Oct 2021 Minutes

Draft minutes Meeting 138 Cambusbarron Community Council
held Tuesday 19 October 2021


Members and office bearers

Marion MacAllister, Chair (MMacA) Janice Paterson, Vice Chair, (JP)*
Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR)

Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM) *
Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell (DC) *

Richard Blore (RB) Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep*
Christine Simpson, elected rep (CS)* Neil Benny (NB) elected rep*
Ross Barclay, police (PK) * Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH)
Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)


  1. Introductions and Welcome (MMacA)

    1. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting via Zoom. MN chair.


    2. *Apologies were received from Marion, Richard Janice Jennifer Mark Hill, Cathie
      Graham, Keith Ratcliffe.


  2. Minutes of previous meeting

    1. The minutes of the September 137 Zoom meeting were approved with the following


      Proposed MN, Seconded AF. ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.


    2. Conflicts of interest declared

      AF on CCDT Board, MN Walled Garden Group, RB on Management Group. HB also
      clerk for Carron Valley & District Community Council. MN Save Gillies Hill.


      AOB – carry forward links with community councils.


      5.1 Keep Scotland Beautiful advice MN

      6.1 Contact DC re AMEY contact MMacA

      11.2 Support North Kersebonny Residents Housing Association's objection MMacA


  3. Matters arising

    1. Playpark improvements

      Replacement top for see-saw has arrived. Hoping work will be done late October.
      Metal picnic tables – carry forward to next meeting. Please see Appendix I


    2. Kersebonny speed changes and verges

      Concern was expressed about continued deterioration. No Councillor has attended
      a meeting recently. Chair's comment: These are deteriorating further by the day. It
      would be good to have some response from SC as to their intention. If it is to leave
      a permanent repair until after the Mill development is complete we would look for
      some temporary remedial work before there is an accident. Can our councillors
      please mediate?


      ACTION AF write to all councillors.


    3. Persimmons adoption (MMacA)

      No further communication. Carry forward.


      APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021

    4. Seven Sisters (AF)

      A meeting with Barry Cunning is to be arranged. The roundabout is supposed to be
      done first. Carry forward.


      3.6 Meeting with Carlyn Fraser

      Roads issues were raised in June. Also, road closures didn’t happen as advised in
      August even though signs etc. were out. CC would like to be updated if work is not
      going to happen so they can advise residents. ACTION AF to chase.

      1. Footpath Project
        On hold.


      2. Burnside Bridge (RB)
        Carry forward.


      3. Quarry Road

        Finally got a response from Stirling Council on 8th October regarding the hazard of
        the slip at the bottom of Quarry Rd.


        “I acknowledge this issue relates to an embankment slip into the burn. I have asked
        one of our officers to source a contractor to install a post and rail fence to deter
        pedestrians from walking along here. Our team will continue to monitor the burn/
        embankment, as at present it has no effect on the kerb or carriageway.”


        DC went there on 18 October, there was a squad erecting posts on the road up to the
        bridge. Some work is underway but it has not been inspected yet.


      4. Bins/Litter/Dog Waste

        MN keeping in contact with Stephen and Ewan. Bin on Brae is still broken, awaiting

        Spray – stencils. During winter months Carry forward.


      5. Burnside Orchard
        Carry forward.


      6. Fleming Trust (AF)

        Met with Laura. They have found a space to put different cabinet for the book. Keep
        flat one behind it for prints etc. Will then look for a joiner.

        MN – could someone locally do the work? AF may buy a ready-made one. Waiting
        for Laura to confirm all is okay.


      7. Child First Aid courses (MN)

        Lindsey from Edinburgh – MN to contact. She can come to the village. Works with
        group of 12 at £20 per head. Communication will continue, hopefully this will take
        place before Christmas. ACTION MN to get dates, AF can then put on Facebook
        page to assess interest.


      8. Touch Road benches

        Ongoing. Weather has been too wet recently. Will replace damaged benches. £1500
        budget for benches.


      9. North Kersebonny objection


        APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021

        Distillery. We have not had any response so far. Below is the link to the objection.
        Also See Appendix II.


