October 2023 Minutes

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09 October 2023


Date: 09th October 2023
Time: 19:30
Location: Gargunnock Community Centre


In attendance: David Millar, Lovat McGregor (LM), Richard Parkin (RP), Carolyn Johnston (CJ), Julie Cole (JC)

Residents: Grant Henderson, Maitland Clerk, Douglas Barr, Andrew Mayhew

Local Councillors: Paul Henke (PH)

1. Apologies
Chris Phillips, Mike Buckley

2. Adoption of previous minutes
Proposed by RP, seconded by LM

3. Action Points
 RF to check whether the UCI is going to use the Community Centre car Park
and whether there is availability for residents to use it. Done
 DM to initiate Crowdfunder for new Christmas light units. Done
 Cllr Rosemary Fraser to raise the Station Road/A811 junction issue with the
Head of Roads. No update or response received from the Councillor

4. Declarations of interest:

5. Matters arising:
 Village Shop (DM)
The shop has been purchased by a previous resident.
We have been successful in being awarded national COF funding and
awaiting a decision from Scottish Land Fund in November for funding to
purchase the shop.
 Roads and paths (LM)
LM has spoken to Cllr Rosemary Fraser and Caroline Fraser regarding the
A811 Station Road junction issue where works have now been waiting for
over two years. There has been no response from either party on the issue.
ACTION: PH to follow up with Stirling Council
Resident raised issue of poor drainage (overflowing drain) on Main Street
(the corner of Loftbrae and Drummond Park). LM has already raised the issue
with potholes at the site.
ACTION: PH to raise issue with Stirling Council
Resident Andrew Mayhew raised the issue of poor footpaths in the village
citing certain houses where the hedgerows are growing over the paths.
ACTION: PH to raise take care of the issue with the concerned property
A resident requested for a zigzag marking be put in front of the primary
school. LM got in touch with Stephen Blythe from Stirling Council who
responded the Council wouldn’t take any action unless the issue was raised
by the school.
ACTION: DM to follow up with the school
 Planning (JC)
No decisions made on any of the ongoing applications.
Beeches Path to be closed from the 23rd October as work to commence on
improvements to the path then.
Resident Maitland Clerk has risen the issue of dangerous/dead branches
needing cleared above the path with the Council over the past year but no
action has been taken. DM requested that Mr Clerk emails GCC about the
issue which can be followed up with the Council in writing.
Gargunnock Trust is applying for electric access points for bikes in the village.
Cycle Path to Stirling was due to start in 2025 but the Council decided to take
over the landowner negotiations. All work has now stopped until they have
completed a new transport strategy due next year. Requests made to Stirling
Council not to stop our project as the funds are already there via SUSTRANS
but they are not going to conduct any further work at this point.
ACTION: PH to raise with Stirling Council
 Defibrillator ownership (MB)
GCT have confirmed that they will take over ownership of the defibs and phone
box, and once they have approved the minutes recording this we will be able to
finalise matters. This will be done at their upcoming meeting on 27 October and
we anticipate hearing from them shortly after that.
 Christmas lights (DM)
Bridgend Cottage electricity connection is being upgraded in the next few weeks
to support the village lights.
Eight streetlamps have been approved and set up for holding lights with Stirling
Fundraising ongoing (£4k needed, over £1k raised so far). Application for funding
the remaining amount has been made to the Windfarm Panel with notification
due next month.
 Local Place Plan (DM)
The village has around 18 months to complete a Local Place Plan that will feed
into Stirling Council’s long-term plan for the area.
Initial works commenced on delineating the area/population of the village before
moving ahead with initial surveys to determine residents’ interests and priorities
for future workshops.
 Website and communications (MB/DM)
Gargunnock Trust are supportive of working together to improve the village
online presence.
A local resident has been gauging opinion of rolling out fibre to the village.
ACTION: DM to contact the resident and invite them to engage with GCC

6. External reports
 Police report
Concerns raised that the recent RTCs at the Station Road/A811 junction are not being logged in the Police reports.
ACTION: LM to follow up with the Police

7. Internal reports
Approximately £3,500 in the bank. Admin grant of £350 and additional £250 grant have been awarded

8. Residents’ forum

9. AOB
PH: The Council is facing further cutbacks of approximately £12m in the next financial year.
 Weed spraying has been reduced from twice a year to once a year
 Owing to cutbacks there will be an increased requirement for residents to
take responsibility for looking after their own areas.

10. Membership Movement
Richard Parkin submitted his resignation from GCC which was accepted. The Chair expressed thanks to Richard for all his work in support of the Community Council. This leaves the role of Treasurer vacant on the Council.
Douglas Barr (former GCC Treasurer) has volunteered to assist once again as an Associate Member on a temporary basis.
Following his proposed by CJ and second from JC, the Chair welcomed Douglas back onto the Community Council and thanked him for his continued support.
The Council are advertising for new members including a Treasurer position. The window for this closes Friday 27th Oct 2023.

Next meeting: Monday 4th December 2023, 1930 hrs