Jan 2022 Minutes

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Killin Community Council
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday 4th January 2022
By Zoom

Adoption of minutes: Proposer C Grant, seconded S Inglis. Unanimous agreement. 1st March 2022

Chair - Andy Aitken, Ron Allner, Charlie Grant, Stewart Inglis


Apologies: David Fettes - Planning Representative, Pamela Farquharson - Treasurer


In attendance: Morag Felgate - Minute Secretary, Jeremy McDonald – Councillor, Martin Earl – Councillor


Press: None

Residents: 6


  1. Chairman’s Welcome


  2. Recording of those present, and apologies received


  3. Declarations of Interest - none


  4. Notes of interest – 3 members of the public and 2 members of the council have issues they wish to bring
    up in the relevant sections.


  5. Adoption of previous meeting minutes ‐ adopted. Proposer S Inglis, seconded R Allner. Unanimous


  6. KCC Activity Report

    KCC committee were at work during the blackout providing reassurance and relief to those without heat or
    light, organising a debriefing session with medical and emergency services, and drafting a proposal for an
    updated resilience plan, meeting with M Buckland of National Park to discuss the campervan/motorhome
    issues in the village, meeting with C Fraser of roads department about issues raised in November meeting.


  7. Treasurer’s Report

    The Treasurer was absent – no report was available.


  8. Police Report

    A copy of the police report was circulated by A Aitken.


  9. Planning Report

    The Planning representative was absent – no report was available.


  10. Motorhome Issues and signage

    A Aitken had a meeting with the National Park and the suggestion is to have a trial period of making the
    Station Road car park motorhome and campervan friendly. A Aitken had a meeting with C Fraser who agreed
    signs were unsuitable and to investigate better signage more in keeping with a tourist village.


    There were a number of issues raised that were discussed and will need to be considered including


    • Time frames and whether we would want signs with time limits on so as not to inconvenience others who
      regularly use this as a parking area

    • The number of bays that we would want to allocate to this

    • Signs in McLaren carpark changed to redirect people to station road

    • The toilets are not currently open 24h due to vandalism issues

    • There is nowhere for grey water or chemical waste disposal in this area – would we want to pay/find funding
      to have this installed? We could approach the local caravan parks who already have the facilities (grey
      waste, fill up, charge up, chemical waste) and see if they would want to offer this for a charge for non-

    • Manpower would be required to enforce signs with time limits on and to keep an eye on toilets

    • Lack of bins and the bins are only emptied once a fortnight and when overflowing, the bags that are placed
      beside the bins are not collected

    • Wording for bespoke signs for our village


      A sub group of C Hay, S Inglis and A Aitken to progress this and come back in March with a plan to be
      implemented before the start of the tourist season.


      J McDonald thinks we need better policies for the summer tourist season with different bin collections. M
      Earl shared that Highland Council put out extra bins over the summer and thinks that Stirling Council should
      do this. We should put in a request for Bruce Reekie to attend our March meeting so that we can discuss this
      ahead of tourist season.


      A member of the public pointed out that the start of the trout fishing season is the start of March and that
      numbers of fishermen will increase from then. A discussion was had about this and the clearway which has
      been agreed by C Fraser and will run along the length of the lochside and M Earl will contact us to let us
      know when this will become active.


      M Earl & C Fraser apologised that the sign that should be at Falls of Dochart layby has not yet been installed
      and are progressing this.


  11. Maragowan Signage

    A Aitken gave an update on the issue of google navigation sending people to the dead end glebe road
    instead of the caravan site. He has talked to Maragowan caravan site and they are happy to pay for a sign.
    He spoke to C Fraser who says that the sign can’t be put up on the glebe side of the road. Her suggestions
    were for a sign on the opposite side of the road or a ‘no through road’ sign at the Glebe. C Grant suggested
    asking residents if the sign could be put up on their land. S Inglis to ask the member of the public who came
    to the meeting in September if they would be happy for the sign to be put on their land.


    It was also suggested that the caravan site could perhaps apply for a brown tourist sign to give better
    warning before the entrance and supply better directions with their booking information.


  12. ‘Blackout Weekend’ and Resilience Planning

    There was a feeling that the support for the vulnerable people in our community showed that people in our
    village have great community spirit and care about each other but that it could have been better organised
    as there was some duplication of efforts and some people that would have liked to have been checked on
    were missed.


