November 2023 Minutes

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Cambuskenneth Community Council
Meeting held on Monday 27 November 2023 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Elaine Turner (Secretary), Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer), Archie McIver, Graham Barrett, Maggie Ruddy

In attendance: Councillor Rachel Nunn,

Apologies: Helen Barrett (Chair of CNEG)

The meeting was chaired by Elaine Turner until the Interim Chair was appointed. Minutes were taken by Tessa Carroll.

Adoption of minutes from meeting held on 23 October 2023:
Proposed: Graham
Seconded: Maggie

Discussion on future funding of Cambuskenneth Village Hall: As identified as a possible saving in Stirling Council’s Finance consultation ‘The Big Conversation’: one question in the survey gives options of a) closing all community centres, saving up to £130,000 or b) closing Cambuskenneth community centre, saving £9,000. Cambuskenneth hall is the only community centre owned by Cowane’s Trust and leased to Stirling Council.
Cllr Nunn said that the savings proposed so far only amount to £2 million but £13 million needs to be saved. Non-statutory provision will have to be stripped out. The council has to deliver a budget that balances. Officers make proposals, councillors make the decisions on them. She suggested the CC write to all our ward councillors to ask them to work together to produce a budget. SC will go back to Scottish Government to ask for more money.
The CC has written to our four ward councillors objecting to this proposal, stressing the hall’s importance as the only public meeting place in the CCC area, and has received replies from Cllrs Thomson and Nunn. Members of the CC also attended the Big Conversation consultation meeting at Wallace High School on 20 November.
There was discussion of the long campaign to save the hall and park when they were threatened with closure in 2014.
Cllr Nunn has spoken to Lorne Scott, Factor of Cowane’s Trust, about possible options. Cowane’s now has a remit for historic buildings so the situation is different from before and there may be more of a possibility of the community taking over the hall lease for a low rent. Cllr Nunn is willing to attend a meeting with Lorne and the CC. It was agreed such a meeting would be a good idea and Elaine will mail Lorne Scott about this.
Elaine will ask SC about the costs for the hall.
We have encouraged residents to complete the Big Conversation consultation survey at: and say no to the suggested saving on Cambuskenneth Village Hall.
Possible changes to Riverside bus service and general discussion of Stirling Council’s Finance consultation: The finance consultation survey includes a proposal to cut the C30 bus service through Riverside and cover this route with another service. Elaine will write to SC to stress the importance of this service to residents without cars, particularly older ones, and to ask for more details on the proposal.

Appointment of Office Bearers – Community Council Chair
Tessa’s resignation as member and Vice Chair at the end of December was accepted by the CC at the October meeting.
After some discussion of officer bearer roles, Archie McIver was nominated for Interim Chair by Elaine and seconded by Maggie. He accepted the nomination, then took over chairing the remainder of the meeting.
Matters arising (not covered below)

Access: Core path management: The access officer had responded to Elaine’s email about improving access to the abbey via the back of the park and Ladysneuk Rd and planned to visit and then discuss with Tom Horner (Stirling Council Team Leader for Sustainable Transport Development, Climate Change & Sustainability) the possibilities for funding improvements.

Welcome leaflet: Elaine will finalise this now we have a new Interim Chair.

Hall and Park Funds: Elaine reported that the new noticeboard will be installed before the next CC meeting.

Traffic: Parking on North St and speeding in village: Reply from one of our community police officers suggests contacting the council to see if it’s possible for double yellow lines to be put at the junctions at the end of North and South Street, which would then allow their enforcement team to issue tickets. Elaine will mail SC to ask about this possibility. Police will drive round the village when they can and try to talk to and advise the drivers of vehicles that could be better parked. Police do have powers to uplift a vehicle parked in a way that is causing an obstruction, but it would depend on the situation.
They will carry out speed checks on Alloa Road and Ladysneuk Road when they can. Speed bumps would be a matter to take up with the council.
Park – wild flower strip / grass cutting: Discussion of wild flower strip held over to next meeting.
Cllr Nunn suggested that a solar-powered robot mower could be used to mow the playpark and football pitch areas, funded by a grant from the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust. It would need to be housed at the park. She can provide further information if we wish to pursue this.

