July 2021 Minutes

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Polmaise Community Council
Minute of Meeting

Monday 19th July 2021 @19:00
Zoom meeting


In attendance:

Billy Bruce, Chair

Alex Fraser- Vice Chair

Karen Perrie - Treasurer
Gayle Jeffery - Secretary

Sharon McGrouther - Community Engagement Officer
Ross Forbes, project manager - SP Transmissions




James Thompson
Karen Walker

David Perrie - Associate Council Member
Kevin Jack - Planning Officer


  1. Recording of Declarations of Interest


    No Declarations of interest


  2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes – 21st June 2021 and 17th May 2021


    June 21st cannot be approved as there was not enough members
    Karen proposed the minutes from May approved and Alex seconded it

  3. Matters Arising


    Alex emailed Spen but the worker was on holiday so could not come to the meeting
    to discuss the skate park. Will try and get them invited to the next meeting.


    Ross has taken over the community projects. Currently constructing a footpath/
    cycle path from Throsk and Fallin, this started on May 3rd 2021. Road closures
    until November.

    Committed to do the work under phase three but there is a foot way along Manor
    Powis roundabout to Alloa Road and Causewayhead which has been closed and
    they cannot work while it is closed down, but they think it is due to open on the
    2nd August starting.


    Organising with land owners as they cannot go up the side of the road due to


    Manor Nuke Farm delayed till the end part of the project needing drainage there.
    Limited there due to wild flowers.


    Foot path to be started in BofA


    Applied for skate parks in Fallin has not been brought to the table, the amount of
    reinvestment to the road is taking up all funds that would be used for other


    Applied for this over a few years ago and was put out the councillors and maybe
    losing out on the funding


    When David has been talking about the bridge and said that the Spen money
    would not be used for the bridge, Cowie has over spent with the path. There is still
    money ring fenced for Fallin. Put it in a CC enquiry. Back in touch with Collin Wyllie
    can get in touch with grant.


    Ross to check what can and cannot be done


  4. Reports- External

    1. Police Scotland/Enforcement Officer- been sent over

    2. Elected Member


  5. Reports- Internal

    1. Sub Groups


    2. Chair


      Alex, anti-social behaviour has gone down. Noticed going down towards the
      landfill a lot of hogweed. Bring up with the council CC enquires.

      The Polmaise walkway, not had an update some council people down there, asked
      for an update not had a word back. Took a few days to close the path off.


    3. Secretary (including correspondence)

      AGM report


    4. Treasurer
      AGM report


    5. Planning


      Nothing to talk about


  6. Community Council Business (Community issues brought to the attention of the
    Community Council for debate and to agree/vote on actions that are in the
    interests of the community)


    Defibrillator for the village, Gayle advised that a member of the public has had a
    word with local groups indoor bowling club and a lodge and they have all elected to
    say will have some money. The next project actions for the village.


    Try and do it via a GoFundMe page. Could look at the community pride fund. Tesco’s
    are looking into a grant and are going to house it. Hoping to get two for the village.


    Talk to Jean Cowie for funding.


    GP is interested as well at housing a defib.


    Parking at Bruce Drive, SC are looking to close a carpark, nursery staff are not happy
    and neither are residents. Having looked into the petition, hoping PCC will back it.
    Have approached the council for the grass to turn into a carpark at nursery but said


    SC use it as a compound to drop the waste, used to be a garage area mentioned it to
    housing that there is no record.


    Maureen asked for the email to be forwarded, been mentioned by residents the
    council dumping waste.


    Paths and walkways are not suitable for wheel chairs etc. going into walkway.
    If the need to replace the bridge they would need to clear the embankment.

    Trying to contact the person that owns the Piggery, could see what they could be
    further down the line.


  7. AOB (Any items that Community Councillors wish to raise that are not an agenda




Next Meeting: Monday 20th September Zoom