July 2021 Minutes

Causewayhead Community Council
Minutes of the meeting held by Zoom

Wednesday 7 July, 2021





Val Sinclair, Chair

Sonja Cameron, Treasurer
Joyce Carberry, Member
Fiona Macleod, Vice-Chair
Paul Mcdonald, Secretary


In attendance:

Thelma Barron (Resident and Minutes Secretary),
Councillor Jim Thomson, Ward 4, Stirling North
One local resident


Apologies: Councillor Susan McGill, Ward 4, Stirling North;

Bill McLellan, Member; Darren Draper, nominated member; PC Greig
Lowery; PC Stuart Gray, Community Police Officers


  1. Welcome

    The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting.


  2. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. The Unconfirmed Minutes of the AGM meeting held on 10 May, 2021 were
      approved, having been proposed for adoption by Valerie Sinclair,
      seconded by Fiona Macleod.

    2. The Unconfirmed Minutes of the business meeting held on 10 May 2021
      were approved, having been proposed for adoption by Sonja Cameron,
      seconded by Joyce Carberry.

    3. The Community Council agreed that the election of Darren Draper as a co-
      opted member be deferred to the next meeting on 8 September, to allow
      adequate time to promulgate the proposed appointment.

    4. Matters Arising


      Issue of speeding on Alloa Road (M2.2.1 refers)

      1. Speeding continued to cause problems on the Alloa Road, despite
        the closure of both lanes to enable ongoing work by a specialist
        contractor to remove loose material from the rockface. Workers
        on the road had been seriously endangered by cars unlawfully
        using the road, and driving at speed. (Note: local residents, e.g.
        at Craigmill and Causewayhead, were permitted to use the road
        for access to and from their homes.)


      2. Members again discussed the desirability of imposing a 30mph
        speed limit on the Alloa Road, with traffic calming devices just
        before the corner at Craigmill, with a particular view to protecting

      3. Noting that a serious accident had just occurred in the 30mph
        zone at Blairlogie, some members enquired about the possible
        use of average speed cameras, which were now being adopted
        by the City of Glasgow. Councillor Thomson affirmed that on a
        previous site visit to Craigmill, he had asked the Police about the
        feasibility of average speed cameras being installed as far as
        Menstrie, but was told that the road did not meet the required
        criteria (namely, number of fatalities) for these to be introduced.
        Members nevertheless were of the view that average speed
        cameras were effective in controlling speed, such that they were
        now apparently being adopted in certain urban areas.

        SUSTRANS: Walk Cycle Live, Stirling (M2.2.6 - 2.2.9 refers)

      4. The Chair reported that she and Councillor Thomson had met with
        Kayleigh Webster, Project Manager, to discuss an accident which
        had occurred at Aboyne Avenue, involving a collision between two
        cyclists, caused by their view being obscured by a high beech
        hedge. Ms Webster had undertaken to address this as a matter
        of urgency. [Action: Kayleigh Webster]


      5. It was further noted that there was overhanging shrubbery on
        Airthrey Road, where cyclists currently use the pavement.
        Councillor Thomson also noted that on Causewayhead Road, on
        the left hand side before the railway bridge, the sign warning about
        the height restriction on the railway bridge was similarly obscured
        by overhanging foliage. The Chair agreed to contact Derek Leitch
        at Stirling Council to request that the foliage be cut back.
        [Action: Val Sinclair]


      6. As previously noted, the preferred cycle route was now along the
        lower part of Causewayhead Road after the bridge, then via
        Dumyat Road into Dunster Road. Decisions on how to manage
        the junctions with Easter Cornton Road and Airthrey Road would
        be finalised shortly, one possibility being that Dunster Road would
        become one-way.


      7. Whilst the signage to indicate the new 20mph limit on
        Causewayhead Road met legal requirements, it was considered
        to be rather small and potentially confusing, as the sign at the top
        (northward) end indicated 20mph, and the sign at the bottom
        (southward) end indicated that the motorist was leaving a 20mph
        zone. Community Council members suggested there would be
        benefit in having additional repeater signs, if possible with red
        blaze, along the length of Causewayhead Road. It was further
        suggested that the speed limit be painted on the road at the top
        end of Causewayhead Road. Councillor Thomson agreed to put
        forward these requests to Stirling Council.

