Members present |
Elizabeth Jones (chair), Fiona Rennie, Michael Bowdidge, Calum Mclean, Hilary McGregor, Heidi Bryce |
Apologies |
Andrew Donaldson, Susie Clark, Jessie-Anne Malcolm (NHS Forth Valley), Lachlann Mackenzie, Graham Fraser (KCFC), Rev Stuart Sharp |
In attendance |
Matt McCammon (Police Scotland), Cllr Rosemary Fraser, Tasha Houchin (KCC Planning Consultant), 19 members of the public, Emily Semple (Minute Secretary) |
How to contact us |
Go to and click on the contact button. |
Approved (Michael Bowdidge and Fiona Rennie)
- Oak Tree in the park
3 accidents to date. The tree officer has been out and there is now heras fencing in place. The council are going to try and save the tree by limbing the dangerous branches.
A member of the public queried whether there had been any further information on the fallen limbs / logs being cut horizontally and whether the resulting planks could be used to repair the benches at the woodland cemetery
Matt McCammon from Police Scotland gave the following Police Report:
- A person was issued with a recorded Police warning after they assaulted a colleague by striking them to the head, fortunately no injury was sustained.
- A vandalism has been recorded after lead flashing and roof tiles had been removed and set to the side of the roof allowing for ingress of water to the apartment below. This appears to now be a civil matter with contractors and no further criminal inquiries taking place.
- Unknown persons gained entry to an old stand-alone garage; this has been recorded as a housebreaking with intent to steal. Two pogo sticks and 2 bikes were taken but found close by and undamaged. No suspects have been identified; it is believed that children have opened the old garage door and played with the toys inside before leaving them nearby.
- A vehicle was broken into while parked unattended near to Finnoch Glen The rear window was smashed and items taken from within. Enquiries are still ongoing with a positive line of enquiry.
Road Safety
- A driver was issued with a vehicle defect rectification (VREC) ticket after they were found driving during the hours of darkness with a defective front head light.
- The issue of cows getting into the cemeteries was raised. General Public are advised to be mindful of this when out driving.
Noted at the meeting that going forward Police Scotland will provide a report that covers all councils once per month for efficiency.
Thanks to Matt for his attendance and monthly reports.
The full police report is available on KCC website
The KCFC AGM is being held on the 22nd October at 8pm in the main hall.
The Fireworks will be held on Sunday 3rd November.
Tasha Houchin (KCC Planning Consultant) outlined that since the meeting in October there have been:
- 2 Planning Applications
- 24/00581/FUL
Renewal of planning permission 23/00747/FUL for siting of temporary sales cabin, formation of internal access road and 7 No Parking spaces, erection of post and wire fencing and soft landscaping
- 24/00605/FUL
Erection of new detached double garage, workshop and home office within grounds of existing dwellinghouse (10 Croy Buchanan Steading Killearn G63 9QU)
- 4 Ongoing Applications
- 5 Applications Approved
- 1 Application has been commented on (41 Station Road - new access)
- RSHA Housing in Lampson Road
With reference to applications for housing:
“We will be using a local lettings initiative to let the properties in Killearn. This means priority is given to those who need to live in the Killearn Community Council (KCC)area (e.g. currently live/work/give or receive care) and have a significant housing need (e.g. homeless/overcrowded/medical needs not suited to current accommodation etc).
In January we will send information out to all applicants for Killearn, informing them of their priority group. We will also contact KCC with all the details. The Housing Officer for Killearn will also attend a meeting to explain the process if this would be useful. We will be shortlisting & hoping to be sending out offer letters late March.
I would advise anyone who is interested in the properties at Killearn to submit a housing application asap. These can be downloaded from the website & emailed into the office or we can send a paper copy out.
- TPO (Tree Preservation Order) Map shared to show areas of TPO: Orange highlight - Conservation Area
Green highlight - Tree protection order
KCC recommend a discussion with the TPO officer to review and extend the areas highlighted.
It was raised that it may be beneficial to speak with the Killearn Natural Heritage Group to review what should be covered. Correction post meeting: the All Killearn Archive Group has previously carried out a tree survey which may be a useful reference.
- 24/00548/FUL - New metal electric entrance gates, new stone wall to entrance and driveway resurfacing (Retrospective)
(Two Oaks 41 Station Road Killearn G63 9NZ)
The planning meeting was cancelled and is due to be rescheduled in due course. A decision is likely to be made at the beginning of November.
