April 2021 Minutes


Dunblane Community Council



Alan Booth

Woodlea, Perth Road

FK15 0BU


Tel: 01786824791

David Prescott

Smithy Loan
FK15 0HQ

Tel: 01786 822848




Minutes of the meeting of the Dunblane Community Council held on
Wednesday, 7 April, 2021, at 7 p.m., held remotely via Zoom.


Present: David Prescott (Chairman), Alan Booth (Secretary), Fiona Plumtree, Karen
Jenkins, Christina Feaks, Rosemary Hunter, Graham Mowat, Andy Mitchell, James
Byrne, Sharon Mylchreest, Craig French.


In attendance: Sergeant Grant MacDonald, Councillors Graham Houston, Alasdair
Tollemache and Douglas Dodds, Fraser Mackintosh, Sarah Corser, Owen Hutchison,
Bridget Clark, Susan Mitchell, Steve Mason, Margaret Bragg (Minutes Secretary).


  1. Apologies, conflicts of interest, Press and Chairman's remarks

    Apologies have been received from Chris Toop (Treasurer) and Andy Davis
    (Community Link Officer, Stirling Council). There is no Press presence and no
    stated conflicts of interest. The meeting is held via Zoom under Stirling Council's
    Temporary Amendments to the Community Council Establishment arrangements.


  2. Approval of minutes of 3 March 2021

    These were approved, proposed by Andy Mitchell and seconded by Alan Booth.


  3. Police Report: See attached.

    The Chairman welcomed Sergeant Grant MacDonald, attending in his own time.


    With reference to the theft of car registration plates, the Sergeant confirmed that
    enquiries are ongoing and if they are used elsewhere this will be flagged up.


    A discussion arose over anti-social behaviour and the Chairman introduced Fraser
    Mackintosh to the meeting. Fraser Mackintosh lives in the town centre and has
    witnessed anti-social behaviour and criminal damage carried out in the High Street,
    the Mill Row area and the Laighhills. In response he contacted the police and, with others, has set up a Dunblane Neighbourhood Watch Facebook page on which
    residents can post comments about incidents in the town. He suggested the
    installation of CCTV would be a deterrent. He recognises that the police have a
    heavy workload and that the young perpetrators, who are drinking alcohol, are at a
    loose end. He said the Facebook page has publicised the problem to parents who
    are not aware of what their children are doing, with some positive responses. The
    Chairman said it is important to prevent young people falling into the habit of
    unacceptable behaviour because it could potentially blight their future lives.


    In response, Sergeant MacDonald commented that the idea of CCTV at Mill Row
    and the Laighhills has been discussed before by Stirling Council but it had been
    deemed not to fulfil the criteria for its installation. He has looked over reports to
    the police and no complaint has been received about behaviour of youths in the
    Laighhills, although Councillor Tollemache reported that a noisy party there had
    been reported to him. The Sergeant emphasised how important it is to report any
    incidents to the police; only with an increase in the number of complaints will
    more resources be allocated to Dunblane. It would be better to report
    contemporaneously but even if reports are made later, this is still useful. Although

    101 is the number for non-emergencies, it is legitimate to use 999 if feeling
    threatened. Any call will be evaluated for immediate response or not. With
    reference to the Facebook page, Fraser Mackintosh felt that it was useful to let
    parents know what was happening but that it could also be a useful aid to the
    police as well. However, the Sergeant stated that it is more important for officers
    to be out on patrol rather than checking social media.


    Owen Hutchison, a resident of the Royals, commented on the increased presence
    of the police to the same few addresses and, although complaints have been made
    to the Council and the police, the situation does not change or improve. The
    Sergeant confirmed that the police and Council officers work together to deal with
    problem tenants but stressed the gathering of intelligence on criminal activity is
    required before the police can be more proactive. He again stressed the
    importance of contacting the police which can be done anonymously, either by
    phoning 101, by putting a note through the police station's letter box, by emailing,
    or contacting Crimestoppers. If enough information is gathered then the police
    can apply for a warrant to enter a property.


    Councillor Houston felt that the Facebook page was raising awareness in the
    community at large, and especially in parents, of incidents of anti-social behaviour
    in the town which is more likely to increase as the weather improves. Using the
    101 number should be encouraged. With reference to problems in the Royals, he
    agreed to work with the other Councillors, the police and Council officers to tackle
    the situation. Action: Councillor Houston.


    The Chairman thanked Fraser Mackintosh, Owen Hutchison and Sergeant Grant
    MacDonald for their attendance and input to the meeting.


  4. Standing items and actions from previous meetings: See attached.

    Future of the Burgh Chambers Steve Mason reported that contact with Council
    officers is ongoing. He suggested that this is dropped as a standing agenda item, while agreeing to report back to the council when there is progress. Councillor
    Tollemache reported that repairs on the building's windows, including the
    replacement of those at the front, are to be carried out this month and he agreed
    to follow this up. Action: Councillor Tollemache.


    Local Rail Development Fund Project The Chairman, following a recent article in
    the Stirling Observer, repeated that car parking, once it returns to normal, will be
    revisited but that it is a local issue, something the Council has to recognise. In the
    meantime, the Active Travel Project will progress.


    Dunblane twinning proposal Councillor Tollemache reported that the relevant
    Council officer is currently on election duties and there is nothing to report.


    Spaces for People Bridget Clark said that there has been no feedback from the
    consultants yet to the community consultation. She is concerned that the
    opportunity to progress the feasibility study of a cycle route from Dunblane
    station to Bridge of Allan station will be lost.


    The Chairman reported that the Traffic Regulation Orders are being processed for
    the new 20 mph routes. Susan Mitchell commented that the efficacy of the new
    20mph limits will be re-examined after 18 months. However, she was concerned
    about the cycle lanes on the B8033, the markings for which have faded especially
    on one side. She reported that they should be wider in order to bring them up to
    Sustrans standards. Rosemary Hunter also reported on the uneven surface on the
    B8033 which causes difficulties to cyclists. Councillor Tollemache has already
    reported to the Council on the need for repairs on the dual carriageway.


    Gritting of roads and footways The Chairman expressed his frustration at the lack
    of response from Bruce Reekie (Senior Manager, Environment and Place, Stirling
    Council) who attended the community council meeting two months ago. The
    community council, as the link between the Council and the community, expects a
    better working relationship with Council officers.


  5. Treasurer's Report: See attached. No real change.


  6. Correspondence Report: See attached.

    The Secretary pointed out an email (already circulated) from David Rae (Grounds
    Officer, Stirling Council) about pollinator strategy with reference to grass
    maintenance at Newton and Braemar play parks. He queried how this would be
    evaluated and by whom. A discussion arose over encouraging pollinators and
    invertebrates. Councillor Tollemache agreed to contact the Biodiversity Officer at
    the Council and will report back. Action: Councillor Tollemache.


  7. Report of other meetings

    Sharon Mylchreest reported on a phone call she had with Derek Leitch (Land
    Services, Stirling Council) about dog and litter waste bins near Kippendavie Estate
    (see last month's minutes). A review of the 1,400 bins across the Council area is
    being carried out with a view to reducing their number by replacing pole-mounted
    bins, seen as a health hazard, with free-standing, larger capacity bins. He committed to reviewing the location of the 110 bins at present in Dunblane shortly
    and start a consultation over reducing their number and positioning them
    appropriately. He has agreed to send more information and a map on the location
    of the bins in Dunblane. However, as Kippendavie is private land, the Council will
    not put bins there or near there. Graham Mowat reported that Falkirk Council have
    bins split into two for landfill and recycling waste, and councillors thought this
    was an idea worth pursuing. Councillor Dodds reported on an initiative in Bridge
    of Allan where local children have designed posters for lampposts to publicise the
    problem of dog mess in the town. He can arrange for the Council's dog warden to
    speak to the community council and also arrange for extra signage in the town.
    Action: Councillor Dodds.


  8. Dunblane Development Trust Report

    Rosemary Hunter reported that the new volunteer support officer is now in post
    and is working with the various groups.


  9. Elected Members' Reports

    Councillor Houston reported that the Carman Family Foundation (CFF) has
    submitted all the information to the Council over their application to lease
    Heilanman's Land. A Head of Terms document is forming the basis of further
    discussions, with a 50 year lease being suggested, after which the land would
    revert to a community group.


