Feb 2021 Minutes

APPROVED minutes Carron Valley & District Community Council
Wednesday 3 February 2021 meeting, via Zoom @ 7.30pm


Margaret Porter, Councillor, MP Peter Hayward, Chair PH
Dorothy Breckenridge, Sec, DB David Petch, Councillor, DP
Nicolas Sinclair, Treasurer, NS Sara Smith, Councillor, SS

Rose Thomson , resident, RT Krzys Kubosz, resident, KK
Helen Bang, clerk, HB


1 1.1 Introductions and welcome. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1.2- Apologies – police, Pam Campbell, Councillors.

1.3- Declarations of interest for items on agenda - none

1.4- items raised by members of the public for inclusion in agenda – none.


  1. Shelloc Windfarm 20/00840/FUL (PH)

    Height, illumination and impact on landscape 125 metres original now 180 metres
    are highest in new application. Challenges Council guidelines on skylines and visual
    impact. "In lowland hills landscape type any further windfarm development should
    relate to the hill typography….. inferior in scale to the hills, avoid creating new
    skyline features."


    Can such tall towers be inferior to the scale of the hills. Height necessitates lights
    removing current Dark Skies status of the Valley.


    CC objects to placement of tall turbines in this landscape. Want 150 metres or less to
    remove necessity for aviation illumination.


    ‘Effects on 8 properties assessed will not make this an unattractive place to live’ as
    statements rather than facts.


    DB – Access from the north during construction. Up farm track, route is regulated
    way between Carron Valley and Kippen. Presumably will have to be closed during
    construction. Needs consultation at Government level.


    Can’t just divert a right of way.


    IM – must emphasize Dark Skies initiative.
    Vote – agreement with draft by PH.

    1. ACTION DB to send sentence to PH to add to document. DP at Access Forum
      meeting in a fortnight will raise this.


See Appendix I


APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021

  1. Community Police report

    PC Pam King and PC Ross Barclay can’t be present but will take note of comments.
    Attached as Appendix II


    One case of careless driving 7 January breach of the peace, communications – driving
    with a mobile phone.


  2. Minutes of previous meeting on 6 January 2021


    Actions - Shovels NS

    Proposed David Petch, Seconded Sara Smith ACTION HB to DB for Stirling Council.


  3. Matters arising


    1. Actions

      3.1 Approved December minutes to DB for Stirling Council HB

      1. Scottish Water to be contacted PH

        Contacted, appears to be Council issue. Have sent someone to look at it

        Waiting to contact landowner. Along New Line Road. Water trough thing near the
        trotting track.

      2. Purchase shovels for grit bins NS

      1. Carron Valley Connections Facebook - winter weather reminder HB

      2. Covid support meeting NS


      5.2 Grit bins – 2 or 3 to replace damaged bins. ACTION NS

      Post Box is going to be moved if possible. Post Office trying to get planning


  4. Chair’s report PH

    1. Thank gritting department for gritting C10. Better this year. More proactive than in
      the past.


    2. North Third Bridge – repaired by Stirling Council, did a good job. However ,
      boardwalks are a safety issue when wet. Looking into putting chicken wire to make
      them safer. Concern about doing work when unsure of landowner. Is it Tillhill land or
      Scottish Water? MP, Libi Newell and Susan Young having meeting shortly, this will be
      discussed. Angela Simpson involved with bridge renovation.


      DB has sent letter thanking SC for their efforts.


  5. Roads report PH

    1. PH has been trying to get response about the junction NS concerned about. Hillfoot
      development people responsible for this. John Steele is Roads contact saying getting
      no response for this junction.


      APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021

      Gary Howden has never got in touch about attending Communities committee
      Stirling Council.


      ACTION NS do 5 bullet point on road concerns.


      IM nearly had an accident here 2-3 years ago. Scandalous that this has not been
      dealt with.


      DB going to be accident at Carronbridge Hotel, road markings gone.


  6. Secretary’s report

    1. Bridge at North Third – covered in point

    2. Also going to do letter regarding Roads.


  7. Treasurer’s report.

    £400 expenditure will be coming. Balance is £2317.36


  8. Stirling Councillor report

    1. No report received


  9. Valley Renewables Group report

    1. Report attached as Appendix III

    2. Requires copy for Newsletter in next couple of weeks.

    3. Defibrillators – will order once have installation costs. Woodland Cabin and Osprey
      Hideaways in first instance. Training will be provided.

    4. Joint VRG/CVDCC meeting - getting to know you session – discussion of VRG
      subgroups, CC – responsibilities, current issues etc, Q & A. Wednesday 17 February
      7:30pm. No minutes required.