- Local Place Plan (LPP)
A meeting was held with Pauline Roberts (Community Development, Stirling Council) to share the LPP data and analysis from the initial survey / questionnaire, as well as the proposed follow up questions to gain further information (via Survey Monkey). Pauline was happy with the results so far and confirmed that the information would all be relevant to the local development plan.
There will be a meeting with the planning department in due course.
The next step is to publish the link to the follow up questions - asking residents for further information around green spaces they would most like to preserve, play & recreation facilities they would like to see, types of housing required, preserving the character of the village and any additional facilities they would like to see within the community. It was suggested that some in-person / pop in sessions might help to support those who didn't feel able to complete the survey online on their own.
- Disabled Parking at the Killearn Pharmacy
KCC member Michael Bowdidge has talked to the owner of the Pharmacy and was advised that when the car park was resurfaced the disabled parking space was not repainted - it is understood that it will be repainted in due course.
*Michael will stay in contact until completed
A note on General Planning discussions
Following the October meeting Elizabeth Jones (Chair) had asked for information from the planning department on the number of recent planning applications. The council have provided the information below
Over the last 5 years (2019 to today), 175 applications have been submitted. Of these applications:
- 141 Approved
- 7 Declined/Refused
- 6 went to the planning panel for review
- 5 out of 6 panel decisions were made in line with the planning officer’s original decision (84%)
It was confirmed that if there are 5 or more objections to a single dwelling application it automatically goes to the planning panel.
The Community Council will be having a meeting with the planning department to discuss the data in more detail.
- Footpath on Station Road
Construction of a new footway between Cala homes new site and Killearn via Station Road are programmed to start Monday 18th November 2024.
- Footpath from Endrick Road to the Park
Reports have been made regarding the overhanging trees. Following discussions with Stirling Council, KCC have confirmed the landowner and will be making contact to discuss options.
- Fireworks Road Closure and Parking Restrictions
Station Road will be closed / no parking on the evening of 3rd November for the fireworks and there will be no parking on Main Street from the Square – and along Balfron Road to approx. the boundary of the village.
A member of the general public raised concerns over the street trader licence distributed by Stirling Council as this greatly affects the contributions to the village community.
*Peter Wilks will touch base with Graham to check what is in place.
Fiona reported on correspondence relating to the following issues:
- Blanewater Bridge
The works have now been completed and the road has been reopened with all weight restrictions and associated diversions removed. A review of the traffic lights is ongoing and the temporary lights will remain in place until this is concluded.
- Parking Enforcement Officers
There are 15 full time equivalent Enforcement Officers, however due to vacancies and absences the team is not currently at full strength. Stirling Council are unable to confirm how much time officers spend in each ward as officer duties are not assigned by ward areas – however enforcement officers work across the Council area on a daily basis covering their remitted duties
- BHS Minibus
following discussions with Balfron High School about their plans to apply for funding for a new ‘community’ minibus - Killearn Community Council and Killearn Community Futures Company have confirmed their support and wholeheartedly encourage that wider community engagement.
- The Stirling Science Festival
Returns from 17-19 October and most of the family-friendly events are free of charge for all who attend.
Now in its sixth year, the festival is organised by Stirling Council and funded by the Scottish Government and is an integral part of Stirling’s 900th anniversary celebrations. Events will take place at a range of local venues.
- A new booklet has been produced to signpost older people to support services across the Stirling area
The 12 page brochure, designed by Stirling Council’s Community Development team, is a self-help guide for older people to maintain their independence, choice and control of their lives.
The booklet has been compiled in partnership with the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health & Social Care Partnership, NHS Forth Valley, local charities and voluntary groups and features everything from advice on benefits maximisation, legal matters, health, volunteering, social connections and help and safety at home.
It is available as a download and printed copies can also be obtained from community centres, libraries, etc.
*Rosemary has kindly offered to drop some hard copies in at the Killearn Village
- Volunteering: Winter Service Plan – 2024/25 ity-winter-volunteer/
Residents are being asked to consider becoming Community Winter Volunteers, offering their spare time to clear snow or spread salt along public footways and footpaths in their streets and housing estates.
Stirling Council will ensure that key roads are treated 24 hours a day as required.
Volunteer Pack:
- Minor Injuries - You MUST phone NHS 24 on 111 and not just go to Minor Injuries directly.
