January 2022 Minutes

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Callander Community Council

Adopted minutes of the meeting: Monday 10th January 2022 On-line meeting via Zoom

Community Councillors present: Susan Holden (SH) – Chair, John Watson (JW) , Olga Watkins (OW), David Moore (DM), Marilyn Moore (MM), Moe Guertin (MG), Bev Field(BF), David King (DK).

Also in attendance: Ward Councillors Martin Earl (ME), Jeremy McDonald (JM), Town Co-ordinator Helen Terry (HT), Regine Watson (RW) – minute taker, Ray Watkins (TRW), Ian McCourt (IM), Crawford Bell (CB) – Stirling Council Legal Services, Sue King (SK) – St Kessogs Working Group, plus several members of the public.

Apologies: Evelyn Tweed

Abbreviations : All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC = Callander Community.

Chair of Meeting: Susan Holden





1a. Welcome and Structure

SH welcomed everyone to the meeting including CB, TRW, IM and several members of the public.

SH apologised for the wrong zoom link information on the agenda.

SH advised that another item had been added to the agenda in relation to problems with the public toilets in the Station Road car park over the Christmas period.


1b. Recording for Minute Taker & Meeting Protocols

SH stated that the meeting was being recorded for the purposes of minute taking only, as previously agreed and minuted.

SH spoke about the recording of people’s names in the minutes and advised that permission would be sought to quote a person’s name in the minutes if they are representing an organisation.


1c. Apologies & Members of the Public Present

Apologies – Evelyn Tweed.

Several members of the public were present.




2a Minutes – Meeting 13/12/21 (Part 1), and Meeting 20/12/21 (Part 2)

SH noted that that the previous CCC meeting was held in 2 parts (13/12/21 & 20/12/21), and a lesson had been learned that, in future, there should be no more than 1 presentation per meeting.

There were no amendments to the draft minutes.

Meeting of 13/12/21 (Part 1) – the draft minutes were proposed by DM, seconded by MM, and unanimously approved.

Meeting of 20/12/21 (Part 2) – the draft minutes were proposed by JW, seconded by MG, and unanimously approved.


2b Matters Arising

2b (i) Flooding Community Engagement Plan



It was felt that the dates for the various parts of the plan were very tight, and that it was not clear exactly what people were being asked to comment on.

SH highlighted a letter sent to her by Ian McCourt (IM) following ML’s presentation at the last meeting.

It was agreed that CCC were happy to be a communications channel, but that they needed to know (from Stirling Council) exactly what to communicate. JW to work with SH to put together a response to ML. IM to pursue ML from his own group’s perspective.

2b (ii) Resilience Plan

MG had previously said he would collate ideas/information in the wake of Storm Arwen, and was currently doing this. A public meeting was also to be held.

MG was drafting an email to organisations involved in Storm Arwen’s response to see if they would be willing to attend a meeting, see what they would be willing to offer, and to see if any organisation would be willing to take the lead.

MM highlighted the need for support services (e.g. offering refuge, food, pet care, volunteer lists).

MG highlighted a suggestion that there could be a pre-designated place for people to go to where they could get information e.g. if the power is off, there is no mobile phone network etc.

SH asked that any more ideas should be sent to MG as soon as possible.

2b (iii) St Kessogs Working Party Update

There had been no more meetings since last time. TC had had some comments back, and some questions. He was going to speak to Stirling Council with any questions he had not been able to answer. Further meetings with Stirling Council to take place in January (13 th & 14th) to discuss the operational plan in more detail. TC confirmed the operational plans, building plans and walk-through had been shared. SH asked that any additional comments be sent to TC before 13th January.

2b (iv) LPP

Written report submitted.

HT advised that the St Kessogs development would be included in the LPP (as it was not currently in there).

BF to send some information (copy of statement) to HT. BF offered HT her assistance with some of the work needed.

BF queried whether the community would be able to get notification of any areas being sold next to play parks etc., and said that CCC would have registered their interest if they had been informed (about the field next to the play park).

SH asked BF to send a proposal to the CCC members.


2c Presentation and Voting on one co-opted member

A brief presentation was given by Ray Watkins (TRW), where he highlighted his background, achievements and reasons for wishing to become a community councillor.

TRW’s co-opted membership was proposed by MG, and seconded by DM. There was a unanimous vote (7/7) for him to become a co-opted member, and this was agreed. SH highlighted that after attending 3 meetings, he can then join as a full member of the CCC.




There were no invited guests today.



PART D: REPORTS (tabled in advance, and questions only)


3a. Office bearers


3a (i) Chair


Written report submitted.


SH had written an article on what the CCC was doing for the Ben Ledi View, and was hopeful it would be printed.