  10. Woodland Group report

    1. Part of VRG report. Christmas trees – family volunteer day, start to prune it getting
      tree ready for next year.

    2. Mulching and replanting was carried out. Had to leave out some hectares as it was
      so wet. Trees surplus will be planted elsewhere.

    3. Path work including wheelchair access and reinstating damage caused during
      mulching etc. will be done once it’s drier.

    4. Discussion about developing wood skills within community. Chainsaw training -
      health and safety and first aid requirements. Also available for residents for work in
      domestic setting.

    5. PH confirmed that RTand KK were aware of location of community woodland.


  11. Roads report

    1. PH has been trying to get response about the junction NS concerned about. Hillfoot
      development people responsible for this. John Steele is Roads contact saying getting
      no response for this junction. Near Cauldbarns development.


      1. ACTION RT and KK offered to speak to Hillfoot Homes regarding road concerns.


        APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021

        Ask to finish landscaping on junction at corner.

        Not responding to invitations to meetings. Not responding to grit bin issues.
        NS do 5 bullet point on road concerns.

        IM nearly had an accident here 2-3 years ago. Scandalous that this has not been dealt


        NS Kenny Sneddon did say certain things would be done, perhaps get this letter and point
        out that action was promised.


      2. ACTION PH – will send in response form.


  12. Planning report

    1. Meikle Canglour to convert steading building. Resident in farmhouse objecting on
      access road issues. Personal issue.


    2. IM Barr Wood – no feedback received from planning.


  13. AOB

    1. DP Concern about Stirling Council staff working from home e.g. time taken to get a
      Blue Badge. Very difficult to get response.


  14. Date of next CC meeting – 3 March 2021 at 7:30pm.



2.1 Shelloc windfarm

4.1 Approved minutes to DB for Stirling Council HB

  1. Carried over from January Purchase shovels for grit bins NS

  2. Purchase grit bins NS

7.1 Roads action points NS

  1. Contact Hillfoot Development RT/KK

  2. Roads response form PH


Appendix I Shelloc Windfarm


The Planning Department

Ref to Planning Application 20/00840/FUL

Carron Valley Community Council commends Force 9 Energy on the thoroughness of their
application for the Shelloc Wind Farm.

The central point that Carron Valley Community Council would like the Planning Department to
examine is the height of the two largest turbines, their illumination, and subsequent impact on
the landscape.


APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021

The original consent for the force 9 wind farm was for turbines of 125m in height. In the Craigengelt
array (currently the highest in the valley) turbines are 125m and the 2 highest in the proposed farm
are 180m, half as high again.

This additional height will mean the blades and in some cases the hubs being visible from a number
of viewpoints and will challenge the Council’s guidance on skylines and visual impact

SG 33 states

In the Lowland Hills landscape type, this includes recommendations that any further wind farm
development should:  relate to the simplicity of the hill topography;  be simply organised and
compact, avoiding ‘sprawl’;  remain greatly inferior in scale to the hills; and  avoid creating new
skyline features on the hill edges.

Can such tall towers be inferior to the scale of the hills, and can their impact on the landscape be
justified? The CC is of the opinion that these two towers are beyond an acceptable height for their

The height of 180m will necessitate lights at the top and along the masts and the current dark sky
nature of the Valley will be removed. This will be a transformational change to the valley which is
currently planning a dark sky initiative. A Dark sky designation would encourage visitors to the valley
and this is a project underway and currently being pursued by a development officer.

In short the CC objects to the placing of two very tall turbines in an area of sensitive landscape and
asks that the Council impose of limit of 150m or less on all the proposed 5 turbines. Such a
reduction in height would mitigate the environmental impact and remove the necessity for
aviation illumination.

The Community Council would also like to draw to the attention of the planners the track / path
south from Ballochleum to Carron Valley both a Core Path and an historic Right of Way. This is
acknowledged by the applicants. Should the application be approved, the Community Council wishes
to ensure that access is maintained during and after construction without hindrance, with an
obligation placed on the Constructor/Developer to ensure access.

It behoves the Council to ensure due process is followed if there were any attempt to divert the Core
Path and the Right of Way.


Throughout the report judgements of the impact of the development by the applicants have been
presented as facts, for example “Effects on the 8 properties assessed will not make these properties
undesirable places to live”. Surely this judgement and others made by the applicant must not be
rubber stamped but examined in an objective way, particularly the impact on the environment.

