February 2023 Minutes

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Alan Booth Secretary

Woodlea, Perth Road Dunblane

FK15 0BU


Tel: 01786824791

Ailsa Gray

Chair Old Glassingall

Dunblane FK15 0JG


Tel: 07775313038

Minutes of the Dunblane Community Council held on Wednesday, 1 February, 2023, at 7 p.m. in the Library, Dunblane. This is a “blended” meeting with some attendees joining via Zoom.

Present: Ailsa Gray (Chair), Alan Booth (Secretary), Stewart Corbett (Treasurer), Terence O’Byrne, Karen Jenkins, Andy Mitchell, David Prescott, Graham Mowat. Joining by Zoom: Anna Jarchow-MacDonald, Fiona Plumtree.

In attendance: Councillor Alasdair Tollemache, Bridget Clark, Paul Nelson (Dunblane Development Trust), Gary Neil (Roads Manager, Stirling Council), Jonathan Failes, residents of Keir Street (Aileen and Angus Tough, Mike Helszajn, John Young, Eileen McConnachie, and Lindsey-Anne and Gregor McFarlane), Catherine McKay, PC Paul Gilliland, PC Barclay, Margaret Bragg (Minutes Secretary). Joining by Zoom: Councillor Douglas Dodds, Scott Williamson.


  1. Apologies

Apologies have been received from Sharon Mylchreest, Annelise Bakri and Craig French.


  1. Chair's Remarks

There were no conflicts of interest. After the sudden death of Councillor Graham Houston last month, Terence O'Byrne gave a brief homily and the community council joined him in expressing their deep appreciation of the work he did over many years for Dunblane. Suggestions were made for a memorial to him.


  1. Approval of minutes of 7 December 2022

These were approved, proposed by Terence O’Byrne and seconded by Alan Booth.

Agenda Item 9 was discussed next.


  1. Police Report: See attached.

PC Gilliland and PC Barclay attended and went over the report, which covered the last two months. They confirmed that the gold postbox and No Entry sign at the top of the High Street were damaged by a car, whose driver has not yet been traced.

Councillor Tollemache has asked the Council about the possibility of CCTV in Mill Row to deal with antisocial behaviour, and also, after the attempted break-in at Beech Road, in the High Street.

With reference to young people congregating in the gazebo behind the Braeport (see Minutes, December 2022), Councillor Tollemache will report next month on his discussions with organisations in Stirling who could help in engaging with them. The Chair mentioned that Stirling University is studying Planet Youth, an Icelandic initiative, which is a community-based approach in engaging with young people, and will discuss this with Councillor Tollemache. Action: The Chair and Councillor Tollemache. She said that this topic will be covered in the Local Place Plan (LPP).


  1. Update from Gary Neil, Roads Manager, Stirling Council

The Chair welcomed Gary Neil who has been working with Terence O'Byrne on various issues in Dunblane.

Winter maintenance After the snow on December 16th, Terence O'Byrne reported that the tractor did arrive but did not go near the Health Centre which he cleared himself manually. The car park at Davidsons, opposite the surgery, is privately owned and is not the responsibility of the Council. It is difficult to find out if the tractor misses out a road, although Gary Neil said that spot checks were carried out. He reported that a review of all winter operations across the Council area is being undertaken and, after consultation with elected members and community councils, a plan will be drawn up to be considered by the Council in September. The Dunblane section of the review will be prepared early in the process to allow extra time to consult.

In reply to a question by Councillor Tollemache, Gary Neil said he would ensure that grit bins were replenished after bad weather. They were not replenished at all between December 19th and January 17th during which period most bins were empty

Flood on the B8033 south-bound after Marks and Spencer The main complaint, as outlined by Terence O'Byrne, is that it took several days for clear diversion signs to be erected after the road was closed and only after persistent complaints. The lack of clear diversion signs resulted in some drivers turning left onto the inbound carriageway against the traffic flow, this represented a danger to life. Gary Neil admitted this should not have happened. He reported that the problem had been an old stone field drain which was blocked. The field drainage system has now been mapped and the problem resolved with the installation of an overflow system.

