February 2023 Minutes

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APPROVED minutes Cambusbarron Community Council Ordinary meeting 152 held on 21 February 2023 at the Community Centre at 7pm


Members, office bearers and residents
Janice Paterson, Vice Chair (JP) * Ann Finlayson, Chair (AF) Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, (JM) Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell, (DC) Richard Blore (RB) * Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH) *
Shaun Nesbitt, Planning (SN) Scott Farmer, elected representative (SF)
Maureen Simpson, resident (MS) Elizabeth Ferguson, resident, (EF) Derek Townsend, Webreturn (DT) Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)
* Not in attendance at this meeting

1. Welcome and Introductions
1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.2 Apologies
Apologies were received from the police, Cathie Graham, Janice Paterson, and Richard Blore.

1.3 Minutes of previous meeting held 17 January 2023
These were approved with the following amendments:
Action 2.3.2 re Seven Sisters should be Neil Benny not Shaun Nesbitt.
Item 2.11 query about culvert to be clarified
Proposed DC seconded SN. ACTION HB to forward to AF for Stirling Council.
1.4 Conflicts of interest
The following conflicts of interest were noted: AF on CCDT Board, MN Walled Garden Group, RB on CCDT Management Group. MN Save Gillies Hill. JP Save Gilles Hill.

2. Website (DT)
Derek Townsend from WebReturn attended the meeting. His company has designed websites for other Community Councils. Balfron and Kilmacolm.
Sites list meetings, some have agendas and minutes attached. Key things to consider: What are the aims for the website, who is the audience? It is a good idea to have a page explaining what the CC does.
MN - there are a number of groups in the village, e.g. the Development Trust. It would be good to clarify who does what.
DT – it could also have a map of the area, current minutes, an archive of minutes, relevant planning information as well as community events the CC wants to promote, updates on projects etc. Ideally members of the CC would be able to update, DT can quote for doing this.
Some CCs use Facebook as a news resource. This can be embedded on the website. You do not have to be a member of Facebook to access these posts.

It was agreed that it would be good to find someone from within the community who could handle updating information etc. DT would charge £150 a year depending on how many updates are required.
Clerk HB would be available for initial updating duties – to be discussed.
DT was thanked for attending.

3. Matters arising from the minutes
3.1 Burnside Orchard
Owing to inclement weather no work has been possible.

3.2 Touch Road Benches
One is ready to install, again weather dependent.
Repair to the steps is also weather dependent.

3.3 Rovers Park Improvements
Park Project The CC has received confirmation of £35K for gym equipment. We are also looking at a trim trail. It depends if it would work with the embankment.
The equipment will be installed in King George V park.
Broken see-saw. James has ordered replacement parts.
Climbing frame, awaiting feedback on replacement.

3.4 Quarry Road (DC)
Report attached as Appendix I
There should be a squad available in March to do repairs. Agreed to contact DC on 28 February regarding the work required.
One of the landowners adjacent to the burn says he feels the situation has deteriorated somewhat.

3.5 Fleming Trust
Report from Marion Macallister below.
After considerable effort I have been unable to find a carpenter to make the bookcase need for the renovations in the library. SC insist that the work be done by an insured craftsperson who can provide an invoice. I can get a carpenter but not one who is still has a business and others consider it too small a job. Would it be possible for the CC to ask advice from SC and perhaps for the name of a carpenter who works for them? Thank you

3.6 Who owns the land around entrance to football park (DC)
Report attached as Appendix II. DC was thanked for his work on this.

3.7 Roads round the village yellow lines not reinstated after road surfacing.
Ongoing. Underwood Road does not have yellow lines and people parking obstructs the buses.
DC queried if the 20mph limit was enforceable or does it have to wait until signs are completed? No one knew the answer to this. The decision regarding the new speed limit was made last September and publicised in the Stirling Observer. It was also on the CC Facebook page.
20mph flashing sign at Touch Road - are they being left or removed?
3.8 Seven Sisters street names access next to Clayhills cottage. The following names have been selected:
• Seven Sister Way
• Forester Street
• Sledgefield Drive
• Redwood Road
• Sequoia Grove
• Roe Place