    The community council would like to draw up an up-to-date plan as the old one was about 10 years old –
    including correct phone numbers and a contingency for there being no phone signal. C Grant stated that
    there was a more recent version that he had drawn up in 2019 but that nothing had been done with this.


    The chairman was not aware of this updated version. C Grant to check minutes to check whether this should
    have been known about and acted on before now.


    A member of the public thought that we should encourage everyone to send in their ideas. Thought it was
    brilliant that the fire brigade came round and checked on people and this should be in the plan. All at this
    meeting who wish to jot down and send to A Aitken their own ideas and learning experiences of the blackout
    to help with this plan.


    R Allner suggested that we should have an updated list of vulnerable people that we could access. This is not
    allowed for data protection reasons unless we ask people to opt in and consent to us having their details to
    contact them in an emergency.


    J McDonald & M Earl suggested allocating different areas of the village to different organisations or groups
    of people and then if people know that, then they at least know who they should be checking on if there is
    no communication available.

    Our plan should include

    • What our community can practically do

    • What we think official agencies or organisations such as SSEN or the Police should do


      A member of the public suggested the plan should include a contingency for dealing with fallen trees on
      roads preventing people trying to restore communications and essential services.


      A Aitken, C Grant, S Inglis and R Allner to help draw up an up-to-date plan for presentation to a meeting
      within 6 months.


  13. KAT report

    The KAT representative was absent – no report was available.


  14. Roads and parking (including new Co-op entrance)

    A Aitken met with C Fraser & J McDonald. Her proposals are to remove the priority signs on the Dochart
    bridge and replacing with ‘road narrows’ signs, and regarding Lyon Road, to paint double yellow and white
    lines on the road on the opposite side of the road from the Co-op round by the flats and around the corner
    towards the Old Mart to create a virtual pavement / pedestrian space at the side of the road.


    People were not happy with this suggestion as an effective way of dealing with the hazardous situation on
    Lyon Road – so the following actions were discussed:

    • J McDonald to ask for design of where the lines will go and circulate it so it can be seen and discussed at the
      meeting in March

    • Approach Co-op and ask if residents may park in their car park after 8pm

    • A Aitken & R Allner to action M Earl’s suggestion to make a proposal of what we think should be there to
      give to Stirling Council - a section of pavement up from the new Co-op site extending up to entrance to
      sewage works.


      A member of the public also raised concerns about the lighting around the new Co-op and that the trees are
      covering the light, so that it is on all day and then at night the light is not effective as it is obscured by the
      tree. R Allner to take a photo to send in through community council of the light with specific issue and
      location and contact M Earl and J McDonald if this is not resolved to our satisfaction.


      Potholes in Lyon Road need filling in – S Inglis to pass on.


  15. AOCB


    A member of the public brought her concerns to the community council about two very old and very large
    trees near her property which have been surveyed by the Council and been found to have internal decay but
    the Council is refusing to have them taken down. The Community Council discussed these trees and whilst
    they agreed that it is sad when mature trees are taken down, it was also agreed that they pose a significant
    hazard and if there is evidence of internal decay then they cannot be allowed to stand and unanimously
    agreed the motion to add our support and communicate with the council to have these trees taken down.

    S Inglis to check with homeowner to see if the trees are on her deeds, or whether they are on council land.
    Then A Aitken to write to council and copy M Earl and J McDonald in.


    A member of the public requested to be reimbursed for gas bottles and canisters that he procured for
    vulnerable people during the blackout – R Allner to encourage him to submit correct paperwork to SSE so
    that he can reimbursed for his kind act for the community.


    A member of the public had a query about the cherry trees at the front of the cemetery which have been
    taken down. She was informed that they were rotten and had blown down during the storm and had been
    removed by the Council and should be replaced.


    C Grant raised concerns about two local single-parent families who are being evicted from their privately
    rented properties and have nowhere to go despite the Council and Rural Housing Association being aware of
    the situation, no suitable property has been found for them in the community and they could become
    homeless. A number of people voiced their frustrations at the apparent slowness of the turnaround of
    properties and that there are some houses that people are aware of that have been sitting empty for a long
    time when people are desperate for them.


    M Earl & J McDonald are aware of the situation and suggested the following

    • We should raise our concerns about properties lying empty to Stirling Council

    • We should ask a housing officer to come to a future meeting so that we can speak to them

    • We could support a ‘local letting initiative’ which would give local people a say in how the housing is
      allocated - C Grant to research this and feed back at the next meeting.


  16. Date, time and format of next meeting - Next meeting is Tuesday 1st March 2022 by Zoom.