In reply to Anna Jarchow-MacDonald's comment that the issue of blocked gullies has been getting worse over the last few years, Gary Neil said that it is impossible to predict when the drainage system is going to fail but that there is now a better record of the infrastructure. She also said that any future housing would result in more

water being channelled down the hills. Gary Neil replied that this would be covered at the planning stage.

In response to a complaint from Bridget Clark that the pavement on the B8033 to the Keir roundabout is dangerously slippery with leaves, Gary Neil confirmed that the leaves would be cleared as part of the repair work. David Prescott complained about the poor condition of the No Entry sign at the site of the flood and suggested that an audit of all signs is required.

Blocked culvert causing flood on road to Kinbuck Gary Neil confirmed that he will attempt to clear the culvert by jetting it in the next 2 weeks, if that fails then a new pipe will be needed under the road within the next two months. The drainage ditch on the east side needs to be cleaned out as this is causing the gully on the bend in the road to discharge slowly which results in regular water ponding. The council are attempting to contact the landowner, if that fails then the council will undertake the works and charge recover the costs form the landowner. This will require traffic management, either by traffic lights or road closure, and Councillor Tollemache stressed the importance of notifying the residents of Kinbuck, Ashfield and Glassingall in advance. The Chair also reminded him that this is the A9 relief road when traffic is diverted from it. Gary Neil confirmed he will keep Terence O'Byrne informed.

Gullies not cleared out in Dunblane Terence O'Byrne complained that the gullies on the main arterial roads into Dunblane have been blocked due to not being cleared of leaves and silt. This is especially true on the Perth Road. The process is that DAMM Environmental Ltd (the contractor for drain clearing) photograph the gully before and after they clear it and, if the tail pipe is blocked or the gully is damaged, that is reported to the Council for further work, but this is not always acted upon. Gary Neil agreed to draw up a programme of works once he has looked at the records from DAMM. The Secretary complained that because the drains on the Perth Road are blocked, water is splashed up on to the lime mortar of the stone wall which then disintegrates, resulting in costly repairs. David Prescott also commented that the standing water caused potholes and pointed out that, under Active Travel, pavements and cycle lanes should be kept clear.

Gary Neil admitted that there was a perceived lack of commitment and communication but he made a commitment to getting the gullies cleared out and to listen to local expertise. He was thanked for attending this meeting.

  1. Reports from Ward Councillors

Councillor Tollemache reported on a meeting of the Town Centre Group where the untidy state of the High Street was discussed. He raised the issues of lighting and potholes with the Council but has not yet had a response. Traders and Dunblane in Bloom have also complained and David Prescott raised the problem of litter and blocked gullies. Councillor Tollemache stressed the importance of making Dunblane attractive for visitors and a community clean-up of the town was suggested. He is going to organise a walk through Dunblane with Council officers, primarily concentrating on the High Street but also including other streets such as Perth Road.

Councillor Tollemache reported that the new markings for the cycleway on the B8033 is in the schedule to start at the end of this month. In reply to a query from the Chair, he is waiting for an update from the Council on work on the pavement between Kinbuck and Dunblane. He is also waiting for an update on the possibility of a pedestrian crossing at Springfield Terrace (see Minutes, December 2022). The speed limit on the Dunblane to Doune road is to be reviewed and the installation of Cycle Friendly signs on the Auchinlay Road. However, the speed limit on the B8033 is not going to be lowered.

In reply to a question from Terence O'Byrne on the temporary closure of the public toilets at Bridgend, Councillor Tollemache reported that they had closed because of burst pipes. He agreed that the public and community councillors should have been notified of the reason for their closure.

Councillor Tollemache has organised a meeting on 20 February between the soccer club, the cricket club, the Council and Terence O'Byrne to discuss the Laighhills and the pavilion. The cricket club would like to discuss the possibility of having its own pavilion.