        [Action: Councillor Thomson]


        Stevenson Bridge Renovation (M2.2.10 refers)

      8. Temporary barriers remained in place at each side of the
        Stevenson Bridge as the parapets were failing. Stirling Council
        was awaiting permission from Historic Environment Scotland to

        proceed with the restoration work, which would need to meet strict
        specifications for the type of stone to be used


  3. Police Report

    1. The Chair presented the Police Report for the period 9.05.21– 6.07.21,
      which comprised 12 detected cases. These included 10 road traffic
      offences: 3 speeding offences, 2 drink driving offences, 2 careless driving
      offences, and 2 cases of driving without a license or insurance and I case
      of driving without insurance. Also included was 1 case of 10 counts of
      carryinga knife, and I count of threatening and abusive behaviour. 7
      undetected cases comprised two thefts, one fraud, two assaults, one case
      of failing to stop after an accident, and finally, a S25 SOSA, under the
      Sexual Offences Scotland Act, with enquiry ongoing.


  4. Councillor’s Report

    Councillor Thompson provided an oral report:


    Abbey Craig Work and Closure of Alloa Road

    1. To address complaints about speeding on Alloa Road, in particular from
      residents trying to turn out of Ladysneuk Road, Stirling Council had
      changed the side on which the traffic cones were positioned. The Alloa
      Road closure extended to the end of July, but the actual work of removing
      the loose debris and boulders from the rockfall was due to be completed in
      the week beginning 12 July. A detailed survey of the loose rock had been
      conducted, including use of a drone. It was anticipated that in 5 -10 years
      time, there would be a further requirement to remove loose rock.


      Exclusion of Wallace Park from CityFibre Rollout

    2. Scottish Water had still not adopted the sewerage in Wallace Park, and
      Stirling Council could not adopt the development for a year after Scottish
      Water had completed its work, and thus Wallace Park had been excluded
      from the CityFibre Rollout. Stirling Council had urged Scottish Water to
      adopt the sewerage, but Scottish Water were unable to proceed because
      the builders, Stuart Milne, had not completed their work on the drainage.
      Stirling Council was taking legal advice on whether they could adopt the
      road without the required bond, so that, for example, if the sewerage failed,
      and the road collapsed, they could at least repair the road. (A small part of
      the road was susceptible to flooding and needed to be lifted and relaid.) In
      the first instance, action was required from Stuart Milne. Accordingly,
      Councillor Thomson had sought advice from Stirling Council Road
      Department and Stirling Council lawyers, with a view to writing to all the
      Wallace Park residents, to advise them to write to Stuart Milne, individually
      or collectively, through a solicitor. It was agreed that the letter should
      include the address of Stuart Milne and the e-mail address of Sonja
      Cameron, both as a member of the Community Council, and as a Wallace
      Park resident. [Action: Stirling Council]


  5. Chair’s Report

    The Chair provided an oral report:

    Community Support Officer discontinued

    1. The Community Council no longer had a Community Support Officer.
      Henceforth, any queries were to be directed via Stirling Council
      Community Engagement.


      Planning Applications Process

    2. Stephen Bly of Stirling Council Community Engagement had advised that
      the Community Council should not deal directly with any individuals raising
      issues about planning applications, but should advise them to contact the
      Planning Department themselves. Nevertheless, the Community Council
      remained a statutory consultee on planning matters.


      Planning Application

    3. A planning application had been received for the erection of a dwelling
      house south east of Abbey Craig Park Lodge, Hillfoots Road, on ground at
      the rear of the property.


      Replacement of play equipment, Easter Cornton Road Park

    4. In the park at Easter Cornton Road, a piece of play equipment had been
      removed, having been deemed unsafe. Replacement would take at least
      three months.


      Community Speed Watch

    5. Blairlogie Community Council were considering instituting a Community
      Speed Watch, and Causewayhead Community Council had been invited
      to consider whether they wished to pool resources in a joint initiative. PC
      Lowery had confirmed that the required equipment would cost £2K, that
      volunteers would need to wear hi vis vests, and that three volunteers
      should be present on the road at all times, as a visual reminder to
      motorists. It was noted that Blairlogie Community Council were considering
      using a speed gun, at a much reduced cost of £230. Under this scheme,
      volunteers forward details of speeding to the Police, but the information on
      speed is advisory only, and cannot be used as evidence for a speed
      offence. Moreover, the speed watch would require good views of the road
      and could only be conducted in good weather, with the whole operation
      requiring to be vetted by the Police. In addition to these limitations, some
      members expressed concerns about the possibility of anti-social behaviour
      against the volunteers. Taking cognizance of all these factors, Community
      Council members decided that this was not a good use of resources or
      time, and that they would not proceed.


