June 2021 Minutes

APPROVED Minutes 136 Cambusbarron Community Council held 15 June 2021


Members and office bearers

Marion MacAllister, Chair (MMacA) Janice Paterson, Vice Chair, (JP)
Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR)

Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM) *
Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell (DC)

Richard Blore (RB) Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep
Christine Simpson, elected rep (CS) Neil Benny (NB) elected rep
Pam King, police (PK) Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH) *
Carlyn Fraser, Stirling Council (CF) Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)


  1. Introductions and Welcome (MMacA)

    1. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting via Zoom.


    2. *Apologies were received from Jennifer Macleod, Cathie Graham, Mark Hill, PC Pam


Carlyn Fraser, Roads Department, was welcomed to the meeting. Her report was
taken first, see item 7.



Minutes of previous meeting



The minutes of the May 135 Zoom meeting were approved.
Proposed AF, Seconded DC. ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.


Conflicts of interest declared

AF and MN on CCDT Board, RB on Management Group.


ACTIONS from May meeting all covered in the following minutes.


Amended Approved April minutes to AF for SC



Footpath funding application



Footpath. Ballpark figure






Quarry Road



Thomson Place Garages



Seven Sisters - Trees



Admin grant concerns



Funding for Mill Development



Matters arising



  1. Footpath Project [KR]

    Ownership established as the Cowane Trust.

    MMacA has put in expression of interest. AF the hardest part is going to be working
    out the costs.

    RB – bigger job than initially appeared. Only a foot width for walking. Leave until next
    session. Ongoing. Carried over.


  2. Park Improvements

    The new play equipment in the Mill Road play area is now complete and the fencing
    has been removed. There has been some work undertaken in the George V Park.
    Ann, Marion and others will meet with Donna Mills 10am 16 June to discuss this and
    to consider additional play equipment. A report will be sent after this meeting.


    Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

  3. Bins/Litter/Dog Waste [MN/JP]

    Village currently looking quite good. Burnside continues to be main problem. Three
    litterpicks over past few months. Quarry area also looking better. Plan to have another
    walk around during the summer. Bins need discussing. Dog fouling has improved in
    village, paths still an issue. Signage to be looked at. Still to make appointment with
    Stephen Robertson regarding additional bins.


    AF Falck money could be used for this. Won’t fund things that should be funded by
    the Council but if we are up to the limit surely we can use it for this.


    JP if putting more houses up, more bins are necessary.


    MN a different bin will probably required for play area. Bin on main street now chemist
    open is not being used so much by resident.


    AF as this is positive we should put something on Facebook, thanks to kids who put
    posters up, ask community to report concerns. ACTION AF.


    Rotary – individual family litterpickers can utilise the hub. Stirling Rotary Club sent
    email thanking CC for pick supplied. Photos provided.


  4. Quarry Road [DC]
    See report revised?

    Difficulty getting anything from Scott Farmer as answers he’s getting from Roads –
    haven’t understood issue. Have been referring about temporary bank repair which
    wasn’t asked for, just protection.

    Reminded SF on 10 June that this was ongoing. Today response - he will be seeking
    a response as a matter of urgency.


  5. Garages Thomson Place

    There has been no further comment or activity in this area since the last meeting –
    MMacA suggests this be revisited in the new session and ask that all keep an eye on
    the situation over the summer so we can report anything that looks dangerous to the


  6. Seven Sisters AF

    Planning application is in. Not many comments received so far.

    Barrett have launched a website to inform the public as to their actions; this was in
    direct result to our actions and communication with them. We still require one
    assurance for SC regarding the safe route to school but are in a place to finalise our
    objection – a copy of this will be sent to all community councillors in due course.
    Further meeting – keeping in touch - to be held on 17 June.


    Capacity of school – optimum of 87% would be 254. There will be 206 children if
    nothing changes going into school in August. Ongoing issue.


  7. Kersebonny Road

    Raised with CF earlier in meeting. See item 7.

    A request was made to SC for an officer to attend our meeting to discuss both a
    change in speed limit and the ever-deteriorating verges. Some of the holes are very
    dangerous and could create a very nasty accident.


    Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

  8. Persimmons Adoption [MMacA]

    MMacA had a second positive phone call with Ian Gardiner at Persimmons. Scottish
    Water were due to make an examination of the reed bed (SUDS) within this
    development on the 4 June and, when this was deemed acceptable, the process of
    property transfer would start which should result in adoption.