The community council recorded their appreciation of the additional work that the two remaining active elected members have taken on since the death of Councillor Houston. There will be an election for another Councillor on March 16th and Terence O'Byrne urged everyone to vote.

  1. Planning Update: See

With reference to the application for a house to be built in the garden ground of 63 Buchan Drive, it was agreed to comment that the site looked small.

Stewart Corbett also suggested that the point is made that increasing the density of housing increases the chances of flooding.

As reported, the weekly schedule of planning applications had omitted a few applications. Terence O'Byrne has raised this with the Planning Department and a manual check will be carried out before publishing the schedule.

With reference to the refusal of the application for a 5G mast near Dunblane Primary on the grounds of Amenity Value, not health grounds, the Chair agreed to look at this. Action: The Chair. David Prescott commented that the Council, by giving Amenity Value as the reason for refusal, knew that this would make it difficult for the applicant to challenge. He pointed out that looking at meaningful objections would pinpoint key issues in planning. Anna Jarchow-MacDonald has looked at the medical literature but reported that the evidence of any harm was not clear. She said that a wider discussion is required on how much risk society as a whole wants to take for the benefits of modern technology. The Chair commented that insurers exclude harm from 5G masts in their policies.

With reference to the application at Kellie Wynd, Terence O'Byrne reported that it will be considered at the meeting of the Planning Panel on 28 February.

Anna Jarchow-MacDonald commented that water from the Hillside development will result in a greater chance of flooding. The Secretary said that information about the water system will be included at the planning stage, as would any effects from construction traffic. The Chair said that this will also be covered by the LPP.

1 Atholl Place Several residents of Keir Street attended this meeting to express their objection to access being made on to Keir Street from a newly constructed garage at this property. Terence O'Byrne encouraged them to send in individual objections to the Council but commented that the construction of the garage was likely to be a permitted development. However, the contentious issue is whether the resident is permitted to cross his boundary over the grass ransom strip, not owned by him, on to the road. Keir Street itself is narrow with houses and a pavement only on the opposite side of the road and, as it is also a route to Dunblane Primary school, there is a safety issue. A similar application in 2006 had been refused. Terence O'Byrne, Alan Booth and David Prescott will contact the Planning Department to request that this is urgently investigated. Councillor Tollemache also agreed to pursue it. Action: Terence O'Byrne, Alan Booth, David Prescott and Councillor Tollemache.

Sewage leak at Argyle Way Terence O'Byrne has sent round a report on this issue and a copy of an article in the Stirling Observer. On 3 January water was seen coming from a borehole and although it was reported to Scottish Water by Councillor Tollemache on January 6th, they claimed it was rainwater/groundwater, not sewage. It took until 29 January, after both Terence O'Byrne and Councillor Tollemache had spent many hours chasing this up, before Scottish Water accepted it was their responsibility to investigate, when they found a broken pipe. By then, raw sewage had been running down the street posing a health hazard for over 3 weeks. Councillor Tollemache said that it proved almost impossible to speak to an operational person to complain. Both Terence O'Byrne and Councillor Tollemache were thanked for their efforts. It was agreed that they, with the help of the Chair, will submit a formal complaint. Action: Terence O'Byrne, Councillor Tollemache and the Chair.

  1. Treasurer's Report: See

The Secretary reported that it cost £10 to hire the Zoom technology from the Dunblane Development Trust (DDT) for every meeting.


  1. Standing Items

Local Place Plan The Treasurer circulated a handout detailing the different workstreams to be covered in the draft LPP: Communication and Engagement Planning, Community, Environment and Nature, Planning and Housing Management, Local Economy and Workspace, Connectivity, Recreation and Leisure, and Project Control and Delivery. This is a joint venture with the DDT and it is hoped to involve more people. The LPP will set out the community's view on how the town should develop. The time scale is quite tight as it is hoped to submit the draft plan to the Council by the autumn. The Council is running a workshop on drawing up a LPP via Teams on 20 February and Stewart Corbett asked people to contact him if they wanted to participate. It is planned to launch the Big Dunblane Survey by Easter to garner as many comments as possible on the future of Dunblane. David Prescott stressed the importance of focusing on people in the town, and not just on the built

environment. A discussion arose over sustainability goals, increasing tourism, and the lack of infrastructure forcing people to travel for, eg banking services, or to play football, when there is inadequate provision in Dunblane.

