March 2022 Minutes

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Cambuskenneth Community Council

Meeting held on Monday 28th March 2022 @ 7.30pm in the Village Park*


* We were unable to get into the hall (Linda has contacted Stirling Council about this) so held the meeting in the park instead.

Present : Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Linda Jones (Secretary), Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer), Elaine Turner

Apologies: Ross McGregor(chair), John McCallum, Anne Marie Oates (Minute Taker), Councillor Jim Thomson, Councillor Susan McGill

Items for AOCB


Adoption of previous minutes (28th February 2022)

Adopted as a true record

Proposed – John by email in absentia Seconded – Tessa


Matters Arising


Maintenance of picnic benches and tables in park Jim Thomson emailed after meeting: Council officer responded that Stirling Council will continue to inspect all the equipment and benches within the park and carry out any maintenance required.

Phone Box update – Stirling Electric was unable to provide an electrical certificate because they are not qualified to deal with street furniture. Elaine has contacted the defibrillator charity to see if they can advise on electricians able to deal with phone boxes.

Wallace Monument Steering Group – No update.

Footbridge Maintenance Jim Thomson emailed after meeting: SGN have been contacted and are now speaking about doing a mains replacement across the bridge; they are tying up with Bridges and New Roads and Street Works Act team.

Sheds at Village Hall – we will return to this topic in the better weather.

Increase in Hall Charges / Booking Procedure – No update

Dog Fouling – Stirling Council’s dog warden has offered to provide extra signage [update – extra signs have since been put up] and bags. He also suggested local children could produce posters, which may gain more attention than official signs.

Newsletter/Welcome Leaflet Linda working on this, aiming for April.

Ladysneuk Road Flooding & Closure – Jim Thomson emailed after meeting: he has passed on our complaint about the Road Closed sign.

Orchard Group – Two work sessions in Tower Orchard took place in March, including planting two replacement trees. A replacement tree for the park entrance should be available in late spring.



Nature & Environment – An application to SC’s Community Pride Fund has been submitted. A plant sale to raise funds for the hanging baskets and tubs is planned for Saturday 21 May.

Jim Thomson emailed after meeting about cycle path to Manor Powis: still awaiting a revised drawing package from SPEN for the proposed footway along the A91 between Manor Powis and Logie Roundabouts and will then update us.

Sustrans Art – No update.

Defibrillator – Still no response from SC about getting permission from Cowane’s Trust to install the defibrillator on the village hall. We may need to contact Cowane’s direct and copy in our councillors.

Resilience – Nothing to report.

Social Events Elaine had met with two residents to discuss social events. A tea party is planned to raise funds for Ukraine, provisional date Saturday 7 May.

Coffee mornings – Caroline Bell hopes to restart the coffee mornings soon.

Traffic Noise & Speeding Issues – St Ninian’s CC has contacted other Stirling CCs asking for feedback on these issues in our areas, particularly enforcement of reduced speed limits. We will reply to say that we contacted our local policing team asking for speed checks for the village after the 20mph limit was introduced.

Fundraising/Events see social events sub-group above


Report from Councillor – Susan McGill sent a brief report by email. Riverside Primary have a 3-day trial of use of School Streets due to finish on 31st March – further consultation will take place before any further steps are taken. All committees and Council meetings for this term have ceased in the run- up to the election.

Treasurer’s Report – Income since last meeting approx. £24. 2021-22 accounts to be audited.

Police Report – None

Date of next meeting: Monday 25th April 2022 at 7.30pm in the village hall.


Stirling Council: 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS 24: 111

Scottish Power emergency: 105, Scottish Gas emergency: 0800 111999

Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you want them emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at or by contacting any CC member.