March 2022 Minutes

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APPROVED minutes Meeting 143 Cambusbarron Community Council held via Zoom at 7:00pm on Tuesday 15 March 2022

Members and office bearers

Marion MacAllister, Chair (MMacA) Janice Paterson, Vice Chair, (JP) Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR)

Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM)* Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell (DC)

Richard Blore (RB) Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep*

Pam King, police (PK) * Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH) Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)

In attendance

Luke Taylor, Stirling Marathon (LT)

1. Introductions and Welcome (MMacA)

1.1 The acting Chair JP welcomed everyone to the meeting via Zoom and introduced members to Luke Taylor.

1.2 *Apologies were received from Cathie Graham, Pam King, Jennifer MacLeod.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

2.1 The minutes of the February 2022 Zoom meeting were approved with the following amendment:

Part 6 under correspondence - Greener Cambusbarron bought the trolleys which can be used by the wider community.

Proposed MN. Seconded MMacA. ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.

2.2 Addition to agenda Luke Taylor Event Manager - presentation re Stirling Marathon

LT is the Race Director - the marathon is taking place on Sunday 15 May starting at 8:30am. Half marathon starting at 9:15am. 3000 runners expected in total. Route starting and finishing outside Kings Park. Heads towards Doune, Dunblane, up into Bridge of Allan, Stirling University, A91 and back towards Kings Park via Portside Way. There will be some disruption, road closures etc. Have tried to keep these to a minimum, roads will be opened as the last runner passes each section. Communities should not be locked in for the day - there will be access out of local areas but perhaps not back in until road closures are over. However emergency services always have access. LT will circulate map showing which roads will be closed and when.

MN - good to have the event back - some local residents take part. It is three years since the previous event.

JP thanked LT for attending and updating the meeting. LT left the meeting at this point.

2.3 Conflicts of interest declared

AF on CCDT Board and Save Gillies Hill, MN Walled Garden Group, RB on Management Group. AF and MN Save Gillies Hill. JP Save Gilles Hill.


3. Matters arising

3.1 Park Improvements within Cambusbarron.

An email has been sent to SC itemising the improvements we wish to see and asking for contact details of the unpaid work group which wold be useful for additional work such as painting the realigns in the toddler area and the big chute. It would be good to remember that Land Services offered paint supplies. One request, backed up by the community action plan, was for a “green gym” in the football park which could be used by all. An early discussion with the Rovers was for a fitness track to be put in place around the pitch and to the entrances. This would have multiple uses: as a running/walking track, a dry area for supporters to use on game days, as a dry walkway for residents accessing Touch Road from the park area and for people using the dry gym to warm up/cool down. I had hoped that CCC could have applied for wind farm money to do this work and then gift the track to the Rovers as, given the recent award, they would require to wait a year in order to apply themselves. Do the community council agree to this approach?

AF - it would be good if MMacA could continue with this as she has so much knowledge and experience of the issues. DECISION MMacA agreed.

3.2 Kersebonny speed changes and verges (MMacA)

There do not appear to be any large potholes/damage at present. MMacA pointed out that a full size bus went down this route today.

3.3 Persimmons adoption (MMacA)

Delighted to report that, as of the 8th March 2022, the road, drains and all ancillary items such as street lighting were deemed acceptable to SC and the development was formally adopted. Thanks to all who have given support and assistance, Cllr Scott Farmer, Neil Pirrie at Stirling Council but in particular to Scott Carter at Persimmons. Scott, from his appointment, has pushed this on, always answering emails promptly and he has been very supportive to the community. My personal view is that he made the last push as easy as possible and he has Marion’s personal thanks.

Can now be removed as a standing agenda item.

3.4 Seven Sisters (AF)

Noticeboard has been removed - perhaps to clear vegetation? Two enquiries from local residents complaining about deer getting barricaded in - hopefully should now not be able to get in. Also concerns about digging in a part of the field that is not to be developed - this is apparently due to managing topography of the area and we now have a site contact number for anyone who is concerned. JP - the burn is flowing brown - this may be connected with this. Someone coming on Thursday 17 to check this. MN reported that the burn is clear tonight.

3.5 Footpath Project (MMacA) On hold.


3.6 Quarry Road (DC)

Not much happening. DC sent letter on 23 February giving detailed reasons for permanent repair of embankment slip. Has been acknowledged. No further response.