    Next stage is paperwork transferring ownership from Persimmons to Scottish Water.
    Work should then go ahead.


    MMacA will continue to follow this up over the summer.


  9. Burnside Orchard [RB]

    Ongoing. Hopefully work in next few weeks.


  10. Burnside Bridge [DC]

    Asked for timber sleepers from Angela but can’t supply the right size. ACTION RB

    will see if he can source correct size. Small grant money available to pay for this.


  11. Map Project



  12. Cambusbarron Fund [MMacA]

After the last meeting the Events Group were granted their application money and
this has been used to pay for the Gala Goody Bags project. A few questions remained
regarding the CVN application this answer was received yesterday.

Following our discussion last week, CVN has responded to say that the site survey
will look at access, parking and space for a potential building footprint. The
topographical survey provides an accurate representation of the land showing all
natural and manmade features with levels and heights. Also that an OS map is
purchased to allow the architect to understand the site and put the building in
context. As we expected, the service drawings show where the power and water are
nearest to the site.


CVN has also confirmed that they will be consulting further with the community. They
indicated that their previous consultation was publicised widely but because it came
from the nursery, that people who are not associated with the nursery or with children
of a relevant age may not have engaged or appreciated the plans. CVN anticipate
consulting further, maybe via CCDT as landowners so that woodland users are made
aware but certainly as widely as possible in order to reach as wide an audience as
possible. Timescales for further consultation will need building into the next phase of


Can we now make the decision to pay £7800 towards the work to be undertaken on
the feasibility of this project? It is suggested that, to ensure that CVN have ongoing
support and can apply for matched giving funding, that they be granted £5000 per
annum for the next three years with reports on the use of this money to be submitted
to FS.


DECISION – agreed £7800 for feasibility project.


There was a discussion regarding £5000 – agreed to formalise this after initial
consultation and report completed.


Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

AF they will be looking for funding from Robertson’s Trust, Lottery etc. for
construction. This discussion to be continued in the next session.


MN information from other groups – e..g Bowling Club, to be included in minutes for
information. MMacA – have invited local groups, church etc. in the past.


  1. Reports

    1. Police Report Attached as Appendix I

      MN heard that Pam King had retired. Ross Barclay is sole community officer at


      1. ACTION HB send AF police email regarding trials bikes and anti-social behaviour
        sent to Carron Valley and District Community Council which refers to advice given to


    2. School Report [HT]

      Attached as Appendix II

      Have two classes out of school owing to Covid 19
      There will be nine classes next year.


      If St Ninians can have CCTV but we can’t because owned by Stirling Council we do
      not have equality of security measures.


    3. Murrayshall and ROMP [DC] Attached as Appendix III

      ROMP – no further information. DC has been trying to get a meeting with elected
      representatives. No date yet been arranged.


      Informal discussions regarding Gillies Hill. Our view is that there is still an important
      role for Save Gillies Hill in new quarry monitoring phase. Need to discuss with
      Development Trust and Save Gilles Hill on next actions.


      MMacA thanked DC for his enormous contribution to this subject.


      1. Sequoia [KR]

        Article in Stirling Observer in May. Matthew got in contact with Mark Ruskell Green
        MSP spelling. Put motion at Holyrood supporting campaign to save sequoias. Notes
        of meeting attached as Appendix IV.


        Redwood motion is a flag-waving activity to find out who else is interested. Several
        other MSPs supported it across several parties. Agreed to ask question about
        requirement for road stone in the future. Quarry opening should be associated with a
        direct need. Agreed to meet at location. Asked if considered having a community
        meeting on the hill to try to gather momentum. Not sure if this would be viable
        currently. EIA – interested that CC had had to put in own EIA.


        See response from Paterson’s, attached as Appendix V. Their website does not
        mention community work and issues raised in our letter have not been answered.


        Clarification as to role of three organisations required. Save Gilles Hill meeting to be
        convened. Not just sequoia, it’s how we monitor Paterson’s and Tillicoultry going
        forward. ACTION JP to look at organising public meeting.


        Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

    4. Planning [JP]

Applications at Mill have been withdrawn. One extension on Grampian Road.
Felling licence has been approved.


