April 2023 Minutes

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Dunblane Community Council

Alan Booth
Woodlea, Perth Road
FK15 0BU
Tel: 01786824791

Ailsa Gray
Old Glassingall
FK15 0JG
Tel: 07775313038

Minutes of the Dunblane Community Council held on Wednesday, 5 April, 2023, at 7 p.m. in the Library, Dunblane. This is a “blended” meeting, with some attendees joining by Zoom.

Present: Terence O'Byrne (Acting Chair), Alan Booth (Secretary), Stewart Corbett (Treasurer), Karen Jenkins, Andy Mitchell, David Prescott. Joining by Zoom: Fiona Plumtree, Graham Mowat, Anna Jarchow-MacDonald.

In attendance: Councillors Douglas Dodds, Alasdair Tollemache and Robin Kleinman, David Whelan, Jim and Karen Hunter, Jonathan Files, Margaret Bragg (Minutes Secretary). Joining by Zoom: Councillor Ewan Dillon, Mairi Santolini, Susan Mitchell.

1. Apologies
Apologies have been received from Ailsa Gray, Annelise Bakri, Craig French and Sharon Mylchreest.

2. Chair's Remarks
Terence O'Byrne agreed to be Acting Chair for this meeting. There are no conflicts of interest and no Press presence. He welcomed Robin Kleinman, the new Councillor for Dunblane, to the meeting.

3. Approval of minutes of 1 March 2023
These were approved, proposed by Andy Mitchell and seconded by Karen Jenkins.

4. Road and cycle safety
Terence O'Byrne gave a brief update on the situation as reported in the previous month's Minutes. The reason that the work was halted was because of traffic management issues and he confirmed that the project will be completed in line with the existing re-design, with the exception of broken white lines along the red tar hatched section. He has received an email from Tom Horner (Team Leader, Sustainable Transport Development, Climate Change and Sustainability, Stirling Council) apologising for the delay in sending the updated plans to Terence O'Byrne. Together with Councillor Tollemache he will keep pursuing this. Action: Terence O'Byrne and Councillor Tollemache. The Spaces for People funding, from Sustrans, as was noted previously, will not be extended into this financial year and the onus is on the Council to find the money to complete the project. Councillor Tollemache expected the work to be done as soon as possible and Terence O'Byrne agreed to email Tom Horner stressing that this should happen. He will closely examine the traffic management plans when he receives them to see if they are suitable. Comments were made about the buffer zones and the width of the carriageway.

Susan Mitchell stressed how dangerous the previous design was and that the Council should have amended it when criticism was raised in 2021. Terence O'Byrne agreed to include her suggestion of new vertical signage, advising drivers to be patient with cyclists, when he contacts Tom Horner. Action: Terence O'Byrne. Susan Mitchell also highlighted that the safety zone between Station Road and Beech Road has been removed making this area dangerous.

It was noted that this will be a temporary measure until the designated cycle route between Dunblane and Bridge of Allan is in place.

David Prescott reminded councillors that they represent all the community and any suggestion that parking spaces be removed will be criticised.

5. Matters arising
B8033 traffic management disruption As reported last month, David Hopper (Sustainable Development and Public Transport Manager, Stirling Council) has apologised to the High Street traders and Tom Horner has also visited the retailers.

Wall on Braco Road needing repaired Councillor Tollemache said this is an ongoing issue which he will keep pursuing. Action: Councillor Tollemache.

Slip roads on to the A9 at the Queen Victoria This is taken forward to next month. Action: next month's agenda.

Sewage leak Terence O'Byrne met with Scottish Water senior managers to discuss the problems caused by work done by their subcontractors and they agreed to provide a contact for the community council if there are any more issues. They agreed to compensate the residents at Argyle Way by putting in 30 metres of a proper path over a muddy stretch. To compensate Dunblane Primary School where pupils had to walk through a sewage leak across Old Doune Road, the school had asked for funding for play equipment. A response is expected soon.

