Feb 2021 Minutes

Approved Minutes 132 Cambusbarron Community Council February 2021


Members and office bearers

Marion MacAllister, Chair (MMacA) Janice Paterson, Vice Chair, (JP)
Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR)

Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM) *
Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell (DC)

Richard Blore (RB) Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep *
Christine Simpson, elected rep (CS) Neil Benny (NB) elected rep

Pam Campbell, Stirling Council (PC) Pam King, police (PK) *

Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH)* Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)


  1. Introductions and Welcome

    1. The Chair welcomed everyone to this first meeting via Zoom and thanked everyone
      for their support through the past few months, it was greatly appreciated.


    2. *Apologies were received from Mark Hill, Scott Farmer, Jennifer Macleod, Cathie
      Graham, PC Pam King.


  2. Minutes of previous meeting

    1. The minutes /January 131 report were approved with no amendments.
      Proposed AF, Seconded JP

      ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.


  3. Matters arising

    1. Map project on hold

    2. Burnside orchard; now weather has improved RB will make a start. There was a
      discussion regarding funding for this.

    3. Bridge – RB hopes to do something this week RB.

      Regarding Stirling Council - DC to ask if offer of free materials still open

      ACTION MMacA will follow up.


    4. Footpath project – AF – grant scheme opening on 1 March. There was a discussion
      regarding difficulties in proceeding owing to ownership of land going onto Burkhill
      Road. The Footpath Officer is unavailable at present. Owners of house involved
      with Greener Cambusbarron – could ask. DC has email.


      DC to give KR information on doing a land search. CC can pick up costs. £30?


      DECISION It was agreed that AF and MMacA would submit funding application for
      access path. ACTION AF/MMacA


  4. Reports

    1. School Report [HT] attached as Appendix I

    2. Police Report received after the meeting, attached as Appendix VI

    3. Planning – [JP] attached as Appendix II
      3 applications:

      Extension to rear of house Stewart St, External flue property Bobbin Wynd and
      porch at 130 Gillies Hill. No issues.

    4. Greener Cambusbarron [MMacA]

      Nothing at this time of year, plans being made for the Spring.


      HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

    5. CCDT [AF]

      Can’t cut any more trees yet. Grants through for tools etc. Clearing back a lot of
      rhododendrons, done more of the gardens.


      1. Welcome packs completed. Have leaflets, defibrillator info etc. MN has taken the
        lead on this. Will be renewed, updated for new residents.


      2. Defibrillator project finished. Leaflets out. Trying to get more people trained. Some
        money left to purchase supplies for defibrillator.


    6. Treasurer's Report [MN]
      Attached as Appendix III.

Foundation Scotland finances arrived. Multipark.
Balance is £2795.81

Waiting for receipts/invoice for Kersebonny benches.
Expenditure last month: clerk’s fee, reimbursing Vice Chair.


  1. Main agenda

    1. Persimmons adoption

      Latest NB has said that can’t push any further. Irate residents want to go onto
      Vodafone, City Fibre project. Awaiting remedial works. Land acquisition legal
      process needs to be completed.


      There was a discussion as to how best to update residents what is happening.
      NB to contact Persimmons again. ACTION NB.

      The CC will circulate an information sheet depending on the outcome of this.
      It is believed 121 houses are affected.


    2. Upgrade to play facilities

      AF, JP, MN had TEAMS meeting with Donna Mills at SC. Unfortunately, there is so
      much damage in toddlers’ area, a lot of basic work is required before can move
      onto other things. SC will pay for this.

      Hope to have something done before summer. Unpaid group Community Payback
      were going to paint fence etc. can’t do work during lockdown restrictions. Money
      will come from Foundation Scotland.


      CC has bought Multi Play Park equipment. Will be put in football park. Once
      installed at SC expense they will insure and maintain it.


      Asked them to look at instead of one set of goals there will be two sets and grass
      will be flattened so it forms a proper pitch. Can offer this facility to the school.


      JP – concern about dog fouling in park and football area.

      Grids – have been removed. Council say they will put up gates.
      Can they ban dogs from park? With holes etc. in fence not secure.

      NB – this was part of a discussion at the environment committee. Changes could
      ban dogs from toddler play area, 5-6 months on park rules.