  1. Greener Cambusbarron [MMacA]

    The hanging baskets are in place and were done in two phases each with two
    volunteers, we currently have no access to the Payback team due to Covid. The
    watering schedule has been issued to the watering volunteers. The strimmer was
    repaired and now has a new drive head, the bowser has been serviced. We have
    good support from volunteers with the three planters at the welcome signs and for
    the tubs in the west of the village. Due to circumstances, we have struggled with cover
    for the tubs in the village centre and community centre, these have been potted out
    for the season, but new volunteers have to be found for this to be sustainable before
    the Autumn.

    JP available for watering duties. AF ask for volunteers – poster, Facebook? Also will
    send to website where volunteers can be requested. ACTION AF.


  2. CCDT [AF]

Walled garden – can start once nesting season over. Have asked residents for ideas
but has unfortunately just had complaints on social media.


BBC want to film. Bring in woodsmen, cut down trees and turn them into sculptures
etc. May now be September.


Working on path from Gillies Hill. Survey asking what residents would like to see in
walled garden.


Amos caravan – was planned to move after felling season. Not result of comments
on Facebook.


4.9 Treasurer's report [MN] Attached as Appendix IV
First cheque to CVN. June balance is £2750.81

£213 - cheque from Microgrants – should have come from Covid Fund? Had to be
used so account didn’t go overdrawn.


MN working on forms for Stirling Council grant.


Query on compost – not included as seeds on paper?


Main agenda

  1. Cambusbarron Fund Endowment [MMacA]

    1. A mechanism exists which allows us to put a lump sum into an endowment fund to
      ensure long-term community funding. MMacA sent this out to CC earlier this month.
      Seeking permission to set up this endowment and to ensure this is legacy
      funding. It may be that the small group who are acting as the decision panel manage
      this process for the CC.


      1. We need to alert Falck that you wish to do this.


        Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

      2. The Cambusbarron Community Endowment Fund would be established with a ‘
        down payment’ which, with FS, needs to be a minimum of £25,000. Your current
        balances are £4,902 for Earlsburn and £70,510 for Kingsburn.

      3. Prior to establishing the Endowment the CC and FS sign an Agreement which is
        fairly high level but important in formalising the arrangement and which sets out some
        details like being able to add to the endowment at any time.

      4. As our invested funds are looked after by a fund manager appointed by our
        Board, we do need to make a charge for this service. These charges link to the size
        of the Endowment. Because of this we do encourage communities to ‘shop around’ if
        they wish to. However most communities with whom we already work tend to sign up
        to an FS Endowment if they are looking to ‘save’ for the long term. Our current
        contribution schedule is attached.

      5. We can assist with the set up. With some of our reserves our Board has committed
        to supporting communities to establish Endowments so FS can donate up to £15,000
        to Cambusbarron to enable it to set up its Endowment. So you would only need to
        commit to transferring £10,000 initially to establish the Endowment though might wish
        to initially invest more. Our £15,000 will not reduce if you want to start your
        endowment with a higher sum.

      6. I have attached a Brochure that gives some more details. However please note
        that some of the content is actually out of date as earlier this year our Board
        embarked on a new Investment strategy and migrated our endowment funds from
        Newton to EQ Investors. This gives FS more confidence that invested funds are
        supporting companies delivering a social purpose as well a profit in a more rigorous
        way than our previous approach. We can send you more info on EQ in due course or
        you can learn more about them here https://eqinvestors.co.uk/bespoke


Anyway, for now, let me know if you wish me to send you an Endowment Agreement
and/or if the CC would prefer to have a dedicated session on the setting up an
Endowment with us.


DECISION – unanimous small group manage this process.


  1. Fleming Trust

    1. Way back in 2018 we assumed responsibility for Fleming Trust. In February of 2019
      a request was made for prints after which I met with a conservation officer in the
      library with the idea of renewing the display box to preserve the illustrations and the
      book itself and allowing SC to retain copies for the archives. At that point the library
      was due for renovations and this was put on hold until those plans were made and
      Covid took over our lives and the library closed. It is possibly time to revisit this matter
      and would ask for a volunteer to take this project forward for the CC.


    2. Ask for volunteer on volunteer website? ACTION AF


  2. Roads issues [CF]

    Carlyn Fraser from the Roads Department updated the CC on several issues of


    1. 30mph limit Kersebonny Road update – traffic regulation order being advertised in
      next fortnight. Then signs can be updated.


    2. Potholes – happy to take areas of concern to relevant team. Reporting function on
      SC website. The team has sadly lost a number of staff to Covid 19 over the past year.


      Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

      Some are also on long term sick leave or shielding. Are asking communities to report
      issues – potholes, damaged signs etc. via SC website.