3.7 Motorway Bridge (DC)

Timescale 2-3 months to look at options for harm-prevention. DC will get in touch again prior to April meeting. JP aware of another attempted suicide recently. MN also witnessed an attempt being prevented, police were called. ACTION MN email DC.

3.8 Bins/Litter/Dog Waste/Flytipping (MN) Bin waste meeting with St Ninians

Marion is due to attend the St Ninians CC meeting Wednesday 16 March to hear a presentation from Waste Services. This was scheduled for last month but the SC reps did not turn up.

MN we have interest from local residents asking for pickers. Have asked for these to be back by 25 March for Spring Clean. Reported flytipping - bath and toilet thrown into ditch near Seven Sisters field - it was removed, possibly by the landowner.

Offensive graffiti - on community centre wall - MN emailed, other people reported it. This is a route to school - that should have been removed more quickly. Disappointed in the response - could we get funding to get our own paint - a number of volunteers would be available to do this, the community wants this kind of graffiti covered up completely.

MMacA - what is SC view on obscene graffiti - do they have a policy? Happy for funds to be spent on paint etc. if required. MN had emailed Stephen Bly and all elected councillors.

3.9 Spring Clean

21 March to 21 April. Al from Trash free Cambo is taking pickers. He does the quarry side. The nursery is to take part. Well-being group may take part and clean their own street or areas. Development Trust - MN to contact for a date. Logos, Keep Scotland Beautiful involved.

3.10 Burnside Orchard (RB)

Work ongoing. A lot of stuff has been dumped - will have to be burned on site.

Guy Hayward has been in touch re ordering trees but says it will be easier for him to give us the money for trees, stakes, guards etc.

3.11 Fleming Trust (AF)

This is an on-going project but we have now two names of people who could make the display case. I would hope to have a fuller report to before the April meeting.

3.12 Child First Aid courses (MN) Covered in MH report.

3.13 Touch Road benches (RB)

Ongoing. Have been added to community assets list for insurance.

3.14 Christmas in Cambusbarron / Community Pride Dates (MN/AF/MMacA) Ongoing. There was a discussion regarding ideas for this.


3.15 Triangle Citizen Jaffray (MMacA)

On hold pending community consultation.

3.16 Bins waste meeting St Ninians (MMacA)

Attending CC meeting on 16 March. Will report back. ACTION MMacA.

3.17 National planning Forum 4 (DC)

Circulated information including comment on mineral extraction, asked if anyone wanted to feed any comments back to him. ACTION ALL.


3.18 Asset List for insurance. Attached as Appendix VI.

4. Reports

4.1 Police Report. Attached as Appendix I

Police responded to dirt bikes being used at Murrayshall Quarry. Police attended only one was seen riding referred to Procurator Fiscal, the others were given verbal warnings. Police attending said they did not know the area and found it difficult to find.

MMacA concerned about incident involving person hitting car wing mirrors who was then attacked by men with baseball bats or pieces of wood - essentially a police brawl. This should have been included in this report.

DC what happened following feedback on police report? Nothing has been received.

PK asked when we are returning to face to face meetings. Still looking for feedback on police report. ACTION MMacA will resend comments.

4.2 School Report [HT] Attached as Appendix II

Covid 19 guidance changed in February. Transition to nursery to Primary 1 and High School can now take place in person. Staffing still a challenge, - five staff currently have Covid 19 and three of support learning team. Children are in Dalguise but have managed to deal with this.

Staff training in numeracy/literacy outdoors. Purchased large secure storage container, store outdoor play and learning materials. Portland Institute of Cambusbarron gave £500 towards this.

Additional money from Scottish Government to refresh reading schemes. Buying novels etc. to expand range currently available.

Making progress in silver accreditation for reading scheme.

Parent Council Isabel Smit from planning department, SC, spoke about building works in Cambusbarron and what it means for capacity at school. Council has projected that capacity would be reached August 2025/6. A plan is in place, options appraisal, released moneys so Council team could look at all options - extending existing school, buildng new school on site or a new school on a new site. Extensive consultation with all stakeholders over several years has now begun.


Bikeability coming in to work with cycling skills for 5-7 year olds. Have First Aid team coming in during March and April, thanks to CC for organising this. Working with Stirling High School sixth year students again. Music group returning after Easter, also working with the church on 19 April.

