May 2021 Minutes

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Killin Community Council

Minute of Meeting: Tuesday 11th May 2021 By Zoom


Minutes Adopted on 13th July 2021: Proposer D Fettes, seconded C Hay. Unanimous agreement.

Adoption of previous meeting minutes ‐ adopted after correction requested by the D Fettes, that wording be
clarified in item 18, where wording made it sound as if he was organising the pump track himself – but is the
Sports Hub and Cycle group that are doing this. Proposer D Fettes, seconded C Hay. Unanimous agreement.



Chair - Andy Aitken, Vice Chair - Colin Hay, Treasurer - Pamela Grant, Secretary - Amanda Clark, David Fettes

- Planning Representative, Ron Allner, Charlie Grant, Stewart Inglis, Co-opted member – Gregor MacKenzie


Apologies: No apologies received, however there had been a technical glitch with Zoom at the start of the
meeting and some people who may have wished to attend, may not have received the updated link in time.


In attendance: Paul Godzik KAT representative, David Johnston Chair Balquhidder CC, Morag Felgate -
Minute Secretary, Martin Earl – Councillor, Jeremy McDonald – Councillor, Bruce Reekie Stirling Council,
Michelle Flynn - Stirling Council


Press: None Residents: 4


  1. Chairman’s Welcome


  2. Recording of those present, and apologies received


  3. Declarations of Interest - declaration made by Stewart Inglis – Agenda item 18 - as a neighbouring
    landowner to Breadalbane Park that he would want to attend any meeting arranged between Stirling Council
    and any interested parties about development of the park.


  4. Adoption of Minutes Secretary – an advert for the post of a minutes secretary was advertised for six
    weeks on Facebook and on two local noticeboards. One application was received and no objections were
    raised, Morag Felgate was unanimously adopted as minutes secretary.


  5. Notes of interest – 4 members of the public are present who will be bringing up points later on as they
    appear on the agenda.


  6. Adoption of previous meeting minutes ‐ adopted after correction requested by the KAT representative,
    Paul Godzik, that wording be clarified on bottom of page 3, line 29, where the member of the public referred
    to should be identified as the Chair of the Allotment Committee and not himself as the KAT representative.
    Proposer A Clark, Seconded D Fettes.


  7. Report on local alcohol bylaws from BLSCC - David Johnston, the Chair of BLSCC gave a report on the
    history of local alcohol bylaws and how they had put them in place and the effect that it had had on the
    area. This has been successful for them in reducing anti-social camping behaviour.


    D Fettes had a question about local landowners wanting to let people they know camp and drink on their
    land. D Johnston said that land owners can apply for a licence for any special events involving alcohol. M Earl
    stated that we are in a different situation to BLS with the South Loch Tay and Glen Lochay areas and that he
    anticipates that it will be contentious and that it will require extensive consultation and that we should seek
    information from Andy Bushell, area Police Inspector, as to how it will be policed. Essentially the bylaws

    make it an offence to have an open container of alcohol and this gives the police more power to intervene in
    anti-social behaviour issues.


    M Earl explained the process – that there will be a consultation period with the community and with the
    Council and it then would go to Scottish Ministers for approval – it is a long process and could easily take
    about a year. The Chair took a suggestion from Jeremy that we should put an announcement on Facebook to
    start with to get some public reaction – G MacKenzie will action this.


    There was a comment from a member of the public that they would prefer that the illegal parking be dealt
    with and that that would have a faster effect than alcohol bylaws and that we should tackle this first. He has
    heard that in the Loch Rannoch area that every car not parked in a proper area is now ticketed and feels that
    this is what is needed on the South Loch Tay road. B Reekie explained that we would need to get the correct
    signage back in place to then allow the police to be able to take proper action – Stirling Council are in the
    process of getting the passing places properly signed. C Hay proposed that we see if the situation improves
    once we have the new signs and reflect on it at a later date.


