Aug 2021 Minutes

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Gartmore Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, 4 August 2021 Zoom Meeting

Present: Janet Billet (Chair), Gerry McGarvey, Wayne Glasse-Davies, Ian Dinwoodie, Colin Scrimgeour, Katie Goldie

Apologies: Michelle Flynn (Stirling Council), Cllr Evelyn Tweed, Cllr Martin Earl In attendance: Willie Nisbet (LLTNP), Cllr Jeremy McDonald (Stirling Council) Press: No members of the press were present at meeting

Residents: Brian Patterson

1. Declarations of Interest- No declarations

2. Adoption of previous meeting minutes- Minutes agreed by the members Proposer – Katie Goldie

Seconder – Gerry McGarvey

3. Matters Arising


  • Community Council Social Media – Gerry McGarvey apologised for not having progressed with this as yet and would move forward with this immediately.
  • Archway Wood – Katie Goldie updated Gartmore Community Council on the current situation regarding this matter.

4. Reports- External

Police Scotland Report provided from

  • Antisocial Behaviour – Nothing to report.
  • Road Safety – Nothing to report. Police Scotland are continuing to use mobile units in the area
  • Theft – Nothing to report.


  • Other Incidents/Activity of Note - On 12/5/21 there was a sheep worrying incident at a property in the Gartmore area. Enquiries were carried out and a male has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

If there are any issues to discuss, please contact Callander Police Office on 101 or email

Brian Patterson raised the issue of speeding motorcycles throughout the area and the noise associated with these vehicles. Brian has been reporting this to Police Scotland for the last twelve months but has had no success in having this matter resolved. Brian was informed by Police Scotland that they were unable to stand on the area of road (A81) with a speeding gun as this was a dangerous stretch of road. They also do not have any access to a decibel meter to measure the sound level. Brian had also suggested that officers could attend the area in which the motorcyclists park to start a discussion with the group rather than anything more formal.

It was noted that this was an issue throughout the village and beyond.

Janet Billet will contact Police Scotland on behalf of the community as it had been raised in the meeting and there were concerns regarding not only the activity but also how the matter had been handled generally. Brian will forward all correspondence between himself and Police Scotland to Janet.



Trossachs Holiday Parks – Janet was contacted by residents living near the track that leads to Trossachs Holiday Park. Concerns were raised regarding the increase in the number of people using the track especially regarding security. It was also noted that an application has been submitted to expand the park which includes spreading of the track which is shared by the park and residents. Residents are concerned as this could cause icing issues during the winter and increase in vehicle speeds. The path is a public path and part of a Sustrans track.

Janet contacted the park asking for comment and received a response stating that any works that would be carried out would be as per the terms as agreed by Stirling Council.

GCC will continue to monitor the progress of the expansion.

Erection of Dwelling at Gilbert Park – Katie has been approached by local residents in relation to comments made by Applicant regarding the planning application. Namely regarding the site of the dwelling and possible zoning issues and expectations regarding the success of application during the appeal process.


Willie Nisbet (LLTNP) suggested that Katie speak to the relevant planning officer for clarification and will inform GCC when this application is due to be heard by LLTNP. Katie will contact the planning officer.

Black Bull Signage – As previously discussed there were concerns regarding the erection of a new sign and its location with regards to road safety. Katie and Gerry had spoken to Ross Pollock, LLTNP, who was very complimentary about the sign and had no concerns but as he is not a planning officer the issues remained outstanding. Brian offered to contact the planning officers to determine what they would require and make the relevant changes.

Willie pointed out that planning permission is required as it gives the planners a chance to consult with Stirling Council Roads Department regarding road safety reasons. In this case, this has been done in the wrong way.

It was noted that it has perhaps been lack of knowledge that has resulted in this situation occurring and that there is a willingness of those involved to remedy the situation. Katie would forward on the contact details of a planning officer to Brian to make contact.

5. Reports- Internal Sub Groups Community Trust:

The Community Trust met on 1 July and held Annual General Meeting on 22 July Unsafe beech and cherry tree by the football pitch have been removed.