CC thanked MH and his team for all of the work done during challenging times.

MH thanked MMacA for all her work with the CC, also wished to thank her for her personal support especially during the last two years, very much appreciated this.

4.3 Murrayshall and ROMP [DC]

Attached as Appendix III ROMP still not complete. No progress on future meeting with planners to discuss concerns. DC wrote to Chris Cox on 7 February - invited for a team meeting, DC said when available but nothing has yet been arranged. ACTION DC will continue to pursue.

4.4 Sequoia Group (Save Gillies Hill) (MN)

Charity is near completion on website. Has applied for microgrant for going ahead with the Zoom. Letter CC and Development Trust received, forwarded to Paterson. Thanks to DC for supplying map etc. See Appendix IV

4.5 Greener Cambusbarron [MMacA]

Early plans are being formulated for the new season, new volunteers are always welcome.

AF made contact with SC and it was agreed that the community could lift the snowdrops at the entrance to the Seven Sisters field. Good progress has been made so far: they will be planted in the castle gardens, the hanging basket tree, grass at the church car park area, the entrance to Bobbin Wynd and the top of Stewart Street but other areas can be considered. This has been organised by MN and AF– a huge job well done!


Health notice on larch trees - will not be complete until end of April. Nesting season beginning, have dispensation owing to disease. Amos is leaving, last day is 4 April. Volunteer day - cleared Scots Pine seedlings these have been planted in walled garden, intend to replant later in SPHN area. KR - there was some inappropriate abuse on Facebook. Some issues with members of the Board. Discussion of future of the areas that have been cleared - KR had not had reply to enquiry. AF Woodland management plan is with Forestry, not yet approved. KR feels there is opportunity to conduct small rewilding exercise. RB problem is that much of the wood has rewilded. Not going to have any solid planting unless done properly. Rewilding needs managing after 5-7 years. Not enough diverse woodland in the area. ACTION AF will take up lack of response to KR with Jennifer.

Reservations expressed on lack of communication with regard to the SPHN.

4.7 Treasurer's report [MN]

Attached as Appendix V

Last month has been quiet. AGM and minutes cheques have cleared. MN reminded to pass on admin expenses. Community Pride awarded for the trolleys. Awarded

£500 for Greener Cambusbarron.

£285.70 balance for First Aid - Mini First Aid in Edinburgh - service provided has been second to none. Now taking place in primary school.

£2776.37 Balance (same as last month as pending cheques included.)


Correction on cheque - laminating pouches - these are for MMacA. £20.94

4.8 Planning [JMCL] Nothing to report.

5. Main agenda

5.1 Road closure of Main Street/St Ninians Road and bus service suspension.

The community were surprised and disappointed by the closure of St Ninians Road at the church junction on the 22nd of February, the detour involved using Park Place where further work and traffic lights were in place. This led to a number of emails and a complaint to community enquiries being made, there has been no response to that complaint. It was very disappointing that the CC was informed that should we wish to know about road works in our area we should follow the website and that all complaints should be made directly with the contractor.

We consider that this is the sort of support we should expect for SC to a community council and as volunteers who do their best for their community. It should be noted that the expected community communication for a contractor: notices on lampposts, notes to residents whose cars would be trapped by machinery and metal information signs either did not appear or were blown down very quickly and were therefore of no use.

Further this brought to our attention that bus services had been suspended from the 8th February throughout the village, again without notification, David Brown was very efficient at keeping the community informed regarding changes to our services. That this was remedied very quickly thereafter suggests that this suspension had been forgotten after the water works on the Brae had been completed and it would be good to have that confirmed and an assurance that it will not happen again. Stephen Bly has offered to reinstate road work reports to the community: these had been suspended after other community councils had complained. I would be of the opinion that this would be useful information to have.

DECISION agreed it would be useful to have the road report reinstated. ACTION MMacA to contact Stephen Bly.

5.2 Request for historic plaque

A request has been received from a resident. He would like a plaque erected at the copper beeches near the community centre to commemorate that his late aunt planted one of the trees. MMacA has his details. However there is no evidence as to who planted these trees. AF - believes that school pupils planted the copper beech trees in 1936. Would need to look into newspaper archives or possibly school records etc. to see if there any names. DC this is not a CC matter. MMacA is there a plaque on the old steeple? It came from the farm, contained old school bell. ACTION JP to look into this. ACTION MMacA will draft email to resident, circulate it for approval and then send.