      Issues raised by members of the CC:


    3. Kersebonny Road – large number of potholes, lorries going to Mill housing
      development. Has already been reported via Scott Farmer.


    4. Roadsign on St Ninian’s Road – coming from flyover bridge, Polmaise Road.
      Flashing sign usually says 30mph. It is now totally obstructed by trees.


    5. Traffic lights in village. Concerns have been raised from several members of the
      community that last week only one of our four access roads was NOT controlled by
      traffic lights and that some of these lights were for sites at which no apparent activity
      occurred for several days.


      An ambulance heading to a house up or beyond Quarry Road would have had to
      manage two sets and that time delay could have had tragic consequences. As we are
      no longer informed about road works and utility companies do not require to apply for
      permission for activities it would be good if these were logged so this situation can be
      better managed.


      Response from CF. Utility companies do have to inform SC Roads when undertaking
      works. Emergency works may start before informed. Three sets of lights might be
      because a team had been sent to repair ironworks. When doing patchwork have to
      leave lights in place so it can harden tar. Where are relevant locations? Polmaise
      Road, Torbrecks Motorway Bridge. One set Quarry Road, another set at motorway
      Bridge Birkhill Road.


      One set of lights was stuck on red. No instructions as what to do, who to inform.


      ACTION CF will send officer in tomorrow to check what’s on the road.


      MMacA David Couser worked very closely with the CC. We are very sorry to hear
      that he has passed away.


    6. DC – embankment on Quarry Road. Scott Farmer is enquiring about this. There has
      been a slip. For past 3-4 months have been asking for temporary protection for almost
      sheer drop into the burn. E.g. barrier or at least cones and tape marking it. First raised
      on 26 February. Unfortunately, Clare is on sick leave. ACTION CF to look into this.


  3. Response from SC regarding Community Engagement Changes

    1. In an ongoing exchange of emails with SC please see the latest from Lynne McKinley,
      Senior Community Development Officer

      The intent of the Community Engagement Strategy is to strengthen the Council’s
      corporate response, across all services, thereby improving the standards of
      engagement and the relationships officers establish with Community Councils, other
      community organisations and citizens. It is an important strategy because it sets out
      that good engagement is a corporate responsibility and not solely the responsibility
      of one particular team. The Community Engagement Strategy was open to
      consultation and engagement.



      Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

      The Scheme of establishment states the local authority will provide support but does
      not specify which service will provide that support. The Community Engagement
      strategy, by emphasising the corporate responsibility for engagement, should
      strengthen the support to Community Councils from across the council services,
      whilst at the same time strengthening the accountability of services to respond to
      enquiries logged with the Community Council enquiries. The intention is for services
      to engage and build relationships with communities and work with Community
      Councils on identified priorities.

      Please rest assured that all communities of Stirling will still be able to get support.
      Whilst the focus will be on specific areas where there is a need for more dedicated
      and intensive support if we are to try and tackle the systemic inequalities that
      characterise our communities and economy, it will not remove the responsibility to
      support community and economic development across the whole of Stirling.

      I appreciate the concern around the practicalities of raising issues at Community
      Council meetings before logging them as an enquiry. Whilst this would be in
      accordance with the Scheme, I understand this may be seen as impractical. The
      Community Council should discuss and agree a process for dealing with any
      enquiries that arise between meetings to ensure accountability. All enquiries sent
      should be noted at the next Community Council meeting.

    2. MMacA asked for details of with whom and when this consultation took place and
      with whom these results were shared. It is disappointing that not one of the three
      officers invited to this meeting are in attendance: two we will meet on site and this
      doubles our workload, one has not responded at all. I fail to comprehend what benefit
      these changes have for the community council. In order to function we must now
      create a minute which allows us to raise issues with SC before these are minuted at
      a meeting. I suggest the following:

      "That Cambusbarron Community Council will raise matters with Stirling Council as
      and when necessary to allow our community council to function efficiently on behalf
      of the people who live in our area. All matters raised without a previous minute will be
      minuted at the next community council meeting.”

      DECISION – agreed unanimously.

      ACTION AF will write to all other CCs enquire if they have issues with this.


      Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021


  4. AOB

    1. Child First Aid classes. Using FS money could subsidise courses for residents.
      Asking for approval to take this further during the summer – DECISION agreed.


    2. Stephen Bly – going to be online meetings to review National Scheme Document.
      Want anyone who would be interested to volunteer.


