May 2022 Minutes

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APPROVED minutes Meeting 145 Cambusbarron Community Council held via Zoom at 7:00pm on Tuesday 17 May 2022


Members and office bearers

Janice Paterson, (JP)* Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF)

Keith Ratcliffe (KR) * Melissa Nelson, Acting Chair, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM)* Cathie Graham (CG) *

Douglas Campbell (DC) Richard Blore (RB) * Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep * Pam King, police (PK) *

Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH) * Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB) Marion McAllister (MMacA)*

In attendance


1. Introductions and Welcome (JP)

1.1 The acting Chair MN welcomed everyone to the meeting via Zoom.

1.2 *Apologies were received from Janice Paterson, Cathie Graham, Pam King, Keith Ratcliffe, Marion MacAllister, Mark Hill Jennifer MacLeod, and Richard Blore.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

2.1 The minutes of the April Zoom meeting were approved with the following amendment. Appendix II - only one page of pdf and it is incomplete. There should be 11 pages.

Proposed MN Seconded DC ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.

2.2 Conflicts of interest declared

AF on CCDT Board and Save Gillies Hill, MN Walled Garden Group, RB on Management Group. AF and MN Save Gillies Hill. JP Save Gilles Hill.

3. Matters arising

3.1 Park Improvements within Cambusbarron.

JP - email - reported no contact from SC. Ongoing. Very disappointing. AF we need to clarify latest developments with MMacA. May require another site visit. ACTION MN email Donna

3.2 Seven Sisters Field Housing Development (AF).

Nothing new to report. Have started on roundabout, work to continue for three months. Remove from agenda. ACTION AF.


3.3 Footpath Project (MMacA)

Ongoing. Standing item to be removed? Which footpath does this refer to? Kersebonny?

3.4 Quarry Road (DC)

See brief report. Contacted SC after last meeting - Stephen Bly suggested to raise this with elected member, Scott Farmer agreed. No news yet.

3.5 Bins/Litter/Dog Waste/Flytipping and Graffiti (MN/JP) Can be removed from agenda. ACTION AF


3.6 Burnside Orchard (RB)

RB has sprayed area this week. Will be redone in a few days. Could we include the school in the planting?

3.7 Fleming Trust (MMacA)

AF has a joiner, hasn't yet heard back from MMacA.

3.8 Motorway Bridges (DC)

DC has written again to BEAR Scotland. Will try again next month.

3.9 Touch Road benches (RB)

MN to email to ask for extension, this is to be sent. RB has started work on metalwork.

3.10 Christmas in Cambusbarron / Community Pride Dates (MN/AF/MMacA)

Ongoing. AF we need to advertise and have a meeting before August. ACTION MN


3.11 Triangle Citizen Jaffray (MMacA)

Remove from agenda for time being. Wait until roundabout finished. Get contact details of maintenance company from MMacA. ACTION AF. JP on hold pending consultation - who is doing work, is this residents?

3.12 Bins waste meeting St Ninians (MMacA) Closed, remove from agenda. ACTION AF.


3.13 Football Park Benches (JP)

Nothing to report. MN has emailed. Could take to SF once new Council has started. This is a safety concern.

3.14 Rovers Park Project (JP)

Have we heard from Gary and his team? MMacA had taken this forward - gym equipment and running track. RB to meet with Rovers to see what is required. An application to go into Cambusbarron Fund when decided. JP has asked RB for an estimate for the running track. Quote already received for the stairs. ACTION AF to contact RB for update.

3.15 Advert for New Community Councillors (JP)

This went in to the school. No response yet. Do we need to be clearer what we're asking for? If CC folds what does the community lose? There was a discussion as to how to best to encourage new people. Agreed to do newsletter. Article to DC. ACTION MN. DECISION Agreed to do newsletter, others to provide copy. ACTION DC.


3.16 School bookings

Not available for meetings. Other option - community centre, church hall bowling centre? Are there funds to pay for an alternative venue if required? Minute clerk fee last increased in 2018. ACTION MN


3.17 Roadworks Underwood Cottages (Seven Sisters?) (AF)

Issues regarding traffic lights. Notification was an issue, winging it day by day.


3.18 Solar lighting (AF)

Circulated email. Suggestion is to have lights on the path in the park - referred to in the action plan. DC has concerns about vandalism. ACTION AF to get more information.