Kind regards
Peter Hayward

Planning Representative Carron Valley and District Community council

Police Report



Carron Valley Community Council meeting


Name of


APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021




Our priorities in the Carron Valley area continue to be
Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug dealing,
Road Safety and Community Engagement and


Our activity over the last month has been focussed
towards these priorities.





Crime Reports for Carron Valley from


Detected cases: Nil


Undetected cases: 2


07/01/2021 – Careless driving/breach of the
peace (enquiries on-going)

01/02/2021 – Communications offence
(enquiries on-going)


Total Crime Reports: 2


There were 11 calls made to Police for the
Carron Valley area over the stated period.
The calls relate to vulnerable persons, anti-
social behaviour, planned shoots and road
traffic matters.



APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021


Nothing of note.


Incidents of



Please contact PC’s King and/or Barclay with any
community issues at the email address noted below
or alternatively by calling Tel no. 101.






Appendix VRG report


Report on VRG activity for CVDCC Feb 3rd meeting

  • Grants – Changes to Young Person’s one – Age range change to - birth to 26yo. Bursary
    scheme now has no course length restriction.


  • Governance – Reviewing and looking to amending the period of office of officers and the
    length of service of trustee / directors. Current suggestion is to apply a fixed term of 3 years
    for officers, renewable once. There is some concern about whether the numbers in
    community would support such a proposal. More evidence and advice is being sought
    before reaching a conclusion.


  • Communications – Working on a new website plus making more use of Facebook and
    Carron Valley connections.


  • Newsletter – The next one will come out late Feb / early March. Articles and ideas for such
    are being taken NOW.


  • C-19 Response – Excellent package of Play and Learn materials for pre-school children to be
    distributed to 5 families, plus additional items of home-schooling devices to 5 locations.


  • Friends of North Third – Working alongside this group to improve the surround s of North
    Third. Looking at doing something to improve the board walks on the west side to make

    APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021

  • Defibs – Once we get installation cost estimate, 2 defibs plus cabinets will be installed in the
    first instance at the Woodland Cabin and at Osprey Hideaways at N. Third.


  • Joint VRG / CC information exchange - Date to be identified ?16th or 17th Feb. This would
    take the form of short explanations from each of the VRG sub-groups of what the do / plan
    to do, and info on roles of the various planning, roads, etc folk on the CC and their recent
    work and future challenges. There will be opportunities for Q&A.


  • Woodland Report – in full overleaf.


    APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021

    Woodland Group report to VRG for Feb 2nd

  • Red Squirrel Project - DB will take lead for this for the Woodland Group. To liaise with Libi
    and interested residents for a Red Squirrel subgroup.


  • Christmas trees – realise we were late with the information but there was some uptake by
    residents. Agreement that we encourage residents to have their own ‘family Christmas tree
    volunteer work party’ to mark out their own wee family patch of Xmas trees and start to
    prune them into shape for future use. Infor for next VRG newsletter.


  • Mulching & replanting – due to wet conditions only 1.92 hectares of the proposed 2.2H
    were mulched & replanted in autumn 2020. The remaining aspen and birch will be used in
    other parts of the site.


  • Paths - There was some damage to small section of path which needs sorting. Agreed that
    this, together with some wet/soft patches at top end and the wheelchair access route would
    be all carried out together using the underspend from the mulching to cover most of the


  • Pomona – all quiet just now mainly due to Covid19 restrictions and weather.


  • Felling - across from Muirmill area – would be after nesting season. PM in discussion with
    potential contractor and Scottish Water to take this forward. Isaac will be included in
    discussions on possible route of extraction.


  • Wood fuel event – autumn 2021


  • SEPA – Septic tank now registered with SEPA.


  • Finances - As at 14 Jan 2021 cheques issued since last meeting total £16,796.08 for
    mulching/replanting, electricity, management fees.


  • Developing local wood management skills – discussion about developing local wood
    management skills to for example use chainsaws for thinning / pruning around paths, etc.
    Acknowledge that serious work requires professional contractors. Such volunteers would
    have to be trained / assessed to an appropriate Forestry standard, including maintaining
    theses skills.

    • Identify local residents willing to be involved.

    • Identify the training requirements and how these can be best delivered locally on site. Eg
      use of chainsaw and appropriate first aid. Potential to include additional courses for other
      residents who use such tools domestically.

    • Purchase some group equipment.

    • Develop procedures and protocol for volunteers to carry out such activity on the site
      including Risk Assessments.

If there is an interest, this would be developed into separate Community Wide Project,
possibly lead

by the group.


APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021

DB/RF Jan 29th ‘21


APPROVED minutes CVDCC meeting February 3 2021