5.3 £5000 donation made by CCC/CCF to DEC via FS on behalf of the community.


After discussions within the CC it was decided that we would donate £5000 to DEC for use with relief work in Ukraine. It should be minuted that this community council support the people of Ukraine and it may be that further, on the ground, relief work becomes necessary in the coming months.

Agreed to look again at providing additional support for local families with connections to Ukraine.

5.4 Resignation of Marion MacAllister. (see Appendix VII)

DC MMacA has been a tremendous chair for this CC. Would she and KR stay on as nominal CC members to keep numbers up. Workload MMacA takes on has to stop. But as there is important work to do - Community Fund Panel and general CC issues so that we don't have to fold as a CC.

JP thanks to MMacA and KR. All very saddened by decision but understand and respect it. Hope they can help out with issues. People of Cambusbarron owe a great deal to them, individuals who do nothing but complain know nothing of the amount of work done and the issues involved.

CC needs 8 members - two current members not able to attend at present.

JP as vice chair is unable to take over the chair. Hoping this position can be filled by someone else. Can chair next meeting if required to allow time for arrangements to be made.

MMacA will stay until June to allow for time to find a replacement. Also can work with particular issues and provide reports. The CC thanked MMacA for agreeing to do this.

KR will also stay until June.

6 Correspondence [MMacA]

6.1 No correspondence.


7.1 MN Thanks to Stephen Robertson and Land Services - very prompt action on dangerous open manhole cover.

8 Date of next meeting

8.1 This will be held on Tuesday 19 April at 7pm via Zoom. To be reviewed at next meeting.

9 Decisions taken at this meeting

3.1 Playpark improvements MMacA to continue with this

5.1 Roads report to be reinstituted

5.4 MMacA and KR to remain as CC members until June but will not attend meetings.






Approved February and draft March minutes to AF and JP



Motorway Bridge - pass info to DC



National Planning Forum comments



Resend feedback/comments to Pam King on police reports



ROMP - continue to try for meeting



Contact Jennifer regarding issues raised by KR



Roads report to be requested from Stephen Bly



Historic plaque response to resident


11 The Meeting closed at 9:00pm.


Appendix I Police Report


Crime reports

Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area between 15/02/2022-15/03/2022


Detected cases: 5


Relating to crimes of violence, disorder and road


traffic offences.


Undetected: 0


Total Crime Reports: 5


There were 28 calls made to Police for the Cambusbarron area over the stated period. The


calls relate to a number of incidents including


Text Box: Appendix II School Report

HT Update - Community Council 15.03.22 COVID 19

- Guidance now allowing for classes to mix with mitigations in place. Planning for in-person transitions which is a welcome return esp for Nursery - P1 and P7-High School

- Staffing continues to be challenging and a changeable picture due to staff illness or staff caring commitments. The management team are regularly in class but I am confident that we are working to minimise any impact to our learners as we all follow the planning set out by the class teacher

Outdoor Play


We are continuing to work with Learning Through Landscapes to review how children play in these areas. The plans under development will review the use of these spaces and create 'zones' where children can engage in different play experiences

e.g. construction, quiet play, sand/water play etc.

We have also secured funding for a large and secure storage for the lower playground. This will further support ease of access for play and outdoor learning resources which is a key aspect of our ongoing improvement plan.


In reading, we are reviewing our approaches and resources and have identified an opportunity to enrich our reading resources


Appendix III







The ROMP process for the determination of working conditions for Murrayshall Quarry has still not been completed

No progress on the suggested future meeting with CCC, councillors and planners to discuss ROMP

Further to a detailed email to Chris Cox Head of planning sent on 7th February on ROMP issues, and reported at the February meeting, I have had an invitation to a TEAM/telephone discussion, but to date this is not taken place.

Douglas Campbell 13th March 2022


Quarry Working Boundary Q U A R R Y W O R K IN G B O U N D A R Y C C D T DR Y G RA N G E E S TATE /PATE RS O N Appendix IV



Mrs Melissa Nelson

27 The Brae, Cambusbarron,

FK7 9LE 07/03/2022

Dear Mr Tom Paterson,

We are responding to your letter dated June 1st, 2021.