      AF if not a dog warden there is little point in the rules. NB would become a legal


      HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

      AF would also need a gate from Persimmons.


    3. School Support - Historic Quiz – walking quiz so adults and children explore village
      together. Thanks to KR for hard work on this. Will be sent out at a task next week.


      Well in the park mossed up – date not very clear. Amended to date park was


    4. Cambusbarron Fund

      Foundation Scotland has been in touch. Don’t have panel to adjudicate applications.
      Difficulties owing to lockdown. Will continue as CC to be adjudicating panel. FS
      says can work in two ways;

      1. open fund at beginning of every month, decision to be made that month or

      2. continue in quarterly manner so panel would meet four times a year.

        Unanimous DECISION to stick to quarterly. Always microgrants if money required
        urgently. Can be reviewed when panel can be formed.


        ACTION MMacA contact Rachel Searle Mbulu– advertise and let people know.


    5. Reports to Community Engagement

      1. Blister packs on Burnside and path between Took Road and football park.
        JP huge amount at Burnside. Also along pavement Kings Park.

        Discussion of Just Three Words app – KR not very reliable. Every 3 metres has 3
        words associated with it. But misspelling causes problems. An OS grid reference or
        descriptor is better.


      2. Culvert – gates at side of Co Operative stopping debris getting into culvert filter –
        hake – has come away from banking. DC says should be SC Flood Officers.
        MMacA got in touch with Community Engagement, no response. ACTION NB.


    6. Community Pride Application

      Next opening deadline 9 March. Greener Cambusbarron wants to apply for
      materials for new season. DECISION unanimous consent for this application.


      AF – website dates incorrect/unclear? Says up to 31 March 2021 and last time
      could claim was 2 February. ACTION NB.


    7. Freedom of Information enquiry

      AF/MMacA asked for number of pupils at primary school and numbers school could
      hold. Barratt thought sitting on 69% capacity. SF got figures 86% capacity.
      Someone opened Freedom of Information enquiry. Instead of speaking to CC they
      went down this line.


      NB this has been happening recently. How much money spending on fuel. Opened
      FoI on this. Discussion at Group Secretaries meeting. Not necessary to raise these.
      ACTION NB will make some enquiries.


    8. Recruitment of younger members

      MMacA spoke with CG at length. Has sent birthday card for birthday next week.
      Recruitment of youth – parish council way of encouraging young people onto CC.
      Think about recruiting younger people, up to age 30. Inviting senior pupils, P7?
      Keep as ongoing item.


      HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

    9. Quarry Road [DC]
      Attached as Appendix IV

      5.9.1 Two problems – water welling up at bottom, junction Took Road. Partially solved but
      hasn’t heard what remedial work has been done.


      5.9.10 Second issue caused by flooding. Embankment has been washed down. Kerb line
      moving back into the burn. Residents complaining about damage to property. Virtual
      meeting to be held with SC, DC and local residents. DC wants SC to take
      responsibility for this area. Have suggested CC need to find out who landowner is.
      Not appreciating that SC did work in Quarry Road about 10 years ago, they adopted
      it and are responsible for the maintenance.


      KB had put wall in garden at Old Toll house.


    10. Murrayshall [DC]
      Attached as Appendix V

      Paterson’s appeal for access. At January meeting said Reporter had requested
      further information. Environmental impact assessment may be required



      19 January Reporter requested further information from SC and Patersons. on 29

      1 February DC submitted CC comments (not requested) asked them to consider
      these, particularly regarding road issues. Received response saying will consider
      and note comments.

      3 February DC submitted comments to DPEA asking if would formally consider.

      3 February Reporter agreed to formally accept comments. Also said would ask SC
      and Patersons to comment on submission.

      Will be invited to formally comment on SC and Patersons submissions.

      9 February SC and Patersons via agents submitted comments. DC examining
      these. Has circulated internally.

      DC has discussed with NB.


    11. ROMP

      January – SC expected this to be completed in early Spring. Now changed to this
      summer. (2017 ROMP) DC doesn’t understand delay in process.

      DC was thanked for his ongoing hard work and attention to the minutiae of this
      process on behalf of the community.


      1. Seven Sisters development

        1. AF and MMacA have had Zoom meetings with Barratt and agent.

          Possibility may have to agree to one block of four – two have to be wheelchair-
          friendly. Barratt do not have any such accommodation for less than four one
          bedroom flats along with a two and two.


