November 2023 Special Meeting Minutes

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Drymen Community Council
Minutes of the Special Meeting
held On Monday 27th November 2023
at Drymen Village Hall

Present: Rebekah Stewart (RS), Fraser Robb (FR), Rhona Carmichael (RC), Maja McTavish (MM), Jacqueline Sendall (JS), Rowan Higgins (minutes)
Apologies: Louise Macfarlane
RS starts by welcoming everyone to the meeting and explains that Drymen Community Council have called this meeting to announce the results of the Road Safety Trial Survey.
RS goes through a brief presentation of the background of the Road Safety Trial:
- Drymen Community Development Trust implemented a temporary road safety trial in the Square with the purpose of reducing traffic speed with speed data being monitored and analysed and trialling a safe crossing point.
- The trial results would then be collated to be shared with the community, and the community would decide whether any aspects should be made permanent.
- DCDT respond to community feedback to undertake an independent survey as to whether the trial should continue and requested Drymen Community Council to carry out the independent survey.
- Drymen Community Council committed to an independent survey, an open and transparent approach, to be impartial and to include the community in all steps.
- Two drop-in sessions were held where the community were invited to input into survey content and approach.
- Next steps were agreed with the community at a Drymen Community Council meeting.
- Surveys were posted to all houses in the Drymen Community Council boundary with additional copies available in Drymen Library.
- All paper copies stored at Drymen Library were stored in their safe until collection day. 3 Drymen Community Council members collected the paper copies from Drymen Library. 6 Drymen Community Council members triple counted paper surveys and verified both paper and online results.
In total there were 460 responses. 51.3% of those were in favour of cancelling the trial with the remaining 48.7% voting to continue the trial.
RS thanked everyone who responded, and noted there were some great comments received. As agreed, these comments will be anonymised and provided to the DCDT to input into any future initiatives.
RS invites Richard Boddington to say a few words on behalf of the DCDT:
- Firstly, Richard thanked Drymen Community Council for carrying out the survey and thanked everyone in the village who voted. It was great to have such a high number of responses.
- With the results being to cancel the trial, DCDT will take the road safety trial away. This will be done as soon as they possibly can. There has already been some initial discussion with Stirling Council and the line marking
company, but nothing was able to be booked until the results of the survey were confirmed.
- DCDT will speak to them again tomorrow but noted that it is coming up to the busy Christmas period and can’t guarantee it will be done before Christmas. The work is also weather dependent. As soon as a slot is agreed with the line marking company, DCDT will let the community know. The planters cannot be removed until the lines are also removed, so this will all go ahead at the same time.
- DCDT will also be selling the planters and their contents for £30, the funds raised from this will be put towards removing the lines on the road. Planters purchased could be delivered locally by arrangement.
RS invites attendees to ask any questions they may have.
A resident asked what Drymen Community Council are going to do with the paper responses to the survey containing personal details. JS responded that Drymen Community Council would be getting in touch with Stirling Council regarding this, as there may be a minimum period that these responses have to be kept in a safe location, in case of any challenges. Drymen Community Council will provide an update on this at Community Council meeting.
RS reiterated that there were lots of comments that they will be anonymising and passing on to DCDT for future reference. This may take some time and Drymen Community Council do not have a time frame on this yet but will keep the community updated.
RS thanked those who attended and closed the meeting.
Next meeting
Tuesday 5th December 2023 at 7pm
Drymen Village Hall