Nov 2021 Minutes


Cambuskenneth Community Council


Meeting held on Monday 22nd November 2021 @ 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Ross McGregor (Chair), Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Linda Jones (Secretary), Barbara
McElhinney (Treasurer) Elaine Turner, John McCallum

In attendance: Councillor Jim Thomson

Apologies: Councillor Danny Gibson, Anne Marie Oates (Minute Taker)



Adoption of previous minutes (25th October 2021)Correction of name: Susan Chesterman to Susan MacleodAdopted as a true record

Proposed – Barbara McElhinney
Seconded – Linda Jones


Matters Arising


Maintenance of picnic benches and tables in park – Councillor Jim Thomson will chase this up
again with council officers.


Phone Box update – Elaine has not yet been able to ask the electrician again about a certificate.


Ladysneuk Road Resurfacing & Pavement – A reply from Stirling Council Roads department to our
email of 30 August was received the day after our October meeting, with responses to all the
points raised:

  • assurances about giving notice of the works and better traffic management in future

  • apology for poor coordination between resurfacing and sign-painting teams because of covid-
    related issues

  • excess chips are removed by the sweeper

  • gullies are due their annual clean over the coming months

  • roads maintenance and land services teams are working together to find a solution to the
    difficult problem of horsetail coming through the pavement

    The CC agreed that the road is much better now, but there are still loose chips on the road and
    particularly on the pavement. Tessa will reply to SC.


    Wallace Monument Steering Group – Ross had not been able to attend the most recent meeting.


    Footbridge Maintenance – Repairs to the exposed gas pipe still not carried out.


    Sheds at Village Hall – The big shed has now been emptied and SC has agreed that the CC can use
    it. SC will look at removing the small shed that is falling apart. Once the items stored in the current
    CC shed have been moved to the big shed, we will have to decide what to do with the original one.


    Increase in Hall Charges / Booking Procedure – The large increase in charges at the weekend
    because of the need for a caretaker for extra cleaning for covid measures was discussed. Ross will
    mail Tracey Mills, Assets at SC, to suggest that a reduced rate for longer bookings would make
    hiring the hall more attractive.


    The Booking Form conditions for the hall state that lessees are liable for damage or injury, which
    indicates Public Liability Insurance for events is needed. This, along with the large increase in hall
    hire charges at the weekend, reduces the amount we are able to fundraise through events.


    Procedure for CCs contacting Stirling Council – The new central CC enquiries email account
    system has worked well in some cases. Councillor Jim Thomson reported that councillors had
    raised some of the same issues as we had, e.g. lack of topic in subject line of email response, name
    of council officer responding to query omitted. He also noted that councillors are not always
    included in responses to CCs because of GDPR issues. Tessa will give feedback to Stephen Bly, SC
    Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator.


    Helen Barrett has arranged to meet Martin Parry in December to discuss coordinating hangingand tubs next year.

    Sustrans Art

    Nothing to report.


    Anne Marie has contacted SC for advice on an electrician to install the defibrillator; no reply yet.

    Ross will contact Tracey Mills in Assets at SC.


    Linda has arranged to meet the resident who has expressed an interest in being involved.

    Social Events

    Elaine has heard back from two residents interested in forming a Social Events sub-group.


    Treasurer’s Report

    No change from last month.


    Orchard Group Update – The group had work sessions in Tower Orchard in August and
    September, weeding and extending the protective enclosures. Emilie of Green Action Trust will
    arrange for replacement trees for the dead ones, including one in the park.


    Dates of 2022 meetings and AGM

    The dates for 2022 meetings were agreed: no meetings scheduled in July, August, December; AGM
    in June. These dates will be sent to SC.


    Fundraising & Events

    Calendar with local views – The CC plans to go ahead with producing a 2022 calendar with photos
    of local views to raise funds, to be available from some CC members, price £7. If all goes well this
    year, we hope to hold a photo competition next year for a 2023 calendar.


    Christmas – The CC will run the decorated Christmas window competition again with a prize for
    the best. Judging will take place on Tuesday 28 December.

    No update yet on details and pricings for Christmas lights for hall and park entrance


    Report from Councillor
    Councillor Jim Thomson:

  • Council meetings are still being held online and can be viewed on YouTube, and there is still
    only a skeleton staff in the offices.

  • SC website is being updated.

  • Budget consultation is starting early.

  • Crisis in social care staffing.

  • Social housing – plan to build 500 houses over 5 years.

  • Consultation on public transport – ideas include new park & ride, new railway stations (e.g.
    near Causewayhead). Legislation allowing councils to set up their own bus companies is

  • Pollinator strategy.

Ross raised the difficulties of installing energy conservation measures in conservation areas.


Police Report

No police report, but an email from the new Community Inspector for Stirling, Liam Harman, has
been received. He is keen to meet CCs and to make the monthly reports sent to CCs more useful to
them. Linda will reply.


Items for AOCB

Winter newsletter – Content for a winter newsletter was discussed. Linda will draft this. Ross

suggested producing an info sheet for new residents.


Date of next meeting: Monday 24th January 2022 at 7.30pm in the village hall,
unless Scottish Government guidance changes


Stirling Council 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS 24; 111

Scottish Power emergency 105, Scottish Gas emergency 0800 111999


Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you would like them
emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at
or by contacting any CC member.