          This will form the basis of the CC's objection.


        2. Play equipment – have agreed this is required. Disagreement on location. Will be a
          footpath around development. There will be a meeting on Thursday 18 February
          at 9am.

          Has to be a safe route to school – under discussion.

          Have been friendly and accommodating. Frank discussions. When application goes
          in will be interesting to see what difference the listening has made.


          HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

          There will be no more money for the school. No more differences to routes. Section
          75 is in place.

          £22K per accommodation for school and work being done – query on these
          numbers. £3,630,000?

          MN are they doing anything to the school? Have to give SC money for school.


          MMacA – get communications from residents saying they don’t want this.
          There is misunderstanding about where this process is e.g. Facebook group saying
          should buy it and turn it back to woodland.


          5.11.13 Deep trench – annoyed Barratt doing work before planning granted but it was
          Scottish Power to do with improving stock, have left open trenches. Not Barratt.
          Team furloughed. Expectation of applying for planning permission at end of month.


          Only seem to be 27 vacancies at school? Once Hayford Mill development fully

          AF until planning application is in can’t do much more.


          KR – Facebook pages. Proposes a short post on each saying outline planning
          permission granted, irreversible, next stage is detailed planning which can be
          commented on.

          ACTION – MMacA/AF will circulate post for approval.


      2. Community Council Insurance due for renewal

        Need to itemize things we want insured, quantity, value, total value by 19 March for
        SC. DECISION Agreed unanimously

        ACTION MMacA will circulate.


      3. STEP vacancy

        Looking for volunteers to serve on Board. Let MMacA know if interested. [Stirling
        Enterprise Park.]


      4. Routine Road Maintenance

        1. Nothing scheduled between now and end of March. ACTION ALL advise of any
          things which need work.

        2. JP where City Fibre work is cracking up badly.

          David Corsar contact? DC across road from house City Fibre dug up some areas
          and remedied surfacing?

          NB thought process for checking was over. May be due to complaint. ACTION NB


      5. Litter and dog waste JP

      This is a major issue in the village. There is a dog warden – online number. SC will
      know what actions have been taken before. Subgroup to try to take this forward with
      different ideas. ACTION JP.


      Litter. Burnside has been cleaned up – 2 bags worth of litter. Bikers bit near quarry
      was very bad. This has now been cleared. Could there be a bin near quarry?


      Public Safety Team may be best – ACTION NB will find out best contact. Plain
      clothes patrol was effective. Some people were fined, word got round.


      MN had worked with Keep Scotland Beautiful previously. But bins not being emptied
      as regularly as were previously.


      HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

      Green Dog Walkers scheme. ACTION HB forward info to MMacA.


  2. AOB


    1. Parking across road from Post Office KB

      MN may penalise shops because of inconsiderate parking.

      On double yellow lines. Six cars on junction. Have had police there before.

      ACTION MMacA write to RB and PK asking for this to be monitored. ACTION NB

      to ask traffic wardens to pop in. Best time late afternoon?


    2. People speeding through village. JP witnessed car travelling at 65mph.
      Photos can be taken for the police but not published.


    3. KR – SC Facebook changes to bin collections. Unclear – will we receive something
      regarding this? £35 fee for garden waste. If on Council tax benefit don’t have to pay.
      Meeting next week trying to reverse this.

      Sticker for bin sent after fee paid.


      DC – two or more brown bins. Is this being considered. NB says this being looked
      into, sometime in the summer. Agreed in process, not rolled out yet.


      Household waste – food waste still goes in brown bin. If no sticker will check to see
      if you have garden waste (flowers? Salad?) not collected.


      KR plan to change collection system – frequency – bins collected monthly not
      fortnightly next year.

      Non hazardous waste e.g. nappies, incontinence pads etc. Bin will look same as


    4. JP two bins no salt – how get them refilled. Report to SC.


  3. Items to carry forward for March agenda

    1. Map project

    2. Footpath project

    3. Burnside Orchard

    4. Community Welcome Signs


  4. Date of next meeting

    Tuesday March 16 at 7pm. Zoom link to be advised.


  5. DECISIONS taken at this meeting



2.1 Approved January minutes to AF for Stirling Council HB

5.1 Persimmons - contact again NB

5.4 Cambusbarron Fund MMacA

  1. Community Pride website dates unclear NB

  2. Freedom of Information request issue NB

  1. Seven Sisters Facebook post to be circulated MMacA/AF

  2. Insurance list to be circulated MMacA

  1. Road maintenance ALL

    City Fibre issues NB


    HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

  2. Litter/dog fouling JP

Public safety team NB

Green dog walkers info HB

6.1 Parking issues MMacA/NB

The Meeting closed at 9.05pm


HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

Appendix I HT Update 12.02.21

We are continuing to work in line with Scottish Government Guidance. As I write this,
mindful that there will be a Scot Gov Update on 16th Feb, we are expecting to welcome
Nursery to P3 children back to school on Monday 22nd Feb. We will also continue to run 2
Hub clases for children of Key workers during this time and continue to provision of remote
learning for P4-P7. We are also hoping for a signal to prepare for the return of P4-P7 to be
given so preparations can begin.

Teaching and Learning

We continue to follow our Remote Learning Guide which was created in collaboration with
our Parent Council and staff team. This was created to ensure core, progressive learning
would be delivered remotely and that there are shared expectations for parents and carers
at this time. We understand that every family faces different circumstances. In line with
previous guidance we do not expect parents to home school their children but to support
the learning provided as they can. Parents are not expected to re-create the classroom at
home. It is not our intention to add additional burden to parents who may also be working
from home or juggling other responsibilities. We also appreciate that for some, routine is
best especially when there is so much uncertainty. We also know that our families have
many great ideas for home learning of their own. Our staff are working to provide high
quality learning tasks and we would hope that children would engage as much as is


We have welcomed feedback which helps our team to review and amend provision of
remote learning. In a January survey of school families 97% of respondents stated that
their child/children engaged in remote learning all or some of the time. 84% states that was
being delivered was ‘about right’ with 7% stating it was ‘too little’ and 9% stating it was ‘too
much’. Overall the feedback has been very useful in highlighting areas that we are getting
right and providing suggestions for further development too. These have been explored
with the staff team.


Remote learning is a challenge for all, especially for children who we are working to keep
engaged. For us at Cambusbarron Primary it’s about ensuring (at point of delivery) we
plan and deliver engaging teaching and learning and continue to communicate with and
listen to our families. If we do that we can adapt our offering and provide bespoke support
where required. For our part we are providing

  • Engaging learning suited to remote delivery (e.g. Minimising requirement for printing
    or resources) and accessible on a range of devices. We know that the learning
    must be progressive and differentiated motivate and support children

  • Further engage children by delivering activities for both on and off screen and
    across curricular areas

  • Provide access to any resources families might need e.g. from stationary, paper, to
    lending Chromebooks, iPads etc

  • Hosting running pastoral Google Meets where children can speak to their Teacher
    and peers

  • Pre-recorded videos that explain clearly the task and expectations.

  • Feedback given by teachers that is personalised and meaningful and show we
    value the work our learners are doing.



    HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

  • promote a sense of school community through virtual assemblies, Google meets
    with both teachers and the leadership team and send home awards linked to school
    values that recognise effort and engagement


Outdoor Learning

We are continuing to develop our relationship with Under the Trees to assist us in staff
training and the provision of planned Outdoor Learning for our young people. I believe this
will continue to be an area of development for us moving into the next session. We are
ever grateful for the opportunities our local environment offers us.


Ultimately we understand how important it is for us to be there for our families, to listen to
them and to help ensure that our young people are as engaged as is possible in their

Thank you for taking the time to read my update.
Best wishes,



document image

Mr M Hill


HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021


image of document


HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021



Cambusbarron Community Council Main Account Of this the sum held in trust are



Opening Balance





CHQ 010642 Helen B Minutes


WWW1 Exhib



CHQ 010643 eimburse Janice





F/Scotland BACS


Greener Cambs





Elephant I T Sky





Touch K/BSeats





Micro Grants





Covid-19 S/C





Covid-19 W/F





Multi Playpark










Funds Available


to C/C






HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021



REPORT FOR MEETING 16th February 2021


There has not been a lot of progress on this issue since my last report on 15th October

There may have been an improvement to the issue of water forcing up through the
surfacing of the junction of Quarry rd and Touch rd, but CCC have not been informed what
remedial action if any was carried out to resolve this issue and whether SC consider that
matter resolved.

The property of two Local resident’s has been directly affected by recent flood events, and
despite their admirable perseverance it has not been possible, possibly because of Covid-
19, to arrange a face-to-face meeting with Stirling Council. However, it appears that a
virtual meeting with the residents and myself representing the CC will be arranged soon.

I would intend to focus on

  • Getting feedback from SC on what remedial measures [if any] they have
    undertaken to resolve water issue at the junction of Quarry Rd and Touch rd

  • Clarifying that SC accept responsibility for flood/embankment damage at bottom
    side of Quarry Rd east side.

  • Highlighting the danger to pedestrians /vehicle traffic of embankment slips

  • Asking for SC proposals for remedial action.

I appreciate that the local residents will have a slightly different agenda
I request confirmation on limits of CCC involvement


Douglas Campbell
14th February 2021



REPORT FOR MEETING 16th February 2021


    Application 18/00735

    DPEA Appeal Ref PPA-390-2072


    At the January 2020 meeting I reported that the Reporter has requested further information
    from Patersons relating to a possible requirement that an Environmental Impact
    Assessment [EIA] may be required for this proposed development. No response has
    appeared on DPEA website to date.


    HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

    19th January 2021: DPEA request to Stirling Council [and agent Turley], and to Patersons
    [and agent Pinsent Masons] for further information on ‘29 matters’. CCC were not asked to
    formally comment on these matters


    1st February 2021: CCC submitted comments on the 29 matters to SC and asked them to
    be considered in Pinsent Masons formal submission to DPEA. Response from J Brooks
    Burnet that they will consider and note the comments you kindly provided.


    3rd February 2021: CCC submitted comment on the 29 matters to DPEA directly and
    asked for them to be formally considered. Note: the CCC submission was sent to SC
    earlier to cover for the event that the DPEA would not formally accept the CCC


    3rd February 2021: DPEA agrees to accept CCC submission formally. Further, DPEA
    intends to ask SC and Patersons to comment on CCC submission and CCC will be invited
    to comment on SC/Patersons submissions.


    9th February 2021: SC/Turleys and Patersons/Pinsent Morgan submit their responses to
    the 29 matters.


    I am currently examining the SC/Paterson responses which have been circulated
    internally, and now awaiting comment from the community and consultant Mike Hyde.




At the January meeting I reported that SC expected to complete the ROMP process in
“early spring”. However, in their response to ‘matter 2’ [see above] SC indicate that it is
now ‘this summer’

CCC cannot understand the delay in completion of this process but it is for Patersons and
Tillicoultry to complain at lack of progress.

Douglas Campbell
14th February 2021




Name of

16/02/2021 – Cambusbarron Community Council meeting


Our priorities in the Cambusbarron area continue to be Anti-
Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug dealing, Road Safety and
Community Engagement and Reassurance.



HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021


Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area between


Detected cases: 1
07/02/2021 – No insurance
Undetected: 1

21/01/2021 – Attempted fraud


Total Crime Reports: 2


There were 52 calls made to Police for the Cambusbarron area
over the stated period. The calls relate to a number of
incidents including anti-social behaviour, domestic matters,
road traffic matters, vulnerable/missing persons and attempted




HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021

Incidents of



Efforts are always being made to obtain intelligence in
relation to substance misuse and drug dealing in the
Cambusbarron area.


Any information regarding substance misuse and drug
dealing is welcomed, and can be reported to Police Scotland
via Tel: 101, to Crime stoppers, or directly to the Community
Officers via:




Your information/name will never be disclosed.


We are aware of blister packs being found again on the
Burnside path and the path leading from the Touch Road
towards the football pitches. If anyone has information with
regards to who is responsible for this then please contact
PC’s Barclay and King on

StirlingWestCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk. We will continue
to monitor this area as much as possible and update you
should there be any developments.


There has been a few calls over the last month regarding dirt
bikes within the area of the quarry. This area will continued
to be monitored.




Please e-mail any feedback/questions to PCs King and




HB draft minutes 132 CBCC February 2021