        C:\Users\annfi\OneDrive\Public\Community Council\Minutes etc\2021\October
        2021\NKRHA draft submission to Stirling Council Planning re distillery 17 Sept


      10. Motorway Bridge Torbrex

        DC reported to Bear Scotland [Contact Tommy Deans Network manager] the
        community concerns on the suicide risk at Torbrex Bridge and received this reply on
        1st October:


        Just to let you know that we will let know Transport Scotland know about your email
        and will arrange for a member of our Bridges staff to meet with the Police on site to
        consider what we can do at this location. It might be useful for someone from
        Stirling Council to be there too. I’ll discuss further with the Bridges Team, we’ll get
        the meeting set up and we’ll keep in touch with you.


        DC suggested that a representative of the community council attend this meeting as
        an observer but to date no response. Carry forward.


      11. Fly Tipping (MMacA)

        Increase in dumping. MN contacted Keep Scotland Beautiful re particular hotspots,
        perhaps SC can work closely with CC to deal with this. MMcA suggests we
        advertise the methodology of reporting this to SC by means of a Facebook post and
        posters. These might also be put at the ‘hotspots’ on Polmaise Road etc. She is
        happy to do this if agreed.

        DECISION Agreed. ACTION MMacA


      12. Christmas in Cambusbarron (AF)

        Unfortunately there was a hold up in funding – the date was changed. Could
        possibly get in application for 5 December. It would be good to formulate a timetable
        which can be produced asap. We will need volunteers to distribute these round the
        community. Carry forward.


      13. Shelloch Windfarm (AF)

        Long discussion, they have sent through documents. Five turbines planned. Divide
        same as Kingsburn – money will be divided equally between six areas. There is an
        option to buy-in to one of the turbines, paperwork hasn’t been studied yet. Carry
        forward. Other option is £20K per annum for 30 years. ACTION AF to circulate


      14. Roundup of CC activities for noticeboard (MMacA)
        A synopsis of CC activities was posted.


      15. DC could draft minutes go to the library? Facebook could advise residents it is
        available there. DECISION – agreed. ACTION AF.


  4. Reports

    1. Police Report

      No police report was received by the date of the meeting.


    2. School Report [HT]
      Attached as Appendix II


      APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021

    3. Murrayshall and ROMP [DC] Attached as Appendix III

      ROMP process is not yet finished. Meeting with Councillors – further meeting with
      planners and councillors still hasn’t been arranged. Letter to Patersons from
      Councillors, asking them to give a sympathetic ear to any approach from Save Gillies


      DC - we need a group in Gilles Hill to focus on this and keep in touch with Patersons
      as quarry reopening progresses. ACTION DC to email elected representatives –
      asking to be advised once letter is sent.


    4. Sequoia Group (Save Gillies Hill) (MN)

      1. The Treasurer of the group is doing a lot of work, keeping people in the loop. Janice
        and Rosie. Email


      2. AF received an email from Andy Kavanagh. Discussions regarding tree protection
        requirements are ongoing between consultants and the Council.


    5. Planning [JP]

      Stables Birkhill House want a 2 storey extension.


    6. Greener Cambusbarron [MMacA]

      MMacA would like to thank all the volunteers who helped with watering etc. during
      the season. A couple more tubs have been left until the first frosts. The hanging
      baskets were taken down last Thursday (7th October) and are now stored at
      Homesteads. We also wish to thank Land Services and Stephen Robertson’s team
      for making life so easy by giving us bags and for collecting these so promptly. As
      the tubs are looking so good we are holding off winterizing these for a few weeks.


    7. CCDT/CVN [AF]

      1. CCDT Nothing major. Walled garden – needs clearing.


      2. CVN – plans – costing exercise. There should be more information available soon.


    8. Treasurer's report [MN] Attached as Appendix IV

£91.25 for ink and paper. Admin grant. Email from Stephen Bly apologising that this
took so long. No changes in sums held in trust. £3039.25.


Reminder to CC members to submit expenses to Treasurer. ACTION DC to submit


Main agenda

  1. Triangle at Citizen Jaffray

    1. MMacA has written to Duncan Ogilvy formally asking if can buy or lease this land.
      Waiting for response.


    2. AGM planning. No communication. Date is January 18 2022. Can now have face to
      face meetings but not clear if can use the school. ACTION AF to approach school.
      Approach Community Centre if not available.


