January 2022 Minutes

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Cambuskenneth Community Council

Meeting held on Monday 24th January 2022 @ 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Linda Jones (Secretary), Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer) Elaine

Turner, John McCallum

Helen Barrett attended to give an update on the Nature Group

Apologies: Ross McGregor (Chair), Councillor Danny Gibson

Items for AOCB


Adoption of previous minutes (29th November 2021)

Adopted as a true record

Proposed – John

Seconded – Barbara

Matters Arising

Maintenance of picnic benches and tables in park – Councillor Jim Thomson was to ask Council officers about this – carry over again

Phone Box update – Elaine will ask for more quotes for an electrical certificate. If the defibrillator is installed on the village hall it might be worth having the electricity supply to the phone box removed altogether, though this could be expensive.

Ladysneuk Road Resurfacing & Pavement – Tessa emailed Stirling Council before Christmas about the continuing lack of road markings and surplus   chippings on the road and pavement andCouncillor Jim Thomson forwarded a reply from Roads saying  these issues would be dealt with.

Update 31 January: Excess chippings have been removed from the pavement with a blower and the lines in the centre of the road have been repainted .

Wallace Monument Steering Group – No update.

Footbridge Maintenance – Jim Thomson is chasing – no repairs as yet.

Sheds at Village Hall – we will return to this topic in the better weather.

Increase in Hall Charges / Booking Procedure – Ross is looking into this – carry over.

Procedure for contacting Stirling Council – raise when Councillors are present – carry over.

Update: Tessa to contact Stephen Bly at Stirling Council with our feedback

Orchard Group – no update yet, Tessa will contact Emilie Wadsworth of the Green Action Trust.

Newsletter/Welcome Leaflet – Linda has been working on the newsletter and welcome leaflet for new residents and already has a lot of ideas such as setting out what we will be doing this year.

Please forward any ideas or suggestions you have to Linda asap.


Nature Subgroup – Helen attended to give an update. The next subgroup meeting has been postponed to 26th February. The group have identified various proposals they would like to move forward and asked for clarification on what projects need to be brought before the community council before proceeding; it was agreed to bring larger projects to the community council but to proceed with smaller ones.

She and a couple of others from the subgroup had met Martin Parry to discuss the hanging baskets and tubs. Martin proposes to remove or relocate the hanging baskets from the village entrance, where they are very exposed to the weather, and to remove the pergola ones. They would like to replant neglected tubs and replace them where necessary. The subgroup would also like to have some raised beds at the park entrance– approval would be needed from Cowane’s

Trust. Tubs, raised beds and pergola beds to be planted with pollinator-friendly perennials and bulbs.


Martin will ask Homesteads Nursery about pollinator-friendly plants for the hanging baskets and tubs, etc.

Helen will look into how to apply for funding from Stirling Council’s Community Pride Fund.

Farmers and landowners surrounding the village to be contacted about possible projects, e.g. planting willow cuttings along the riverbank; it was agreed to put this as an agenda item for the next meeting.

It was also agreed to have future Nature sub-group meeting 2 weeks prior to community council meetings to allow any items/suggestions to be circulated beforehand.

Potential plant sale of bedding plants from nursery and others donated by residents – Tessa pass to Helen to think about locations other than the village hall due to the cost of hiring and insurance. Barbara will look into the insurance aspect.

Pergola repair – John has looked at the pergola and suggests reducing the size as part of the


Sustrans Art – Carry over.

Defibrillator – Ross has contacted Assets at Stirling Council, who will contact Cowane’s Trust for permission to site the defibrillator on the wall of the village hall, then an electrician can be arranged. No reply as yet.

Resilience – Nothing to report.

Social events – Elaine will arrange a meeting with residents who have expressed an interest.

Dog Fouling – There has been an increase of dog fouling in the village, Tessa will contact Riverside Community Council to ask about their campaign on this problem.

Treasurer’s Report – Current surplus of £34. £382 profit made on the calendar.


The calendar was a huge success. Many thanks go to Elaine for all her hard work on this. It is intended to do again this year for 2023 with a competition for photos.

The Christmas window event was successful and a prize was awarded for the best window.


Future events – Possible events for the year (cheese and wine, BBQ, quiz) when we are allowed to do so were discussed briefly; carry this over to future meetings and the social events sub-group to do the planning work.


Police report – None received.

Date of next meeting: Monday 28th February 2022 at 7.30pm in the village hall

Stirling Council 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS 24; 111

Scottish Power emergency 105, Scottish Gas emergency 0800 111999

Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you want them emailed privately or paper copies please let us know via email at cambuskennethcc@gmail.com

or by contacting any CC member.