3.9 Seven Sisters - path. There is now a gate to the development next to Clayhills cottage. The path is badly churned up and inaccessible. AF has been in touch with Chris Softley who said it was not intended to be a path. He said there is only to be one access but during planning was agreed that there would be two access points. AF believes Stirling Council owns this land. The CC queried whether the sewer work is actually complete.
The safe route to school in this area is still an issue. ACTION DC to query ownership of land. Barratt say it is not there.
Is the drainage going to include the flooding that occurs in the field each year? The map of the development was discussed.
3.10 Ongoing issues at The Brae. There are two disabled spaces no longer required at Number 10 and 12 right on the corner. If there were double yellow lines it would improve visibility. ACTION SF

4 Reports
4.1 Police Report
Attached as Appendix III No police attended this meeting.
There are ongoing issues with quad bikes being ridden on local roads.

There have been issues with antisocial behaviour at Wallace Place. A resident was so intimidated by the behaviour she was unable to return home. Police have been informed. It is very important to log all incidents.

4.2 School Report (MH)
No report received at time of meeting. Attached as Appendix IV

4.3 Planning Report (SN)
SN has clarified the time allowed to respond to planning applications - in the first instance we have 21 days but SC will accept comments any time up to drafting of report which may be 2 months. For a more complex applications they will accept an extension, e.g. if the CC is on holiday during the relevant period.
There have been no applications for our area of Ward 5
Revised house sizes at Seven Sisters were approved with conditions. There was a query as to where to find these conditions, SF said these should be available.
NB was to contact Bruce Walker at David Wilson Homes.

4.4 Windfarm
Report attached as Appendix V
Naturalis - have already done a presentation to the community.
Drummarnock - this is at the pre-planning stage. They are doing a public exhibition at Cambusbarron Community Centre on 4pm - 8:30pm Tuesday 18 April. (Same day as CC meeting- ACTION MN to check room availability.)

4.5 Treasurer's Report (MN)
4.5.1 Attached as Appendix VI
There was a top up in the microgrant for the toddler group (theatre trip). The next funding of £2000 is about to be released.
£229 left in Christmas in Cambusbarron, going to ask Rachel if this can stay in the account.
Internet banking payments are now going through.
Balance is £2695.86
4.5.3 Stephen Bly has sent the assets form. MN has information on our assets from Marion MacAllister.
4.5.3 Christmas in Cambusbarron report
Attached as Appendix VII

4.6 Greener Cambusbarron
No update. Work will commence later in the season.
APPROVED minutes CBCC Ordinary meeting 152 held 21 February 2023

4.7 Cambusbarron Fund (AF)
It was agreed to put this on the agenda with an update each month.
The suggestion from FS is to have just 2 applications rather than 4 each year. These would be in April and September.
New members are required for the panel. ACTION AF to find out if Marion MacAllister wishes to stay on the panel.

4.8 CCDT (AF)
No tree-felling currently, we are moving into bird nesting season. A digger will fill in holes this week.
Work is required on the land opposite the school. Felled trees need moving. ACTION SF.

5. Main agenda
5.1 Lack of crossing patrol on The Brae.
The position is to go live on Stirling Council's website. It has been vacant for three months. ACTION ALL asked to share post/ ask anyone who may be interested.

5.2 Keep Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean 17 March to 17 April We have taken part in the past couple of years. We hope to get the school and the church involved. ACTION MN to find a date for the community to take part.

6 Correspondence
No parking Paterson Place
Stirling Council asked about yellow lines past the football pitch, have decided not to take it further at this time as there have been comments against it.

7 Community Council elections
The notice is to be published on 3 April - we need to promote this and encourage new members.

8.1 Virgin media expansion - we have been advised of this.
Is City Fibre ever going to cover the top of the village?

8.2 DC has passed MN the cups and minute books from the old flower show.

9 Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21 March 7pm in the Community Centre
The meeting closed at 9pm.

