is being
shared by a number of councillors to allow OW to participate more fully in the






CCC November 2021 Minutes





Written report submitted.

Additionally, an application for Airtricity funding was received today. MM has drafted
an email to Greencoat informing them of this and requesting an urgent response.

SH supported that this should be done as soon as possible.

This application will be discussed by Community Councillors prior to the next meeting.
MM proposed that signatories to the CCC Bank accounts should be as follows:

Chair Susan Holden, Vice-Chair John Watson, Secretary Dr. Olga Watkins, Treasurer

Marilyn Moore

This was unanimously agreed.


Report submitted including site plan of proposed care home at Lagrannoch site.
Discussed earlier in C3.


Report submitted.

Additionally, MG stated that he has 3 zoom expense claims to submit.




All to review



D2 Statutory Bodies:


Report submitted. No comments.


Stirling Council

No written report submitted

  • Claish Farm – DM confirmed that McLaren Leisure was engaged with the working
    group developing a brief for the Prinary School/Campus proposed development.

  • Flooding – following a meeting with Maria Lucey (SC), a provisional list of
    realistic/practical proposals will soon be available for discussion, decision making
    and funding requests. There was some discussion around the options as they
    currently stand.

    SH will invite Maria Lucey to attend the December CCC meeting if she is at an
    appropriate stage to report on progress then.

  • City of Culture – Stirling’s is one of last 8 proposals. The bid encompasses the
    entire area, not just the city. JM believes that this is an opportunity to engage
    with cultural heritage of the communities throughout the Stirling District. MM
    highlighted some of the heritage and cultural work that has taken place in

  • New River crossing - JM stated that he is happy to support the Callander
    community in this and has been discussing it with ME.

  • Care - There is currently a consultation as to whether there should be a national
    care service or whether additional funding should be given to councils to improve
    care services.


    National Park

    No report submitted.
    ME report via SH:

  • South Loch Venacher - ME will meet again with residents and National Park later
    in the month. He and possibly some of the residents will report fully at the
    December meeting.









CCC November 2021 Minutes






E1 Airtricity

Report submitted, covered under the Treasurer’s section. The situation is still
unresolved. Greencoat Capital (the administering body for Airtricity) will be meeting
in mid-November.

An application has just been received for an Airtricity grant from a local social

enterprise organisation. It will be reviewed, but further information is awaited from
Greencoat who have been informed of the receipt of the application.


MM to

E2 Motorhomes

At a meeting was held 8th November between CCC, NP and SC indicated that they had
planned for 4 motorhome bays in Station Road car park. CCC requested that SC
identify more places as there are often 12 or 14 motorhomes staying overnight.

Investment in Aires-style facilities is not likely to happen until 2023. However, NP
indicated that they had money for Aires infrastructure across the park, now classed as
capital items.

CCC will push for the programme to be implemented as soon as possible because this

has been considered urgent and has been on-going for at least 5 years and there is
not yet a plan to put to the Community for consultation.



E3 Camp Place Play Park and BMX track

Written report submitted. Update information – meeting with SC to agree actions and
responses to the Green Recovery Grant queries from NP. Play equipment now
ordered, ongoing issues with delivery times. These might impact date(s) of play park

BMX Track

Reminder given to SC at the Play Park meeting for a decision on the proposed plan for
reinstating the BMX/Bike track. SC will follow up, but it will go to senior management

for a decision.


MM to

E4 St.Kessogs

A report was submitted by TC, mainly detailing the meeting notes from 19th October
meeting with Stirling Council and the architects.

A question was raised as to where the Registrar’s office would be but this important
function has not yet been included in the plans.

The architects will be meeting with the library staff soon.

It is anticipated that the Stage 2 design will be signed off by end December with a
meeting prior to that on 17th November. However, meetings are still to be held with
the NP planners and various other groups including the Stirling Access panel as there
are accessibility issues with the building


TC to progress

E5 Environment

See also under AOB. Opportunity for training and support from Keep Scotland
Beautiful for Callander to create a Callander Climate Action Plan. This could link in
part to the LPP which would have legislative force behind it and better options for

Unanimous agreement for MM and Carol McGowan to proceed with application. BF
has offered to review as CCC representative on LPP and SH has also offered to


MM/BF to





CCC November 2021 Minutes




E6 Flooding

Covered under Part D by JM in verbal presentation from Stirling Council. Ward
councillors have met with SC Team Lead Maria Lucey who went through the modelling
work being done.

Community consultation will be held once all information is available to narrow down

flood scheme options.


All – review
progress at
next meeting.

E7 Roads, Parking, Pavements

No particular updates apart from references by JM about parking management plan
for Callander still being deferred.






F1 Community Climate Action Plan proposal

MM explained that, following the September Climate Fringe Event activities, Keep
Scotland Beautiful had contacted the organisers offering a training programme
opportunity as part of a potential Climate Action Plan. This involves submitting the
answers to 7 questions by 12 November. BF and SH offered to help with the
application. MM accepted.


All. Review at
next meeting

F2 Coillhallan Wood Group

SH referred to the past unsuccessful application for SLF funding for community
purchase of Coillhallan Wood

Lesley Hawkins (LH) had informed us of the formation of a new/expanded group and
would welcome a CC rep.

BF will attend their initial meeting on 10 November in a personal capacity

Decide at 13
meeting if we
should have a


in the group.

F3 Date of next Scheduled Meeting

This will be on 13.12.21 at 7.30 pm Live or online tbc.

MF apologised for absence in advance but confirmed a colleague would attend in her


The meeting ended at 21.58.



Actions Summary





C1 - Commence co-option process



C3- Contact care home developer



C5 – progress with SC re bench plaques



D1 – complete arrangement for wreath laying ceremony



D1 – monitor progress for a new minute secretary



D1 – continue to chase Greencoat re Airtricity





CCC November 2021 Minutes


Actions Summary





D1 – submit expense claims



D2 – to pursue with Sc the need for a new river crossing



D2 – Contact Maria Lucey



D2 – meet NP officers & Loch Venacher residents



E1 – to chase Greencoat re contract



E2 – pursue NP & Sc for a more urgent solution



E4 – attend next meeting with SC



E5 – report on developments



F1 – Review at next meeting



F2 - Decide on CCC representation