May 2021 Minutes

Approved Minutes 135 Cambusbarron Community Council May 2021

Members and office bearers

Marion MacAllister, Chair (MMacA) Janice Paterson, Vice Chair, (JP)*
Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR)

Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM)*
Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell (DC)

Richard Blore (RB) Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep*
Christine Simpson, elected rep (CS)* Neil Benny (NB) elected rep*
Pam Campbell, Stirling Council (PC)* Pam King, police (PK)*

Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH) Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)

  1. Introductions and Welcome (MMacA)

    1. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting via Zoom.

    2. *Apologies were received from Janice Paterson, Pam Campbell, Jennifer Macleod,
      Cathie Graham, PC Pam King.

  2. Minutes of previous meeting

    1. The minutes of the April 134 Zoom meeting were approved. Amendment - Consultant
      is Mike Hyde.

      Proposed MN, Seconded KR. ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.

    2. Conflicts of interest declared

      AF and MN on CCDT Board, RB on Management Group.

    3. ACTIONS from April meeting all covered in following minutes.

  3. Matters arising

    1. Footpath project [KR]. Established contact with Angela Simpson. Need to establish
      the landowner. There may be more than one.

      KR walked it on Saturday, but worst bit is between A811 and first gate where it
      sometimes floods. Support from Footpaths for All – don’t like duckboards which
      require maintenance. Received further email; application to apply for a grant deadline
      May 25. Two stages; first have to register organisation which has to be validated, then
      have to put in estimate of cost of project.

      KR would like someone to pick this up. Validation probably requires constitution and
      possibly banking details. ACTION MMacA.

    2. MMacA asked RB if he could do a ballpark estimate for the cost. Agreed. ACTION

    Ownership - Cowan Trust? KR part of it may be part of the motorway. Local farmer
    may know. Neil Benny may know?

    1. Playpark Improvements [MMacA]

      There has been no work on any renovations, reinstatements and drainage work on
      the park. On the 26th April these were planned for May. We need to think of the next
      steps as parents/grandparents/carers are becoming very discontented and this work
      will then drift into the summer holidays. There has been a comment that publicity is
      required in the Stirling Observer. The Chair proposes that we write again to Donna,
      look again for the support from our councillors, but welcome further suggestions.

      APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

      On a positive note, Sutcliffe Play will send a replacement top for the damaged sees
      saw which is due to be delivered in May.

      ACTION MMacA.

      AF – football park equipment? This is to be done in May.

      It was noted that the first meeting with Paul Allen was over 2 years ago.

    2. Bins/litter/dog waste [MN]

      Last 4-6 weeks have been communicating with Stephen Robinson. Very helpful.
      Unfortunately, there are no plans to install additional bins. Will only replace existing
      bins if beyond repair. Hopes to get street cleaning mobile team to look at which bins
      are not always full and may consider relocating. However, bins are all well-used.
      Orange bags are now available, already have litterpickers from Keep Scotland
      Beautiful. Bin on main street – despite work going on it is still full every day, looking
      to relocate near noticeboard. However, we may have to apply for funding. £400 per
      bin. Will only be emptied if they are on an existing bin route. See Appendix VI for

      APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

      Volunteering days – Development Trust have one at the end of May.

      Dangerous Dog – MN got in contact with Stephen Johnson, dog warden, who was
      unaware of police report. This implies police felt there was no need to take this
      forward. Data protection issues. MN sent him police email and asked if everyone
      could liaise.

      Also taking action on dog fouling. Have received several complaints around
      Underwood Cottages area.

    3. Quarry Road [DC]

      1. Contacted Scott Farmer, he is frustrated that he is getting no response from the

        Again, DC has to report that there has been little progress in the actions arising
        from the meeting with Stirling Council on 28th February 2021, despite [as reported
        last month] email reminders on 29th March and 16th April, and further request for
        action to local elected members over the last month.