3.9 Land ownership – Seven Sisters DC
3.10 Parking/yellow lines at The Brae SF
4.4 Availability of Community Centre Tuesday 18 April MN
4.7 Cambusbarron Fund membership AF
4.8 Clearing felled trees CCDT land SF
5.1 Crossing patrol promote vacancy ALL 5.2 Spring clean date MN

Appendix I
REPORT FOR MEETING 21st February 2023 Quarry Road Embankment I reported at the January meeting that I had not received any response from Gary Neill Roads Services Manager on any action proposed to address the embankment issue on Quarry Rd. On 27/1/23 GN responded, apologising for not contacting the |CC before the Jan meeting and indicating that “should have a squad available” in early March. No indication was given in the email on what work was proposed. He indicated that he would contact me on 28/2/23 with further information. After a resident/adjacent landowner approached me on 9th February indicating that the situation had deteriorated, I inspected the embankment and while I consider there was some fresh movement the embankment failure hadn’t progressed below the surfacing of Quarry Rd. This resident has also contacted GN independently. Douglas Campbell 21/2/23

Appendix II
After discussion on the condition of the bridge into the Rovers park at the January meeting I was asked to attempt to clarify the responsibility for the upkeep of the bridge. A record of correspondence is given for clarity
18/2/23: wrote to Hacking and Paterson who were thought to be the factors for the land, outlining the potential problem with the bridge.
20/1/23: Martin J Henderson of H&P advised that the “area falls outwith the title/boundary and therefore no liability for co-proprietors of the Mill development.
23/1/23: I inspected the bride superficially and prepared a brief report on its condition [forwarded to Stirling Council via Stephen Bly [SB] /local elected members and CC Gmail account]. Basically the bridge was in a dangerous condition for pedestrians as some of the timber sleepers had rotted much so that a child could have put their foot right through the deck at one particular spot. I emphasized public safety concerns
27/1/23; email from Melissa advising me that representatives of SC had been seen inspecting the bridge.
31/1/23: Noted that cones and ticker tape placed over damaged section
27/1/23: Obtained information from Registers of Scotland [RoS] on ownership and titles for the bridge plot, namely Hayford Mill Ltd {HML], who acquired it on 17th Dec 1998 from Stirling Council. In addition the ‘burdens’ seem to indicate a shared responsibility for houseowners of the Mill development.
30/1/23: SC confirmed in an email from SB the above land transaction and stated his understanding “each property owner having a share of the liability”
6/2/23: further response from SC, that they wish to investigate the land issue further, and will update the CC when possible.
6/2/23: I emailed SC with the information received from RoS on 27/1/23 to assist their investigations.
I am awaiting information from SC further to their email of 6/2/23, but I consider that the responsibility for chasing up HML and the individual property owners should be the responsibility of SC, not CCC, especially given the access requirement for vehicular traffic into the leased Rovers park and the pedestrian access to a children’s playing field.
Douglas Campbell

Appendix III Police Report
Name of
Community Council 21/02/2023 – Cambusbarron Community Council meeting
Our priorities in the Cambusbarron area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug dealing, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.

Crime reports Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area between 13/01/2023-17/02/2023 Undetected: 3 Relating to crimes of dishonesty and a road traffic offence. Detected: 5 Relating to crimes of violence, disorder, theft and miscellaneous offences. Total Crime Reports: 8 No crime trends have been identified for any specific area. 999/101 CALLS There were 48 calls made to Police for the Cambusbarron area over the stated period. The calls relate to a number of incidents including vulnerable persons, domestic matters, neighbour issues, road traffic matters and theft.

Other Incidents of note/relevant Community Council information DRUGS Efforts are always being made to obtain intelligence in relation to substance misuse and drug dealing in the Cambusbarron area. Any information regarding substance misuse and drug dealing is welcomed, and can be reported to Police Scotland via tel or email. Your information/name will never be disclosed.

CAMBUSBARRON QUARRY We have received a couple of calls in relation to the use of quad/dirt bikes in the quarry. Police have identified one youth involved and they have been spoken to in the presence of their parents. We will continue to monitor the area and deal with any incidents appropriately.

ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR – WALLACE PLACE We are aware of antisocial behaviour at an address on Wallace Place whereby youths are attending playing loud music, shouting etc. Stirling Council antisocial behaviour team have been informed and the area has been added to our weekend policing plan to monitor the situation and deal with any criminality. Any residents experiencing issues should contact Police on tel 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency) or alternatively using the email noted below.
Feedback from meeting Please e-mail any feedback/questions to PCs King and Spike: StirlingWestCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk

Appendix V School Report
Community Council – School Update
This term we have been celebrating some whole school success.