If you or a member of your family has an injury that needs urgent or immediate attention, you should call NHS 24 first on 111, day or night for: Healthcare advice without having to leave home or An appointment at a local centre for further assessment or treatment so that you don’t need to wait when you attend
- Passenger Transport Group Meeting (PTUG)
From the 28th October there will be designated drivers on the X10 in an attempt to improve customer relations. Minor changes to the X10/X10A timetable will start on 28th October to improve punctuality.
- Two local organisations have been named as the Provost’s 2024 Charities of the Year by Stirling Council’s Civic Panel
One of which was local - Trossachs Search and Rescue has been in operation since 1998 and provides practical support to the emergency services across the rural Stirling as well as first aid and CPR training to local communities.
- Historic Sundays with Historic Scotland
Never visited a Historic Scotland site before? Now is your chance!
Historic Scotland wants everyone to have a great day out at their sites, as they truly believe history belongs to everyone. That’s why they’re offering free tickets to their sites on the first Sunday of every month.
This offer gives those who have never visited a Historic Scotland site before a chance to explore their local heritage. Whether you’ve never visited due to cost, or you just feel history isn’t for you, this is your opportunity to visit some of the most famous sites across Scotland - from castles and abbeys, to cathedrals and forts. It has been a very difficult time for everyone over the past few years, so join Historic Scotland on the first Sunday of every month, from November 2024 until March 2025, and get free tickets to their iconic sites across Scotland by
- ‘Without Barriers’
Without Barriers offers free come and try multi-sport sessions for those living with disabilities or who face barriers to participating in sport. The goal of this pilot programme is to bring the joy of inclusive sports to those living in rural communities, giving them the chance to try a variety of fun activities like boccia, short tennis, basketball, table cricket, and kwik curling. No experience is needed—just come along and enjoy!
Starting with an initial 4-week block to raise awareness and make connections with local groups - please share the link below for more information
Session details are:
Venue: John McLintock Hall, Balfron
Dates: Thursday 7, Thursday 14, Thursday 21 and Thursday 28 November Times: 10.00am-12.00pm
Any questions or more information please contact Chris McKenna on:
- Poultry registration
From 1 September 2024, in Scotland, it is a legal requirement for anyone who keeps birds (even a single bird) to register on the new Scottish Kept Birds Register by 1 December 2024. Those previously registered on the GB poultry register (who keep birds in Scotland) will need to re-register.
- Trees and Leaf Debris
A member of the general public raised concerns over the slippy pavements and blocked drains. Suggestion from the wider community to encourage homeowners to clear the pathways outside their homes (it makes for good composting!). Stirling Council will be due to clear the roads and drains at some point but there is no date forecasted.
*KCC to post on Facebook
Cllr Rosemary Fraser highlighted that there was a full council meeting last week. 2 key items were:
- Plan for Forthside has been approved and level up funding has been committed
- Raising awareness for those eligible for pension credits to ensure that they are receiving payments due to them.
*Rosemary to email link for sharing online and a leaflet to be posted on the notice board
Andrew unable to attend the meeting so Elizabeth presented the following Treasurer’s Report:
Admin and Hall hire |
- £128.78 |
Including the commissioners office fee |
Interest |
+ £0.32 |
Current balance of funds |
£177.63 |
All funds have now been transferred to a new account that will allow KCC to make digital payments. The Grant is still to be received.
- Informed Communities
Representatives from community councils now meet 2 to 3 times per year at Viewforth. The past meeting had 37 communities take part.
Caroline Sinclair (Stirling Councils new Chief Officer) was in attendance to discuss any concerns. This was seen as a positive forum discussion with councillors and community councillors.
- Community Speedwatch
This has not been set up in neighbouring councils either due to the training and cost involved - community councils have raised the suggestion of creating groups to share the cost and training - decision TBC. For reference a camera is around £2,000 - £3,000.
If we as a community can demonstrate that there is a safety risk we may be able to apply for funding.
it was noted that the Scottish government aims to establish 20 mph limits in all residential areas by 2025.
- Advent Windows
If anyone in the community has a window visible from the street and would be interested in taking part in the Christmas advent windows - please contact Lindsay at
The next KCC meeting will be held at 8.00 pm on Wed. 20th November 2024 in the Garden Room at the Village Hall.
The meeting ended at 9.10 pm.