      2. MMacA - cc to official SC email – obliged to respond. ACTION DC.

    4. Garages Thompson Place [MMacA]

      1. Email from Scott Farmer to say that it was untidy, no sign of asbestos. Keep on

      2. AF CCDT were offered lease on land next to school, free of charge, still no response
        after many months. ACTION AF to email property and tenancy, cc Councillors.

    5. Dangerous Dogs – see item 3.3

    6. Seven Sisters [AF]

      Having another meeting with Barratt on Thursday. 26 comments on application.
      MMacA – trees for Queen’s Jubilee, ACTION KR to look at Tree Link Stirling who
      supply trees.

    7. CCTV regulations [MMacA]

      See Appendix VIII for forwarded letter. This appears to be a non-starter.

    8. Kersebonny [MMacA]

      See Appendix IX Roads, in response to SF, have said would be happy to reduce
      speed limit if new investigation recommends it.

      Sustrans – Andrew Scholes been approached regarding route.

    9. Persimmons adoption [MMacA]

      See Appendix X. MMacA phoned on 27 April. Iain Gardiner. Query from Citizen
      Jaffrey, pipes had been reversed, took 2 years to remedy. Scottish Water – want work
      taken back and started from scratch. Hoping to have a meeting, will chase if not
      arranged soon.

    10. Burnside Orchard [RB]

      To be sprayed this week. Start preparing ground for planting.

      APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

    11. Burnside bridge [RB]

    12. Map Project [KR]

    13. Cambusbarron Fund [MMacA]

    1. Two applications; one for nursery and one from Cambusbarron Community Events

    2. Foundation Scotland looking at applications. Are people who sat on panel last time
      happy to do so again. DECISION Confirmed as MMacA, DC, KR, MN, AF.

  4. Reports

    1. Police Report Attached as Appendix I

      Livestock – AF circulated information.

      Online fraud - could ask police for materials for noticeboards, church.

      If number of calls to police increases say they have processes to investigate.

    2. School Report [HT]

      Following all the regulations as required. Impact and Planning meetings. Good
      news is that impact of Covid on young people seems not as bad as feared. Will
      focus resources on pupils with support needs after the summer holidays. New focus
      on Learning through Landscapes, looking at opportunities with the school grounds
      and the local area. Will look at local woodland on next inset day in August.

      Receiving updated guidance impacting transition from nursery to P1 and from P7 to
      High School. Website has lots of interactive videos. Also doing garden visits, teddy
      bear picnic planned. New pupils will know key people, what the school looks like
      etc. Stirling High hoping to have face-to -face transition if possible in June.

      MUGA – some of the flooring is lifting, had conversation with Mrs Brewster, office
      admin, does CC know how it was installed?

      AF – Stirling Council should be responsible as they took over when the possibility of
      school expansion was discussed.

      MMAcA went out pond dipping a couple of years ago. Scottish Voluntary Trust has
      people interested in ecology. Have packs available. MN they have moved to new

      What about buddies – is this still possible? This used to be one to one with nursery
      but moved away from this model following advice and moved to a house system
      with a number of buddies. There is a section on the website where buddies
      introduce themselves. Hopefully outdoor meet-ups, treasure hunt may be possible.

      MMAcA over the weekend teenagers on bikes using path as a race track. MH,
      police had spoken to teenagers in nursery gardens. There have been incidents of
      vandalism. Must stay on police radar.

    3. Murrayshall and ROMP [DC] Attached as Appendix II

      APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

      1. Planning access has been approved.

      2. ROMP – were supposed to have a meeting to discuss community interest but no
        meeting has yet been arranged.

        Saving the sequoia – to be reported separately.

        1. KR saw PMS Fife lorry going up and down 4 times – supplying aggregates? KB
          possibly from Denny.

        2. Savning the sequoia – KR

        See report, Appendix III. Action plan, Appendix IV, Open letter to Chief Executive
        Appendix V requesting that they engage with community to discuss saving the
        sequoias. Signed by three representatives CBCC, Save Gilles Hill, CCDT. Sent
        Saturday 8 May. No response to date. Put up on all social media. Trying to get in the
        Observer – may be in Wednesday’s edition.