  2. Correspondence

    1. Email from Carron Valley & District CC re closer relationship. Carry forward.


      APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021

  3. AOB

    1. Community Pride deadline changes. Asking us to check website! We receive emails
      from SC on matters not of much importance, but not for important things like this.



Date of next meeting



This will be held on Tuesday 16 November at 7pm via Zoom.


Decisions taken at this meeting

Draft minutes to library.


Decisions taken


Flytipping posters


Draft and approved CC minutes to the library




Approved September 137 minutes to AF for Stirling Council



Kersebonny verges



Road closure updates



Child First Aid Course possible dates



Flytipping/litter - reporting posters at hotspots



Shelloch windfarm information to be circulated



Approved and Draft CC minutes to the library



Contact elected representatives re Paterson's letter



DC to submit expense claim for stationery etc.


5.2 AGM approach school / community centre for availability AF


12 The Meeting closed at 8:30pm



APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021



Appendix I - Park Improvements

Please see email below from Donna Mills

The replacement top for the see saw arrived weeks ago, however it required new fixings
which weren’t sent at the same time and are due to be delivered late October. As soon as
we take delivery of the parts, we will get the see saw reinstated.


I previously sent the following details regarding metal picnic tables. Please could you
confirm what style of seating you would like to progress with e.g full metal or metal frame
with wooden slats? I can then obtain an up to date quote:


Also, I looked at the picnic table suppliers that Ann sent through, unfortunately we are unable
to purchase from these suppliers due to our Procurement rules. Also, we have had some
bad experience with recycled plastic benches which have been set on fire at other sites, or
have been melted by disposable barbeques. As an alternative I have obtained a price for
metal picnic tables, which are powder coated black, and from the same supplier that
manufactures the existing benches located in the park. Details can be found
here: https://www.davidogilvie.com/mb-picnic-set


The cost to supply 3 x picnic tables, fixings, and delivery to our depot in Springkerse Depot
would be £2188.00. Please let me know how you would like me to proceed.

We are looking to have a teams meeting with her after the 5th November and will have more
to report at the November meeting.


Appendix II Distillery
Cambusbarron Community Council

24th September 2021

Planning & Building Standards Service Manager
Planning Services

Stirling Council
Teith House
Kerse Road





21/00552/FUL | Erection of distillery and visitor centre for the production of whisky
and other spirits, still house, workshop, enclosed yard, distillery shop, events space,
cafe, restaurant, kitchen (licenced), service spaces, plant rooms, and associated
visitor/staff car parking, coach parking, soft landscaping and infrastructure including
new access road | Land 465M South Of Craigforth Stirling

Cambusbarron Community Council is making this objection. We represent all residents in
the community council areas but particularly, in this application, the interests of the 10
owners at North Kersebonny Steading.


APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021

Objections are as follows access; flood risk; water supply; heritage, landscape and visual
impact; noise, light pollution and odour pollution; the potential for the use to discolour
buildings; and fire risk.

It is regrettable that these residents were not contacted as part of the Pre-application
Consultation exercise, despite being close neighbours, and directly impacted by the
proposed development.

North Kersebonny Steading is located c. 430m north of the A811 (Dumbarton Road) and
comprises 10 houses that were developed on the site of the former North Kersebonny Farm.
They all take access from Kersebonny Road, which is a private road that connects with the
A811 to the south, and also provides access to Kaimes Farm and Craigforth estate. The
road is privately owned, and only the residents are permitted to use it for vehicular access.
Cyclists and walkers accessing Craigforth otherwise use it, albeit it is not yet part of the
Stirling core path network.

Whilst appreciating that multiple Planning Applications can be submitted in relation to the
same site, but in a situation like this where applications have been submitted by different
applicants, and at different times. This muddies the waters and a clear and holistic approach
that allows for decisions to be made with transparency.


Alternative Sites

We note from the Design Statement that the distillery was initially proposed elsewhere, and
was only transferred to this site at the eleventh hour. This appears to have happened for
commercial reasons only, and not for any technical reason that we can see from the
Application submission.

