October 2023 Minutes

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Causewayhead Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting held at 7pm
on Monday 2nd October 2023

Valerie Sinclair (Chair), Fiona Macleod (Vice-Chair), Stuart Wilson (Secretary), Joyce Carberry (Member), Isobel Jackson (Member)

In Attendance:
Councillor Danny Gibson (Labour), Amy Britton, Esther Lim (Minute Taker)

Sonja Ross (Treasurer), Susan White (Member)

12 residents were in attendance

Welcome & Apologies
The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.

Adoption of Minutes
The unconfirmed minutes of the Meeting held on 31st July 2023 were approved having been proposed by Fiona Macleod and seconded by Stuart Wilson.

Matters Arising
The Chair noted that some matters arising would be covered in the report from Councillor Jim Thomson to be discussed later in the meeting.
Community Council Noticeboard
The Causewayhead community council (CC) noticeboard has been moved to the park next to the Birds & Bees public house. Meeting minutes are posted on the board and many residents seem to be reading these.
A resident requested that the dates of future meetings be posted on the noticeboard for the benefit of residents who do not use the internet. The Chair agreed to do this. [Action: Valerie Sinclair]
Local Place Plans
Having investigated the Local Place Plans, the Community Council (CC) have decided not to continue with this scheme due to the amount of work involved and the CC’s limited resources. The Chair has informed Stirling Council (SC).
Manor Powis Cycle Link
No further update.
Defibrillator Funding
The CC were unsuccessful in their application to Magic Little Grants for funding to maintain the 2 defibrillators sited outside the Birds & Bees pub and the Carpet Shop.
Foliage Encroaching on Walkways
The foliage has been cut back by Stirling Council on a one-off basis. In future it will be the responsibility of the house owner.
Rail Crossing
There is still no date for this work.
Former Johal Convenience Store
The Chair responded to concerns expressed on social media regarding the dilapidated state of this property. She confirmed that the owner is still paying rates on the property. He has obtained a certificate to demolish the property and is required to do this within 3 years. The Vice-Chair spoke to the owner yesterday and he confirmed that he currently has no date for demolition. His application for planning permission to build 2 semi-detached (connected) dwellings has been refused and he intends to submit modified plans. Councillor Thomson has been in touch with the owner. The CC will send an official letter to the owner expressing residents’ concerns but there is nothing further to be done at this stage. [Action: Valerie Sinclair]
Safety Issues – Hillfoots Road
A further incident has occurred since the last CC meeting in which a tourist collided with a park car while driving away from the Wallace Monument on the wrong side of the road. This is similar to an incident reported at the last meeting. The Chair has been in contact with Tourism Scotland and Stirling Council regarding additional signage and Councillor Jim Thomson is taking this forward. Councillor Thomson is planning another site visit. [Action: Councillor Thomson]

Police Report
The Chair presented the Police Report for the period from 6th September to 1st October 2023. There were 3 reported cases: 1 case of vandalism, 1 theft of a car (while carrying a knife) and 1 case of assault.

Councillor’s Report: Sustrans Update from Councillor Jim Thomson
Following a walkabout with Sustrans Project Manager, Craig Brown, Councillor Jim Thomson provided the CC with a written update addressing residents’ concerns. This was read by the Chair during the meeting. See Appendix 1 for details. In addition, the Chair noted that the cycle lane project had initially been expected to take 13 weeks to complete but has been ongoing for 16 months and as yet there is no date for completion. She acknowledged the frustrations of the CC and residents regarding the disruption caused, concerns about safety and the slow progress of the project.
Residents and CC members shared their concerns with Councillor Gibson and there was much discussion. Among the issues highlighted were:
• Frustration that Sustrans seem to prioritise the needs of cyclists to the exclusion of other sectors of the community.
• The belief that some changes had made the roads less safe and would result in accidents.
• Drivers find the new road markings confusing and not easy to see.
• Drivers are failing to observe the 20mph speed limit.
• A reliable bus service is needed to meet the needs of the elderly and those unable to use cycle lanes.
• The request that Sustrans complete one section of work at a time to minimise the disruption to residents and others.
Councillor Gibson acknowledged the issues residents are facing and their frustration at how the project had been managed. He explained that there are 4 councillors representing Causewayhead who attend the CC meetings on a rota basis and they have been in contact with Stirling Council numerous times regarding the ongoing problems. He agreed to speak with the other councillors regarding the issues raised and to feedback concerns to Stirling Council. [Action: Councillor Gibson] The Chair reiterated that she and the Councillors are constantly contacting Sustrans and SC and the way forward is to keep chasing those responsible to get issues addressed. The Chair reminded the meeting that there was a pelican crossing still to be installed on Causewayhead Road and that the intention is to continue the cycle route through Bridge of Allan to Dunblane. Bridge of Allan are currently putting together an advisory committee. A resident asked if Sustrans’ funding is secure in view of recent cost cutting. Councillor Gibson was unaware of any risk to this funding.