The Trust are looking to using the gala day funding to host a celebratory community event once lockdown restrictions have been suitably lifted. No firm plans have been made as yet.

The village defibrillator was previously discussed in relation to low temperatures having an impact on the battery which led to the ownership of the phone box being transferred to the Trust from Trossachs Search and Rescue to enable the Trust to upgrade the electricity supply so the cabinet temperature could be regulated. The recent high temperatures brought to light that there was no working fan mechanism to regulate the temperature. An electrical engineer is carrying out investigations as the unit has been alarming but, in the meantime, the door to the phone box is being propped open. Katie contacted the manufacturer who informed her that this particular model does not have a fan installed but the machine should work in temperatures up to 50oC.

Wedding bookings at the community hall have been filling up, they are nearly at capacity for 2021 and 2022. The Trust would be looking to begin taking bookings for 2023 once the 2022 bookings are full which they hope will be soon.


Two new trustees were elected at the AGM – Jennifer Armstrong and Neil Hemmingway.

6. Community Council Business – Treasurer’s Report


The application for the 2021-2022 Community Council Administration Grant and Minute Taker Funding has been submitted to Stirling Council, together with the approved annual accounts. Receipt has been acknowledged.

The current balance of the Gartmore Community Council account is £608.24, down from the previous balance of £649.90 reported in June. Community Council expenditure comprised a payment of £41.66 to the Minute Taker Claire Harvey for the June 2021 Minutes.

There are no outstanding invoices.




Item 1 – Playpark Concerns – Community member who made representation to GCC recently regarding concerns around playpark.

Item 2- Lampposts & Signage – The paint on the lampposts in and around the Village Square are in poor condition and require attention. Also highlighted that the speed signage and ‘20’ on the road was faded and perhaps needed replaced and repainted.

Action – Cllr Jeremy McDonald will take forward and also pointed out that Stirling Council Communities Team could be emailed regarding matters like this.

Item 3 – Community Zoom – Gerry and Wayne agreed that a new community zoom should be started. Discussion took place regarding payment for this and Cllr Jeremy McDonald stated that he asked Stirling Council to accommodate the funding for zoom for community councils going forward.

Action – Gerry/Wayne to set this up and make relevant payment.

Item 4 –Bin Changes – Although bin changes had been opposed these were unlikely to change and would be coming in soon.

Item 5 – News Report – It had been reported at the weekend that Stirling Council were bringing in a new £15 charge to go into Stirling, this is incorrect.

Item 6 – School/Road Safety – Cllr McDonald enquired as to whether or not there had been any progress made with this. It was noted that as schools were off the


progress will continue in the new academic term. There is a small working group and the head teacher is in contact with all the relevant personnel at Stirling Council.

Item 7 – Core Paths – Ian Dinwoodie reported that the plan cannot be adopted by the National Park because there has been a challenge and the owner of Gartmore House has applied for a judicial review of the Park board’s decision to implement the plan.

Item 8 – Electric Car Chargers – Colin Scrimgeour enquired as to whether or not there is a policy for installing electric car charging points. Willie stated that in order to receive future funding LLTNP may have to include electric car charging points going forward when upgrading any of the park car parking areas.

Item 9 – Local Places Plan – Wayne had received an email regarding the creation of the new plan. It was agreed that GCC should be involved in this process. Wayne and Janet will represent GCC in this.

Action – Wayne and Janet will participate in the creation of the new plan.

Item 10 – National Park, Water Tragedies – After the recent tragic events that have occurred in Loch Lomond and Loch Lubnaig a series of meetings have taken place between LLTNP and local authorities regarding potential measures that can be put in place although this is limited. It is an unprecedented situation.

Item 11 – LLTNP September Board Meeting – Next board meeting will likely take place online due to social distancing meaning that numbers allowed to attend would be restricted. LLTNP have noticed that there has been an increase in engagement since meetings have taken place online. Moving forward it is hoped that LLTNP would continue to livestream meetings to encourage continued engagement.

7. Next meeting - Wednesday, 6 October 2021 – 7.30pm Location TBC