    Councillor Tollemache reported that there is broken play equipment and access
    problems at Braemar playpark. James Byrne reported that there is Council funding
    of £30,000 to replace the play equipment at the Newton playpark and a group of
    parents has identified suitable equipment. Their proposal is being submitted to
    the Council as the costs of installation and maintenance will have to be taken into
    consideration. Councillor Houston said that the Council can claw back VAT on the
    purchase. It was noted that the problem of drainage has still to be tackled.
    However, James Byrne said the group is looking to create a Masterplan to find out
    what parents and the local community want the park to be used for, e.g. a
    wildflower meadow.


    In response to a comment from Graham Mowat, Councillor Tollemache reported
    that the Darn Walk sign had been removed for repair but agreed to check up on it.
    Action: Councillor Tollemache.


  10. AOCB

    Bridget Clark reported that the location of benches in Dunblane is going to be
    added to the Dunblane map on Google maps and on the Dunblane Facebook page.


    The Secretary reported that the bridge over the scouring burn (see last month's
    minutes) is dangerous and he has contacted Angela Simpson (Access and
    Sustainable Travel Officer, Stirling Council) about its repair. However, Councillor
    Tollemache reported that the Council is going to remove the bridge.


    The Secretary suggested that the Laighhills management plan be expanded in
    collaboration with the local wildlife group. This could then be progressed with the
    Council's Biodiversity Officer.


    It was reported that more of the already closed path at the Laighhills below the
    football pitch has fallen into the river and the original fencing has disappeared


  11. Date, time and place of next meeting

    The next meeting of the Dunblane Community Council will take place by Zoom on
    Wednesday, 5 May, 2021 at 7 p.m.


  12. Planning Report: See attached.

Councillors Houston and Dodds left the meeting.


Park of Keir The Chairman reported that a Section 75 agreement is in process of
being prepared and has asked for more information. If signed by the applicant, its
main points should be made public. Sportscotland has confirmed that it has been
asked for financial support towards the capital cost of the development. Councillor
Tollemache commented that the Council planners have committed to brief
Councillors when agreement has been reached. He also reported that when it goes
to the Planning Panel it will be a closed meeting, with no public and no record
taken. The Chairman said that the Council has to be challenged on this because of
the high level of public interest. In reply to a query from the Secretary, the
Chairman said that the subject of the Community Interest Company, which was
part of the original application, has not been mentioned.


Firs of Kinbuck The Chairman reported that the application is live again and he
has prepared updates on the road safety issues. Questions are being raised over
tourism and employment benefits suggested by the Planning Panel. The local
community is active and objections are being submitted.


Auchinlay Road The Chairman reported on the application for six glamping pods
beside Woodend Cottage and commented that the road is not capable of taking an
increase in traffic, especially as there are no passing places. He felt it was an
inappropriate use of the land but if the Council saw fit to approve the application
he suggested that it be moved further away from neighbours and that there should
be a requirement for the removal of the pods at the end of their life. He introduced
Sarah Coser, a resident on Auchinlay Road, to the meeting. She said that the
planning application does not comply with Council policy. She stressed the unique
nature of the area, and pointed out that the main gas pipe is located under the
field. She also raised the problems with services such as sewerage and the
residents' concern over noise and nuisance.


A discussion covered traffic issues as it is a single track road used by farm
machinery. Fiona Plumtree reported that, at present, the road is derestricted
coming from Dunblane but from Kinbuck there is a 40 mph limit. From Dunblane
the road narrows on the old railway bridge and this forms a pinch point for traffic.



Councillor Tollemache has asked that this application come to the Planning Panel.
As part of the Spaces for People policy of the Council, he has proposed that the
speed limit be reduced to 40 mph and the Secretary suggested that road signs be
erected designating the road as being "walking, cycling and horse friendly".


The Chairman felt there will be pressure on the Council to encourage tourism but
stressed the importance of the right development in the right place. He supported
Rosemary Hunter's proposal of a site visit with Council officers. He encouraged
everyone to submit objections as individuals.


Wider development proposals With reference to the previous proposal, the
Chairman repeated his concerns over the number of development proposals for
the agricultural land north of Dunblane which have come before the community
council over the previous two years. These would change the nature of the area
and threatened splitting up fields into smaller units.


The Chairman has had an informal dialogue with the Kippendavie Group Trust
(KGT) who propose developing an eco-hub at Lady's Mount and are looking for
support as it is in the Green Belt. An application has not yet been submitted. The
Chairman stressed the need for community consultation and he commented that
having a discussion with a developer does not preclude objecting to their
proposals. Of note is the proposal to use the site for EV charging, a local filling
station, e-bikes and as a parcels hub where parcels for the town would be dropped
off and then distributed using E vans and cargo-bikes.


The Chairman invited Steve Mason to address the meeting on wider development
issues with reference to the next Local Development Plan (LDP). The present LDP
dates from 2018 and is likely to run up to 2026. He stated that developers already
make statutory contributions towards education, health facilities, waste services,
open space provision, and transport, as well as affordable housing, and did not
expect them to desire to make further voluntary contributions. Every community
should have an Open Space Review and a Local Place Plan which has to be
recognised when the Council draws up the LDP, noting that the LDP process will
include a review of the current Green Belt. He advised caution when in discussion
with potential developers who will be desperate to get planning permission for
developments in Dunblane. He and the Chairman are in agreement that further
discussion about this important topic is necessary, also involving other groups in
the town, but that this would be better achieved once live meetings can take place.


The Chairman thanked everyone for their contribution to the meeting.
The meeting ended at 9.30 p.m.


This is a true representation of the meeting.


David Prescott ...................................................................................... Date .........................



Alan Booth ............................................................................................ Date .........................





Police Service of Scotland

Community Council Meeting






April 2021


PC 775 Gilliland




Introduction / synopsis of previous month:


This report should provide sufficient information regarding police activity since
the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the
police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this
report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will
answer your questions.


If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to
identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting


The report encompasses all relevant crime and matters of note which have
occurred between 3rd March and 6th April 2021 inclusive.


A member of the Dunblane CPT will be participating in the Zoom meeting.



Current Priorities:

Our current priorities in the Dunblane area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour,
Housebreakings, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.




Main Report:


Between the 3rd March and 6th April 2021, a total of 16 crimes occurred within
the Dunblane area (including the motorway). The crimes detailed below are
those that are of relevance to the local community.




On the 8th of March a vehicle then parked in Albert Street, Dunblane was
damaged. Following enquiry a male has been issued with a Recorded Police
Warning in relation to Vandalism.


On the 3rd of March refuse bins located within a garden at Old Doune Road were
set alight. This has been crimed as Wilful Fireraising and is under investigation
at the time of submission, PS-20210403-0965 refers.




None reported




None reported.




Sometime between the 4th and 5th of March, vehicle registration plates were
stolen from a vehicle then parked within Drumcastle Court, Dunblane. This was
crimed as Theft and is undetected, Police call card PS-20210305-1358 refers.


On the 5th of March a petrol theft occurred on the A9 Southbound, Dunblane
whereby plates stolen from the Dunblane area were used in the commission of
the theft. This is an ongoing enquiry at the time of submission, PS-20210305-
0435 refers.


On the 6th of March, police received several calls to the Bogside, Bellenden Grove
and Young Road areas of Dunblane in relation to a vehicle being driven
erratically, the vehicle being involved in an accident, persons acting suspiciously
and a vehicle having been stolen from a property.


Following police attendance and a vehicle pursuit several suspects were traced
and arrested in the Auchterarder area.


Following extensive enquiry, the suspects, none of whom are from or who have
any links to the Dunblane area were charged with various crimes of dishonesty
and road traffic related offences. A male has since appeared at court, pled
guilty to a number of offences and is now serving a lengthy custodial sentence.


Sometime between the 15th of March and 1st April gardening equipment was


stolen from an insecure shed at a property in Ochiltree, Dunblane. Sometime
around the 20th March and prior to the theft being discovered a male was seen
loitering within the complainer’s garden. This has been crimed as Theft and
Section 57(1) Civic Government Scotland Act 1982 and is an ongoing enquiry at
the time of submission, PS-20210401-3557 refers.


Sometime between the 18th and 20th March a registration plate was stolen from a
vehicle then parked in Braeport, Dunblane. This has been crimed as Theft and is
an ongoing enquiry at the time of submission, PS- 20210320-2868 refers.


CPT officers would ask the local community that they ensure that garages,
outbuildings and sheds are locked and secured when not in use and that vehicle
keys are kept in a safe and secure places within properties, thus reducing the
likelihood of theft occurring.




See above.




CPT officers have carried out Hand Held Radar speeding checks in the Perth
Road area and one motorist was warned regarding vehicular speed.


The pop up police officer has been deployed in Perth Road, Wallace Road and
Doune Road.


Between 3rd March and 6th April 2021 there was 115 calls to police in the
Dunblane area. A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 21 public
nuisance calls, 1 drugs/substance related call, 1 disturbance type call, 6 theft
related call, 6 concern for person calls, 2 domestic related incidents and 8 road
traffic related calls.


Community engagement and reassurance:


Continue to monitor hotspots for anti-social behaviour and speeding within the
local area.


Activity for forthcoming month:


  • Conduct HHR in area in which complaints are being received re speeding.

  • Patrol hotspot area in which ASB is an issue.

  • Conduct school patrols.


Any issues raised at Community Council meeting:








Dunblane Community Council

Additional Paper for Zoom Meeting - Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Agenda item 4


  1. Future of Burgh Chambers – Project still active - SM working on this Nothing further to report

  2. Local Rail Development Fund project update – Stirling Observer picked up on this. Response from
    Transport Scotland was incorrect, (which illustrates the difference in view) but the problem all along has
    been the Council’s view on car parking utilisation in the town being at odds with the Community view.

Stirling Council’s Community Parking Management Plan (CMCP) is now out of date and needs review in the
light of emerging demand and TS attitude. This now needs to be resolved to suit the community. Item
closed and new standing item will be created when car parking project restarts

  1. Dunblane High School / DYPP project update / Newton School

  2. Dunblane twinning proposal – Councillor Tollemache to report (Action item from previous meetings)

  3. Heilanman's Land - Proposed transfer to Carman Family Trust

  4. Cycle Routes and Active Travel in Dunblane – Spaces for People proposals now in final Stirling Council
    public consultation prior to implementation.

  5. Road and footway gritting – follow up after Bruce Reekie, Stirling Council, attendance at February
    meeting. No response to date. The lack of any response from Stirling Council is concerning as it looks like no
    attempt is being made to improve the service in the future. We have been fortunate that there was no more
    snow this winter.

j) Action items - if not on the agenda - None


David Prescott Chair Dunblane Community Council 4 April 2021



Dunblane Community Council

Planning Report - Major Issues – to end March 2021

Glassingall – Proposal of Application Notice – Demolition and fire at Glassingall House.

No further progress.

Park of Keir - Section 75 Processes.

Stirling Council advise that the developer is seeking a further extension, but is a contradictory letter suggests
that they have agreed to sign the Section 75 but that there is a lot of tiding up to do before it is ready. This
contradicts the early Stirling Council information that all they were waiting for was for the developer to sign
the form of words agreed with officers.

Sportscotland have responded: confirming that they have been asked for financial support towards the
capital cost of the proposed Park of Keir development, but were at pains to state that any decision on
whether they invest in this development will only be taken on completion of a formal application process.

They also confirm that the financial contribution requested relates only to capital funding
and does not include any permanent ongoing financial support.


It may be reassuring to know that they stressed that all capital investments sportscotland make in sports
facilities follow a robust assessment process, which considers among other issues the strategic need and
demand for a facility, the impact it will have on sport and physical activity and whether the project is
financially viable in capital and revenue terms.


A response to this is being prepared setting out the challenges that POK has in terms of strategic fit, ongoing
viability and deliverability.

Keith Brown MSP is proved unable bring any meaningful pressure to bear.

19/00243/PPP Firs of Kinbuck (North bound services)

The application is live again, with all the material available on the Planning Portal after pressure from DCC.
The local egal challenges remains very live!!

There is clearly a gulf in view between the Planning view of changes to the LDP and the community’s view.

A comprehensive response will be submitted after 7 April DCC meeting, with possible supplemental

responses as the statutory consultees’ responses are published.

21/00216/FUL Auchinlay Road – glamping development

A new application for a tourism based development along Auchinlay Road has been submitted, neighbour
objections are coming in. This is another development pressure in the countryside north of Dunblane and it
is suggested that it is opposed as inappropriate for the site, creates traffic problems and that the layout is
not at all appropriate (Linear along the road and close to the neighbour).

Wider development proposals

Arising from the informal dialogue KGT is proposing a planning application for an eco-hub at the Lady’s
Mount site (B8033/A9 northbound slips). Facilities to include EV charging, local filling station (Possibly eco
fuels), e-bikes and possible car club with a parcels hub to enable consolidated in-town deliveries using E vans
and cargo-bikes not big diesel vans. It is a Green Belt site, so will need local support.


David Prescott 7 April 2021