Eco Schools Award
I am delighted to announce that Eco Schools Scotland have renewed Cambusbarron Primary and Nursery’s Green Flag Status. The Green Flag is a prize celebrating the ecological achievements of the young people in our school and nursery and is evaluated every 2 years.
The Eco-Schools Team praised our Eco-Committee commitment adding ‘Your action plan, evaluations and supporting evidence provide a fantastic picture of what you have been working to achieve during this journey and of the many successes that you have enjoyed. The quality of your evidence is excellent and clearly reflects the huge amount of work you have done.
Some initiatives citied include our current work in P5 to create a sensory map of our school grounds in partnership with Learning Through Landscapes and Edinburgh University. This will then lead to grounds improvements encouraging learning and biodiversity.
The report also highlighted our work on Global Goals, sustainability and our commitment to reducing paper waste in school. Our feedback stated your plans clearly demonstrates that you have taken a very holistic whole school approach to your current journey and there are a range of examples of good practice across all of your topics that demonstrate the success of this.”
I would like to thank all of our children, staff and our partners for continuing to support us on our Eco journey as we continue to make a positive difference.

Reading Schools Sliver Accreditation
I am delighted to announce that the Scottish Book Trust have awarded Cambusbarron Primary our Silver Reading Schools Accreditation. Last year, and in discussion with our House Captains and staff team, we chose to be aspirational and work towards attaining a Silver level award rather than settling for our Core Level award. Our ambition has paid off!
The Scottish Book Trust recognised our work over the last year which has been key to building a reading culture in school and focuses on reading routines and the school environment. It was also recognised that we are providing additional opportunities to broaden our learners’ experiences, such as engaging with authors, visiting libraries, and bringing in other outside expertise.
I would like to thank the staff team, children and our local library for their support in achieving our award. Our work to promote reading for pleasure will continue.

Cambus Clubs
The school team have been supporting the development of wider skills and supporting the children form P1-P3 and P4-P7 to mix and explore new experiences together. Every Friday afternoon a wide range of clubs are running to promote these skills. Children suggest what clubs they would like and the team work to support this. This term we have a games club, cooking club, construction club, dance club, book club, Lego club, Comic club to name a few. These have been very popular with the children and we hope to build on this moving forwards.
Cambusbarron Community Council Main Account Of this the sum hheelldd iinn trust are
28/10/2023 Opening Balance £15,477.20 Newsletter £265.00
07/11/22 CHQ 010695 Toddlers M/Grant -£382.50 WWW1 Exhib £315.00
08/11/2022 CHQ 010698 Sep C/C Fee -£31.20 Quarry/Fpaths £442.61
08/11/2022 CHQ 010697 Oct C/C Fee -£43.68 Greener Cambs £3,111.03
09/11/2022 CHQ 010696 Helen Bang AGM -£40.00 Elephant I T Sky £280.00
11/11/2022 BACS F/S Greener Camb £1,500 Touch K/BSeats £1,500.00
18/11/2022 CHQ 010699 Newletter M/Press -£96.00 Micro Grants £814.50
23/11/2022 CHQ 010700 P/back A/F lights -£352.27 Covid-19 S/C £289.36
06/12/2022 CHQ 010701 M/Press CinCam -£158.00 Covid-19 W/F £80.96
13/12/2022 CHQ 010704 Nov C/C Fee -£12.48 King GV P/Bench £1,480.00
14/12/2022 CHQ 010703 Helen Bang Mins -£50.00 Trolleys £19.02
14/12/2022 CHQ 010708 P/back A/F Decs -£119.39 Christmas in
14/12/2022 CHQ 010710 P/back A/F lights -£77.93 Cambusbarron £2,510.71
14/12/2022 CHQ 010705 M/G Warm Space -£500.00
20/12/2022 CHQ 010706 M/G CVN FirstAid -£500.00
20/12/2022 Internet Payment P/back A/F CinC -£245.70
22/12/2022 Internet Payment P/back CVN CinC -£444.55
23/12/2023 CHQ 010709 Angela CinCam -£119.45
£13,804.05 £11,108.19
Available Funds to C/C £2,695.86