        Other ideas are being developed.

    4. Planning [JP]

Easter Cringate – extension

Success – removal of single storey engine house from mill building complex at
Hayford Mill application has been withdrawn.

  1. Greener Cambusbarron [MMacA] Attached as Appendix VI

    1. Thirty baskets are ordered, small grant applied for from Foundation Scotland. Existing
      barrels will have to be removed. £592.96 – can we approve?

    2. DECISION – approved unanimously. From Microgrant.

  2. CCDT [AF]

    Developing Castle Gardens. Arranged birthday visit for resident, very successful.
    (See Facebook).

    Memorial benches – five requests.

    Requested permission for work at walled garden. Initially advised that as it is a battle
    site full planning permission will be required at £1000, have now withdrawn this

    Joining Open Doors 18-19 September.

    Contact from BBC looking to do programme – chainsaw operators who fell trees and
    make something from them. Have suggested Monkey Puzzle Tree which has died to
    be turned into a Memorial for Peter Paterson?


  3. CVN [AF]

    Looking to move more into the woods, less in the community centre, rent had gone
    up. Planting beds in old greenhouses. Gala Day – doing Old Folks Treats. Looking
    for funds to take building forward.

  4. Treasurer's report [MN] Attached as Appendix VII

APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

Quiet month. Two cheques 29 March clerical invoice, tubs for Greener Cambusbarron
cheque from Stirling Council.

KR – two more book sales.

£2790.81 available.

No invoice yet for insurance – Jean Cowey. MN will arrange to get accounts audited.

Main agenda

  1. Admin grant/Community Council changes [MMacA]

    1. See Appendix XIII Stephen Bly has taken over at SC.

      From now on grant not used will be carried over and deducted from next year’s grant.

      Information now on SC website lists changes. Were not consulted on this. Will only
      get support for projects reducing inequality. Cannot report things to enquiries @ until
      raised at CC meeting.

      There was a discussion regarding these major changes. Can only request presence
      of an officer for an ongoing project.


      MN keep a note of how much expenditure is that comes under admin grant to continue
      to get full grant. Small expenses should be claimed by CC councillors. Expenditure
      to date to be minuted each month.

      Agenda, draft minutes, approved minutes - decision about how to promote these in
      the community as well as to SC.

      Will ask officers to attend meeting in June.

      CCBC should be able to contact SC at any time on urgent matters, regardless of
      meeting schedule.

    2. ACTION MMacA – to write to SC regarding concerns, also email elected

      There was a discussion regarding distribution of agenda and minutes within the

    3. DECISION – agenda to go up the week before meeting. Draft minutes in library but
      SC to get agenda and approved minutes.

      AF there was a group for Community Councils – Forum Fife?

  2. Community Clean up [MMacA]

    1. See Appendix XIV

      Group want to do litterpick on Monday 24 May. Looking for a date in June.

    2. DECISION – agreed.

      6.2 Community Litter pick - McWilliams Edrington.

      APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

  3. Official thanks to Pam Campbell [MMacA]

    Appendix XV Cambusbarron Community Council expresses its thanks to Pam
    for all her efforts on behalf of the CC, attending meetings, chasing up issues
    etc., and would like to wish her well in her new role.