A new Save Gillies Hill committee was formed on August 29th 2021. We fully acknowledge the contentious history of Murrayshall Quarry, the planning permission application process, and the current legal status. As a new committee, we are motivated by the prospect of building a mutually beneficial relationship with Patersons Quarries. We are looking forward to finding long-term and sustainable solutions to mitigate as many of the community's concerns regarding the quarry as possible.

You may be aware of some recent attention that the quarry has been receiving on social media. On 20th January 2022, I as chair of the Save Gillies Hill registered charity (hereon SGHRC) communicated to Mr. Andy Kavanagh (Estates Director) that no members of SGHRC are involved with the recent requests to gather or camp on the quarry land in opposition.

We would like to reiterate to you personally that no members of the SGHRC committee are involved in planning these events, no committee members will be attending, and no committee members are involved with the social media accounts that are being used to promote the gatherings and/or camp.

In your letter dated 1st June 2021, you highlighted that Patersons Quarries have a positive track record in working with communities. We believe that there will be many opportunities for us to work together to ensure that Patersons Quarries continue to maintain this positive track record.

In this regard, we would like to invite you to meet with us to discuss preserving and protecting the area of land which has the highest value to the community in terms of history, recreation, and biodiversity.

Page 1

Save Gillies Hill is a registered Scottish charity: Charity number SC038687


Text Box: APPENDIX V Treasurer's Report



All previous cheques from February‘s treasurer's report have now cleared.

We were awarded £500 from the popular Institute this cheque has been paid into greener Cambusbarron sums held in .

Marion had collected donation buckets from around the village; these have totalled a balance of £243 which was also paid into greener Cambusbarron sums held in.

Unfortunately on my part I had missed a cheque ending in 656 back in June 2021 for the balance of £29.46 which was a reimbursement to Derek McAllister for all purpose plant food for the hanging baskets. This cheque has now been returned to myself. I have written a fresh cheque number ending 647 on the 27th of February. I wish to offer my apologies to Derek for this inconvenience.

We’ve had some fabulous news that the mini first-aid is going ahead this will now will take place on Friday 25th of March within the school with the first half of the P5-7 she will then return in the new term and continue with another half day we are using the funding from foundation Scotland where we were awarded £550 and the extra £100 will be taken from additional micro Grant or Goodwill Fund. I wish to note that Lyndsey who we have worked with on this has offered nothing but the best service while we have corresponded during the past couple of weeks.

We were awarded £259 from Stirling Council‘s community pride for the trolleys, please see attachments to ones we can then make a purchase, any other suggestions are welcome.

https:// https:// Removable/dp/B08QD9BTCH/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=trolley+cart&qid=1646129818&sr=8-8

Sum held in trust has seen a change within the greener Cambusbarron sitting at a healthy

£4111.88 , the trolley balance is sitting there but that will soon be deducted along with the first aid grant.

Cambusbarron Community Council has a balance available of £2776.37 as you will see this available balance is the same as February's Treasurer report as I did take into consideration the balance on the three pending cheques waiting to clear.


Text Box: Appendix VI




The Burnside Steps and handrails cost written in the form is £3500 and NOT £8500.


Appendix VII

You will all be aware after my email of the 4th March that I have tendered my resignation as of this meeting. Life as a community councillor has become increasing thankless with considerable demand, complaint and criticism and very little support. A recent complaint made by a community group that I found upsetting was the final straw. That this comes into my home and impacts my family life is no longer the way I wish to live and I am resigning to be without the stress and frustration. It should be noted that the lack of support and communication from SC has also been a huge vexation: far too often there is a lack of communication and emails go unanswered. We are a layer of local democracy and should be respected and supported not treated like an inconvenience.

I have enjoyed working with you for the good of our community and we have achieved a great deal to enhance the lives of our residents, my thanks to you all. I am ever grateful for the support of our councillors: Christine Simpson, Scott Farmer and Neil Benny. I wish Christine well as she stands down and send my best wishes for the future to her replacement and to Scott and Neil. These best wishes also go to Stephen and his colleagues at Land Services who are very good friends to this community. Finally, but very sincerely, to our minute taker Helen Bang whose services we very much appreciate – always efficient and a superb addition to our team.