Mill Row playpark Councillor Tollemache, Anna Jarchow-MacDonald and the Secretary met and he confirmed that St Mary's school has applied for funding from Stirling Council's Landfill Tax Trust. He reported that the fencing has been repaired and has notified the Council about the broken equipment. Two neighbouring residents have also got involved with the St Mary's initiative. Andy Mitchell suggested that the picnic bench be removed to discourage anti-social behaviour at the playpark, and Councillor Tollemache agreed to look at replacing it with a simple bench. Action: Councillor Tollemache.

6. Planning Report: See attached.
Cromlix House Terence O'Byrne reported that he sent in a response to the application for nine cabins, asking for a contribution to restoring the path between Dunblane and Kinbuck and for support in reducing the speed limit to 40 mph on the B8033 between Dunblane and Kinbuck.

Hutchison Farm With reference to the application for a house south of the farm on the Auchinlay Road, Terence O'Byrne felt there was no agricultural justification. David Prescott also raised concerns about development in the countryside and that this would set a precedent. Terence O'Byrne agreed to include this in his response. He also agreed to send details of this application to Fiona Plumtree. Action: Terence O'Byrne. Graham Mowat agreed to send his comments on the application to Terence O'Byrne. Action: Graham Mowat.

Springfield Terrace With reference to the application for change of use to a kebab take-away, concerns were raised over noise and parking. The Secretary agreed to send information about infiltration systems to Terence O'Byrne, while Councillor Dodds reassured the meeting that this would be examined carefully by the planners. Action: The Secretary.

Hillside access road Terence O'Byrne reported that the access route for the development has still not been determined. The application for the access road is separate from the application for the housing and Terence O'Byrne will stress to planners that the access road has to be in place before any building work takes place. David Prescott highlighted that the Council has not always ensured that construction planning is acceptable in terms of safety. Terence O'Byrne will try to clarify details with the Council.

1 Atholl Place Councillor Tollemache agreed to find out if an application for a Road Opening Permit to access Keir Street has been submitted. Action: Councillor Tollemache.

Windburn wind farm With reference to the Scoping Opinion for the proposed wind farm, it was noted that responses should be submitted by 24 April. Concerns were raised about the access route from the A9 at Buttergask both for construction and maintenance and about the environmental impact. Although from the maps provided it looked as if the turbines would not be much visible from Dunblane, they were close to the community council's boundary and a discussion arose over whether community gain is based on proximity or visibility. The Secretary agreed to do his own survey of the site and suggested that Ailsa Gray would help by looking into the legal background. Terence O'Byrne agreed to work with the Secretary, David Prescott and Ailsa Gray to put together a response by 24 April.

Drumbrae woodland creation It was noted that this proposal, which envisages 50% forestry cover up to Dumyat, is still at an early stage and Alan Booth agreed to keep working on it.

7. Treasurer's Report: See attached.
Terence O'Byrne agreed to be an additional signatory on the account. It was noted that equipment is hired for every meeting to allow Zoom attendees. Subscriptions for SurveyMonkey and a website, both for the Local Place Plan, have also been taken out but should be able to be reimbursed by the Council.

8. Police Report: See attached.
Questions were raised over the 15 missing person type/concern for person calls, as no details were given whether this involved more than one person. Councillor Tollemache raised the problem of the difficulty of comparing figures with previous months.

The Secretary reported on the frequency of parked cars rolling down the hill outside the Co-op/Greens and causing damage to street furniture and the postbox. Councillor Tollemache agreed to raise this and will also ask for an update on the repair to the damaged cycle rack beside the postbox. Action: Councillor Tollemache.

Concerns were raised over cars not observing the speed limits and Terence O'Byrne agreed to contact Tom Horner requesting that monitoring be carried out on the B8033. Action: Terence O'Byrne. It was noted that safety monitoring on the B8033 was carried out before the reduction to 20 mph but not afterwards as had been promised. Enforcement of the speed limit should be a priority. David Whelan informed the meeting that monitoring had been carried out on the Doune Road in December 2022 and 86% of vehicles had been breaking the speed limit at the survey point just after the start of the 20 mph. He agreed to send details of this audit to Terence O'Byrne. Action: David Whelan.