3a (ii) Vice-chair


No report submitted. JW reported that a local resident had advised him that the cycle path between Callander and Keltie Bridge was flooding again. JW to contact ME.


3a (iii) Secretary


No report submitted. OW welcomed the new minute taker, Regine Watson.


A grateful traveller who sent in a letter last month (about hospitality received by her in Callander during Storm Arwen) had given her permission to put the letter in the Ben Ledi View. The Riverside Inn and Chinese Village Restaurant were still to be contacted to ask for their preferred group for her donation. OW to do this.


Only one nomination (by email) received so far for Citizen of The Year Award. Nominations were still welcome, and should be sent to OW.


3a (iv) Treasurer


Written report submitted. MM had received some more invoices since submitting her report. Bank card from Bank of Scotland was still not received, and any payments were being made by cheque.


3a (v) Planning


Written report submitted.


3a (vi) Website/Communications


No report submitted. MG had found the bench which was previously moved in Ancaster Square and had moved it back to cover the tripping hazard. MG to follow up with Stirling Council so that they ensure it does not create a tripping hazard when moving it in future.


3b. Statutory Bodies:

3b (i) Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park (Planning Sub-group)

Written report submitted.

3b (ii) Police

Written report submitted.

3b (iii) Stirling Council

Written report submitted. ME also gave the following update: -

· A Children’s and Young Person’s Committee meeting has been scheduled for 25th January, due to concerns raised in the Health and Well-being survey which went out to school pupils

· There was potential for the car outside the Post Office to be moved

· Main Street resurfacing was previously meant to take place in March 2022. There were possible issues with this.

· Repairs between Callander and Kilmahog (after Storm Arwen) were still needed



  • Signage at Bridgend – meeting to be rearranged. A full assessment as to how it will all work is being sought

· Railings on pavement in Pearl Street. ME was unsure, but thought that Stirling Council was in correspondence with the owner (with a view to their removal)

3b (iv) National Park

No report submitted. Draft Management Plan for South Venachar is still awaited.


3c. Other Callander organisations Town Coordinator

Written report submitted (see Matters Arising)




4. Specific groups 4a. Airtricity

Still no response from Airtricity in relation to funds, and applications were suspended for the time being.


4b. Motorhomes

No updates reported.


4c. Camp Place Play Park and BMX track

Budget work this month to finalise the National Park award. All the play equipment, fencing and gates had been ordered.

Possibility of some suitable logs for the play park had been identified and was being followed up.


4d. St. Kessogs

See 2b(iii).


4e. Environment

Nothing reported.


4f. Flooding

See 2b(i).


4g. Roads, parking, pavements

SH was hopeful that GA (new associate member) would take on any concerns in relation to roads and noted that JW would be speaking to GA and would be his link.




5. General concerns

5a. Nominations for Citizen of The Year

Nominations to be submitted by 31st January at the latest. Vote (by CCC members) to take place at February meeting, with March as a fallback if needed due to some

members’ absence.


5b. Callander Public Toilets

SH advised that Anne Docherty (AD) had contacted her. AD had advised that the public toilets (at Station Road Car Park) were closed over the Christmas period, and that she had sent a formal complaint to Stirling Council about this, emphasizing the



importance of the public toilets to visitors, being the only toilets in the town. ME advised he had also raised this with SC. There was a brief discussion about the importance of the toilets being open.

MM highlighted that there was a Yale lock on the disabled toilets, which would prevent disabled people accessing the toilets with a Radar key when the toilets are closed.

SH advised that she would also send a note of concern to SC. ME stated this should be sent to Drew Leslie and Janice Fanning Facilities Manager (both of SC).


5c. Bus Timetable

MM highlighted changes to the bus timetable which mean a very reduced service at the moment. There was a discussion, and queries raised about this possibly being temporary and due to driver shortages. HT advised she was talking to people in other local areas (Aberfoyle, Killin, Strathyre, and Balquhidder) about a possible joint approach to transport issues. SH suggested pulling GA into this. ME to email David

Hopper for more information. SH suggested asking First Bus whether the changes were temporary or permanent.


5d. Meadows Hill

DK advised that a member of the public had highlighted the severe erosion on the north side of the hill, and whether SC could address this and repair it. ME asked that photos of the hill and erosion be sent to Stephen Bly, who could then forward it on to the relevant SC contact.

TC highlighted the hill was a historic monument. DK to email the details to OW to take forward.


5e.Riverside Walk

DK queried the possibility of lighting being put in place along the Riverside walkway in the Meadows. The benefits from a safety point of view were highlighted, as well as concerns about the possible impact on wildlife. SH stated that this would be taken forward to the next meeting.



Monday 14 February at 7.30pm. Place and format to be confirmed.