  4. Other business

    1. Section 75 - Funding for Mill Development – ACTION MMacA to look into.

  5. Correspondence

    1. None.

  6. Date of next meeting and events

    1. Tuesday 15 June at 7pm via Zoom.

  7. Decisions taken at this meeting

    3.1.4 B Cambusbarron Fund Panel confirmed

    4.6.2 Greener Cambusbarron funding

    5.3 Agenda, draft and approved minutes

    6.2 Litterpick agreed for June, date to be decided

  8. Actions

    2.1 Amended Approved April minutes to AF for SC HB

    1. Footpath funding application MMacA

    2. Footpath. Ballpark figure RB

    3.2 Playpark MMacA

    3.4.2 Quarry Road DC

    3.5.2 Thompson Road Garages AF

    3.7 Seven Sisters - Trees KR

    5.2 Admin grant concerns MMacA

    8.1 Funding for Mill Development MMacA

  9. The Meeting closed at 21:16

APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

Appendix I Police Report

Name of

18/05/2021 – Cambusbarron Community Council


Our priorities in the Cambusbarron area continue to
be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug
dealing, Road Safety and Community Engagement
and Reassurance.



Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area between

Detected cases: 3

21/04/21 – Threatening and Abusive Behaviour,
Urinating in a public place, Indecent Exposure
25/04/21 – Breach of the Peace

16/05/21 – Assault (domestic)

Undetected: 4

08/05/21 – Worrying Livestock (enquiries ongoing)
12/05/21 – Attempted online fraud (enquiries

14/05/21 – Online fraud (enquiries ongoing)
14/05/21-15/05/21 – Vandalism (enquiries ongoing)

Total Crime Reports: 7

There were 59 calls made to Police for the
Cambusbarron area over the stated period. The
calls relate to a number of incidents including anti-
social behaviour, fraud, domestic matters, road

APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021


traffic matters, vulnerable/missing persons and
neighbour disputes.


APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

Incidents of


Efforts are always being made to obtain
intelligence in relation to substance misuse and
drug dealing in the Cambusbarron area.

Any information regarding substance misuse and
drug dealing is welcomed, and can be reported to
Police Scotland via Tel: 101, to Crime stoppers, or
directly to the Community Officers via:

Your information/name will never be disclosed.

We have carried out high visibility patrols over the
last month with a small number of youths being
traced within the quarry in possession of alcohol
on one occasion only. The alcohol was seized and
persons dispersed.

We will continue to carry out high visibility
patrols in this area wherever possible.


Over the last month we have carried out speed
checks on Touch Road. No drivers were
exceeding the speed limit. We will continue to
carry out speed checks wherever possible.

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Please e-mail any feedback/questions to PCs King
and Barclay:-


Appendix II


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    No further report will be given for this item as the formal process for approval of the second access
    is complete.




    No further information on progress of ROMP.


    As reported at April meeting a meeting with local elected members has been requested to discuss
    the community’s contribution to the proposed ROMP conditions. To date despite some reminders to
    elected members over the last month, no meeting date has been arranged.




Direct efforts are being made by the wider community to exclude the Sequoia from Patersons
extraction area. This will be reported on separately.


Douglas Campbell
16th May 2021


Apppendix III

Saving the Sequoias – report to CCC 18th May 2021

Keith Ratcliffe proposed this idea to the Action Plan group, and with input from Peigi
composed a letter (attached).

The idea was to ask Tom Paterson (CEO) at Patersons to engage with the community
regarding the conservation of the 5 Sequoia trees in the grove on Gillies Hill.

A hard copy was sent to him directly at Patersons head office, having been signed by the
Chairs of SGH, CCC & CCDT. A copy without signatures for privacy has now been posted
on a wide range of social media sites and copies were also sent to several press

To date we have had no reply.


APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

Appendix IV


Save Gillies Hill group - Action Plan – Summary by Keith R for CCC May 18th 2021



To communicate to local people what is the current situation.



To ensure that Paterson’s comply with the judgements of the access permission and the ROMP.
Douglas Campbell may have included more details of this in his Murrayshall update.



To appeal to the company to engage with the community regarding Saving the Sequoias.



Discussed but not implemented as yet’



Possibly to the Sequoias. Put on hold as now is not the time to organize a demonstration
considering the limitations of the pandemic.


HISTORY DOCUMENT: It was suggested that we put out a shorter version of the Sequoia Grovedocument and post it on Facebook, etc. (Peggy has volunteered to do this.)