The fact that the distillery seems, therefore, to be footloose begs the question as to why it
couldn’t be sited instead in one of the numerous available industrial sites in Stirling, or,
indeed, within that part of Craigforth that already has detailed consent ref: 20/00427/FUL.
That is if distilleries should be even sited in or near urban areas, which seems debatable
More suitable sites in the area are evident and have a lesser impact on the community and
wildlife. We contend that this is not a suitable site on grounds on Sense of Place and that
this complies with Stirling Council’s Overarching Policies of LDA 2018 3.4. Is the scale of
the development appropriate for the place? Has drainage and flood management been
considered throughout the watercourse? Is there evidence of the use of renewables and
does this comply with SC’s ambitious aims? Has a two season EIA been undertaken?


There is community concern, in relation to what may happen about the use of Kersebonny
Road, which is included in the APPP ref: 20/00426/PPP proposals for use as an emergency
vehicular access, and also as a walking/cycling route. The distillery proposals (and updated
masterplan) show this alternative route as potentially still on the table as an option. We
object to any use of the A811.


Flood risk

We have read the Flood Risk Assessment As far as the Council’s own flood map is
concerned, the site is shown within the 1:200 year floodplain, as, indeed, is much of the area
covered by APPP ref: 20/00426/PPP. It is felt that this proposed development, and that
proposed by APPP ref: 20/00426/PPP, will significantly and irrevocably change the way the
flood plain operates, and massively increases the chances of flooding and subsequent
property damage.

This area is generally flat and, even subtle changes to levels, could significantly alter the
way that a flood will affect the area and, therefore, in line with LDA 2018 4.1-6.1 PP4-6 we
look for reassurance that active travel and flood management have been considered.

We object on grounds of flood uncertainty.

Water supply

Residents of North Kersebonny require reassurance that their water supply will not be
compromised by this proposed development. We object until this is given.


APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021


The Craigforth area is important to the setting of Stirling, the Old Town ridge, and the castle,
with Craigforth House itself listed, and the wooded crag also an important local landmark.
The proposed development will totally change the character of this area, and will seriously
compromise the view of the carse from the Old Town ridge, and the castle, and with the crag
itself disappearing within a sea of development. It should not, therefore, be permitted.

It is clear that in an attempt to generate ‘kerb appeal’ the building has been sited in the most
conspicuous position possible, in relation to the M9. This cannot be a sound basis for siting
such a building, and it cannot be considered that Sense of Place has been given any
consideration. Any building should fit with the environment and reflect the historical setting.
We therefore object to the lack of consideration to Sense of Place.

Landscape and visual impact

In similar vein, the landscape of the carse is notable for its lack of development, with the
only built form tending to be small farm steadings, and a few houses set into a wide, flat and
largely agricultural landscape.

The reason the Craigforth crag is so prominent and impressive in views from the Old Town
ridge, the castle and the motorway, as well as local core paths and roads, is because it is
seen from the south, east and west in almost splendid isolation. That will change for ever, if
this development is allowed to proceed, with the crag being encapsulated by a new buildings
The entire character of the carse will be changed, as a result, and irrevocably damaged.

In addition, it should be stressed that the site for the distillery actually replaces the very
planting that the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for APPP ref: 20/00426/PPP
says will mitigate the impact of that development. So, not only will the distillery be additional
development it negates the mitigation for the wider proposals. Councillors need to be made
aware of this when they come to determine that Application ref: 20/00426/PPP.

We object of the grounds of lack of Sense of Place and a lack of sensitivity to the historical

Noise pollution, light pollution and odour

The residents of Cambusbarron enjoy an almost light free, and quiet environment. This will
be irrevocably altered by this change and we are unhappy regarding this change to our

Noise will increase, as activity increases. This application should not be considered until a
full Noise Impact Assessment has been taken place.

As odour is a constant problem for distilleries to control, and our community residents will
have to bear that impact the most. There is no document that explains what will be done to
control odour, and that is a serious omission. We object until a full assessment is undertaken
on noise, light and odour and reassurances are forthcoming as to the health of all residents.
Discolouration of Buildings

Discolouration or blackening of buildings and trees is a common problem with distilleries,
which is caused, we understand, by the release of ethanol during the maturation process,
and which can cause the growth of what is often called the whisky fungus (baudoinia
compniacensis) (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baudoinia_compniacensis ).