Cathedral Burial Ground Andy Mitchell reported that work has started.

Cycle Routes and Active Travel, including Living Streets Bridge Clark reported that work has not started on the Barbush linked path. She asked about the fencing and gates preventing access from Argyle Way on to the field. Terence O'Byrne reported that they will be removed once the area has been reseeded in late spring.

Bridget Clark reported that the cycle path between Dunblane and Bridge of Allan has been approved by City Deal and there will be community consultation. Councillor Tollemache agreed to send the briefing paper he has on this to Bridget Clark. Action: Councillor Tollemache.

With reference to the Dandara presentation last month, as there is no planning application as yet, Bridget Clark was encouraged to send comments about Active Travel requirements directly to them on her own behalf. She agreed to send a copy to Terence O'Byrne.

Bridget Clark has attended courses run by PAS on NPF4 (National Planning Framework 4) on better cycle infrastructure, and on the climate emergency. She suggested that community councillors should also receive training on NPF4.

In conclusion, she stated that Active Travel should lead to greater connectivity and a greater focus on what the Government can do to change people's travel habits.

Reports from external meetings

Town Centre Group - Paul Nelson reported on a meeting held on 24 January when antisocial behaviour and the untidy state of the High Street were discussed. Thanks were expressed for the work done by Susan Lockwood in organising the Christmas Extravaganza, when over 3,000 had attended. Changes for the next Extravaganza were discussed such as ending at 8 p.m., and having more music venues. The traders were pleased with increased footfall afterwards. The next meeting of the group will be on 20 February and the Chair indicated she wanted to attend. A second annual event is to be considered, co-ordinating with The Fling, and also topics such as the future of the Bank of Scotland building, encouraging tourism, a small arts festival, and becoming a crafts hub were discussed.

Dunblane Development Trust - At a meeting on 23 January, the need to promote the work of the various groups in the DDT was discussed. The Secretary reported on the difficulty of recycling plastic tree sleeves at Polmaise which restricted the quantity that could be delivered. Councillor Tollemache agreed to look into this. Action: Councillor Tollemache. The agreement on the wind farm community grant scheme is due to be renegotiated and the Chair agreed to look at this. Action: The Chair.


  1. Correspondence Report: See


  1. AOCB

Discussion arose over the proposed resurrection by the Council of Area Forums. David Prescott has replied informally. There was general agreement that if Council officers attended community council meetings when required, an Area Forum would be unnecessary. A previous Area Forum had linked Dunblane with Bridge of Allan, which had left Dunblane left under-represented. Terence O'Byrne said that as Dunblane has a community council and Development Trust, having an Area Forum seems pointless. The Secretary said that the part that is missing is getting information from residents. Anna Jarchow-MacDonald suggested that Area Forums and LPPs could be linked, especially with reference to topics such as transport, community and sport. The Chair said that discussion topics which cross boundaries of Area Forums should be subject specific.


  1. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Dunblane Community Council will be held on Wednesday, 1 March, 2023, in the Library at 7 p.m.

The meeting ended at 9.50 p.m.

This is a true representation of the meeting.

Ailsa Gray…………………………………………………. Date ………………………………….



Alan Booth ………………………………………………. Date ………………………………….




Police Service of Scotland

Community Council Meeting



Community Council:



February 2023

Officer completing:

PC 775 Paul Gilliland

Email address:



Introduction / synopsis of previous month:


This report should provide sufficient information regarding police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions.

If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crime stoppers.

The report encompasses all relevant crime and matters of note which have occurred between the 6th December 2022 and 28th January 2023 inclusive.

Please note, calls permitting, police will be attending the meeting.