4. Reports


4.1 Planning

Nothing to report.

4.2 Roads

JP had issues with documents. Why do we get the whole of SC borough report. Moving forward could we have highlighted section? There was a discussion - the report is intended for Council, not the CCs.

4.3 Treasurers Report (MN)

Attached as Appendix I

Sums held - microgrant has been deducted for Save Gilles Hill - logo and Zoom account. Greener Cambusbarron reimbursed cheque to Derek MacAllister. Invoice has just arrived for tubs at community centre.

Throughout of April payments which have cleared are

*Helen Bang minute talking

*Mini First Aid Micro Grant

*Reimbursement to Derek McAllister for soil out of G/Cambusbarron

*SGH Micro Grant

Leaving CCC with £2,597.16 funds available.

4.4 Murrayshall quarry and ROMP (DC)

Attached as Appendix II and III. Little to report this month.

4.5 School Report (MH)

Attached as Appendix IV

There was a discussion regarding organising visit with children to nursery. ACTION AF discuss with MH. MN suggested a squirrel box or bird feeders?

4.6 Sequoia Grove (MN)

SGH had the first open meeting as a new committee on Wednesday, the 11th of May. We had 11 people pre-register with that they receive the 16 conditions to read through ahead of the meeting. We had all the conditions printed out on A3 paper which worked really well for people to view and make comments of actions, must thank Ann for this it was great appreciated. The meeting was very positive , notes, comments and agreement for a future meeting to establish a action/working group.


Felling now finished. Last volunteer day did a lot of work on the path. Main track still to be worked on.

Tomorrow night meeting 18 May - ideas for this area. Walled garden - coming on well.

Gates at lodge - put back again - now not until 26 May.


4.8 Greener Cambusbarron

Attached as Appendix V. Plans have progressed. Mention volunteers needed in newsletter - ACTION DC


4.9 Police Report

No report received at time of meeting. ACTION AF to chase.

5. Main agenda

5.1 Community Development New Team email

There was a discussion as to how to pass this kind of information on to the community. Is the CC the correct recipient for this information? Could put Facebook link. Could the first page go on noticeboard with a link? Could it be sent to Development Trust members? Should it go to the school or is this SC's responsibility? ACTION MN print off first page and put on Facebook when online with short document from CC saying where the full document can be found.

5.2 NHS share regarding Research email 9.5.22

People to sign up/ scan QR code for health research for new treatments.

5.3 Concern raised by resident re state of gardens SC flats in Murray Place.

Just strimming weeds - is this something community payback could be doing?

ACTION MN email Stephen Robertson?

6 Correspondence

The following items were discussed:

6.1 Scottish Water Newsletter

6.2 APRS Affiliated Group Membership - re Green Belt. Pay £30 each year, get information to get ground green belted. To be deleted.

6.3 Commemoration plaques Queen's Jubilee - £300, not agreed.

6.4 Neighbourhood networks Stephen Bly sending information. How should we disseminate this information? Half a page on noticeboard - piece in newsletter.

Will Stephen Bly start attending meetings? ACTION MN to put on noticeboard.

6.5 Trash Free Cambu Microgrant application. DC saw this. Thought it was a great application. DECISION agreed £484.81 Attached as Appendix VI.

6.6 Earlsburn Windfarm Extension Attached as Appendix VII

Asking to visit - do short presentation either in person or virtual meeting. Agreed to invite to June meeting. ACTION AF.


6.7 Holiday Food and Childcare Programme

There are some hubs in Stirling area but not Cambusbarron area.

Aim is to support children 5-14 from low-income families - how would we know who these families are? Will need a team of people to do this. AF has sent to Jean at the nursery as she has facilities to do this. Could school Parent Council look at this?

There's only a couple more weeks to pull something together, we've only had 2 weeks notice. Difficult to know how to progress. Could distribute information as to what hubs


are available for residents. DECISION - not taking this forward but will try to share with parents where help is available.


7.1 Complaint received regarding the pub, noise, refuse collection - especially early - and taxis. Resident has approached the pub. Suggest keeping a log of issues.

DC we are invited to licensing board meetings - should we inform them that a complaint has been raised? ACTION AF to email Scott Farmer.

7.2 Received query - do CC never answer emails? It was a message to Facebook page

- would it be possible to get a bin top of football park? Bins cost £500 - there are some bins in the area. Could a bin be relocated? Area being redeveloped, could perhaps be part of this. Should we apply for money? ACTION AF go to Community Pride. To be done along with renovations to stairs etc.