There is an ongoing case in the Scottish Courts on this issue, and the defender in that case
(Diageo Scotland Ltd) accepts the linkage, although the case continues as to other
procedural matters.

There has also been other research on the issue, and a further article and a summary
document of sources, is also being submitted with this letter, which highlights what happens
with buildings, as well as trees, from a fungus infestation. You will note that the blackening
of buildings and trees is unattractive, and the possibility that this will be the future of the
trees on the crag seems reason enough to turn this Application down. We object until a
report by a tree consultation has taken place with full reassurance by Stirling Council with
regard to tree safety. We further object until full assurance is given that this fungus cannot
cause harm to either humans or to farm animals in the area.

Fire risk


APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021

Ethanol vapour is also highly flammable, and is one of the main fire and explosion hazards
at distilleries. Ethanol can be released from leaks in tanks, casks, transfer pumps, pipes and
flexible hoses. We object until such time that the safety and security of Cambusbarron
residents full ensured.

On behalf of all residents of the Cambusbarron Community Council area we therefore object
in the strongest terms to an application with does not give consideration to our residents and
to the value of the special place this development is planned for.


For and on behalf on Cambusbarron Community Council


Marion MacAllister


APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021

Appendix III Headteacher's Report


School Report – Community Council 19th Oct 2021



  • Mitigations in schools are continuing to be more cautious than in wider
    society in general. We are still only permitting access to the school/nursery for
    essential visits only. However, we have been able to facilitate the following
    this term following strict mitigations.

    • School photographer (individual photos only)

    • Outdoor events e.g. Cross Country with the support of Active Stirling.


      School Improvement Planning

  • Our action plans have been completed (linked to our School Improvement
    Plan). Our main focuses are;

    • raising attainment in writing

    • Developing a school wide rich and positive reading culture

    • Continuing to embed Outdoor Learning both in our local area and by

      developing our playground.

    • Continue to embed play based approaches to learning in P1 and P2
      but expand this through the school

    • Continued focus on positive mental wellbeing for our children and staff



    As part of developing our reading culture classes were challenged to develop their
    Classroom Libraries. All classes participated and worked to develop their ideas
    through discussion and teamwork.

    Classroom libraries are now inviting spaces for children to explore the love of
    literature. Classes have been encouraged to appoint librarians, rotate reading stock
    and plan ERIC (Everyone Reading in Class) time. Classes have begun book reviews,
    book promotions and a real focus on promoting reading for pleasure. The buzz
    around classroom libraries has been fantastic to see.

    We have asked the school community for the donation of any quality children's

    reading books.

    School Grounds

  • Continuing to await confirmation of who is responsible for repairs to
    Multicourt. Education team believe it is Land Services and the original
    contract is being sought.

  • School Garden - Our green fingered compost team from P7 have been busy
    putting the compost we have made on our vegetable beds, turning the
    compost and starting a new heap. P5 class have harvested carrots, beetroot,
    potatoes, leeks, herbs and runner beans from our garden and made a
    delicious soup. We are very pleased with all that we have managed to grow.
    P7 also harvested the apples in our vegetable garden.


Appendix IV


APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021





The ROMP process for the determination of working conditions for Murrayshall Quarry has
still not been completed

No progress on the suggested future meeting with CCC and elected members to discuss
ROMP issues

A draft of a Councillor letter to Patersons in connection with the Gillies Hill sequoias was
passed to the community council for comment, and our response was that the content was
in line with what we had requested.


Douglas Campbell
17th October 2021



APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021

Appendix V Treasurer's Report



Cambusbarron Community Council Main Account


Of this the sum



held in trust are






Opening Balance




CHQ 010659




WWW1 Exhib




Admin Grant










Greener Cambs







Elephant I T Sky







Touch K/BSeats







Micro Grants







Covid-19 S/C







Covid-19 W/F







King GV P/Benc





































Funds Available to CC







APPROVED minutes CBCC meeting 138 October 2021