Current Priorities:

Our current priorities in the Dunblane area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Housebreakings, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.


Main Report:

Between the 6th December 2022 and 28th January 2023 a total of 19 crimes occurred within the Dunblane area. The crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the local community.


During the evening of 12th of December 2022 a window of a property in Edward Street was smashed. This has been crimed as Vandalism. All lines of enquiry have been completed and the incident is undetected, PS-20221212-3535 refers.

Sometime between the 25th and 26th of December minor damage was caused to a drain cover at a property in Kilbryde Crescent, Dunblane and a vehicle egged. This has been crimed as a Vandalism and following investigation is undetected, PS- 20221229-2303 refers.

On the 15th of January 2023 a vehicle then parked within the grounds of the Hydro sustained minor damage to its windscreen. This is crimed as Vandalism and is under investigation at the time of update, PS-20230115-2431 refers.

Sometime between the 9th and 11th December and on a second occasion between the 23rd and 24th December a vehicle then parked within Maurice Wynd, Dunblane had its tyre damaged. Both incidents are crimed as Vandalisms and are presently undetected, PS-20230104-2436 refers.


None to report.


On the 11th of December, police were called to a disturbance at a residential property in Doune Road, Dunblane. Following investigation a female was arrested and charged for a domestic related Assault.

On the 21st of December police were called to Glebe Place, Dunblane in relation to a neighbour dispute whereby threats were made to an individual by another. This has been crimed as an offence under Section 38(1) Criminal Justice & Licensing Scotland Act 2010 and following investigation is undetected.

On the 27th January police attended a disturbance call within a licensed premises in Stirling Road, Dunblane following reports of a male having been assaulted within. This has been crimed as Assault to Injury and is an ongoing enquiry with one individual having been charged. A further party who has also been involved has since been identified and efforts will be made to trace him in due course.



On the 7th of December a theft by shoplifting occurred at a commercial premises in High Street, Dunblane. A male youth has since been charged in relation to this offence.

During the evening of 13th January 2023 police attended at a business property in Beech Road, Dunblane after reports of a window having been smashed. Following investigation two males were identified as being responsible and were arrested and charged in relation to Attempted Housebreaking with Intent to Steal and will appear at court at a later date.


Sometime between the 2nd and 3rd of January a vehicle then parked at the Electrical Charging Station at the Springfield Terrace car park sustained accident damage having been struck by another vehicle. This is crimed as Fail to Stop after Accident and is being investigated at time of update, PS-20230103-2272 refers.

On the 21st of December at High Street, Dunblane damage was caused to a road sign and post box by a vehicle. This is crimed as Fail to Stop after Accident and is an ongoing enquiry at the time of update, PS-20221221-2445 refers.

On the 12th of January 2023, police attended a call to Springfield Court in relation to a motorist having been seen slumped at the wheel before driving off. Following police attendance and after investigation a female was traced, arrested and charged with driving whilst under the influence of alcohol and will be subject of a report to the Fiscal.


On the 15th of December, police attended a call to Buchan Drive in relation to an individual having been the subject of threats via text message. This is crimed as an offence under Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 and is under investigation at the time of update.

Between the 6th December 2022 and 30th January 2023 there has been a total of 229 calls to the Dunblane area (this includes calls to the A9 and part of the M9). A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 3 public nuisance calls, 1 drugs/substance misuse call, 4 disturbance type calls, 5 noise related calls, 2 assault calls, 5 damage calls, 5 suspect person calls, 1 housebreaking call, 4 theft type calls, 4 domestic related calls, 9 missing person type call/concern for person calls and 72 road traffic related calls.

Community engagement and reassurance:

Attended Dunblane Christmas Extravaganza

Fraud/Cyber Awareness Input delivered to residents of Hanover Court, Dunblane which was well attended and positively received by those present.


Activity for forthcoming month:


·         Patrol hotspot areas in which Antisocial Behaviour is being reported.

·         Monitor areas in which vehicle related complaints are reported.

·         Police visits arranged to attend local nurseries.