8 Date of next meeting

8.1 This will be held on Tuesday 21 June at 7pm via Zoom.

8.2 Forthcoming meetings. to be held on 20 September 18 October 15 November Either virtual or in person - tbc.

9 Decisions taken at this meeting

3.15 Agreed to do newsletter to try to recruit new councillors

6.5 Trash Free Cambu Microgrant application

6.7 Holiday Food and Childcare Programme


10.1 The following agenda items can be removed until further notice:

3.2 Seven Sisters AF

3.5 Bins/Litter/Dog Waste/Flytipping and Graffiti AF

3.11 Triangle Citizen Jaffray AF

3.12 Bins waste meeting St Ninians AF

6.6 Contact windfarms AF


3.15 New Community Councillors article for newsletter MN

3.15 Newsletter DC

3.13 Christmas in Cambusbarron AF

3.14 Rovers Park project update AF

3.16 Venues for in person meetings MN

3.18 Solar lighting AF

4.5 Nursery visit discussion with MH AF

4.8 Greener Cambusbarron feature in newsletter DC

4.9 Police Report AF

5.1 Community Development New Team email MN

5.3 Concern raised by resident re state of gardens MN

6.4 Neighbourhood networks MN

7.1 Complaint re pub noise and other disturbance AF

7.2 Community Pride bin application AF

11 The Meeting closed at 8:50pm.







The ROMP process for the determination of working conditions for Murrayshall Quarry has still not been completed

No progress on the suggested future meeting with CCC, councillors and planners to discuss ROMP

No further information from planners on progress with ROMP process which they indicated would becomplete this summer..

Douglas Campbell 15th May 2022

Appendix III



Quarry Road Embankment

At the April meeting I reported that I would write to Stirling Council via Community enquiries continuing to question their failure to address a repair of the embankment failure on Quarry Road. I sent the email on 25th April and after contact with Cllr Farmer it was agreed that the issue would be raised to an ‘Elected Member Enquiry’. Hopefully this will lead to a fuller explanation of Council position.

To date no response

Douglas Campbell 16th May 2022



Headteacher Report 17th May 2022

Covid 19 Changes


- Staggered approach to welcoming in partners to our school to hold sessions such as science workshops, hedgehog welfare workshops and animal welfare sessions and Active Stirling sessions. This week we resumed our partnership with Reuben the Reading Dog Therapet which was nice to see.

- Sports Day pencilled in for 10th June

- Fire Service holding summer safety session with P1's and P7's on 24th May.

- Summer Fayre on the 28th May

Really fantastic to build up our partnerships in person again.

Lunches and break have returned to pre-covid times allowing all children to freely mix. A really positive step which has been supported by our SLA and catering team. It has been so lovely to see the children playing together. The staff team have also enjoyed seeing each other again at these social times.

Classes and Staffing Update


- We are expecting to have 9 classes next session - no change from this year.

Once classes are confirmed information will be shared with the school community.

Transition activities - Nursery and P7 have their own bespoke transitions which are underway. For current P1's to P6's we are


Appendix V

Greener Cambusbarron

Plans for the season progress with hanging baskets being potted and prepared. Eleven new Amberol ‘whisky’ style barrels have been delivered and the compost to fill these ordered. These will be put in place in the village centre over the next few weeks ready for planting. These new pots have reservoirs for water which will prevent drying out and result in a better flower display.

Further, the sealed bottom will prevent tree roots invading the compost which has resulted in the compost being replaced year on year. They will also run along the front of the community centre where the existing tubs are past their best and are rotting and unsightly. Volunteers for watering and planting are ready for the season but new volunteers are always welcome. We are hoping for a good season after the restrictions caused by covid.

Appendix VI

Cambusbarron Community Fund

Micro Grant Application Fund 1. Contact Details:

Name of group or individual applying: Trash Free Cambu Main contact name (if a group):

2. About you / your group

I am applying as (please tick one): An un-constituted group

3. Details of Micro-Grant Requested:

Please provide details of your project – what activities will you carry out, who will benefit from, and how?

Trash Free Cambu is a local interest group set up by members of the Gillies Hill mountain biking community in June 2021, in response to a significant increase in the amount of litter appearing on Gillies Hill during the COVID lockdown period.


