November 2023 Minutes

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APPROVED minutes of Cambusbarron Community Council Ordinary meeting 157 held Tuesday 21 November at 7pm at the Community Centre

In attendance
Ann Finlayson, Chair, AF Melissa Nelson, Treasurer, MN Shaun Nesbitt, Planning, SN Jennifer McLeod, JMcL Jen Preston, elected rep, JP Jennifer Haggerty, Secretary, JH Dawn Marie Todd - Events Group Farrah Amor Bett, FAB, School Keir Geatrell, Wee Cambusbarron Rovers, KG Helen Bang, minute clerk, HB

Officers not in attendance at this meeting
Richard Blore, Lynda Simpson.

1 Introductions and welcome

1.1 The Chair AF welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Lynda Simpson, Mark Hill, Richard Blore and David Ross

1.2 Conflicts of interest were declared:
Melissa Nelson – CCDT, Walled garden, Events Group
Dawn Marie Todd - Events Group
Jennifer Haggerty - CVN employee and director
Farrah Amor Bett, Parent Council

1.3 The minutes of the October 2023 meeting were approved with the following amendment – Dawn Marie not Dawn-Marie, Item 2.12 2024 not 2023. The previous minutes were approved. Proposed DMT, seconded SN. ACTION HB send to AF for Stirling Council.

1.4 Actions from October meeting
Item Description ACTION

1.3 Approved September and draft minutes to JH and AF HB done

2.8 Ownership of land chase Jen Preston MN agenda

2.12 Invite Wind2 to January CC meeting SN done

3.1 Discarded needles – pharmacy and school LS ongoing

4.1 Notify Stephen Bly of future meeting dates MN

4.2 Local place plan review DR ongoing

4.3 School crossing patrol withdrawal LS agenda

2. Matters arising

2.1 Joint website - MN
CCDT want a meeting with Derek Townsend to discuss moving forward. The CC wants to go ahead anyway. Funding application to mention that we are looking into a joint venture, but CC is applying for the funding. ACTION MN.
It was pointed out that in the past two members of the CC sat on the school board and communication was better. However, it is difficult to find people with time to attend meetings.

2.2 Burnside Orchard - RB
Awaiting Spring for the new planting season.

2.3 Benches Touch Road benches - RB
Second bench - the price had increased owing to the delay so additional funding is required. £900 is required. ACTION AF.

2.4 Playpark improvements - AF
Thanks to James Aikman for attending to deal with holes. However, there is still an issue. It may be caused by moles and require investigation. ACTION MN. Gym equipment has been ordered. This should be installed next year.
We are also expecting the replacement climbing frame.

2.5 Quarry Road - JM
Garry Neil emailed Jimmy McArthur on 16 November: Our drainage engineer has visited the site as discussed and noted that the embankment is slowly rotating into the ditch. His opinion is this is not of great concern, however, he does note that we should do something to stabilise the banking for the long term. We are currently working through this and the proposal at the minute is to install a concrete canvas on the embankment. I anticipate that this will be completed in the next 6 weeks, the team will follow up with an exact date.
Jimmy McArthur replied: Perhaps you could explain what a concrete canvas involves - is this a long term solution, and will it cover the whole of the exposed burn? Also how would this affect my side of the burn? So far no reply has been received.
It was agreed that the CC had to keep abreast of this issue owing to the safety concerns.
Previously a path from Seven Sisters had been requested which would avoid the road but this was refused citing tree protection.

2.5.1 A road sign near the walled garden is required. A new person is in post in Roads. ACTION JP to advise who is in charge currently.

2.6 Fleming Trust bookcase - AF

2.7 Who owns the land around the entrance to football park? - JP
Hayford Investments Ltd no longer exists. They are listed as the owners, but it is not known who now owns their assets. Land Services only cut grass in a corner and use the pedestrian gate. The football club cut the main grass and need to access the bridge. The issue remains not being able to obtain funding to carry out work ion land to which the CC does not have a lease or ownership. ACTION JP

2.8 Rovers park bridge safety concerns - see above.

2.9 Funding for website Community Pride application - MN
See item 2.1

2.10 Garages in Thomson Place - MN
They need removing as they are a health and safety issue - children have been climbing onto them, but there has been no progress. ACTION JP to ask housing.
Concerns were expressed about dirt bike riders causing issues - they may be using a garage to maintain bikes.

2.11 Drummarnock windfarm – SN
Representatives from Wind2 are to attend the January CC meeting.

2.12 Forum 5
It was not possible to send a representative to the most recent meeting.

2.13 Drug use/discarded needles - ongoing

2.14 Cambusbarron Goodwill Fund
Marion MacAllister and Douglas are looking for someone to join this group. ACTION MN to ask Marion how many people are required.
Regular reports will be requested from this group.

2.15 Removal of School Crossing Patrol
The survey was done on a dry day, it did not measure cars turning into Murray Place or how many children were crossing on their own, pedestrians' vision being obscured by vans etc. Considerable concern was expressed about children's safety if the crossing patrols are removed. Previously a period of both controlled crossing and patrol for assessment had been mentioned but it is not known when this will be happening.

2.16 CCDT lease from Stirling Council lack of officers - AF
This has been outsourced. The company dealing with it have been in touch.

3 Reports

3.1 Police Report – attached as Appendix I

3.2 School Report – attached as Appendix II
This discussion occurred earlier in the meeting.
The Headteacher has received a letter from the developers - due to falling birthrates they are no longer considering extending the building, moving the building or obtaining a new site. A consultation has therefore been cancelled. See Appendix II.
Concerns were expressed about this. The school has been offered an online daytime meeting. It was agreed that this is unacceptable, and they should attend the school at a time when parents can attend. There would need to be time to organise such a public meeting and ensure that parents were aware of it. ACTION FAB to forward email. ACTION JP to investigate decision. ACTION AF to ask David Wilson Homes. JH is prepared to liaise if necessary.
There is a reference to the school build update in the school report attached to these minutes so this information can be circulated.
There was a discussion regarding allocation of Council budgets - e.g. cost of Christmas lights, refusing sale of small pieces of land to residents.

3.3 Planning Report - SN
A report was circulated prior to the meeting. Very little affects this area. Change of use approved for Bronny’s Bistro - 7 Main street and restoration of peatland near Thornhill . There is an application for the installation of a solar array on the land NW of Pirnhill Services.

3.4 Treasurer’s Report - attached as Appendix III
Award came in for Greener Cambusbarron £1500
Accounts have been audited and sent to Stephen Bly.
Payments made through October were internet transactions Helen Bang for minute taking from administration Trash Trail were awarded £494.22 from the Micro Grant Reimbursement to Ann Findlayson for ink & paper from administration Payment for September room hire from administration Income received to CC
Our administration grant for 2023/2024 from S/Council £688.45
£2424.90 available to spend.

3.5 Greener Cambusbarron - Derek MacAllister
Grant application - ACTION AF to check status.
1. Winterisation has taken place, thanks as always to the volunteers who made it an easy task and to Land Services at Stirling Council for their continued support

2 The collection box from the Community Centre was collected and counted, money given to Melissa to be banked. The total was £66.53 and huge, continued thanks are sent to the hall-keepers and users for their support. It was interesting to note that the bill for winterising was £67.79 so the donation almost covered our expenses.

3. An application was made to the Cambusbarron Fund (Foundation Scotland) for two large projects for next season. The bowser will be replaced with a motorised version and the tubs at the welcome sign at Birkhill Road will be replaced with Amberol tubs. We await official notification that the application was successful.

3.6 CCDT
To be held over to the January meeting.

4 Main agenda

4.1 Wee Cambusbarron Rovers - KG
65 - 66 young people are playing football. Most of the squads train twice a week. During the winter they hire astro pitches. All squads play games on a Saturday. The youngest go to Cumbernauld at 8:30am. Parents pay £20 a month - this pays for the lets. Also training kit, waterproof jackets,water bottles, football equipment.
They wish to apply for a microgrant to assist with their costs - more footballs, bibs, more waterproof jackets. Any support would be much appreciated. e.g. 30 footballs cost £100.A total of £530 is required. Wee Cambusbarron Rovers have a separate bank account.
The CC were in favour of supporting this local group. KG was advised that £500 can be given twice a year to unconstituted organisations, but it is up to £10,000 if a group is properly constituted.
ACTION KG to clarify if they are a separate organisation from the Rovers who have already had a grant with a constitution etc.

5 Correspondence

5.1 Nothing to report.


6.1 Christmas in Cambusbarron - the baskets are in progress. We have £5000 for the Santa event with reindeer, lunch with Santa, cinema evening on 12 December.

6.2 Housing. There are at least three houses unoccupied - one has been empty since March. Another has been empty since Covid. A third property let on 15 March - a one bedroomed flat - has never had a light on. Concerns were expressed about these empty Council properties when so many people are homeless. ACTION JP.

7. Date of next meeting

7.1 This was confirmed as Tuesday 16 January at 7pm at the Community Centre.

7.2 The meeting closed at 9:10pm.


1.3 Approved Minutes from Oct and draft Nov minutes to AF HB

2.1 Website MN

2.3 Funding for benches AF

2.4 Moles (?) issue at playpark MN

2.5.1 New Roads appointee JP

2.7 Land entrance to football pitches need to establish ownership JP

2.10 Garages in Thomson Place JP

2.14 Goodwill Fund – more information required MN

3.2 School concerns – forward email FAB
Investigate decision on birth rate/ falling school rolls JP
David Wilson Homes to be asked about moneys ringfenced for
school expansion AF

3.5 Greener Cambusbarron grant application status AF

4.1 Wee Cambusbarron Rovers constitutional position KG

6.2 Housing concerns JP