Pergola: Elaine has checked the pergola and it does not appear to be at risk of falling.

Cambuskenneth Nature and Environment Group (CNEG) Report: Helen had sent notes on the CNEG meeting of 18 September to the CC. Main points: Helen had met representatives from Treelink Sirling and discussed planting trees in gaps on the riverbank, the field by Ricoh, and along Ladysneuk Rd. Still awaiting response from Stirling Council about planting trees on Ladysneuk Rd. Report on possible interventions on Ricoh’s land has been forwarded to Head Office and we await a response. The group had a positive meeting with members of Riverside Naturally on 20 August. Future plans: possibilities of a session making bird boxes in autumn/winter and a talk on wildlife-friendly gardening in summer 2024 were discussed.

Social Group Report: The quiz night on 27 October was very successful and made a profit of £313.50. Thanks to Graham as quizmaster and all those involved in organising and running the evening.
Maggie reported on plans for a musical evening for Burns Night, early February. She has lined up a local fiddle group to appear for free and suggested singers, poetry etc as other possibilities. To be discussed further by Social group.

Sustrans Art: no update

Resilience Group: As time at this meeting was running short, Graham will report at the next meeting.
The defibrillator/CPR training evening on 9 November went very well. The training dummies and defibrillator were provided by Ochils Mountain Rescue Team and two of the team attended to provide training. The CC agreed to make a donation of £50 to the team as thanks.
Cllr Nunn had investigated treatment of ice on the footbridge. As grit cannot be used on the footbridge because it damages the concrete, a gel is used instead when freezing is likely. It may be possible for the community to be involved in applying this in future, as with the community grit bin scheme piloted in some areas last winter.

Membership of Community Council: SC has advised that we cannot co-opt another new member until the recently co-opted member (Maggie) is appointed as a full member after serving for six months or attending three meetings, whichever is soonest. Therefore, it is planned to appoint Maggie as a full member at our February meeting and co-opt another member as soon as possible after that. We can continue to meet whilst there are only five councillors, as we are working with SC to resolve the situation.

Report from Councillor: Cllr Nunn responded on various issues throughout the meeting and had nothing else to report.

Treasurer’s Report: The quiz night made a profit of £313.50.

Police Report: Our community police officers have resumed the practice of sending reports before our meetings. The report for 1 October to 27 November showed no crimes reported.

Openreach planned work on footbridge: A resident has reported being told by an Openreach engineer that they plan to install poles with a cable across the footbridge, about the same height as the lamp-posts at either end, for full fibre. Elaine researched online and found that telecom poles no longer require planning permission, but intention to site them should be publicised to the community via notices, and existing ducting should be used if available. Elaine will mail Openreach to find out more and point out that ducting along the bridge was installed by CityFibre a few years ago and that the footbridge is now included in the conservation area.

Gift for Ross McGregor: The CC agreed to thank Ross for his many years of service on the CC, most as Chair, with a card and gift.
Drain leak on Ladysneuk Rd: Tessa reported that she had mailed Scottish Water in March about the long-standing leak from a drain near Ricoh on Ladysneuk Rd. Operatives had visited shortly after but been unable to resolve the problem. She mailed Scottish Water again shortly before the meeting to report that the leak had still not been dealt with and is a hazard when the water freezes. Scottish Water replied that the problem was due to roots blocking the drain and to contact the council. Tessa will mail SC about this.

Date of next meeting: 7.30pm, Monday 22 January 2024 in the village hall

Stirling Council: 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS 24 111
Scottish Power emergency: 105, Scottish Gas emergency: 0800 111999

Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you would like them emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at or by contacting any CC member.