David Whelan also reported that, since the new 20 mph speed limit on the Doune Road, the flashing amber lights, which used to be switched on before and at the end of the school day, have been switched off. Approaching the school after turning off Wallace Road, there is no indication of the proximity of the school. Councillor Dodds agreed to pursue this. Action: Councillor Dodds.
Councillor Tollemache is awaiting the report on the speed audit done on the road from Dunblane to Doune.

9. Standing Items
Local Place Plan Stewart Corbett reported that posters are being prepared to publicise displays and information which will be available in the Dunblane Development Trust tent on the Drying Green as part of The Fling on 27 May. The website goes live by the end of April.

Cathedral Burial Ground Andy Mitchell had nothing to report.

Road and footway gritting With reference to gullies and culverts (see Minutes February 2023), Terence O'Byrne expects to receive from Gary Neill (Roads Manager, Stirling Council), within the next week a document detailing the work scheduled and a timescale for its completion, hopefully within the next three months. The Council has not yet received the report from DAMM on the gullies on the stretch from the Fourways Roundabout to the Queen Victoria school. The contract with DAMM is due to expire in 18 months' time. Terence O'Byrne stressed that the focus should be on the main roads in Dunblane, such as the Perth Road, and he agreed to keep pursuing this. He also agreed to look at the potholes forming on the Perth Road. Action: Terence O'Byrne.

Susan Mitchell has reported defects to the Council but felt it is very slow to respond. She agreed to send her comments to Terence O'Byrne. Action: Susan Mitchell.

Reports from external meetings
Dunblane Development Trust Stewart Corbett reported that the car park at the Braeport is increasingly been used for permanent parking and the DDT is going to consider charging those who are not attending the Braeport Centre. There is no intention to impose this without discussion, or without consultation with neighbouring residents. Councillor Tollemache noted this would have the effect of more vehicles being parked on what is a narrow road, and Stewart Corbett agreed to pass on this comment to the DDT. Action: Stewart Corbett.

Town Centre Group Stewart Corbett reported that a meeting had been held with the group buying the old Bank of Scotland building and it was proposed to link in with the Leighton Library and the Burgh Chambers. There was a proposal for CCTV in the High Street and this will be discussed with the Council. It was proposed that the High Street be closed on the day of The Fling.

10. Dunblane community council elections
Terence O'Byrne reminded those who were not standing down from the council to submit their nomination papers by 19 April. The Secretary stressed the importance of publicising the need for new councillors. If an election is not required, the community council can reconvene after 25 April. If there is an election, the inaugural meeting will take place in July. Terence O'Byrne, on behalf of the remaining councillors, thanked David Prescott, Andy Mitchell, Craig French and James Byrne for their contribution to the work of the community council. He also thanked David Prescott who has agreed to continue helping in planning issues.

11. Reports from Ward Councillors: There was nothing further to report.

12. Correspondence Report: See attached.

13. AOCB
Councillor Tollemache has been unable to get Council officers to agree to a reduction of the speed limit to 40 mph on the road between Dunblane and Kinbuck It was agreed that a petition be prepared to be submitted to the Petitions Panel. The process will be discussed with Councillor Tollemache. Action: Ailsa Gray, Terence O’Byrne.

Fiona Plumtree reported that the bollard outside the Post Office has been broken, leaving a jagged edge. Councillor Tollemache said that this has already been reported to the Council but will follow this up.

14. Date, time and place of next meeting
The next meeting of the Dunblane Community Council will be held on Wednesday, 3 May 2023, in the Library, Dunblane, at 7 p.m., provided that an election for community councillors is not required.

The meeting ended at 8.45 p.m.

This is a true representation of the meeting.