Since our initial trail clean event that same year which encompassed the quarry area, Gillies Hill woodland, and the Polmaise Road area, we have continued to engage locals including the CCDT, MTB, running and orienteering communities in removing litter from the Gillies Hill woodland.

Our main activity is the provision of seasonal trail clean events, where we rally volunteers and remove litter from Gillies Hill, however as a follow on from this work we now have a core set of volunteers who are actively engaged in removing litter from the hill and surrounding trail networks on an almost weekly basis. As of April 2022, we have also been able to expand activity to the University Woods, and Dumyat Hill areas of Stirling through a Spring Trail Clean activation.

We undertake this work to ensure that the Gillies Hill woodland and surrounding trails are kept as natural for locals and visitors as they can be, and that the woodlands, in a clean state, will have a positive impact on those using them (no matter how they choose to do that).

As an aside to this core aim, we also do this work to promote with our MTB, running and roaming communities a sense of environmental stewardship for the trail systems they use on an almost daily basis, and to ensure there is a longer term, positive relationship with those who own land (such as the CCDT), and to ensure that there is mutual understanding as to how all users of Gillies Hill can benefit from our environment and trails – be this on bikes, on foot, or otherwise.

How much are you requesting? (Up to £500 for community groups)


What will the micro-grant be used to pay for? (please provide a breakdown of cost per item)


Our formal trail cleans rely on significant cooperation of local community groups such as the CCDT and Community Council, who lend us their equipment (never mind their own time) in administering these events.

We are requesting funds to purchase our own equipment, so as to be able to lend out litter pickers to local mountain bikers (on a temporary basis), and keep a stock of essential equipment to help with trail clean events, thereby easing the administrative burden on other local groups, and ourselves.

The breakdown of requested items is as follows, and is based on open market (non-discounted) research. Where alternative avenues for purchase exist we would of course be happy to explore these. Website addresses for items are also noted for ease of reference.

Appended to this application are a number of photos which show previous event set ups, and how the requested assets would be used.

Litter Pickers (x18): £15.49 per unit (£278.82)

Helping Hand Litterpicker Pro LINK Event Gazebo (x1): £129.99 Heavy Duty Pop up Gazebo LINK

Pop up Table (x2): £38 per unit (£76)

White Folding Table LINK/ TOTAL: £484.81


I certidy, to the best of my knowledge, that the information contained in this application is correct, and that I am authorised to make the application on behalf of the group / individual.

Name (please print): Alastair Hair Signature:

Position in Group: Group Coordinator Date: 02 May 2022


Please submit your completed applications to the following address, clearly marked “MICRO-GRANT APPLICATION” or leave the application form at the Library.




Earlsburn Wind Farm Extension

I am writing by way of introduction to our forthcoming proposal to extend the existing Earlsburn Wind Farm - an operational site which sits circa 4km to the south of Gargunnock.

REG Power Management Limited and Falck Renewables are project partners and as such have created a joint venture company, Naturalis Energy Development Limited (NEDL), to deliver this project which we anticipate to be up to 15 turbines (with a maximum tip height of 180m) and associated infrastructure. We further anticipate this will be a Section 36 application which will ultimately be determined by Scottish Ministers.

As with our other projects elsewhere in Scotland, we are committed to timely, open and transparent community consultation and will soon be embarking upon the pre-application process with Stirling Council. Along with meetings with community councils and other local groups/organisations, public exhibitions (physical) will be held to publicise the project and these are being planned for June and September 2022. Further details of these will be shared with you shortly and we would request your assistance in publicising these events to members of your community so we can assure that as many people as possible can attend and have their say on this project. We will also be providing opportunities for members of your community who may not yet feel comfortable attending in-person events to engage with the project.

We are also working on a project website which will outline the details of the project; this will go live in very soon. We will of course share details of the website with you as soon as it’s completed.

At this early stage we would very much like to meet with your community council, preferably before mid- June so that we can outline the project - as it currently stands - and explain our thinking, and listen to your thoughts on all aspects.

Please let us know if your community council would be happy to hear a short presentation from ourselves which we can either do in-person or virtually. Please email to let us know if you would like to meet and what arrangement would suit best.

Should you wish further information, you can reach me at the above noted email address. Yours sincerely


Melvyn McKeown

Project Development Manager