Oct 2021 Minutes



Gargunnock Community Council Meeting
Monday 4th October 2021



Members Present: - Christine Phillips, David King, Julie Cole, Mike Buckley and
Douglas Barr.


In attendance: Fraser Sinclair (Minute Taker) and 4 residents.


Apologies: David Millar and Lovat MacGregor.


  1. Apologies:


    Christine opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and noted apologies and
    advised she is stepping in as Vice Chair until further arrangements have been
    agreed. Christine is not interested in the role of Chair, this will be discussed further
    at the GCC Dec meeting


  2. Declarations of Interest



  3. Adoption of Previous Minutes

    The minutes of August’s meeting were accepted – with small typo corrected within
    Treasury Report. Following August’s minutes amended, the minutes are proposed
    by Douglas Barr and seconded by David King.


    Action: Fraser to amend August’s minute to reflect typo.

  4. Matters Arising
    Gargunnock Noticeboard

Douglas hasn’t managed to progress as yet, but will update for the next meeting in


Action: Douglas and David to fill out a new application to Wind Farm Fund.


Electric Car Chargers

Scottish Energy have been out on site and have taken photographs which will be
sent to EDF, following that and once completed and testing done. There will be a
supply made to the meter for the charger. EDF and Scottish Power have confirmed
there be somewhat of a delay in this being made live due to distribution timescales
with some component parts for the electric chargers.


Road Safety – Junction at A811 Station Road

Letter had been put to all residents in the village to raise awareness of the issues
regarding safety to the entrance and exit of the village. The petition has been kept open for those wishing to express their concern. David confirmed that the bulletin
has been put on the noticeboard to notify residents of this. Julie expressed that
Officers are potentially looking to remove the petition, but local Councillors are
seeking for it to remain live.


Action: Christine to contact Councillor Berrill and Davies has there been any
communication from residents about the road safety and any progress to date from
officers within the Council.

Vegetation Clearing Gargunnock Burn

Lovat circulated an email update from Councillor Berrill. No change in Council
position they maintain that they do not carry the liability and maintenance for the
burn. The suggestion from the GCC is that the next step would be for the residents
affected to contact and appeal to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO).

Councillor Berrill has given his apologies that he cannot support this further; as a
councillor he is not in a position to instruct local Officers. David suggested that the
GCC should support the residents involved in their case to the SPSO. Douglas
suggested that once Lovat makes contact with SPSO, a decision can be made on
what steps and actions can be taken. Lovat can let the GCC know how best to
support the appeal to SPSO. A letter can be drafted on behalf of GCC to support
the clearing of the vegetation.

Action: Community Council to write letter in support to the SPSO-review at Dec
GCC meeting.

Cycle Path to Stirling

David King update: DK wrote to local Councillors, MSPs and MPs to solicit their
support in the development of the cycle path. All Elected Members came back
supporting the progression of the cycle path at the Kings Highway. Alyn Smith MP
and Mark Ruskell MSP both took a strong interest in progressing and David and
others had a meeting with them. Alyn Smith advised that Stirling Council and
Sustrans are supportive. Julie and David indicated that there is also an issue with
local land ownership which is still under consultation.

Action: review at Dec GCC meeting

Grass Cutting – Rest Garden

David King advised he has emailed but not had any reply from Councillor Davies.
David mentioned that he got a copy of a memorandum from Midlothian Council is
which an agreement with Council and Volunteers to assist with maintaining public
grassed areas and what measures could be possibly pursued.

Action: David will share the document with the GCC and Councillor Davies.

Community Shop

Christine emailed the shop owners of the village shop asking for an update on plans
to repair the shop (since the closure due to fire) and re-open; there was no reply

Environmental Services came out four weeks ago, as there are food items still
within the shop and a risk of vermin/pest infestation is very real. Environmental
Health Officer has contacted the shop owners. The shop had exposed window and
doors, following the fire- these have now been boarded up to seal up the property
and detract from any vermin/pests

In light of the fact that we are unsure of the shops future, and there is a need for a
shop in the village, Residents and Community Council members discussed views
of what opportunities would be explored for the village to maintain a local shop.
Some of the options were the possibility of a community buyout, or a temporary or
permanent shop at the front of the Gargunnock Inn.

Action: Julie, Douglas and Christine to follow up and look at operating models that
could be applied in Gargunnock. Aim to develop an action plan which will be
updated at GCC meetings

5 External Reports
Police Scotland

No update this month.
Elected Members UpdateNo update this month.

  1. Internal Reports
    Chair Update

    No update.
    Secretary UpdateNo update.

    Treasurers Report


    The bank balance is £2,898.99 same as August’s balance. Administration Grant for
    the year is £237.40 and will be shorty transferred to the bank account.


    Planning Update


    Julie hasn’t received any planning reports for some time, but has submitted an
    objection to the anaerobic digester at Boquhan dairy farm.



    Roads and Transports Update

    No update.

  2. Residents Forum

    A Resident raised concerns about gates on Leckie Road, no planning application
    was made at the time of installation. Resident wanted to know what progress has
    been made to have Planning dept agree whether the gates remain installed or are

    Action: Julie agreed to take on the action, to contact Stirling Planning and request
    their update on the issue of the gates.

    Discussion was had about the social media accounts and who is managing the
    various websites.

    Action: Christine to work with David Miller (GCC secretary) and JS (previous chair)
    to gain access to the GCC Gmail account so GCC councillors can receive relevant

    Christine to work with MB to achieve access to Gargunnock Facebook page,
    currently being supported by Lovat (as caretaker once HW resigned from GCC).

  3. AOB

    Douglas has resigned as Gargunnock Community Council Rep on the wind farm
    board. Christine asked Douglas does there need to be a replacement. Discussion
    was had about would it be beneficial to have a Community Council rep on the board.

    Christine asked Douglas to write small paragraph of what is involved when
    attending the Wind Farm Committee, circulate to GCC councillors to reveal if
    anyone if interested in taking on this role – review at GCC December’s meeting.


    David King advised that he has resigned as Chair of the Gargunnock Community
    Trust. Christine asked if there is any implications to the GCC. David offered he could
    be the rep on the Wind Farm, given there is no conflict of interest now that he is no
    longer Chair of the Trust.


    Christine confirmed there will be a short meeting on Wednesday 20 October to
    formally adopt the two co-opted members onto the Community Council and will be
    formally done at that meeting.


  4. Date of Next Meeting:


6th December 2021 – Location TBC whether Community Centre or Zoom.



Current membership of Gargunnock Community Council
October 2021




Membership type





Christine Phillips (CP)



David Miller (DM)



Douglas Barr (DB)


Planning & Licensing

Julie Cole (JC)


Roads & Transport

Lovat MacGregor (LMG)





Cycle path lead

David King (DK)


Facebook and website

Mike Buckley (MB)