    3. Is September meeting an AGM? Hasn’t been advised yet. It has to be a public
      meeting not possible under current restrictions. This gives issues regarding new
      officers being appointed etc.


    4. RB The 20mph speed limit is causing issues. It is an inappropriate speed for many
      vehicles to drive for any length of time causing additional pollution.


  5. Date of next meeting and events

    Tuesday 21 September 2021 7pm


  6. Decisions taken at this meeting


    3.12 Cambusbarron Fund - initial review funding approved

    5.1 Cambusbarron Fund Endowment - small group approved

    8.2 Community Engagement Strategy - decision minuted

    9.1 Child First Aid Classes approved


  7. Actions

    2.1 Approved May minutes to AF for Stirling Council HB

    3.3 Litter situation - Facebook positive post AF

    3.10 Timber sleepers RB

    4.1.1 Police email regarding antisocial behaviour to AF HB

    4.3.1 Public meeting - Save Gilles Hill JP

    4.6 Greener Cambusbarron watering volunteers required AF

    6.2 Fleming Trust volunteer request AF

    7.5 Roads traffic lights issue CF

    8.2 Contact other Community Councils re response to new SC arrangements AF


  8. The Meeting closed at 9pm


Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

Appendix I Police Report



15/06/2021 – Cambusbarron Community Council


Our priorities in the Cambusbarron area continue to
be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug
dealing, Road Safety and Community Engagement
and Reassurance.


Name of




Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area between
18/05/21 to 09/06/21.


Detected cases: 0


Undetected: 3


23/05/21 – Stalking (Suspect identified)
23/05/21 – Threatening and Abusive Behaviour
(Suspect identified)

03/06/21 – Threatening and Abusive Behaviour
(Suspect identified)



Total Crime Reports: 3


There were 29 calls made to Police for the
Cambusbarron area over the stated period. The
calls relate to a number of incidents including anti-
social behaviour, fraud, domestic matters, road
traffic matters, vulnerable/missing persons and
neighbour disputes.




Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021



Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021




Efforts are always being made to obtain
intelligence in relation to substance misuse and
drug dealing in the Cambusbarron area.


Any information regarding substance misuse and
drug dealing is welcomed, and can be reported to
Police Scotland via Tel: 101, to Crime stoppers, or
directly to the Community Officers via:




Your information/name will never be disclosed.


Incidents of





Please e-mail any feedback/questions to PCs King

and Barclay:-



Appendix II School Report


16.06.21 - Cambusbarron Primary – Update

Apologies I cannot attend the meeting. I wish you all a safe and happy summer. Mark

Class composition

- Next session we will have 9 classes at Cambusbarron Primary. Families have been informed
of what call and teacher their child will have. We have received no further guidance as yet
to changes in mitigations. It is expected guidance will be updated just before we return in



Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

August. I will try to mitigate the impact this has on my staff as they need some time to rest
and prepare for the year ahead. Any changes will be communicated before school returns.


Vandalism/Anti-social behaviour

  • Again, we have seen a rise in anti-social behaviour around the school out of school hours.
    Swastikas and offensive images have been drawn on school walls and on the Multicourt.
    These are being removed / covered up as they are located. Really disappointing to see our
    young people disrespecting the school grounds like this. We will continue to highlight this
    to our parents and carers and the community police.


    P7’s Leavers

  • We are working hard to ensure our P7’s have a positive leavers experience this session
    despite Covid rules. The P7’s enjoyed their outdor water fight and are looking forwards to a
    3 day trip to Dounan’s Outdoor Centre next week. In addition to this the class teachers
    have prepared a digital yearbook and we are filming a P7 Assembly with some fun surprises
    for each child.

    Sports Week

  • Due to restriction we have been unable to hold the community sports day as normal.
    Undeterred the team worked to host sports week with the support of Active Stirling.
    Feedback from the children was really positive and, for the most part, the sun shone!


    School Improvement Plan 21-22

  • Our school Improvement plan is under consultation at the moment with staff, children and
    families sharing their views. Our planned focuses will be:

    • Raising attainment in literacy,

    • Embedding approaches to support the health and wellbeing of all children

    • Further developing approaches in Outdoor Learning and Play based Learning
      (P1 and P2)

    • Further developing the role of Pupil Voice in our school


Appendix III


Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021






No further information on progress of ROMP.


As reported at May meeting a meeting with local elected members has been requested to discuss
the community’s contribution to the proposed ROMP conditions. To date despite some reminders to
elected members, no meeting date has been arranged.


Douglas Campbell
12th June 2021


Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021


Appendix IV


Report on zoom meeting on Friday 11th June with Mark Ruskell MSP.
Present Crawford Logan, Matthew Strutt & Keith Ratcliffe.

After introductions there was an exchange of information about the current state of play
regarding Paterson's quarrying activity.

On the subject of the 'Redwood motion' submitted to the Scottish parliament Mark explained
that it was not something to be debated or resolved but more an opportunity to gather other
MSPs who might be interested in its subject. He was pleased to report that several had
responded across parties to support the motion.

Crawford noted that he had had responses to his email campaign from several MSPs across
the spectrum.

One of his focusses was reformation of the Planning & ROMP process and that our
experiences would inform that reform. Specifically, there is a Review of Planning Policy by
the Government in September.

He was interested in several aspects of our objection process, the fact that there was no
credence given to 'need over greed' led to him offering to place an official question regarding
the national strategy for managing the demand for roadstone.

Our experience with EIAs was also of interest.

He asked about our future strategy and suggested that we meet him on Gillies Hill at the
Sequoia Grove with other MSPs and the wider community. This could be the basis of a
demonstration of feeling by the community that could gain positive publicity. Keith proposed
the idea of a private meeting with the CEO of Patersons on the Hill and we discussed what
this might achieve. It was inconclusive, but led to discussion of Paterson's reputation as a
business. Matthew pointed out that though they claimed to be community friendly there were
no policies or details of what this meant on their website.

It was finally agreed that Mark & Matthew would conduct a tour of the hill to view the issues
first-hand and it was suggested that Douglas Campbell's presence at that meeting would be


Stop the Destruction of Gillies Hill Redwoods


Submitted by: Mark Ruskell, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Green Party.
Date lodged: Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Supported by: Alexander Burnett, Kenneth Gibson, Ross Greer, Bill Kidd, Dean Lockhart,
Gillian Mackay, Ruth Maguire, Alex Rowley, Evelyn Tweed


That the Parliament supports the campaign to save five threatened redwood trees on Gillies
Hill in Cambusbarron; understands that the trees will be destroyed when excavations
resume at Murrayshall Quarry in 2022; notes that the trees were planted in the 19th century
and stand 164 feet tall; thanks Cambusbarron Community Council, Cambusbarron
Community Development Trust and Save Gillies Hill for their efforts to protect the trees, and
calls on Patersons Quarries to respect the wishes of the community and guarantee the
safety of the trees.


Appendix V


Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

image of document


Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

Appendix VI





Again, I have to report that there has been little progress in the actions arising from the meeting
with Stirling Council on 28th February 2021,


A response was received from ‘Roads’ on 19th May via Cllr Farmer


Our officers are aware of the ongoing site issue and as such implemented a rigorous
inspection regime in Autumn 2020, whereby the site is inspected for further deterioration
every 3 weeks.


An officer attended site on 12th May to undertake the scheduled inspection. Findings from the
inspection advised that the embankment is not showing any further signs of deterioration
then what was observed during its last inspection in mid/late April. It was also denoted that
no significant deterioration was observed at the site since the aforementioned monitoring
regime commenced a good number of months ago.


At this point we do not believe temporary bank protection is required, instead our energy
will be focused on design and implementation of a permanent solution. We will continue to
monitor the site are the required intervals until such a repair is implemented.


If works on site cannot be undertaken prior to the winter months then consideration for a
temporary repair will be revisited.


This response is totally unsatisfactory as explained on my response of 19th May


“At no point did I requested "temporary bank protection" but had highlighted that the site
in its current state is a hazard to pedestrians and others using Quarry Road. The fact that it is
not deteriorating, while important, does not change our view that the current state is a


Furter reminder on 10th June, and response from Cllr Farmer on 14th June


Apologies for the delay but I will be seeking a response as a matter of urgency clarifying the
nature of the matters raised.no further response from Stirling Council


Douglas Campbell
15th June 2021


Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021

Appendix VII



Cambusbarron Community Council Main Account


Of this the sum

held in trust are









Opening Balance






CHQ 010648

CVN kit for A/T



WWW1 Exhib



CHQ 010649

Helen Bang Min










Greener Cambs







Elephant I T Sky







Touch K/BSeats







Micro Grants







Covid-19 S/C







Covid-19 W/F





































Funds Available to CC








Approved minutes 136 CBCC June 2021