Terence O'Byrne ………………………………………………………….. Date…………
Acting Chair
Alan Booth ………………………………………………………………… Date ………
Police Service of Scotland
Community Council Meeting
Community Council:
Dunblane Month:
April 2023 Officer completing:
PC 775 Paul Gilliland Email address:
Introduction / synopsis of previous month:
This report should provide sufficient information regarding police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions.
If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crime stoppers.
The report encompasses all relevant crime and matters of note which have occurred between the 1st of March and 1st April 2023 inclusive.
Please note police will not be in a position to attend the meeting.
Current Priorities:
Our current priorities in the Dunblane area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Housebreakings, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.

Main Report:
Between the 1st March and 1st April 2023 a total of 10 incidents occurred within the Dunblane area. The crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the local community.
On the 3rd of March a pupil at the High School was found to have a small bladed article in his possession within his rucksack. The matter has been investigated and the youth concerned will be subject of a Restorative Justice Warning by police in relation to having a bladed article within school premises – Section 49(1) of the Criminal Law Consolidation Scotland Act 1995.
On the 9th of March police were called to a disturbance at a property in George Street involving two siblings. Following investigation one of the youths will be dealt with by means of Restorative Justice Warning in relation to a Section 38(1) Criminal Justice & Licensing Scotland Act 2010 offence.
On the 3rd of March at the A9 north of Dunblane a motorist was found in possession of herbal cannabis and was issued with a Recorded Police Warning for being in possession of a controlled drug.
On the 9th of March an incident occurred in George Street whereby a male youth was the subject of a minor assault and threatening behaviour by another youth. Following investigation a male youth will be subject of a report to the Children’s Reporter for Assault and Section 38(1) Criminal Justice & Licensing Scotland Act 2010 offences.
During the evening of 9th March, police were called to Edward Place in relation to two males causing a disturbance. During the incident and having been refused access to a close, one of the males who was alleged to be in possession of knife, used it to cause damage to a window before running away.
Police attended and later traced a male hiding in a nearby street. The male was arrested for offences relating to the call to Edward Place, Breach of Bail and additional offences resulting from his conduct towards police when traced and his behaviour thereafter.
The male was held in custody and is now remanded.
On the 26th of March, police were called to a hotel in Perth Road following reports of a disturbance within one of the rooms. Following enquiry a male was arrested for a domestic related Section 38(1) Criminal Justice & Licensing Scotland Act 2010 offence and will appear at court at a later date.
On the 7th of March youths were captured on CCTV stealing confectionery from a store in Springfield Terrace. This has been crimed as Theft and two suspects identified who will be dealt with by police in due course.
On the 16th of March a petrol drive off occurred at a petrol station located on the A9 near Dunblane whereby a motorist fuelled a vehicle and failed to make any efforts to pay before leaving. This is crimed as Theft with lines of enquiry to be progressed.
On the 11th of March a resident from Dunblane after seeing an advertisement on Facebook Market Place purchased an I-Phone and transferred monies to the seller (suspect’s bank account). The I-Phone subsequently failed to arrive and the seller became evasive and thereafter withdrew all communication. The matter was later reported to the police and has been crimed as a Fraudulent Scheme with positive lines of enquiry being progressed, PS-20230315-1504 refers.
None to report.
Between the 1st of March and the 1st April there has been a total of 133 calls to the Dunblane area (this includes calls to sections of the A9 and M9). A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 3 public nuisance calls, 2 drugs/substance misuse calls, 5 disturbance type calls, 1 assault call, 2 neighbour dispute calls, 1 damage call, 2 theft type calls, 4 domestic incident calls, 2 fraud calls, 15 missing person type/concern for person calls and 41 road traffic related calls.
Activity for forthcoming month:
• Patrol hotspot areas in which Antisocial Behaviour and suspicious activity is being reported.
• Monitor areas in which vehicle related speeding complaints are reported.
Any issues raised at Community Council meeting: