Feb 2022 Minutes

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Gargunnock Community Council

Regular Meeting


Date: Monday 7th Feb

Time: 19:30 – 20:30

Location: Gargunnock Community Centre (Garden Room & Waiting Room)

Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86302857614?pwd=NkpmdjYybXRuQVpuaUEyeEhLcSsyQT09

Attendees: Christine Phillips (CPP), David King (DK), David Millar (DM), Lovat MacGregor (LM), Julie Cole (JC), Mike Buckley (MB) and Douglas Barr (DB)


1. Apologies- None

2. Declarations of interest- None

3. Adoption of previous meeting minutes 9th Dec- proposed (LM)/seconded (MB)

i. Minutes for Extraordinary meeting on 20 October 2021 proposed (DK)/seconded (DB)

4. Stirling city bid for City of Culture 2025 Fiona McLean, Culture and Events Manager

Presentation on the submission made by SC on their bid to be City of Culture for 2025. It is not just the city of Stirling that is included in the bid; this includes the whole environs of Stirling.

Stirling has been shortlisted to the last 8 applications Some of the key areas that will be judged will include:

  • Culture-diversity of ages, ethnicities, focus points
  • Health & well-being
  • Creativity
  • Recovery concepts for Covid 19

· Positive social and economic projects to address Covid 19

  • Projects to attract new investment into Stirling
  • Projects to be as inclusive as possible demonstrating involvement of all age arranges (from children to older people)
  • Employability pipeline
  • Environmental legacy

Stirling Council: looking for ideas to promote all of the above and communicate with population Suggestions from GCC:

1. Article to be written and placed in the Bugle and on GCC FB page

2. Consider an online consultation webpage-feedback from residents across Stirling

3. SC to have a presence at the Gala day-perhaps a stand with information and an officer to answer questions

4. Gargunnock Farmers show- perhaps a stand with information and an officer to answer questions


Fiona thanked GCC for the opportunity to present and will share any further information as it become available

No actions for GCC

5. Matters Arising

i. Gargunnock CC Noticeboard-progress update (DB): noticeboard is ordered, deposit paid.

Date for assembly to be confirmed

ii. Road junction at Station road/junction with A811-progress update (CPP): Jane Hutchison (SC) has advised that a meeting is scheduled with Environment and Housing (E&P) which this sits with on Thursday 10 th Feb. This will include an update on progress with landowners’ as to improving visibility and access to the Station Rd/A811 junction

ACTION: LM will become contact with JH, asking for an update and following up on progress

iii. Village shop update (CPP)-summary attached as appendix 1

a. Shop Survey available in final form virtually and in a word

b. document by request and at the Gargunnock Inn

c. Shop Survey information has been posted on Facebook ACTION: MB to create an article for next version of the Bugle

d. Funding application submitted to Plunkett-first meeting to

e. scope out project on Fri 4th Feb

f. Business consultancy brief has been developed (led by DJ of GCT)

ACTION: detailed in appendix 1

g. Suggest made to create a Gargunnock Alumni, there is a local historian (J McLaren) who may be able to advise

ACTION: contact JM and ask for suggestions -DK will speak to John Maclaren

h. A public meeting to share the current plans for the Village shop, the final survey results, Business analysis and Business plan was discussed and agreed

ACTION: the Village shop meeting to be scheduled to coincide with GCC AGM meeting in May 2022 (9th May 2022)

6. External Reports: NONE

7. Internal Reports:

i. Police report: None received

ACTION: CPP to email Police Scotland and ask for the police report

ii. Finance (DB): current balance of GCC account – as of 7.2.22, balance is £2655.95

i. Application to WFP re Plunkett membership; application for £240 is submitted; application for £4800 is in progress

ii. DB will track for Village shop applications and funding decisions, to be shared with GCC as appropriate

iii. Planning (JC): No comments

iv.Stirling Cycle path (DK): Touch estate have recently confirmed that they are happy for the project to move to detailed design phase.

v.Road’s update (LM):

Speeding within Village and road signs from top of Manse Brae to and from Meiklewood Junction have been raised by local residents. LM provided some ideas regarding “speed signs” that include flashing lights and happy/unhappy faces. Some of these speed signs can be powered by renewable sources.


ACTION: LM to get quotes for purchase and installation; suggestion to speak with Jean Cowie at SC to get advice on funding sources

ACTION: DM to contact SB at SCC to gather any information on activities in other villages to combat speeding.

8. Residents Forum: Nothing raised

9. AOB:

10. Shelloch wind farm: it had been previously agreed that Geoff Peart (GP) of GCT would help with discussions and potential community benefit packages. This is based on this previous experience in this area. GCC is happy to accept GP’s support

ACTION: CPP to ask GP to resume this role for GCC and make regular updates by email or in person for the bi-monthly GCC regular meetings

ACTION: CPP to ask GP to set-up an invitation to outline the Community Interest package, particularly “Shared Ownership” option to GCC

ACTION: CPP to email Shelloch and advise them of this development

11. Offer of Full-membership to Co-opted members-GCC vote was unanimously in favour of them joining as full members. MB and DM accepted position of full-time members of GCC

12. Associate membership of GCC-Local resident Lorna Rodger attended the meeting and described her interest in supporting the work of the GCC. LR is happy to join as an Associate member. Vote taken and unanimously in favour of LR joining

ACTION: CPP to update the Membership information table and share with all GCC and SC

13. Minute taker (DM): no one in this role for some time

ACTION: MB to write and advert and place on FB & the Bugle, seeking a local resident. DK to place paper version on the Village notice board

14. Chair position-All

Position remains vacant, a number of GCC members asked CPP to consider the role-CPP will do this and decide by next GCC meeting


Stirling Council (SC)

Gargunnock Community Council (GCC) Gargunnock Community Trust (GCT) Douglas Johnston (DJ)

Date, time and venue of next meeting- Monday 4th April 2022




3 parallel workstreams ongoing regarding the Village shop:

1. Funding:

• GCC required to join Plunkett’s – to get access to preferential rates for Business consultancy. Application made to Wind farm panel £240 submitted

• Business consultancy-business analysis as to the viability of the shop (as is) or in a different model

o Or to indicate the shop is not viable

o Business consultant will be invited to present at an open GCC AGM meeting Application made to Wind farm panel £4800 (in process)

• Requirements to proceed with community buy-out of shop

o 10% of the total cost, as matched funds for other applications (Community Share Ownership)-to be set-up

o Community Shares Scotland (Hybrid model) between GCT and a newly formed Community Benefit Society (Village shop)

• Consider applications, at a later date, to the 5 estates to ask for support (Gargunnock, Leckie, Touch, Boquhan, Meiklewood)

2. Applications:

o Scottish Community right to buy

o Scottish Land fund

o UK Community ownership fund (Westminster)- key timeline May 2022

DJ from GCT will lead on these with input from CPP, JC, DB and MB (GCC). All GCC members will be invited to comment

3. Activities:

o To have a “Note of Interest” declared in the Village shop

Ø Petition will be created and will need to go door-to-door

Ø Registered voters only (on electoral register)

Ø At least (tbc)% of residents will need to sign

Ø From the survey 220 residents said they would sign a petition

o Timeline may line up with other applications-May 2022