To capture any wildlife or human activity at the Sequoia grove.



There were several ideas about contacting other organisations who might get involved particularly
in respect of Stirling Council’s climate emergency statement. As yet these are still to be followed


Appendix V


Tom Paterson
Managing Director

Paterson’s Quarries Ltd
Gartsherrie Road

ML5 2EU 6th May 2021

An open letter regarding Murrayshall Quarry, Cambusbarron.
Dear Mr Paterson

Further to your response to an appeal made by Mr Munro to withdraw from quarrying on
Gillies Hill we would wish to engage with you on a more detailed matter.

How do you wish your company to be remembered by the people of Stirling?

It could be 'Developer helps community to preserve historic Sequoia trees', or it could be
something much less flattering.



APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

Your recent success in gaining permission for the access road to the quarry together with
the long-awaited outcome of the ROMP will pave the way for your company to re-open
Murrayshall Quarry. However, that development threatens a grove of 5 Sequoia trees
close to the edge of your quarrying.

I cannot begin to express how important these 5 trees are to the people of Cambusbarron
and Stirling in terms of being a popular walking & biking destination, a beloved piece of
local history, and a landmark seen from across the Carse of Stirling. Gillies Hill is one of
Stirling’s breathing spaces and these trees are an icon to many people.


It has been established by genetic analysis that these 5 trees are highly likely to be among
the first Sequoia trees planted in Scotland from the batch sent to Patrick Matthew in 1853
from California. All our efforts to get their value recognised have fallen on deaf ears, as
non-natives they are afforded no legislative protection and the only other specimens in
Scotland are in private ownership of people who recognise their heritage worth.


Our request is this. Please engage with the local community through any means to discuss
setting aside the small area of quarry on which the trees sit and allowing access from the
neighbouring land owned by the community. You could also allow the placement of an
interpretation board where your efforts could be recognised. We have already submitted
possible ways in which this might work through our contribution to the ROMP and we
would urge you consider them.

Please let your legacy be as a developer that engages with the communities in which it
operates to be remembered as ‘Developer helps community to preserve historic Sequoia

If you wish to contact us to discuss this matter, please do so through any of following means:



Marion MacAllister – Chair of Cambusbarron Community Council.

Richard Norman - Chair of Cambusbarron Community Development Trust.
Iain Munro – Chair of Save Gillies Hill.


Contact details overleaf.


Contact details:

Marion MacAllister –
Richard Norman –

Iain Munro –


Appendix VI Greener Cambusbarron


APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

The 30 baskets are ordered, plants will be ordered for tubs this week. A small grant has
been applied for from the Foundation Scotland Small Grants to allow the purchase of new
Amberol tubs and compost. It is hoped that these might be able to be used this summer.
Several of the existing wooden whisky barrels will have to be removed from used due to


Appendix VII Treasurer


Cambusbarron Community Council Main Account Of this the sum held in trust are



Opening Balance





CHQ 010647 Helen Bang Min


WWW1 Exhib








Greener Cambs


Elephant I T Sky


Touch K/BSeats


Micro Grants


Covid-19 S/C


Covid-19 W/F



£16,316.63 £13,525.82


Funds Available to CC £2,790.81



APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

Appendix VIII - Bins


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Appendix IX
CCTV regulations

Please see below the response from SC with regard to CCTV purchase/use/cost of CCTV.
From it I believe we have little chance of fitting CCTV and, even if we were to encourage
the use of this technology by local retail outlets, it is limited to use only on their property
and cannot record pavements/roads.




Response below please, can you send it on my behalf please.


I.e. NAME on behalf of Dan Hartles, Team Leader, Community Safety



Dear Marion


Thank you for your enquiry on behalf of the Community Council in relation to CCTV.


The Council operates a network of fixed position CCTV cameras across the area, (which
we refer to as the Public Space CCTV Network). The Council has permission to use CCTV
on the grounds of public safety and the prevention and detection of crime and we work in
partnership with Police Scotland. The Council has to comply with legal requirements in its
use of CCTV in public areas and this includes keeping a record of camera locations and
also ensuring that the equipment is maintained and it’s use restricted and closely


In terms of your enquiry, the Council would not be able to support the use of local CCTV in
public areas. Any request for additional cameras would need to be considered against a
number of criteria and would involve a discussion with Police Scotland to seek their views.
We would need to consider any specific behaviour that was occurring and what steps had
been taken to mitigate this behaviour before we would consider permanent CCTV.
Permanent CCTV is considered as a last option. There are also on-going costs that need
to be considered as part of any new installations of CCTV, including power, maintenance
and data connections. Where any public spaces are monitored then the Council needs to
register these with the Information Commissioner and has very strict rules to follow in
terms of GDPR and surveillance regulations.


In addition the Council does not have funding to provide to Community Council’s for
CCTV. In addition the Council does not usually allow cameras to be mounted on our street
lighting network for a number of reasons, including changes to the network recently.

Typical costs for CCTV installation on a dedicated column can exceed £10,000 before
considering on-going costs mentioned above.


In terms of other CC’s having CCTV – I am not aware of any other CC’s having these in


Individual residents are allowed to install CCTV on their own properties however the
legislation is that the cameras must only cover property that is owned by that person. This


APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

is often referenced as “within the curtilage” of the property. For ease this basically means
that someone can install a CCTV camera that covers their property boundary, i.e. within
their fence line. Planning permission is not usually required for CCTV cameras, however
people can lodge objections to CCTV cameras. If the property is not owned, for example
rented from the Council, a private or social landlord, then permission would be required
from the landlord for CCTV cameras.


If the CC is experiencing specific issues around Anti-Social or criminal behaviour I would
be happy to discuss these with you to ensure that partners are aware of these and can
consider any action that may be required


Appendix X

With thanks to Scott for his follow up. A recent email from Carlyn Fraser stated:


I have asked the Traffic Management officer for the area to investigate this issue. As you
know, the speed limit on the road was reduced from 60mph to 40mph within the last few
years and at the time of that reduction, the road environment and prevailing speed of
vehicles meant that installation of a 40mph limit was correct. However, we would be happy
to reduce the limit again should this fresh investigation support that action.


It is good that this action has been put in place. She has not accepted our offer to walk the
road to see conditions for herself.


Appendix XI

As per my email of 27th April I had a very productive conversation with an Ian Gardiner at
Persimmons. At the time I was very enthused that we were moving forward in a positive
manner. Given that the promised meet has not taken place I am less so. I will contact Mr
Gardiner soon and hope for a better report in June.


Yesterday I phoned to Persimmons who were remarkably quick with their response. By
chance I was put through to the individual in charge of the adoption of Clayhills/Home
Farm, an Ian Gardiner.

From our conversation it appears than not one of the groups involved in this matter has
covered themselves with glory and the reported stance of Scottish Water is open to

Some facts.

1 Stirling Council are the only council who demand drainage be adopted by Scottish Water
before they consider adoption.

  1. Persimmons “kicked back” to SC some time back as during the construction of the
    Citizen Jaffrey development there was a cross connection of the foul and surface water
    pipes which took two years to put right.

  2. Scottish Water claim a lack of maintenance of the SuDS system and are currently
    demanding that the whole system be totally cleared out: the reed bed system is now fully
    matured. Persimmons have offered to clean out the pre area, create a new channel bed
    and clean the outlet vent. They asked for a price for this w/B 19th April 2021. Mr Gardiner
    is confident that the work will be done in “two months”. At that point Persimmons hand
    over ownership of the SuDS system to Scottish Water without cost.


    APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

  3. Other councils – Fife and Falkirk – have allowed Virgin to dig up unadopted
    developments to allow for connection.

Appendix XII
Cambusbarron Fund

There were two applications for funding at the last opening. One from the Cambusbarron
Community events Group and one from Cambusbarron Village Nursery. Foundation
Scotland is undertaking their scrutiny of the application and will be in touch in due course.
May I ask if the group who undertook the decision making process last time will be happy
to do so again please?

Appendix XIII

Admin Grant and Changes in working practice for community councils.

As previously intimated we received communication from SC with regard to our annual
support grant and the need to communicate the level of such. This created confusion and a
small group met (Zoom) to discuss our next steps. We sent an email to Stephen Bly at SC.
SB confirmed that this was indeed a recent change for which we had been informed on
20/11/19 and 21/6/20. He apologised that the text of the letter gave the impression that it
was an on-going procedure but he, as new to the post, had misunderstood current practice.
He further apologised for the addition workload for treasurers but our efforts and on-going
support was appreciated. This new mechanism is to prevent CC accumulating grant, which
cannot be used for whatever reason. This is in line with Scottish Government Legislation.

It was confirmed that we are not required to apply for GDPR but did not answer why our
activities are not covered by SC’s GDPR license.

There was a recognition that the request for agenda/draft and final minutes had caused
confusion amongst community councils there was however a need for rationalisation to
streamline that process. There was an apology that this had not been explained. An
undertaking was made to never publish draft minutes, which questions the value of sending
these to SC.

Subsequently, on the 13th we were issued with a copy of the new Community Council
support page which was made public on the SC website. There was no prior notice, no
consultation. There are significant changes to current working practice.

The Community Engagement Team are now the Community Development Team whose
primary focus will be to develop communities with challenges in terms of recovery or
regeneration – NOT US! Support will be given to us for projects that reduce inequality
only. This cc is therefore subjected to inequality.

From this point on the CC Enquiries Line will only support us with matters after this is agreed
at a community council meeting. This could result in a matter in need of attention in late
June waiting until September and in late November to late January. Where do we go for
support for vandalism, drug finds, dangerous conditions… This is unacceptable.

Whereas in the past Pam would attend our meeting to support and advise we now require
to request an officer’s attendance at any meeting but only to discuss a current project. Again
I find this approach unacceptable.

It is a question as to why SC is creating barriers to access for groups who have only their
best interests at heart.

I therefore propose the following

  1. Melissa will prepare the form for SC to ensure we gat our admin grant for the coming

    APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021

  2. That hereafter the treasurer prepares for each meeting an account of the expenditure from
    the grant to clarify what has been used and the remaining available.

  3. That we generate a mechanism for small item expenditure – stamps, travel and admin to
    allow councillors to claim these.

  4. We decide what we send to SC by way of agenda and minutes.

  5. We write to SC to object to our inequality, the inability to request assistance for long
    periods of the year and request that this and the barriers to communication be rethought.

  6. That we ask for the following council officers to attend our meeting to discuss the following
    on going projects: Burnside Bridge, George V park renovations, Kersebonny Path,
    Kersebonny Road (list can be added to).

  7. That we minute a resolution that we agree that we can contact SC enquiries team at any
    point where vandalism, drugs, danger to residents or community concerns regarding urgent
    repairs are concerned. This regardless to the meeting schedule.

Appendix XIV
Community Clean Up

We were prevented by Covid restrictions for any large community clean up work over the last year.
From recent communication it appears that this restriction is changing as bags and uplifts have
been arranged for a volunteer group to do a litter pick on the morning of the 31st May (Monday). I
would suggest that our Clean Up Team move towards a Saturday clean up in June.


Appendix XV

Official thanks to Pam Campbell

The Chair would like to thank Pam formally for her outstanding work and efforts on behalf
on Cambusbarron Community Council. She often went out of her way to get information,
contact council officers on our behalf and attended meetings when weather conditions
were atrocious. We will miss her and her efforts on our behalf.


APPROVED minutes 135 CBCC May 2021