October 2023 Minutes

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Approved minutes of Cambusbarron Community Council Ordinary meeting 156 held Tuesday 17 October at 7pm at the Community Centre

In attendance
Melissa Nelson, Acting Chair/ Shaun Nesbitt, Planning, SN
Treasurer, MN Scott Farmer, elected rep, SF Dawn Marie Todd, DMT Lynda Simpson, LS David Ross, resident DR Jimmy MacArthur, resident, JM
PC Stuart Gray PC Alasdair Spike, Helen Bang, minute clerk, HB

Officers not in attendance at this meeting
Ann Finlayson, Chair, Jennifer Haggerty, Secretary, Jennifer McLeod,
Richard Blore.

1 Introductions and welcome
1.1 The Acting Chair MN welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Ann Finlayson, Jennifer McLeod, Jennifer Haggerty and Richard Blore.

1.2 Conflicts of interest were declared:
Melissa Nelson – CCDT, Walled garden, Events Group
Lynda Simpson - director/employee
Dawn-Marie Todd - Events Group

1.3 The minutes of the September 2023 meeting were approved with the following amendment – the previous minutes were approved by SN. Proposed SN seconded LS. ACTION HB send to AF for Stirling Council.

2. Matters arising
2.1 Joint website - MN
Ongoing – it is planned to share the website with other organisations.

2.2 Burnside Orchard - RB
Council are keeping this area better maintained. Concerns were expressed about young people openly using drugs near the Memorial Park. It has been reported to the police.

2.3 Benches Touch Road benches - RB
One is in place. another will be constructed. Funding will have to be discussed at some stage as only £60 remains in the fund.

2.4 Rovers Park improvements - RB
RB has done all the steps. Thanks were expressed by the CC. It was agreed to support the Rovers in any applications they wish to make for any further work.

2.5 Playpark improvements
All gym equipment is now ordered. It should be installed by the New Year. This has been a long-running project so it will be great to have this completed. The climber will be sorted at some point.
2.6 Quarry Road, JM
JM is a resident. The situation began four years ago when there was a landslip. In May a wire gambion basket was installed although concerns were expressed about its height being insufficient. This weekend it has dropped leaving the road surface exposed. There is no pavement there. The slippage will block the burn at some point. JM has written to Gary Reilly, the Head of Roads but has not had a reply. It has now been passed to flooding who said they would let JM know when they were attending but did not. It really requires remedial work and a pavement installed.
Concerns were expressed about further flooding predicted for the coming weekend.
SF suggested giving Gary Reilly chance to respond and to get in touch if necessary.

2.7 Fleming Trust bookcase

2.8 Who owns the land around the entrance to football park
No response from Councillor Jen Preston to date. Ongoing. ACTION MN to chase.

2.9 Rovers park bridge safety concerns
See above - ongoing.

2.10 Funding for website Community Pride application, MN
Ongoing. It is planned to share the website with other relevant groups.

2.11 Garages in Thomson Place - MN
Some are in a very poor condition. Concerns were expressed on health and safety grounds.

2.12 Drummarnock windfarm - SN
Wind2 - emailed and asked about doing a presentation. They are happy to come to a meeting. The planning application is now due to go in in February as a turbine is being re-sited. ACTION SN to ask them to attend the CC meeting on January 16 2024.

2.14 Forum 5
Unfortunately no councillor was able to attend this time owing to pressure of work.

3 Reports
3.1 Police Report – attached as Appendix I
Police attended. There have been 42 calls since September. There are no new
crime trends. Calls: assault, anti-social behaviour (noise complaints primarily) theft, domestic matters, road traffic concerns, parking issues, missing persons.
Police also have to cover four other areas. They do try to get out and about and increase visibility. Drugs are an issue everywhere.
Crimestoppers is completely anonymous and a valuable resource.
Emergencies - call 999, police same day 101, community issues can use the police email. StirlingWestCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk
Concerns were expressed about discarded needles being found at bus stops etc. Should someone speak to the pharmacy and the school about advising young people with regard to needles? A poster displayed at the bus stop would be a good idea. ACTION LS. SF said if reported, needles would be removed by council workers.
The issue of discarded needles was discussed with the police. Carrying disposable gloves was recommended - although it is not residents' responsibility to deal with needles sometimes it's the quickest way to deal with the issue.
Burnside - drug use near the bridge/memorial was reported.
Police have been tasked to patrol the city centre to try to target drug users obtaining drugs in the first place.
Halloween was mentioned as a time when there is often anti-social behaviour.

3.2 School Report
No report was received as the school is on half term.
Breakfast club/after school club reported as being missed but they were not very well attended when it was running.
The school would need to ascertain how many people would use the service
if it was provided. Parental support would be necessary.
School building extension - a meeting was scheduled for the 12 October, no feedback on this has been received to date.

3.3 Planning Report - SN
Nothing that directly affects Cambusbarron.
Further afield Persimmon Homes are looking to build 133 homes. Further developments are planned for Plean.
The hospital is doing landscaping works in the grounds.

There was a discussion about construction work happening on Sundays and Bank Holidays - this is not supposed to happen, but it is difficult to access relevant information to find out who to complain to.
Local place plan - the structure plan looks at areas expected to be developed.
The CC will be consulted regarding how they see their area developing in the future.
SN left the meeting at this point.

3.4 Treasurer’s Report - attached as Appendix II
• Payments made through October were internet transactions
• Helen Bang for minute taking from administration
• Trash Trail were awarded £494.22 from the Micro Grant Reimbursement to Ann Findlayson for ink & paper from administration
• Payment for September room hire from administration Income received to CCC
• Our administration grant for 2023/2024 from S/Council £688.45 Leaving CCC funds available £2,581.08 Christmas in Cambusbarron - decision expected shortly.