  8. KCC Activity Report

    Work has been ongoing with Festive Lights and the flooding issue at Station Road.


  9. Treasurer’s report

    £2426.03 in the bank with a further £680 coming in for the Christmas lights fund and £71 going out for


  10. Police Scotland

    There was a summary of the police report from A Aitken. There was an issue reported last meeting with
    speeding on Station Road – D Fettes reported that as a resident there, it appears to have calmed down. M
    Earl reported that Andy Bushell, area Police Inspector, is arranging meeting dates to come up and look at
    South Loch Tay hotspots together with local representatives. M Earl will forward email to A Aitken.


  11. Planning

    Various planning applications are in progress – these are all shared on Facebook for public. A Aitken asked a
    question about tracks for work on the pylon removal scheme from Manse road – D Fettes explained that
    currently in the planning application, these extra tracks will be turned back to be as they were before the
    works but that KAT and the new cycle hub are requesting to keep these tracks for cycling.


    Flooding issues for Station Road are pertinent here as there is a planning implication. A Aitken shared his
    progress as he was designated at last meeting to try and move forward issue with sewage overflow on
    Station Road. He has written to Scottish Water, Stirling Council, SEPA & National Park.

    Scottish Water, have not acknowledged email. He has spoken to Vivien Emery from National Park who has
    told him that Scottish Water will be doing a new in-depth survey. M Earl explained that the issue must be in
    the system now otherwise the Co-op would not have been asked to include flood measures in their planning
    application. B Reekie confirmed that there has been contact between the Stirling Council flooding team, the
    National Park and the Co-op about this issue and that he can feed back to us about this at the relevant time.


    G MacKenzie brought up the issue previously reported of water flowing down Monemore brae and whether
    this could be contributing. S Inglis stated that this is a roads department issue and will speak to them about


    A Aitken has been asked by Vivien Emery from National Park if he wanted to delay the planning permission
    for the new Co-op site until the flooding issues on Station Road are resolved to our satisfaction. The Chair
    expressed discomfort over this and Council were in complete agreement not to hold up Co-op planning

    permission and to continue to pursue a solution with Scottish Water – proposed by Andy and seconded by


  12. KAT report

    Report from KAT representative, Paul Godzik. He shared about the discussion about the Community Right to
    Buy scheme and have enough signatures to able to progress this – potentially for the Co-op building once
    vacated. They is a meeting with Chris McKenna upcoming to progress the community sports hub. KAT will be
    getting a new website in order to communicate better with the community. They offered a section for the
    KCC if they wanted it.


    A discussion then ensued on whether KCC needed a website or whether Facebook would be better. M Flynn
    offered to send links of other Community Council websites so we could have a look and make an informed
    decision. G MacKenzie urged us to think about our audience and what would be the most appropriate way of
    communicating with them. A website is a lot of work and would need to be justified. A Clark suggested
    looking at the links and thinking about them to discuss at the next meeting. General opinion tended towards
    Facebook rather than a website - G MacKenzie to research should we stick with Facebook or should we
    invest in our own website?


  13. CAP update

    A Clark let us know that the full document is nearly ready to be printed and that it should be produced in the
    next 6 weeks or so. A Clark will liaise with P Godzik.


  14. Festive Lights Fund

    A Clark let us know that have more than half of their target money and are confident of getting lights for this
    year and have plans for more funding for next year. A Clark wanted endorsement from council to apply to
    the Co-op Community Fund – unanimous approval given.


  15. Covid-19 restrictions


  16. Tourism issues 2021

    A Clark reported on Park Destination meeting from this afternoon. Main issue seems to be lack of foreign
    visitors and also rural recruitment has been difficult.


  17. Roads report

    S Inglis gave an overview of the roads including potholes and completion of local road works. M Earl updated
    us on proposed closure of South Loch Tay road for 2 months. This was for Scottish Water works. M Earl and J
    McDonald were involved in a virtual meeting with Scottish Water amidst concern from local businesses and
    the works are now postponed and scheduled for later in the year after the October holidays.