      Vote of Thanks to Joyce Carberry

    6. On behalf of the Community Council, the Chair expressed her thanks to
      Joyce Carberry for her stalwort efforts in planting up the communal planters
      and placing flowers at the war memorial.


  6. Treasurer’s Report

    The Treasurer provided an oral report:


    1. The accounts had been audited and found to be sound.

    2. The Treasurer’s application for an administration grant had been

  7. Any Other Business


    Obstructive hedging, Wallace Park

    1. Stirling Council had been notified of high hedging at the walkway linking
      Buchanan Drive with the Wallace Park housing estate. The hedging was
      overgrown, obscuring the view of pedestrians and cyclists, and had
      recently caused an accident in which a young boy had been run over. The
      hedging belonged to the builders, Stuart Milne, and was not maintained.
      While planning conditions required that the hedge be taken down, some
      residents wished to keep it. Councillor Thomson had directed Planning
      enforcement officers to look into the matter.


      Wallace Monument Committee

    2. The most recent meeting had focused on the opening of the Monument,
      with plans to establish a heritage trail from the Monument, through
      Cambuskenneth, to Stirling Castle. Residents would have free entry to the
      Monument for the next year. Community Council members observed that,
      now that the ownership and management of the Monument had been taken
      over by Stirling Council, it represented a potential resource for business
      and local residents, as well as a tourist attraction.


    3. This clearly represented a significant opportunity for local engagement. It
      was suggested, therefore, that the Community Council should interface
      with local businesses, in order to voice the collective views of
      Causewayhead. Community Council members were encouraged to reflect
      and bring back ideas for discussion at the next meeting in September, with
      a view to making recommendations to the Wallace Monument Committee.
      [Action: Community Council members; Val Sinclair; Paul Mcdonald]


      Funding for the Community

    4. Stirling Council has a Community Grants scheme to support projects which
      benefit residents within the Stirling Council area, whether within a single
      community or more widely across the Stirling Council area, or which benefit
      communities of interest (including hobby/ sports groups). As part of the
      post-Covid regeneration of the area, Community Councils were being
      encouraged to put forward proposals, which might include, for example,
      outdoor facilities, social spaces e.g. for barbecues, places to sit, or picnic
      areas. The Secretary undertook to obtain further information about the
      criteria. [Action: Paul Mcdonald]


      1. Initial discussion focused on the need for more public seating around
        Causewayhead, especially to help elderly residents walking down
        Causewayhead Road to the Co-op. (It was noted that Bridge of Allan had
        quite a few benches located around the village.) Since benches fell within
        the remit of the SUSTRANS project, the Chair agreed to raise this with
        Kayleigh Webster, in the first instance. [Action: Val Sinclair]



      2. The prevalence of hogweed, by the river, around the railway, and on other
        local land, was a matter of concern, especially as it takes three years to kill
        hogweed. This was not a responsibility of Stirling Council, although
        Councils do try to treat their own areas, but rather responsibility lies with
        Scottish National Heritage.

        Engage Stirling and Volunteers’ Charter

      3. Stirling Council had appointed a new officer to take over land services,
        whose remit would include oversight of the new ‘Engage Stirling’ platform.
        Residents would be invited to suggest how land should be used, by logging
        into an interactive map showing land owned by Stirling Council. One such
        example of a local initiative was the planting of wild flowers at Cornton.


        Completion Certificate for Extension

      4. One local resident was experiencing difficulty obtaining a completion
        certificate for her extension which had been completed over 18 months
        ago. Due to Covid, Stirling Council officers were not undertaking site visits,
        but were taking photographic evidence instead. Councillor Thomson
        agreed to facilitate the process. [Action: Councillor Thomson]


        Demolition of Disused shop in Munro Road

      5. The owner of the disused shop in Munro Avenue had previously expressed
        a wish to speak to the Community Council about his plans for demolition.
        However, the Chair had not received any contact to date.


        AirBnB, Beech Lane

      6. One member queried why previous anti-social behaviour at the AirBnB at
        Beech Lane, which had been reported to the Police, was not included in
        the Police Report. It was agreed that the matter be explored with the
        Community Police Officers. [Action: Fiona Macleod]


  8. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting would take place by Zoom on Wednesday 8th September,
2021 at 7.00pm. A further meeting would take place on 3 November.


The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.



Revised 28.07.21