3.5 Greener Cambusbarron - Derek MacAllister
The hanging baskets are down and are now stored over winter, many volunteers made light work of a big task. The tubs remain in good condition and in flower and will be emptied and replanted at some point nearer the end of the month.
We are seeking the consent of the community council to apply for funding over the winter: this to the Cambusbarron Fund, Community Pride and/or the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust over the following months. If this consent can be minuted at this meeting it will make the process easier.
This funding is for two particular projects:
1. Our trusty bowser has had an intermittent fault for some time but it has stopped operating completely. I have kept it going but it appears to have had its day. To replace like for like will be (at today’s prices) £1447.64 inclusive of VAT but not delivery. However our volunteers are increasingly finding the bowser difficult to manoeuvre, and are not getting any younger, so therefore a powered version would be preferable at £2449.52. We hope that the Cambusbarron Fund will cover this and are awaiting feedback on making a application soon.
2. The wooden structure at the welcome sign at Birkhill Road is quite rotten and was shored up for the summer season. We would like to replace these planters in the spring using sustainable Amberol versions at a cost of £588.60 inclusive of VAT and delivery. Again as prices are at present.
Decision: Agreed to this.
Cambusbarron Goodwill Fund
This fund is the result of book sales of A Cambusbarron Tapestry and I was appointed agent for its sales by Peter Paterson. There are three trustees with one current vacancy. It was Peter's intention that this fund be used for activities and groups who could not raise funding by any other means all within Cambusbarron. It has paid for materials to upgrade the steps at Bruce’s Well, bought a project and screen, bought kit for the cross country team at the school, bought litter picking kit for community use, subsidised book purchases for village children during covid, paid for prizes for a gardening competition and paid to reprint Elephant in the Sky.
The biannual report has been sent to the John James Munro Charitable Trust managed by Jardine Donaldson Lawyers, they paid to print the book initially and are refunded 50% of all income but we have sold only two books in the last two years. The fund holds £4811.16.
Marion MacAllister
We should also be grateful if we were, in the above roles, confirmed as holding associate roles to the community council – having no rights but working on behalf of the cc.
Decision: In the absence of the Chair, discussion of this was held over to the next meeting.

3.6 CCDT
A new committee has been formed. The AGM was well attended. Volunteering is ongoing.

4 Main agenda
4.1 Notify Stephen Bly of dates for forthcoming year. ACTION MN.

4.2 Local Place Plan
A link was circulated. ACTION DR to review.

4.3 Removal of school crossing patrol. There has only recently been one reintroduced, but it is now a Stirling-wide policy to discontinue all lollipop persons. Great concern was expressed about this from a safety point of view.
There was a discussion with the current zebra crossing also being unsafe. A pelican crossing may be introduced instead. ACTION LS to notify Mark Hill, headteacher. Also contact the Stirling Observer.

4.4 CCDT lease from Stirling Council - ongoing.

4.5 CCDT lack of road signs. This has been dealt with.

4.6 Electric charging points. This was discussed.

4.7 Trash Trail microgrant. See item 3.4

5 Correspondence
5.1 Nothing to report.

6 Reinstatement of Forum 5
6.1 Anyone interested is invited to attend the meetings.

7.1 Facebook issues - to be looked at

7.2 Christmas in Cambusbarron - work in progress.

7.3 Thanks to Cathie Graham and Douglas Campbell - Cathie has asked to continue to receive copies of the minutes. This was agreed.

8. Date of next meeting
8.1 This was confirmed as Tuesday 21 November at 7pm at the Community Centre.

8.2 The meeting closed at 8:30pm

Item Description ACTION
1.3 Approved September and draft minutes to JH and AF HB
2.8 Ownership of land chase Jen Preston MN
2.12 Invite Wind2 to January CC meeting SN
3.1 Discarded needles – pharmacy and school LS
4.1 Notify Stephen Bly of future meeting dates MN
4.2 Local place plan review DR
4.3 School crossing patrol withdrawal LS

Appendix I Police Report
Name of
Community Council Cambusbarron Community Council meeting 17/10/2023
Our priorities in the Cambusbarron area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug Misuse/Drug Dealing, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance. Our activity over the crime report period has been focussed towards these priorities.
Crime reports Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area between 18/09/2023 – 17/10/2023. Detected cases: 1 For crimes of assault. Undetected: 3 For crimes of theft, road traffic offences and attempted housebreaking with intent to steal. From the 3 noted 1 has been completed as no further lines of enquiry and 2 remain under investigation. Total Crime Reports: 4 There were 42 calls made to Police for the Cambusbarron area over the stated period. The calls relate to a number of incidents including assault, anti-social behaviour, theft, domestic matters, road traffic matters, vulnerable/missing persons, planned shoots, and parking issues. Should residents have any concerns about speed on any roads within the village then please let us know. Previous areas reported to us include the Mill Road junction.
Other Incidents of note/relevant Community Council information DRUGS Efforts are always being made to obtain intelligence in relation to substance misuse and drug dealing in the Cambusbarron area. Any information regarding substance misuse and drug dealing is welcomed, and can be reported to Police Scotland via Tel: 101, to Crime stoppers, or directly to the Community Officers via: StirlingWestCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk Your information/name will never be disclosed.
Feedback from meeting Please e-mail any feedback/questions to PCs Spike and Goldie: StirlingWestCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk