May 2021 Minutes

Cowie Community Council
Minute of Meeting

26 May 2021


Virtual Zoom Meeting



Alan Stevenson (chair)
Mags Hughes (Secretary)
Clare Stevenson

Gael Strachan



Louise Bishop
Jane Hamill

Sharon McGrouther, Stirling Council


In Attendance:

Cllr Alasdair MacPherson


Residents: none


Meeting opened and attendees welcomed by Chair. Due to technical reasons Clare
Stevenson continued meeting.


  1. Declarations of Interest: none


  2. Adoption of previous meeting minute:

    All agreed (show of hands)


  3. Matters arising:

    • Action plan to be carried forward to next month. Mags to update and circulate.

    • Hub: Meeting with Tracy Mills revealed increased costs were due to increases
      in material costs and also costs incurred for COVID safe working practices.

  4. Reports - External

    • Police Scotland:

      Read and noted. Priorities are still antisocial behaviour/drug use. PC Stephanie
      Martin appointed to the community team.


    • Councillor Alasdair MacPherson Report:

      Add to Action Plan - Cowie to Bannockburn existing path to be cleared and
      trees/hedges to be cut by council. Cllr MacPherson investigating possibility of
      funding outwith Council for other work.

      Hub - site preparation has started

      St Margarets - on site 14 June for work starting.

      Chapel - concerns re closure of Chapel. Cllr MacPherson requested
      meeting to discuss.

      Quarry - Ronald Dick has concerns over significant increase in water
      level. Using pump to drain. Fence safety to be added to action plan

      Credit Union - noted closure of Credit Union. Stirling Credit Union
      welcoming former Cowie members. Enquire if they would come to Cowie
      once a week. Cllr MacPherson to investigate.

      Consultation with Ronnie Bateman to enquire if Credit Union office
      suitable for community space, one o clock gang, Slimming World

      Evelyn Tweed MSP - should be invited along to community
      Citifibre - hoping to have this in all Eastern Villages


    • Stirling council - none


  5. Reports - internal: none


  6. Community Council Business: none


  7. AOB: none


  8. Residents Forum: none


  9. Date, time and venue of next meeting:

Wednesday 30 June at 7.15pm via Zoom