August 2022 Minutes

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Date: 08th Aug 2022 Time: 19:30

Location: Gargunnock Community Centre


In attendance: Lorna Rodger (LR), Douglas Barr (DB), Christine Phillips (CP), David Miller (DM), Julie Cole (JC)

Virtual attendance: Cllr Paul Henke, David King (DK), Lovat MacGregor (LM),



1. Apologies

Mike Buckley (MB); Mark Dickson (MD)

2. Adoption of previous minutes

Via email: proposed DB; seconded JC

3. Declarations of interest:


4. Matters arising:

  • New noticeboard (DB)

Now in place. There was some subsequent damage to the new noticeboard; however DB and a local resident have managed to make repairs (DB).

· Paths update (DK)

DK reported that Sustrans were providing funding to enable further work to take place on technical, legal and financial matters working in conjunction with Stirling Council.

Councillor Henke was keen to assist in this matter as he feels strongly that funding for paths by Stirling Council was largely being directed towards Eastern Communities and that Western Villages were not getting their fair share

  • Defibrillators in the Village : there are 2 located in the Village

1. in the telephone box, located next to the shop -this was installed and is owned by Trossachs search & rescue


2. attached to the Community Centre. It is not established who owns this device

ACTION : CP (copy MB) to contact GCT and ask if the Trust owns the device


o The 2 devices have been checked by Trossachs search & rescue and both are in working order. Ongoing maintenance and insurance of the devices will fall to whosoever owns them. At present new pads and potentially new batteries are the main items that may require replacement

o MB has a provisional training session agreed with Trossachs search & rescue-Thursday 22nd September at 7pm @ Community Centre

ACTION : MB to advertise event via FB and on the local noticeboard Trossachs search & rescue have indicated that a donation to them is expected-ideas as to how to fund this from All?

  • Speeding signs at entrance/exit to village (LM)

LM has been in discussion with Angela McGibbon AM (lead for Roads at SC). There is no budget in this financial year so any decisions would need to be postponed to March 2023. However it may be possible to apply for a Wind farm grant (for the cost of the signs) if Stirling council (AM) can agree to their installation

ACTION : LM will contact AM seek her agreement. If this is forthcoming LM will prepare an application for the signs to Wind farm panel. See costing details below

Update at next GCC meeting 3/10/22

New designs acquired- would cost £2,495 plus VAT as well as costs to connect to power. It costs an additional £475 for a solar kit. 3 signs are recommended for the village at Manse Brae, Leckie Road and Station Road. It would be possible to tailor these signs such as saying ‘Slow Down, School Area’ on Station Road (LM).

Cllr Henke happy to act as supportive voice with AM and Stirling council; LM will copy into email

  • Road works to be done at Station Rd/A811 (LM)

Verbal confirmation from previous Cllr that road improvements would be made

Stephen Blyth stated he has discussed the matter with the relevant Council Officer (Caroline Fraser). Site survey has been completed and site plan being prepared to allow it to move forward to discussions with the relevant landowners.

Cllr McGarvey has previously confirmed that the budget remains secure with the Council.


ACTION: LM has emailed Caroline Fraser as the relevant Council Officer for this issue. No reply to emails; Cllr Henke asked to be copied to subsequent correspondence and will facilitate a reply


  • Trees in school vicinity: LM raised possible safety concerns due to the overgrowth of trees at the entrance to the local village school

ACTION : LM will contact the Parent council and Headmistress to discuss Lovat: can you indicate what other next steps are for this please; Cllr Henke offered to intervene

  • Village shop (CP, MB, DB)

o Commercial valuation of the shop is required to accompany the funding application to UK Community Fund (and any other subsequent application) this was time sensitive and the survey results to be received in time for a submission date of 14/8/22. This will be at an approx. cost of

£800. Application was made to the Wind farm panel for these monies and an award has been confirmed for the full amount

o GCC acknowledge that the Wind farm panel received the application, assessed, and made the award within 2 days which is impressive. GCC thank the Wind farm panel for their help and flexibility in this

o Commercial valuation will take place, by Shepherd, on Tuesday 9/8/22

GCC Shop Working Group, which includes a member of Gargunnock Community Trust are working together to secure funding before an approach can be made to the owners with an offer.

o Stirling Place Investment program (SPIP): this fund may also offer a way to raise monies to purchase the shop

ACTION : CP to bring SPIP to the attention of the working group and Douglas Johnston (GCT) and assess whether an application should be made. Update at next meeting

Unless the current owners re-open the shop or lease/sell to another entity to operate as a shop. GGC’s preferred option remains for community to acquire the existing shop. The shop would then be refitted to open again at the end of 2022, if possible

5. External reports

  • Police report

Minor traffic incident near to the village otherwise, nothing substantial received in monthly report

  • Planning report

o Gates on Leckie RD. Residents has approached GCC asking for an update on this issue. JC has emailed the relevant planning dept and awaits a reply


o Earlston wind farm extension: submission for planning has been made. GCC were invited to comment, and an extensive reply was made by JC

I. Main concerns are that some of the “blade” tips may be visible over the Gargunnock hills, from parts of GCC

II. Concentration of turbines means the wind farm area will be dense with up to 15 turbines.The proposed turbines will be 180 metres tall

III. Earlston have asked for a date to meet with GCC to consider the Community Benefit package (CBP). GCC will consider how best to get opinions from residents. A recent open meeting in June did not have many attendees

ACTION : JC and DM will take this forward, update at next meeting

6. Internal reports

  • Finance reports:

· Balance as of 6/6/22 was £1,712.14

· Balance as of 8/8/22 is £998.34, due to expenditures for the noticeboard, insurance fees

7. Residents’ forum

No residents were present virtually or in person

Gates were the only resident issue raised and this is in hand

8. AOB

· GCC has 2 vacancies for residents to join; an advert has been placed on the notice board, on FB and in the Gargunnock Inn inviting applications

· Heritage finger posts-DM suggested these could be utilised to reference historical/village points of interest for locals, to learn more about the village, as well as visitors

o This would involve an application perhaps to the Wind farm with ideas. DB pointed out that the Church as made a similar application, as well as another local resident. Wind farm expressed a wish to ensure a degree of uniformity in the form/design of the signs throughout the village. This is noted

o ACTION: DM to develop this idea and share possible options at next meeting; an application to the Windfarm panel would follow

· DM proposed a summer social for GCC (and partners)-everyone happily agreed. DM is willing to host this and will revert back with some dates

Next meeting: 03rd October 2022 Key:

Stirling council: SC