    There are also proposed works for other areas including the Glen Lochay Road along to Power station. D
    Fettes enquired if this had been co-ordinated for after the substation replacements and pylon removal
    otherwise the new surface would be ruined. B Reekie thanked him for this question and will flag up to the
    Traffic Management team to talk to SSE.


    A backlog of pothole filling was acknowledged due to issues with equipment – this is now fixed and they will
    be catching up now.


    R Allner asked a question about the law on parking on pavements on his street which is causing problems for
    disabled people or pushchairs. C Grant and a member of the public raised issue of people parking at
    Ballechroisk Terrace – it hasn’t been a problem before, but people parking there are claiming that Google

    Maps sent them there to park. G MacKenzie checked with Google maps and there is nothing on there. B
    Reekie will check out the ownership of the land there and feedback to A Aitken.


    A member of the public raised issue of no give way signs at the junction of Manse Road and Stewart Road.
    He nearly had an accident recently. He has raised this with the KCC before and says that he has had no
    feedback from them on any progress, or if it is being dealt with. C Hay & R Allner said that it had been raised
    with the Council previously who had said that they were not going to take any action. B Reekie offered to
    take it directly to the Traffic Management & Road Safety Team and feed back to us. M Earl and J McDonald
    would like copied in to the reponse.


    A Aitken gave thanks for 20mph signs on Pier Road. However, the previously agreed ‘no overnight camping’
    or ‘no campervan’ signs for the Mclaren Hall carpark, the carpark next to the Capercaillie and at the Station
    Road car park and also at the parking at the Falls of Dochart have not been put up yet. M Earl explained that
    the Traffic Management service is snowed under at present and understaffed. If they have said that it will
    get done, then it will happen. B Reekie will raise that along with the South Loch Tay signage and feed back to


    G MacKenzie has an application for funding ready for two solar powered roadside signs to alert drivers when
    they are speeding. However, he is waiting for council approval and he could miss the deadline for
    applications. B Reekie agreed to bring it up and get agreement for us by the end of the week so that we can
    apply for the funding. M Earl will forward a copy of the email with the details to B Reekie.


  18. Breadalbane Park and local graveyard maintenance

    There had been a proposal made by Stirling Council to make large parts of the Breadalbane Park into a
    wildflower meadow as part of the council’s climate emergency pollinators strategy. The Chair made a
    complaint against this, supported by P Godzik as this would severely limit the use of the park for our
    traditional events. KAT like the idea in principle and would like to negotiate with the council and EAK – they
    would be happy to have some parts of the park or other places in Killin as wildflower meadows, but there
    are already areas of the park planted as wildflower areas and these are generally agreed to be a mess and
    not well maintained. D Fettes would like to see the park kept for recreation and has plans in progress for a
    pump track in the park and that the park is not the place for a wildflower meadow.


    General feeling was that we need to meet on site to discuss this with Stirling Council and B Reekie was keen
    for this. The wildflower meadow discussion turned into a discussion with a couple members of the public
    about the playpark and the development of the park in general. It was agreed that a site meeting should be
    arranged. Several opinions were expressed on the need to choose the right people to be at this meeting as
    there are lots of different groups of people who use the park and would want to have a say, including S Inglis
    who is a neighbouring landowner and would want to be kept informed of any developments.


    M Flynn suggested that an email should be sent out to interested parties when a meeting has been


    D Fettes congratulated a member of the public present on her recent fundraising for the playpark.


    A member of the public was very upset about the proposal of the council to not continue cutting the grass at
    the graveyard.


  19. AOCB

    Discussion of the SSE Community Benefit from the pylon removal scheme was postponed until the next

  20. Date, time and format of next meeting - Next meeting is Tuesday 13th July 2021 by Zoom.