Chair’s Report
Planning Applications
There have been 2 planning applications since the last meeting.
• 6 Dunvegan Drive – a dormer extension to the rear of the property
• 18 Buchanan Drive – a single storey side extension
See Matters Arising

Treasurer’s Report
There was no treasurer’s report for this meeting. The balance of funds is currently £7,000.06.

Discussion: Fundraising for Defibrillator Maintenance
Members and residents discussed potential sources of funding for the continued maintenance of the 2 defibrillators situated at the Birds and Bees Pub and the Carpet shop in Causewayhead. The pads and batteries need to be replaced every four years at a cost of £96 and £200 respectively. Pads also need to be replaced after each use.) Suggestions included using a community donations website, such as Spacehive, or taking part in the Stirling lottery. The preferred options were:
To hold a quiz night in Spring 2024 [Action: CC Members]
To apply to be a beneficiary of the Co-op community funding scheme. [Action: Stuart Wilson]
The CC agreed to move forward with both options. Residents agreed to help organise the Quiz night.

Any Other Business
Treelink Stirling
Treelink Stirling are holding an information session in the Guide Hall on Glebe Avenue from 10am to 12pm on 28th October 2023.
Stirling Cycling Club
Stirling Cycling Club are planning a cycling hill climb on Abbey Craig /Wallace Monument on 20th June 2024. Any objections must be submitted by the end of October 2023.
Parking Suspension
Parking will be suspended on the Hillfoots Road near the Airthrey Road / Spittal Hill junction on 18th October 2023.
New Picnic Table
A new picnic table has been installed in the park next to the B&B.
Polling Station
Following an enquiry from Stirling Council, the Chair asked residents if Logie Kirk Hall is a suitable location for a Polling Station. The residents present were happy with this location and had no better suggestions.
Causewayhead CC Website
Members discussed setting up a CC website so that meeting minutes can be published in a timely manner. Minutes are currently submitted to Stirling Council and there can be a significant delay before they are published online. Stuart Wilson has looked into the logistics and ongoing costs of this. Amy Britton volunteered to help set up the website and Valerie Sinclair to update it. Amy Britton also suggested providing older residents with coaching on how to access the minutes online.
Valerie Sinclair, Stuart Wilson and Amy Britton agreed to meet to plan the way forward. [Action: Valerie Sinclair, Stuart Wilson and Amy Britton]
Meeting Easter Cornton Road Residents & Stirling Council
A resident brought to the CC’s attention that a meeting between Stirling Council, Councillor Thomson and residents of Easter Cornton Road to discuss traffic safety concerns had not yet taken place. This was requested at the last CC meeting. The Chair informed the resident that the manager responsible, Ms Fraser had left SC and not been replaced. The Chair agreed to contact Councillor Thomson for a status update. [Action: Valerie Sinclair]
American Bulldogs
Residents expressed concern at the presence of American Bulldogs in Causewayhead. The Chair recognised residents’ concerns particularly in light of tragic events recently reported in the news. The presence of American Bulldogs has been raised with the dog enforcement team and some dogs in the area are being monitored. Dog wardens have informed the CC that there is nothing else they can do at this time as American Bulldogs are not currently classed as dangerous dogs and they can only act if an attack on a human is reported.
Speeding in Wallace Park Estate.
Further to complaints of speeding on the estate at the last CC meeting, a member pointed out that there is a pile of speed signs behind the Moorland Place sign on the estate and queried why these were not being utilised.
Co-option of Amy Britton to Causewayhead Community Council
The Chair proposed resident Amy Britton be co-opted to join the community council subject to the vacancy being advertised for 14 days to allow other members of the community to come forward.

Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place at 7pm on Monday 4th December 2023 in the Function Room of the Birds & Bees, Easter Cornton Road, Stirling, FK9 5BP.

APPENDIX 1: SUSTRANS Update from Councillor Jim Thomson
Section at Rail bridge incomplete
Delayed initially due to public utility (water and gas) needing to fix equipment. Decision made to complete rest of work and return on completion. Nov/Dec.
Buchanan Drive. Double give Way is not functioning due to high hedge affecting visibility
Hedge owners will be asked to trim it back. Noted that this could be time consuming. Intention is to remove double give way and apply colour on the road.
Junction Causewayhead Road and Dumyat road. Turning radius of vehicles, transit and above forces vehicles onto opposite lanes.
Turning circle checked and compliant with large vehicle. Will be sent a plan proving this to be the case.
Request for more 20mph repeater signs full length of Dumyat Road.
Agreed, will be added to work schedule.
Signage insufficient to tell cyclists to use Dunster Road.
Signage is compliant but will re-assess.
Islands on Dunster Road - planting not appropriate as will not be maintained.
Agreed, appropriate hard landscaping will be installed. Soft landscaping still proposed where it is safe to work.
Existing speed bumps (Dunster Road) were to be cut back to allow cyclists free passage.
Roads service has not been made aware of this requirement. (Further check made later, not on notes or minutes of working group). Remains outstanding.
Easter Cornton Road/Dumyat road junction. Site lines are dependent on residents cutting hedge and are bare minimum.
Site lines are compliant for 20mph zone. Officer referred to requirement to new highway code requiring drivers to give pedestrians and cyclists right of way.
Easter Cornton Road/Castle Road Junction - Changed without prior consultation with community.

APPENDIX 1: SUSTRANS Update from Councillor Jim Thomson
Site lines do not appear to meet minimum standards.
They have observed the junction and note that drivers approach junction with care. Intention is to continue with current arrangement for a few months and revert back should it be required.
Suggestion that give way signs are erected turned down.
Not included in the Contract, but will provide
Road marking give way signs on all roads onto Causewayhead Road need refreshed.
Agreed, again not part of the budget, so will make request and also to carry out road repairs where road breaking up.
Turning circles on Dunster Road/Airthrey Road seem to be similar to Dumyat Road.
Road not open yet. Site lines are satisfactory. Continue to observe.
Not sufficient Road width on Airthrey road near Cycle Shop for 2 large vehicles to pass.
Minimum standard is 6m, road width measured at 6.2m. (Spent time at junction to witness oncoming vehicles. Of the two witnessed, vehicles had to slow down but “appeared” sufficient room.
Community request for parking to be retained at Aboyne Avenue rejected.
Noted and apologies for not consulting. Argument is that sufficient parking exists on Dunster Road and school run is to be discouraged.
Concerns re road width/turning circles at narrowed entrance onto roundabout from Causewayhead Road.
Similar argument to reduced widths on Airthrey Road. It will slow down traffic and this is also the location for a road crossing. Will observe it in operation and adjust if it proves problematic.
Removal of parking space on Alloa Road at the flooring company.
Sustrans requirement to get minimum width for cycle lane.

APPENDIX 1: SUSTRANS Update from Councillor Jim Thomson
Section along Airthrey road was to have been completed prior to schools restarting.
Agreed, changes to operating hours and squad diverted to work on 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships. There were further problems with broken drains on Causewayhead Road which delayed project.
The officer I spoke to was unable to explain why hours were shortened and fewer staff appear to be on the project at present.