Oct 2021 Minutes


Cambuskenneth Community Council


Meeting held on Monday 25th October 2021 @ 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Linda Jones (Secretary), Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer) Elaine
Turner, John McCallum

In attendance: 2 residents (Caroline Bell, Helen Barrett)

Apologies: Ross McGregor (Chair), Councillor Danny Gibson, Councillor Susan McGill



Adoption of previous minutes (27th September 2021)

Adopted as a true record
Proposed – LindaSeconded – Elaine


Matters Arising


Maintenance of picnic benches and tables in park – Councillor Jim Thomson was to ask Council
officers about this – carry over again


Phone Box update – Elaine will ask electrician again about a certificate. She noted that the door
sticking on the pavement when open stopped people from getting fingers trapped so maybe best
to leave as it is.


Ladysneuk Road Resurfacing & Pavement – Tessa emailed Councillor Jim Thomson, who
forwarded an email from Roads from 10 August, in response to complaints from residents soon
after surface dressing had been carried out, saying excess stones would be swept away, but the
state of the road is still not good. Pavements haven’t been sorted yet either, and other points
raised in the email have not yet been addressed. Tessa will follow this up again with Jim Thomson.


Wallace Monument Steering Group

No update.


Footbridge Maintenance – Jim Thomson has chased council officers re the exposed gas pipe, and
yellow markings have been made on the bridge to highlight the defects.


Sheds at Village Hall – Ross has emailed SC to ask about the sheds.


Increase in Hall Charges / Booking Procedure – Councillor Susan McGill passed on an email from
Tracey Mills of SC advising of the increase of 1-2% and the need for a caretaker due to covid and
the need for extra cleaning. However, charges at the weekend have gone up far more than 1-2%.
We will raise this again when a Councillor is present.


Procedure for contacting SCC – Difficult to keep track of issues raised because responses from the
central CC enquiries email account don’t include topic in subject line. Raise when Councillors are


Nature Subgroup

The first meeting was held on 9th October, chaired by Helen Barrett and attended by 9 residents.
Helen gave a summary of the meeting and the ideas suggested, including: monitoring invasive
species, working with the local farmers and Ricoh, planting trees, making hanging baskets & tubs and pergola beds more wildlife-friendly, arranging talks on wildlife gardening & energy saving,
wider issues of environment and climate change. The desire to keep the village tidy and the need
to consult residents were noted. The subgroup will report back to the CC who will take anything
forward to SC if needed. Meetings will be held 4 times a year, next one 22 January 2022, and
Helen will report back to the CC after each one.


Sustrans Art

Nothing to report.



Nothing to report.

Update as at 28/10/21 – SC have confirmed no planning permission is required to site the
defibrillator on the village hall. The defibrillator and cabinet have been generously paid for in full
by a resident who wishes to remain anonymous. Ross/Anne Marie to contact SC for advice on an
electrician to install.



Linda hasn’t met yet the resident who expressed an interest in being involved. John is interested
in being involved in this group.

Sub-groups need to be advertised on Facebook and posters.


Treasurer’s Report & budget

Admin grant, including minute taker fees) received from SC. Still £200 loss within this financial

Approx. £2600 is ringfenced for the hall and park. Susan Macleod (member of the former hall &
park sub-group) had suggested having Christmas lights on the village hall and on trees in the park.
Linda will ask her for more details and pricings for the CC to discuss.

Ross suggested purchasing audio-visual equipment for talks etc in the village hall and to hire out.

Linda suggested this equipment could be used for a community cinema.

We will ask residents for their views on suggestions for spending the hall & park money.


Fundraising & Events

Hanging Baskets – Martin has suggested reducing the number of hanging baskets next year and
planting up more tubs instead. The nature sub-group is keen to have more wildlife-friendly plants
in baskets/tubs. Tessa will ask Helen to contact Martin via Linda to coordinate for next year.


Calendar with local views – The CC plans to produce a calendar with local views to raise funds. As
time is short for this year members of CC are asked to submit some photos. Linda will also speak
to her neighbour who is a keen photographer. If it is a success, we will open it up for residents to
submit photos next year. Elaine has sent away for a sample from one company and Ross is waiting
for a sample and prices from a local company.


Christmas – A raffle for a Christmas hamper was suggested, but this would require a licence,
unlike a raffle run and drawn on the same day.

Susan Macleod has offered to organise Advent Calendar windows again.

The CC will run the decorated Christmas window competition again with a prize for the best.


Event planning – needed but carried over to a future meeting.


Coffee mornings and Christmas lunch

Caroline Bell attended to discuss the coffee mornings and Christmas lunch, which are not
organised by the CC.

Caroline confirmed that coffee mornings will not go ahead at present, given the ongoing Covid-19
restrictions, but hopefully can restart in the better weather next year.

Caroline outlined the history of the Christmas lunch. This was traditionally on a Monday, for
pensioner residents, paid for by the CC, and held in and cooked by the pub. It evolved over the
years and was organised outwith the CC. It was opened up to other residents, with tickets charged
(subsidised by the coffee mornings), with catering by Henderson’s Bistro, and held in the village

With the demise of Henderson’s the hunt is on for a new caterer. The Christmas lunch will not take
place this year, but Caroline suggested that a social events sub-group be formed and this could
poll people in the village to see what they want for next year. There may be a need to hold two
Christmas lunches/events to cater for numbers and the needs of different people e.g. retired or
working. There is some time to think about this before next Christmas and the opportunity to
rethink after the “covid pause” – please pass any thoughts or ideas to Caroline.


Police Report

Crime report for Cambuskenneth from 1/8/21 – 23/10/21
Detected cases – none

Undetected cases – none
Total crime reports – none

The implementation of the new 20-mph speed limit by Stirling Council has led to an Increase in
reports of speeding across the Council area. Where duties allow, the local community officers
conduct checks using hand-held radar to influence driver behaviour, give advice, or report
offenders where appropriate.


Items for AOCB

Social Events Sub-group

There are 3 residents currently interested in forming a Social Events sub-group. Elaine volunteered
to be the CC member involved. Tessa will let the residents know.

The issue of Public Liability Insurance for events was raised again. Barbara will look at the Booking
Form conditions for the hall.


Date of next meeting: Monday 22nd November at 7.30pm in the village hall.


Stirling Council 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS 24; 111

Scottish Power emergency 105, Scottish Gas emergency 0800 111999


Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you would like them
emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at
or by contacting any CC member.